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Doody 01-05-2008 04:26 PM

Wonder Thread # 64 - January 5
I wonder if Wren knows that I liked her last Wonder Thread title so much, I copied her...the date. Pretty cool (((Wren))).

I wonder if I should stop going to my daughter's on Friday nights. Holy cow, it seems every time I come home now something has gone amiss! LOL I came home this afternoon and heard my youngest cat, Gracie, screaming. Could I find her? NO! She had pulled the door off the end of my whirlpool tub, crawled down a hole where the pipes were, and managed to get under the floor and make it up to the guest bathroom! After hours of coaxing at the entrance, she made her way back. I was all in a panic and ready to cut a hole in the floor. :rolleyes:

Anyway...I wonder that after all these years of not liking chiropractors, I have found one that truly is a healer! After weeks of pain in my sacroiliac joints, he has given me relief. Howsumeber...after my treatment yesterday, I managed to slip on the ice last night and wrench myself all over again...and hurting. Big sigh. :o

I wonder if others are getting excited at the prospect of electing a new president this year. I sure am.

I wonder if Obama were to be elected, if he would be safe. :eek: Horrible thing to say, but I would worry about the bigots out there, and I'm sure they are still out there. I don't think they would like having an African American running the country, as horrible of a thing as that is to say.

I wonder that I would be excited to see a woman or black get elected to the presidency in my lifetime. How cool it would be instead of an older white man. Not Bush bashing!!! Just certainly would be something!

I wonder how my right elbow gets into such pain in the winter. I finally figured out it has to be from scraping ice and stuff off my car windows every morning. Not sure.

I wonder at how cute grandoody is with his new Thomas the Train train set. He gets SO excited!!!

I wonder how proud and impressed I was at my 86 year old parents caucusing this year.

I wonder who I can get to go buy me a big sack of cracked corn for my poor starving birdies outside. Carrying one was what set my sacroiliac joints back, so don't wanna do that again.

I wonder about everyone here and how they are doing. Much love and hugs for all. :hug:

KathyM 01-06-2008 04:52 AM

I wonder if Doody has given her cat the nickname "Roto-Rooter."

I wonder about the safety of Obama too. I was watching him give a speech recently, and the camera panned out to the audience. A young woman was sitting in the audience with the same look I used to have on my face while listening to Martin Luther King speak of his dreams. In a crazy world of racial hatred, MLK gave me hope. After his assassination, I was filled with rage and fear. :(

I wonder why they keep trying to spread the rumor that Obama is Muslim, and a "radical" one at that. :rolleyes: He's had plenty of opportunity to join the Muslim community here, but NEVER has. He's been a member of the United Christian Church for over 20 years here, and started out working in a Christian church based community outreach program. :p

If people continue to hold the same racial hatred that held us back in the 60's, it will be disastrous for this country because we have become weakened. The government won't be able to rescue us from ourselves. I wonder which country the bigots would prefer to step in and solve our problems - China, Russia, Korea, Cuba, or Mexico? :eek: I wonder if they would say it was a sacrifice worth making? :rolleyes:

I wonder why I spent two hours trying to put earrings into my ears before seeing my sick friend with cancer? I finally gave up after one of my ears started bleeding. I wonder why my friend laughed at me and said "That'll teach you for trying to show off your beauty." He said my bloody ear was very attractive. :D

Alffe 01-06-2008 07:51 AM

I wonder if I can invite myself to Waves for lunch!........*grin

I wonder why my planned spag. & meatballs dinner now sounds like chopped liver.........

I wonder if I have a sinus infection or a plain old cold with enlarged tonsils...

I wonder if it matters....sudafed vs muscinexD...cough cough cough

I wonder why I feel like there will be a test when I finish reading The Echo Makers..........

I wonder and pray that KathyM is wrong about Obama's future...

I wonder if I can remind Kathy that if God had wanted us to have holes in our ears we would have been born with them....:wink:

FeelinGoofy 01-07-2008 08:37 AM

I wonder if Alffe is feeling any better today?/ {{{healing HUGS}}}}}}}}

I wonder what that Robin was doing out yesterday :o

I wonder about this crazy wether we're having... it was 75 degrees here yesterday....just a week ago we were fighting the ice :rolleyes:

I wonder about the temptations our teens have today... My daughter was telling me about some stuff her friends/acquaintences were involved in..
scary stuff..... sigh.........

