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Roxie2007 01-11-2008 08:49 PM

HI! I have my new Port now!
The surgery went well today and I'm VERY glad it's over with.
The surgery took less than 30 min. I was given a general anesthesia so was glad I was totally out for the surgery. I haven't seen the incision yet as it's wrapped but I sure am bruised around it.
I had a great anesthesiologist today who found my vein on the first try! I was happy about that! I was dreading the idea that I might get stuck several times today.
I got my dr. to send me a prescription for EMLA for my first infusion on Monday with the new Port. At first he didn't want to send out a prescription but after my Infusion center called him on my behalf he did call it in.
Now I'm hoping that my 2008 will be MUCH better than my 2007......and I hope y'all's will be too!!!!! HUGS to y'all!!! :grouphug:

MelodyL 01-11-2008 09:47 PM

I am so happy it went successfully. You must be so relieved. Now you can relax.

How come your doctor didn't want to send over the prescription? But then he did so after the infusion center called him.....????

I'm confused.


Roxie2007 01-11-2008 10:12 PM

Hi Mel!
Yep I'm very glad the surgery is over with!
I'm not sure why my dr. didn't want to send a prescription for the EMLA.....he gives me prescriptions for anything else......he wanted the surgeon to give me the prescription. Luckily the Infusion center stuck up for me. I didn't want to have to keep getting the presciption from the surgeon who I never knew before this week. DOCTORS!! They can drive ya nuts!!

shiney sue 01-11-2008 10:20 PM

Glad you did ok,those Dr's are goffy. It's you do it no you,hmmm wonder
why we are nervous...I forgot did they change what you were doing
at school???? This should make everything easier,I'm glad it's done.
:hug::hug: Sue

dahlek 01-11-2008 10:28 PM

Golly Roxie! Great News!
After this is all over, I expect to be hearing you sing your version of 'I Did It My WAY!' loud enough for me to hear it all the way on the East Coast....
The Emla Cream is brilliant..thank you to whoever suggested it {honestly I'd forgotten that part] and it does make it much easier for many...Next step? aside from the bruising and the [absolute] need to take a shower [just because you can't] is to keep us all up on how the next infusions go...when IS the next one. Smart about the prescription as well.

I am relieved it went soo well! I was getting worried not hearing from you. But, that you are posting complete sentences after being under general a...Well YOU are definitely tougher than I'd be at this point!

GOOD NEWS! I needed it! Thank you!!!!!!!:hug::hug::hug:'s - j

MelodyL 01-11-2008 10:37 PM


I just looked up EMLA and it says it's used on babies for circumcisions.

I'm just wondering what you use it for? I know it's some kind of topical anaesthetic, right??


mrsD 01-11-2008 11:14 PM

there is an OTC one..too, but
you'd have to pay out of pocket for it.

Isn't that just typical...doctors who won't take responsibility for your pain, or comfort.... :rolleyes:

Mel, Emla is an anesthetic cream that is used on the skin prior to "procedures".
Yes for baby boys, but also when you have a derm appoint and need a skin tag cut off, or a mole removed, etc. It is also used 1 hr before blood draws, in children who need needle sticks/biopsies etc. There is absolutely no reason for a doctor to balk at ordering this.

Ela Max 4% is OTC. It came out during a period when Emla was off the market for a while. FDA required special safety packaging and Emla took time to comply. It was a big hassle because patients at home with feeding tubes use it too, and they didn't want to pay for Ela Max... I had lots of complaints then.

glenntaj 01-12-2008 07:09 AM

Good to hear from you so soon after, Roxie.
I'll assume that means you're not in too much discomfort (and, as dahlek says, you're writing complete sentences . . .)

Let's hope this will make your infusions a much easier procedure in the future.

daniella 01-12-2008 10:46 AM

Hi. Yeah I am so happy for you. I hope you are feeling better too cause I know these procedures can also drain one. That is annoying about the doc but he fears liability probably. Hopefully it won't be an issue and the surgery doc will be good about it. Many hugs

MelodyL 01-12-2008 12:44 PM

Mrs. D.

Thanks much for explaining about EMLA. The odd thing is that I've had several skin tags cut off (16 at one time), YEARS AGO by the way.

The doctor just rubbed some alcohol and used a little pair of snipping scissors, and just cut them off. Then he told me, "some times I put rubber bands around the skin tags which cut off the blood supply and they fall off by themselves".

