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EnchantedGypsy 01-28-2008 01:57 AM

Buzzing Legs
Does anyone else have a symptom of a buzzing sensation in their legs? The best way I can describe it is that it feels like my cat is on my lap purring:p

Snoopy 01-28-2008 06:49 AM

I do.

I get buzzing/vibrations from the stomach down. I don't like putting my cell phone on vibrate - I can vibrate all on my own :icon_rolleyes:

It's a sensory symptom.

momXseven 01-28-2008 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Snoopy (Post 199510)
I don't like putting my cell phone on vibrate - I can vibrate all on my own :icon_rolleyes:

I sometimes have my phone on vibrate and don't even feel it when it rings.

Oh wait I just have anxiety not MS so I must be mistaken on what I'm feeling because anxiety wouldn't cause buzzing/vibrations. :rolleyes: Sorry I'm still in a pissy mood over what my neuro said. :mad:

tkrik 01-28-2008 03:37 PM

I get the vibration feeling in my legs. It's such a weird feeling. Sometimes I'll just start cracking up and DDs and DBF will think I'm nuts. Especially trying to explain the weirdness of it.

Jensequitur 01-28-2008 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by EnchantedGypsy (Post 199458)
Does anyone else have a symptom of a buzzing sensation in their legs? The best way I can describe it is that it feels like my cat is on my lap purring:p

I get buzzing sensations in both legs, especially my left knee and right foot when i put pressure on them.

Jappy 01-28-2008 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by EnchantedGypsy (Post 199458)
Does anyone else have a symptom of a buzzing sensation in their legs? The best way I can describe it is that it feels like my cat is on my lap purring:p

I have the buzzing feeling in my lips, arms, hands, and legs in other
words the whole body.
It drives me crazy when it really is acting up. What is even worse
when the eye starts twitching. Have you ever had that in the eye?

Jappy :(

thav1 01-28-2008 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by EnchantedGypsy (Post 199458)
Does anyone else have a symptom of a buzzing sensation in their legs? The best way I can describe it is that it feels like my cat is on my lap purring:p

Oh wow ! This is my least favorite symptom and gets worse at night. I call it the vibration . Last night it got so bad that I thought the cat was on the end of the bed scratching at a flea. Just hums right along all the time.It's in my legs right now but moves all throughout my body including head,mouth,arms,legs and torso. Yipes :eek: You're description was spot on ! I'm sorry you feel bad.

McGimpy 01-29-2008 08:21 PM

Me too legs have been buzzing for about a year:(
guess i have to learn to live with it :o

HardDriveUSA 01-30-2008 03:51 AM

Thought for sure I was gettin a phone call at work today - felt like it was buzzing in my pocket. When I checked, no missed call. hmmm.

I'm still new to all this MS stuff, but I think I'm finding out what my "normal" is going to be.

HSPCraig 01-30-2008 11:01 AM

I just had this happen the other night in bed while trying to go to sleep. It started in my left foot and the next thing I know I'm having a duet including the right foot. It was interesting at first and them it became bothersome as it was preventing me from going to sleep. It eventually disappated.

Yes, it is a strange feeling and is considered to be one of the invisible symptoms.

MSacorn 01-30-2008 01:12 PM

I buzz, or I call it vibrate. It is in all my limbs, but my hands are the worst. When L'Hermittes is acting up, I dip my chin and zap my hands. Ahh, it hurts to think about.

When getting an MRI, it gets worse and the anxiety it creates is intense. Pushing a shopping cart in store or parking lot is nerve frazzling.

You are not alone. I just wish there were something to take it down a notch or ten.


thav1 04-20-2008 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by MSacorn (Post 201680)
I buzz, or I call it vibrate. It is in all my limbs, but my hands are the worst. When L'Hermittes is acting up, I dip my chin and zap my hands. Ahh, it hurts to think about.

When getting an MRI, it gets worse and the anxiety it creates is intense. Pushing a shopping cart in store or parking lot is nerve frazzling.

You are not alone. I just wish there were something to take it down a notch or ten.


My new pcp gave me ativan for the vibration,said it's caused by anxiety or depression???? This isn't an MS symptom she says....she needs to talk to a few of the folks here...... Has anyone ever asked their nuero about this and if so what did they say. I've been away from the board awhile and am still undiagnosed, we have literally at this point ruled everything that can possibly be ruled out. I'm relocating across state and get a new insurance and new Dr. in Central Wsh. Hopefully they'll get the vibration thing figured out.

Snoopy 04-20-2008 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by thav1 (Post 263017)
My new pcp gave me ativan for the vibration,said it's caused by anxiety or depression???? This isn't an MS symptom she says....


