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Abbie 11-30-2007 07:17 PM

Wonderment 59....
I wonder if anyone will get upset that I started a new thread?? I hope not.

I wonder if I can send Wren that gentle hug she asked for days ago...:hug:
I wonder if she knows how sorry I am that I didn't see it earlier... :(

I wonder why someone I care about isn't talking to me?
I wonder if I made her mad or if she's just tired of me and my probs?
I wonder if she knows that I understand if this is the case?

I wonder if anyone out there makes Christmas cookies or candies?
I wonder why I feel like giving it a try this year??

I wonder if when it will snow here?

I wonder what my nieces and nephews are wishing Santa to bring them??

I wonder if I can tell you all that I have NEVER asked for anything for Christmas...not even as a child.

I wonder if I should just stop now... leave gentle :hug:'s for all and be on my way.


bizi 12-01-2007 01:05 AM

Wonder if I can give abbie a hug....

edited to add that I REALLLY wonder about our dear girlie BJ.
Won't you please pop in to tell us what is going on?

Alffe 12-01-2007 08:18 AM

I wonder if Abbie knows how glad we are she started a new wonder thread...

I wonder if I can admit to running behind here and will wonder more later...!

Curious 12-01-2007 08:29 AM i wonder if abbie knows how happy i was to see a new wonder thread?

i wonder what kind of cookies are abbies favorites? do you sprinkle them with tang? i think santa might like them.

i wonder if abbie has tried to talk to that person?

i wonder why i got up so early?

i wonder if i will get all my decorating done this weekend?

i wonder if my family will disown me if i don't make my famous fudge this year? if i make...i will eat it.:o

Wren 12-01-2007 09:56 AM

I wonder if I can give a very special Thanks to Abbie for that hug. :)

I wonder if I can brag to Curious about having the easiest fudge - and it's a good one - recipe in the world. I wonder if I can post a recipe here...

Fast Fudge :p
3 - 6 oz pkg of choco. chips. (I use 2 pkgs of semi sweet & 1 milk chocolate)
1 Can Eagle Brand Cond. Milk
1 dash Salt
1 Cup (or more) ;) of your favorite nuts

Melt the chocolate chips in the microwave - takes just a minute or two - stir between each minute. Add the salt and nuts. Pour into an 8 x 8 buttered pan. Place in the refrig' until hard.
.................................................. ............................

I wonder if I can brag about using the old, very complicated and difficult divinity recipe. I can't use that today. We have nasty weather. Divinity requires nice DRY weather.

I wonder why it's so easy to talk about such weird stuff

~scrabble 12-01-2007 01:49 PM

I wonder if Wren knows I've made that fudge and I agree that it is fast and fabulous? :)

I wonder if Wren knows I've used that recipe (or one that is very close to those amounts) to make truffles too? (Then I rolled them in cocoa or finely chopped nuts or chocolate sprinkles.)

I wonder if you know how glad I am that I dropped off my car at the service station last night, instead of this morning, since I woke up to snow? :eek:

I wonder when I'll finish knitting the 2nd leg warmer for my daughter for Christmas? (It is hard to knit it secretly when she is here most of the time.):rolleyes:

I wonder if my kids will write their Christmas update letters today so I can get our photo cards in the mail? (I've already stamped and addressed 60 envelopes and they are just waiting ....)

I wonder what the roads are like for driving and if I'll go to any craft fairs with my daughter today?

I wonder if Alffe is doing Christmas baking? :)

I wonder if Alffe knows I'm not making the pipecleaner + Borax snowflakes this year?

I wonder how reyn is doing and if she ever reads here? :hug:

I wonder about moonset?

I wonder if Cooper misses his new girlfriend?