And more recently (last year), I went to this horrible dermotologist (who had the personality of a flea), and I told him I had the cyst on the side of my nose.

Not only didn't he use any creme on me, he didn't even numb the area. I dont' remember if he used an alchohol, but I will never forget what he did.

I wasn't even sitting on his examination table. He did this so fast, I didn't have time to protest. I was sitting in a chair, and he approached me with this burning thing in his hand and he just burned away the cyst. He kept slicing it a few times, then he put a bandaid on it, and told me "in a few days, it will form a scab and fall off.

It did exactly what he said it would do.

I also remember showing him the little spot on my left hand. It gave the appearance of a burn but I knew that I did not burn my hand.

I asked him "what is this? and he said "oh, it's a burn". and I said "no it's not". And he said 'i have no idea, but here I'll give you some creme, and I believe he gave me some topical steroid cream (a little sample), and told me to rub it in. It did absolutely nothing.

Because I couldn't stand this doctor, the next week I went to another doctor (a dermotological cancer specialist) who is on my plan. I showed him my nose, he said it was fine, I showed him my hand and he looked at it and said to me "do you know how to go on the internet?" and I said 'of course". and he wrote down 'Granuloma Annulare'. (I'll never forget that). He told me to go home and look it up.

He said 'that's exactly what that is, some people call that RINGS.

He then "froze it", and told me "it would fall off but there might be a shadow left over.

I went home, looked up GRANULOMA ANNULare, and almost died when I saw what some people have on their bodies and I said "oh my god, is that going to happen to me??"

Well, guess what happened. The thing vanished. You can look at my hand and you would never know there was a lesion on the left hand. After he froze it, it scabbed, fell off, and there was a shadow. I used to put cover up on the little shadow. Well, it eventually vanished.

Absolutely mind boggling. It also amazes me that one doctor said "i don't know what it is, and the second doctor said "I know exactly what that is".

How the heck can two doctors be dermatologists and one doesn't know what Granuloma Annulare is and the other one recognizes it right away.

I wouldn't go back to the first guy if you paid me. Absolutely no personality. Treated me as if I wasn't even in the room.


Roxie2007 01-12-2008 02:21 PM

HI All!
I will look for the generic EMLA and see if it's cheaper than the real stuff.
I took the bandage off the new Port this morning so I could shower.....and it kinda freaked me out to see that lump there under the skin....I guess it stays that way because thats the port, right?? UGH!!!!!! I feel like the Bionic woman now! LOL

Sue I haven't mentioned to my school that I want to change jobs, yet. But now that I have the port I think I will because if I'd get bumped on this lump it would hurt like crazy!
I have no idea what they'll say....hopefully they will agree with me.

Well it's pain pill time again.....I'm going to try a Darvon this time....see if it makes me itch too :(

MelodyL 01-12-2008 03:56 PM

To the Bionic Woman

Go and watch the New Terminator TV Series. We'll be calling you Terminator Woman. lol

What do they do with the EMLA, do they just apply it before they hook you up for the infusion??


Roxie2007 01-12-2008 04:15 PM

LOL that's funny Mel!
Yes I guess the nurse just puts the needle into the port. I'm not exactly sure where the needle goes into the port so I'm just going to cover the whole area with the EMLA and hope I've got it all covered.
I took a Darvocett instead of the Hydrocodone and that seems to not make me that's a good thing!

MelodyL 01-12-2008 04:23 PM

Okay, explain the whole port thing to me.

My friend (who was undergoing chemo), and was anorexic, well, they couldn't use her veins so they tried to put in a port. But the port didn't take. I have no idea what this means, because they stopped the chemo, because she refused to eat. Anyway, she has passed on now and is in a better place.

But I remember when they hospitalized her to put in the port and it didn't take.

So I gather a port is a place (that if you have infusions weekly or whatever), that they don't have to repeatedly stick you in your vein, right??

Last week, before my husband's visiting nurse came over, she phoned me up and one of the questions she asked me was "Does your husband have a permanent device"??? I then said "oh, you mean, does he have a port, or heplock thing?? and she said "exactly" and I said "no". She said fine.

When Alan was getting two infusions a month, the nurse would use a heplock so the next day when she came, it was right there in his arm.