My neuro was the one who helped me put a name to the symptom. He asked me if I had ever sat or stood on an air conditioning unit (yes) and does what I'm feeling feel the same as that (yes). He said it's a sensory symptom known as vibration and/or buzzing.

Thav, since you don't have a diagnosis I have no way of knowing if your vibration is MS related but your PCP is wrong - vibrations/buzzing can be a symptom of MS.

Victorya 04-20-2008 10:34 PM

Yup, I have it. My left foot/heal started buzzing the day after I had my first round of IVSM.

Actually, the buzzing was the straw that broke the camel's back, in regards to my "official" diagnosis.

You know..."separated by time and SPACE". I had a severe case on ON (which affected my eyes...when the foot buzzed, BINGO!

MSacorn 04-21-2008 12:17 AM

I've been sitting here at the computer trying to ignore the buzzing in both hands. Then I noticed it's at the arch my right foot and left ankle too.

Mine is magnified during/after an MRI. Anyone on a med to stop this madness?


Shashi 04-21-2008 07:20 AM

I haven't been diagnosed yet, but I've had buzzing sensations frequently over the past two years. I've had them not just in my legs, but also my arms, back, foot, trunk, etc. (basically, all over!) It feels like a cell phone set on vibrate.

My buzzing is usally a signal that I'm heading into an exacerbation.

Good to know I'm not the only "buzzard". :D

Blues Girl 04-21-2008 10:30 AM

I have the buzzing sensation on the soles of my feet. It comes and goes.

dave4christ 06-16-2008 01:26 AM

buzzing legs...a question or 2
May sound stupid but....I am wondering if we might eliminate or confirm some possible causes. (Is there anything we all have in common?)

My wife began feeling the buzzing sensation about a week ago.(She is 50) She also began taking thyroid replacement hormones, progesterone, Iodine and some vitamin supplements about 6 weeks ago, My wife and I are Christians, and we recently began praying in tongues, I know it sounds weird, but does anyone else have any similar experiences when their symptoms began? (OK, let me have it!!)

lady_express_44 06-16-2008 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by dave4christ (Post 302186)
My wife and I are Christians, and we recently began praying in tongues, I know it sounds weird, but does anyone else have any similar experiences when their symptoms began? (OK, let me have it!!)

I have never "prayed in tongues", so I don't know what symptoms a person may get when they start doing that.


I was on progesterone at one time, but it didn't cause buzzing.

MS causes buzzing for me.

My sister has syringomyelia, and it has buzzing.

I'm thinking it happens to those of us with spinal damage of any kind.


viseeu 06-16-2008 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by EnchantedGypsy (Post 199458)
Does anyone else have a symptom of a buzzing sensation in their legs? The best way I can describe it is that it feels like my cat is on my lap purring:p

errmmmm... no buzzards here :D pins and needles prickling sensations some times, but no buzzy wuzzy... well, there were those times I had out of the body experiences where I started humming and buzzing before going "out" :eek: but dunt think that's what you mean! :Scratch-Head:

Shashi 06-16-2008 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by dave4christ (Post 302186)
May sound stupid but....I am wondering if we might eliminate or confirm some possible causes. (Is there anything we all have in common?)

My wife began feeling the buzzing sensation about a week ago.(She is 50) She also began taking thyroid replacement hormones, progesterone, Iodine and some vitamin supplements about 6 weeks ago, My wife and I are Christians, and we recently began praying in tongues, I know it sounds weird, but does anyone else have any similar experiences when their symptoms began? (OK, let me have it!!)

Hi, I'm also a Christian and speak in tongues, but I've never buzzed while doing so. :)

I also take vitamin supplements, and have for six years, but never started buzzing until two years ago, when all of my other odd neurological symptoms started. (I did get married three months prior to the onset of my symptoms. Maybe I'm allergic to my husband! :eek: )

I haven't been diagnosed yet, so I don't have a clue as to what is causing my buzzing. It sure is interesting though!

nelsonks 09-26-2010 08:30 PM

buzzing, brain zaps, mvp

Originally Posted by EnchantedGypsy (Post 199458)
Does anyone else have a symptom of a buzzing sensation in their legs? The best way I can describe it is that it feels like my cat is on my lap purring:p

Yes! It feels like someone plucked a guitar string and it is still reverberating..but i your description is right on...
well ...i know this post was a long time ago...but I have had this in my lower legs for over 20 years now..and it is only very slightly diagnosis of anything..checked for MS years ago..
i also get brain zaps, have MVP with palpitations...and pressure headaches...finally I just try and ignore it all...i am still here and am in my 40's , have been to countless now I try not to worry too much about things...just wanted to pass this along..I'm not saying dont try and figure out what is wrong..its just i spent sooo much time in docs offices...and they really could not as best you can, and live each moment to its fullest..