I wonder how SSD is doing and if she reads here?:hug:

I wonder if i'll be able to get an appt with the dentist any time soon. :(

Doody 01-07-2008 09:11 AM

I wonder if anyone else's NeuroTalk pages look strange today or if it's just me. :eek: They look very...different somehow. Hmmmm.

I wonder about this weather as well. Nice and rainy here. :rolleyes: I can't even remember where my umbrellas are. Raincoat...or winter coat? Hmmm, such decisions early in the morning.

I wonder about poor Otto granddoggy today. He had an emergency vet run yesterday with a high fever. Turned out, one of the cats scratched or bit through his...'scuse me here... a n a l sac...and it became very infected and yucky. He's on pain medicine and antibiotics now. Hmmmm, vets on a Sunday = mucho money. :rolleyes:

I wonder how Ms. Alffe is feeling today, poor baby. You stay inside and rest up Ms. Alffe. Chicken soup, water and juice for you!

Alffe 01-07-2008 09:16 AM

I wonder if I can admit to feeling wretched....(great old word)

I wonder if I can say thank you ladies for asking....

I wonder if Cooper is enjoying laying on his rug on the back porch...61 degrees......

I wonder if goofy knows that she sounds just like one of my daughters but keeping those lines of communication open is just critical.....

I wonder if curious is feeling any better today....

I'm going back to bed....cough cough sneeze cough

bizi 01-07-2008 12:17 PM

I wonder if I could fed ex some healing hugs to alffe today....

Wren 01-07-2008 12:46 PM

I wonder if I can say how much I wish I had some healing powers .... wouldn't that be nice. I am sending some healing wishes and prayers up for dear Alffe and Curious. :grouphug:

I wonder why the page looks so new and different to me too. I'm too old to welcome NEW :o

I wonder if anyone had a happy, good weekend.

I wonder where SSD is too .... I wish she would talk to us.

I wonder why my left shoulder/arm doesn't get any better after so much PD. I'm getting pretty tired of it.

I wonder about a lot of things ................

Abbie 01-07-2008 02:59 PM

just wandered in to :grouphug: that's all....

waves 01-08-2008 07:04 AM

i wonder where the heck those posts are...
i wonder how i wandered here... erhemm... a certain busy bee i know ;)

i wonder if i too can send healing forces to Curious and Alffe too! (didn't know you are sick Alffe but hope not for long!

i wonder if i can say just how much i want for that fifths disease to take one fifth of the toll and the time-to-heal that it can for adults, for Curious!

i wonder if i can find the post(s) i was looking for, for a friend who wanted feedback... i will wander off now to resume...

i wonder where else i will end up wandering, during my search!

for the room :grouphug:

~ waves ~ from across the universe

ps. i wonder if i can say how lovely Abasaki's avatar is! :)

Alffe 01-08-2008 08:12 AM

I wonder what posts waves is looking for and I still wonder how her pasta was....:D

I wonder if I should admit to being a news junkie but have really oh deed, (couldn't spell it! *grin) on CNN and MSNBC......

I wonder if it's feed a fever, starve a cold..or vice appetite here

I wonder when the flooding will begin..with all this rain we are having...

I wonder how Scrabble is....

I wonder how Spanish Moss is.....

and wish, and reyn and so many others.

Doody 01-08-2008 06:03 PM

I wonder who Waves is. It was nice to see her waving as she breezed through the Wonder thread. :)

I wonder if I could coerce a few people to send up prayers for Mr. & Mrs. Moi who have been facing some challenges and could use our best wishes.

I wonder if I can thank Alffe for clueing me in on those slip-on thingies that keep you from slipping and falling in snow and ice. I got me some. :wink:

I wonder if Alffe knows I'm a news junkie from time to time too and I forgot what OD stands for, LOL. Over done? OHHHHH, overdose!!!!! (How could an old hippie forget what OD stands for, LOL.)

I wonder how cutiepie Wren is...and BJ...and sunny...and well, lots of people!

I wonder how Vicki's knee is doing.

Oh, I wonder what happened to Wren's shoulder and if she saw my post about my shoulder surgery and how long it took to recover! Also had a frozen left shoulder once and that was awful! Those shoulders can be pesky recoveries dearheart.

I wonder how I used to love winters and didn't care that they lasted so I am longing for flowers and green grass already. :rolleyes:

I wonder if Alffe is feeling just a teensie bit better.

I wonder that my poor daughter is still feeling the effects of the Fifths Disease, in her hands and wrists.