I wonder if my kids will enjoy the Starbucks advent calendar I bought them this year? (They are still in bed .... and it is almost 11am)

I wonder if I should start a new tradition that I get to eat any of the advent chocolates that are not consumed by noon? :p

watsonsh 12-01-2007 02:51 PM

I wonder if I can join in..oh heck...I am not shy

I wonder if I can give Abbie and the room :grouphug:

I wonder if Abbie knows I love Christmas cookies and have some fab recipes, my fave are the spritz cookies in the shape of all different things like wreaths and trees etc.

I wonder if Abby knows I was the kid who always searched for and found the x-mas presents early....I am not good with surprises.

I wonder if anyone has bought Josh Grobas X-mas CD...its beautiful and will get you in the mood.

I wonder if all the moms in the room can give me any tips...I have a nasty case of bronchitis. Ewwwwwwwwww

I wonder if Who Moi is reading and if I can give him hugs and tell him I will write soon.

I wonder if Curious will share her famous fudge. Maybe its a cure for bronchitis:D (cough cough)

I I think I better go blow my nose

Curious 12-01-2007 02:56 PM

i wonder if shelley knows she wouldn't have liked me for a mom? i still use my hot glue gun instead of tape to wrap presents. :D (i'll post my recipe for the fudge ...later..k?)

i wonder if shelley knows to go steam herself in the bathroom? put a towel under the door so no steam excapes. turn on the shower just on hot. have a seat on the pot...but close the lid first. :wink: just keep breathing in that good moist air. it will loosen that gunk. drink lots of fluids. hot tea with lemon and honey. :hug:

i wonder why i am smelling mexican wedding cookies? :wink: :p :hug:

watsonsh 12-01-2007 03:18 PM

I wonder if Curious knows I appreciate the tip fo steam. It made me remember my mom used a vaporizer when I was a kid. Going to the bathroom next and will make sure the seat is done before I sit.

I wonder if Curious knows I want her to make the fudge and just send. :D

I wonder if anyone can tell I am lazy :p

I glue gun :mad: that ruins sneaking around. I was so good at unwrapping peaking and wrapping back up. No fair monkey. Hows a kid supposed to peak.

Wren 12-01-2007 03:22 PM


1 cup butter
1/3 cup sugar
2 teasp. water
2 teasp. vanilla
2 cups flour
probably 2 cups pecans chopped very fine

Cream butter and sugar - add water and vanilla. Mix well. Add flour and nuts. Mix well. Chill 4 hours. Shape into TINY balls. Bake 20 at 325* about 20 minutes. Cool slightly. Roll in confectioners sugar. Makes 4 to 5 dozen IF you make them small enough.
The original recipe calls for 1 cup of nuts and says it will make 3 dozen cookies. Bah!!

Curious 12-01-2007 03:33 PM

i wonder if wren will do something for me? will you take your arms and wrap them around yourself...close you eyes and give yourself a hug from me? :hug:

hehehe...i can smell them right now. :p

i wonder if shelley knows i LOVE to send packages? :D

i wonder if she knows the monkeys glue packages now too? :o

i wonder if scrabble knows i think her last wonder is winner? :D grandmonkey has dec 1 window open by 6am! i think he was dreaming about that chocolate. lol

FeelinGoofy 12-01-2007 04:04 PM

I wonder if any of you ever make peppermint bark for Christmas?
its very easy... melt a pkg of vanilla bark in the microwave... get a pkg of
candycanes and pulverize them in the blender or chop them in the chopper... THATS what i do because my kids like the small chunks of peppermint... ANYWAY just combine the two mix well and pour onto a cookie sheet thats been covered in tin foil... pop it into the fridge until its hard and break into yummy pieces....

I wonder how SSD is doing today... :hug:

I have alot of wonders today, but just cant get them into words....
tis the season....

Addy 12-02-2007 04:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I wonder if its snowing where you are?

My cats wonder what the heck is going on where I live... its snowing big honking huge snow flakes - and that seldom happens here because we're just a block from the ocean (our thermostat) ... phenomenal weather occurences these days, eh kitties?....

I wonder if you know that you just click on the little photo below to see the photo a bit bigger - lol... the snowflakes really are big... I just don't know how to capture that thru a window...