I'm not familiar with ports. Does it stick out of your body?? I mean, if you were to expose the area, do you then go "oh, there's a port??"

just curious. I want to have all my eggs in a basket, just in case my hubby ever needs one of these things.

Thanks, Mel

P.S. If you have a port, and it's a place where the infusion person just has to put the needle in, then why do you have to rub EMLA creme over it?

See where I'm confused.

Does your port area get sore or something??

Thanks Mel

Roxie2007 01-12-2008 09:11 PM

My port is under the I will get poked but the port has it's own vein....that it goes thru so they just have to stick me and that's it. I can see the port. That's why I need the cream, so I won't feel the needle go into the skin on my chest. OUCH! I'm hoping that once the swelling goes down and the incision heals it won't be as noticible.....or I will look like the Terminator lady! lol

daniella 01-12-2008 09:40 PM

I am glad things are going a little better. I was wondering if you still work. I missed that. Do you have to go back on Mon? Is this going to be the port I mean forever?When do you see how it works or when is the next ivig?Take care and no scratching. You have to wear oven mits.

Roxie2007 01-12-2008 09:45 PM

Yes I'm still working......I'm on sick leave till the 24th though.....then it's back to work.
I have my first IVIG using the new port on Monday.....I have my fingers crossed that it works ok!

Silverlady 01-12-2008 09:58 PM

I'm so glad this went well for you. I worried so much because I knew so much of your history..(yeah, I could remember it). I hope things continue to go well.

I just don't understand this doctor thing. "You do it, it's not my responsibility.", " do it, it IS yours". I get so tired of that. I am going thru some of it with the ortho, rheumie and pain doctor.

Please let us hear from you, there are a bunch of people here who care. :hug:


dahlek 01-12-2008 10:01 PM

Roxie, tho I've not gone thru this?
INput from others has told me that it is important to get that 'port' used as soon as possible..should there be any problems they will crop up right away. That is aside from some pain/discomfort either from the needle accessing the port or from the 'disturbing' of the surgical site..thing is you've got to use it to keep it ...well, going. Those I have met who have them definitely endorse their use...less pain, fewer problems overall. Just be SURE you are well educated as to what all are the truly PROPER sterile procedures that should be followed? It is your life, health and safety here, after all. People forget, even medical professionals so YOU are going to have to be the HAWK on this stuff..Caution, prevention, can save a whole heap of problems down the road to keep things from going wrong. It is my hope and prayer that you are more on top of IT ALL than they are! I do believe you are, and I suspect you are wishing rite now, that you could 'cruise' a bit? Not now, maybe later? I sure hope you get a 'cruising' point and soon! Anything that is not up to YOUR OWN standards of quality...ask questions of your docs and demand answers...Remind them YOU are the person affected by all this?

In my mind, you are one truly brave and serious person about this all. YOu want to get better! Just truly wish any improvements show up soon? My! I truly hope for this! - j


daniella 01-12-2008 11:07 PM

I agree just reading your story and others issues how you keep fighting and trying new treatments is amazing. I really can't say enough what an inspiration you all are. I am at the loosing my mind point but holding on to hope and a lot is hearing all you fight.Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for good luck on Mon. I agree to use your voice. At the doc last week I even said to the latest new how I feel unheard and rushed by the docs. Basically she did the same thing but I used my voice. I think some are planning there evening plans or grocery shopping while doing my exam. Ok enough of me going on. Hang in there.

MelodyL 01-13-2008 08:58 AM

I have a new saying.


If you don't know what that means, just look it up.

It means you are a brave person.

And thanks for the info on the port. I had absolutely no clue what it looked like.

Wishing you the best,

Love ya,


Roxie2007 01-13-2008 10:00 AM

Good Morning All!
Well today the new port incision doesn't hurt as bad as it did the past cpl of days, it just feels like a sore cut. I've read too that it's good to use the port soon after getting it put in so I hope Monday is soon enough. I'll let y'all know.

Daniella, my friend, I know you have gone through SO much with dr.s and clinics. It's sure not been easy for you! I hope you find a good dr. soon who will listen to you and help you with your pain. Good luck to you!

daniella 01-13-2008 11:12 AM

HUGS and I am so glad it is feeling better today. I hope it continues too.