I wonder that poor granddoody stayed home today with a fever and an ear infection. Mommy stayed home with him, but he is better tonight on his new medicine.

I wonder what the deal is with grandoody and his Thomas the Train set. He can't tolerate more than one train on the tracks at one time, he panics! LOL

I wonder how glad I am that my dad hauled a big ole bag of cracked corn to my house today so I can feed my birdies again.

I wonder how monkey's Fifths is coming along and if she has recovered yet.

lou_lou 01-08-2008 08:46 PM

I wonder why?
I wonder -
"If silence is golden, why is duct tape silver?"
"I wonder # 2
"If you spend your day doing nothing, how do you know when you're done?"
wonder #3
"How do they get a deer to cross at that yellow road sign?"

and lastly but not leastly?
I wonder why Since light travels faster than sound, isn't that why people appear bright until you hear them speak?


FeelinGoofy 01-09-2008 08:34 AM

LOL I wonder what Tena had to eat/drink..... i want some :winky:

I wonder why our sheltie sledom ever barks, but is constantly howling when he wants something.... :confused:

I wonder if the dentist can fix my tooth today or if i'm going to end up having to have a crown.... :(

I wonder why crowns cost so stinking much...:mad:

I wonder how ALffe is feeling today? :hug:

I wonder if curious is any better too...:hug:

I still wonder how SSD is doing....:hug:

Abbie 01-09-2008 10:42 AM

I wonder if I can really do this...

I wonder if Alffe got the flooding she was wondering about... we did here!!

I wonder if you all know right now it's easier to move by boat than car.

I wonder if Alffe and Curious are feeling better today!!!

I wonder why I keep misspelling wonder... so far i've spelled it as woder and sonder...

I wonder if you all know that you keep me going!!

I wonder if I will have the energy and strength to go to the doc today...missed the last two days of appointments.

I wonder if my friends know how much I miss them!! It's been weeks and weeks since I've seen them... rarely hear from them.

I wonder if I will ever meet any of you face to face???

I wonder if I can just leave :hug: and go for now...


Alffe 01-12-2008 09:30 AM

I wonder if Abbie knows that I often spell wonder...woner...LOL

I wonder if our river will get much higher...

I wonder if this book Bobbyb recommended (my)Dying is Fun by Christopher Day could make me laugh and cry any harder......:hug:

I wonder why I never thought about the trials and tribulations of peeing for the disabled....:D trust'd laugh when you read it!

I wonder why moi is teasing me.............:cool:

I wonder if Scrabble has finished that blanket yet.........

I wonder if Doody and daughter had fun last night and how the soup was......

I wonder if wren could use a hug....:hug:

I wonder if Addy is still with Sparkle...

I wonder if Lara is still cleaning....grin

I wonder if Spanish Moss is home..........

Wren 01-12-2008 02:23 PM

I wonder if I can leave hug for everyone and go back to bed. :hug:
I wonder if there's some sort of Olympic Award for nappers.

Doody 01-14-2008 07:28 PM

I wonder if Wren had a good nappy time... :hug:

I wonder if the hot tub guy showed up and am glad that it was a minor repair for the water problem.

I wonder if we'll be able to keep our SOS boat afloat while Mr. and Mrs. Alffe carry on for 2 weeks on a sunny vacation. We'll try. :D

I wonder if I should post a video of Otto, the mini dach, on you tube that I got this weekend. LOLOL He cracks me up.

I wonder about the breaking news on the cholesterol meds. Oi vey. Now they are saying that Vytorin works at battling the cholesterol but speeds up the formation of plaque! Well, just great. That's what I'm on, but I know a couple of the other cholesterol meds make my legs ache. Hmmmmm, I wonder if our Mrs. D would be helpful with info on that.

I wonder how our sweet BJ and her beautiful cat are doing (whose name escapes me pea brain at the moment.)

And the Mois, I wonder how they are today, bless their hearts.

I wonder how sweet Kathy M is doing and if the house is still standing around her and how her visit with her son went. Love you ((Kathy)).

I just wonder about everyone and leave big hugs and love for today.

CoolAngel26 01-14-2008 08:17 PM

I wonder if I can leave :hug::grouphug:for the room.

I wonder why some landlords are so easy to deal with...especially on Mondays.:eek::cool:

I wonder how everyone's Monday went...mine went by quickly.

I wonder how Curious is doing..:hug::grouphug:

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