Wren 12-02-2007 05:02 PM

I wonder who cares about looking at SNOWFLAKES when they can look at KITTENS :D

Thank you Addy - each photo is a joy

Doody 12-02-2007 05:15 PM

I wonder if Wren knows I'm glad she posted that fudge recipe. I'll have to try that.

I wonder if Addy knows how much I've enjoyed her pictures this year.

I wonder too if Cooper misses his new hussy girlfriend. Little hussy~~~!!!:p

I wonder that I'm glad I traveled home today from daughter's rather than yesterday as I planned. Too many cars and trucks off the road. One helluva ice storm hit here.

I wonder how little granddoody picked up Fifth Disease. His cheeks are all red and his little arms and legs.

I wonder at how in 3 minutes time little man hit his chin on the bathtub and split his lip open, and then after the bath fell on the floor and cut his finger open, lol. Little clutz, just like grandma and momma.

I wonder if the Christmas spirit will hit me. This is the first year since my sister died that I have absolutely no interest. Don't even plan to put up the tree.

Wren 12-02-2007 06:34 PM

I wonder if I can say to Doody ..... "WELL, IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU POSTED!!"
I wonder if most of you know I watch all the weather reports and worry about all of you. So I've been worried about Doody. :p

I wonder if I can tell dear Curious that one of my PTs is to put my left arm as far around my neck over my right shoulder, as far as I can, and pat my own back on the right side. eeeeeoooooowwwwwwwhhhhhh. PAIN. I'm still going to those PTs three times a week. I wonder if my left shoulder will ever heal.

I wonder where Alffe gets her jokes :rolleyes:

Addy 12-02-2007 10:36 PM

I wonder if anyone else likes the Thanks button as much as I do?

I wonder what Fifth Disease is??... and am so hoping that Grandoodybaby will be perfectly fine.... ??? :grouphug:

I wonder if Doody can find the excitement through little Grandoodybabie's eyes... :hug: its for him that we have this time of year... its about family... everywhere and every type.

Alffe 12-03-2007 07:14 AM

I wonder if Doody knows that I am also having trouble getting in the mood...

I wonder if I can say that I got a little "flack" about my lack of enthusiasm for some of the younger members of our family.....:rolleyes:

I wonder if the Grinch really did steal Christmas this year.......

I wonder if I am forgetting the reason for the season...:(

I wonder how I could ever forget that....

I wonder if sunnysidedown knows that I loved her search for grandma...:D

I wonder if clouds knows that I'm tickled to see him post.....even tho he didn't wonder....:rolleyes:

I wonder if BJ knows that I'm praying for her today as she goes back to that awful workplace...................:cool:

I wonder why I always think of Scrabble when I use the cool icon...:D

Curious 12-03-2007 07:38 AM

i wonder if alffe knows when my kids were little we celebrated christmas one year to show what the meaning is? we decorated for a birthday party. gifts int he stockings have always been wrapped in birthday paper. when santa got brought into the mix ( not my idea btw) presents he bring are birthday gift wrapped too.

i woner if i can send a little hug and a get well prayer to granddoody? :hug:

i wonder if vicky knows i love to make bark? i wonder if she has tried it with the different flavored canes? makes pretty bark..and so tasty. :D


Abbie 12-03-2007 12:30 PM

I wonder if I can say that my hopes and wishes for this season are gone...

I wonder if I should keep going to my doc or just say the heck with it, nothing's really making me feel better anyway.....

I wonder if I can let you all know...that yes...I have tried communicating with the person who's not talking to me...but have yet to hear back...I only have this person's work email and work number...

I wonder if I can really call this person my friend or even if I should...seems to me that maybe it's more of a client relationship than a friendship. (I've brought that fact up to this person and they say no...they think of me as a friend. fyi.. I am a client too.)

I wonder what's going on... my life seems good for a few days then the bottom drops out.