Roxie2007 01-13-2008 07:20 PM

Hey All........I'm a little queezy about having the new port accessed tomorrow......even tho I know I have the EMLA cream and's just kinda scary. The incision is still very tender, guess that doesn't help with my fear. I'm not exactly sure where they will access the port.....the top or bottom. I'm putting cream all over it so I make sure everything gets numb!

daniella 01-13-2008 08:16 PM

I am sure it is natural to feel nervous. It is unknown but maybe you can ask them to explain it to you before they start. Be open with your fears and concerns. Hopefully this unknown will bring better times ahead and make things easier for you. When do you have the ivig tomorrow?If you are up to it let us know if not you are in our thoughts.Hang in there

dahlek 01-13-2008 08:24 PM

Roxie? I feel that way every
TIME that needle comes near me? I've still got some 'good' veins I'm told. {HUMPF!}
What I do, is just close my eyes, and IMAGINE REALLY HARD That...I'm on that perfect beach, soaking up all the Vitamin D I can imagine, not sweating at all because the lite breeze is deliteful...and then Scrunch the eyes when..the needle goes in. But for you, probably the 'movements' of accessing the port site will be a bit similar at first and not to mention a trifle tender. You have to get that 'line' going tho, and up and running.
It's a bit scary, but I bet you are made of tougher stuff than most of us! - j

Roxie2007 01-13-2008 08:32 PM

Thanks ladies.......I need a peptalk tonight, I guess. I'll be glad after they have the line in tomorrow and it's running ok. I know the first time is always scary.....I'll work on that beach scene with the light breeze! LOL Thanks again!

Silverlady 01-13-2008 10:33 PM

Don't forget those famous balloons!!
You can tie them to the beach umbrella. I need a little sun and if they come untied, so be it, I'd like to float somewhere where nothing touches me but the wind, sun and peace.:p

O.K. NOW!!! Pull those shoulders back, lift up that chin and paste a big smile on your face. You CAN do it. It's natural to be a little worried. But soon it will be old hat and you will be telling someone else about how to do it.;)

Hope everything goes well tomorrow.:hug:(lightly)


dahlek 01-13-2008 10:57 PM

You got it soo right!
Billye! Only thing missing is that BIG slushy drink w/an umbrella in the straw.

Close your eyes..and keep saying? 'There's no place like home!' Only you ARE home?

Sometimes, if you THINK it to be good, it will be good, even tho it's gonna be good anyhow....All that mind over matter stuff, does at times, work. This is one key one. More hugs - j

shiney sue 01-14-2008 12:06 AM

It will work or i send you a ticket to Mo. and we will hit the slot machines,
it will two of us to use the When we win enough I'll send you home.
Hmmm i've never been gambling before,but i'm sure we will have fun,Bob
is very funny...Bless you honey your doing fine..I just glad they have
those things. Hugs Sue

Roxie2007 01-14-2008 05:21 PM

HI All!
My new port worked really well today and I didn't feel the needle going in AT ALL! I used the numbing cream....and that stuff is wonderful!!

J, You need to have one of these Ports put in! It makes infusions SO much easier! You can move around, read, write letters.....what ever during the infusion because you have both hands free! It's great! I wish I'd had one of these from the get-go! I'm a Port-Gal now! LOL

daniella 01-14-2008 06:22 PM

Yeah! I am doing my happy dance for you. Finally some good news for Roxie. Is the incision feeling better too?Well I hope this is the start to things looking up.

Roxie2007 01-14-2008 07:10 PM

Yes the incision is feeling better today than yesterday......which I'm glad of! Maybe this will be a good year after all! LOL

MelodyL 01-14-2008 08:13 PM

Good for you toots!!!!

Foxie Roxie!!!!!! lol


Silverlady 01-14-2008 08:44 PM

Wonderful, Wonderful!!!
I am so happy! This message made me grin with pleasure. Did you see your little red balloon? :winky:

I'm just so glad this worked out well for you.


Roxie2007 01-14-2008 08:47 PM

Hey Billye!
I was prepared to see the beach, the casino, the balloons......everything! LOL I was really worrying this morning before that needle was put in!LOL I sure was glad that there wasn't pain after all the IV pain I've had these past months! I totally vouche for Ports from now on! HUGS!

Roxie2007 01-14-2008 08:50 PM

Mel, Tell Alan that if he veins every get iffy he needs to get a Port!! It's the only way to go!!

MelodyL 01-14-2008 08:53 PM


I shall let him know that you are now PORT i FIED!!!

Glad it worked so well.

You take care, Mel

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