I wonder if you all know that I have been fighting but I really don't have much if any fight left.

I wonder if I can say I'm sorry... I'll go now.


sunnysidedown 12-03-2007 01:28 PM

I wonder if I can say I try not to have any hopes and/or wishes for the holiday

I wonder if I can say it sometimes helps to treat them like any other day....

I wonder if anyone else has idea's on how to keep going because I would be lying if I said I did..

I wonder myself about dr's and meds...

I wonder if I should have kept my mouth shut because I'm not helping... sorry

Curious 12-03-2007 03:58 PM

i wonder if everyone knows that it is ok to wonder about anything? wonders can be for needing help...for helping others..for being serious or being silly...for just whatever pops into your head.

i wonder if we should try and schedule some chat times? i do know that this can be the hardest time of the year. being in chat doesn't mean you have to yap like do. it's fine to just sit and "listen" to be with friends.

i wonder if abbie found those kisses?

i wonder if sunny knows that sometimes it's a minute by minute thing? and that abbie can tell her...i'm known for keeping a tight grip on that other side of the rope.

i wonder why i think it's cool we can say we are sorry and our friends here except it? we don't always agree a sorry was needed, but we truely understand the feeling.

i wonder about wren turning herself into a pretzel at pt? ! :eek:


Doody 12-03-2007 04:10 PM

I wonder now that my poor daughter has Fifth Disease. She kept telling me all weekend the back of her head hurt to touch and she didn't feel good. So she went to the doc this morning and she is now suddenly covered with the rash, her joints ache, and the nodes in the back of her head and neck are hugely swollen. wondering if that's what I've had the last couple of weeks 'cause I've been so sick, or if it's entirely something different. I hope so. Don't think I'd be so cute with the rash.

I wonder why nobody has ever heard of this? I tell people here about it and they don't have a clue.

Oh well, now we all know at least!

Curious 12-03-2007 04:15 PM

i wonder doody, cuz some dr's just call it human parvo?

( i remember years ago the club i was runnig had a huge outbreak of it in the childcare. we even had to close it down for a week.)

i wonder if i can send more :hug: tothe doody family?

Alffe 12-03-2007 04:43 PM

I wonder why I've never heard of 5th Disease either..

I wonder how you'll escape it if it's that contageous...:o

I wonder why I can't find Max Lucado's "One Incredible Night"....

I wonder if I dare post it if it turns up...:rolleyes:

I wonder if anyone missed my not posting "Little Orphant Annie" last Halloween.....:p

I wonder why I only get my car washed inside and out when I'm taking the Pastor to lunch....

I wonder if it's because she'd be covered with dog hair if I didn't....

Mr.Alffe wonders why I fixed a beet salad w/goat cheese when he's getting ready to have a colonoscopy....:cool:

Curious 12-03-2007 04:49 PM

here ya go...let me see if i can find a playing link( for the cd)

lifeway web site is almost $3 more.

Alffe 12-03-2007 04:57 PM

I wonder why I can't find my copy of this book..I own it but can't find it!

I wonder why curious's link said an error occured..........

Curious 12-03-2007 05:06 PM

cuz it went to a shopping cart. :o go to the search feature on his site. and type on One Incredible Night. it will bring up the book on cd..and the hard copy.

(use the same link and the search will be on the left side.)

Alffe 12-03-2007 06:07 PM

Thanks...I found it! :hug:

sunnysidedown 12-03-2007 10:55 PM

I wonder if I could tell Doody that my oldest had fifth's disease at least 2x between 4-8 years - haven't heard of it in years...

I wonder if Addy knows that I would have glady traded in my two beagle mixes who decided to wander in 23* temps, before I had my coffee, for two beautiful cats like hers... except I'm allergic to cats!

Wren 12-03-2007 11:18 PM

I wonder if I can say how thankful I am to see so many people posting.
Of course, I wish those people were posting for happier reasons but I am still glad to hear from them.

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