Aarcyn 09-26-2010 09:50 PM

One of my first MS sx's were a vibration sensation in both hands and both feet. When I met my current MS specialist, he asked about the sx you currently have. I think it is called L'hermittes?

Lady 09-28-2010 01:06 AM

Hi nelsonks,

Yes the good old buzzing feeling. I have numbness and tingling in my feet and legs to knees, but when I have a relapse I get that awful buzzing too (Vibration).

My MS doctor puts a tuning fork to the bottom of my feet and tells me to tell him when I can't feel the buzz anymore. So, if I am in a relapse I can't tell. I said to him, I have my own buzzing going on, so I can't tell when the tuning fork stops buzzing.

BTW, Nice to meet you, and for you to join us. :)

coffeegirl 09-28-2010 09:24 AM

Waiting for dx/limbo-land....

I thought this buzzing thing was all in my head. Ironically as I was sitting at the computer reading this thread my bottom right foot started buzzing then it went up into my entire leg. This happens ALL the time. It drives me nuts! :p Wish the Fairy Godmother would wave her magic wand and have it disappear.

RhiannonsMoon 09-29-2010 09:43 PM

Rhiannon has this happen to the legs and it is impossible to sleep when it happens and it is impossible to stop it

There have been many attempts to try to stop it but nothing works


godiva3ft 10-15-2010 12:03 PM

Possible reasons for buzzing
Fisticulations due to MS may create that buzzing sensation.

I find that if you research the proper terminology and impress the neurologist with your knowledge, they must confirm or deny the symptom.

If a doctor would try to prescribe anti-anxiety medication, I'd kick him to the curb and find a new doctor. :grouphug:

karilann 10-16-2010 10:30 PM

Buzzing legs
I think I get this too only the buzzing is much more rapid than a cell phone or cat purring...more like a tuning fork going off from the knees down.

If I take a baclofen and Requip together....the buzzing seems to abate. Ativan is only going to help with the anxiety of it all.....however Ativan helps me when I feel a bit off balance......don't know how or why but Doc says it seems to work for very mild dizziness.....and it does for mine.

Philster371 10-31-2010 03:56 PM

Buzzing Legs
Thank you everyone for writing in this forum.
After reading the thread, I clearly have the symptoms of a periodic buzzing in the lower leg - 2 seconds soft vibration every 15 seconds. This started only 3days ago.

I am fortunate that my wife is a medical specialist - a family practitioner - who then specialised as a pediatrician (6 years experience) - who later specialised as a clinical geneticist (8 years exp.) - who finally specialised in pharmaceutical medicine (12 years exp.).

With her help I checked some cross references about l'Hermittes. Apparently, this condition can be caused entirely by inadequate support of the head and neck when sleeping and poor posture when sitting. I will be using additional and more supportive pillows to support my neck more from now on. Her comment to me was: "I recommend trying this for several days before any self diagnosis of MS!".

Snoopy 10-31-2010 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Philster371 (Post 710625)
With her help I checked some cross references about l'Hermittes. Apparently, this condition can be caused entirely by inadequate support of the head and neck when sleeping and poor posture when sitting. I will be using additional and more supportive pillows to support my neck more from now on. Her comment to me was: "I recommend trying this for several days before any self diagnosis of MS!".

Hello Philster371 and welcome to NeuroTalk :)

I already like your wife :D

I have never heard of L'Hermittes being caused by poor posture/inadequate neck suppport...interesting.

I have L'Hermittes and have had it as a constant companion for 25 years. Mine is MS related. Although there can be other causes for L'Hermittes, when it is related to MS it is caused by Lesions on the cervical spine...I have numerous c-spine lesions.

When bending my head down I get vibrations/buzzing from mid-spine down, this can last seconds but I can repeat it everytime I bend my head.

If you are concerned about MS please feel free to ask questions and we will do our best to answer them.

clarkstar 10-31-2010 11:12 PM

yes i get it in my feet and knees, mostly, and its painful in a weird way. sometimes i get it in my crotch, which is not entirely unpleasant :winky:

TRESA 11-01-2010 06:32 AM

Yeah, I get it mostly on my mouth, hands, toes and rt thigh-weird feeling-annoying but mines not that bothersome to me-the symptom that creeps me out is the one where it suddenly feels as if there is an earthquake. Everyhting below my feet begins as if the ground is shaking and It feels so bad I fall into a wall or have to grab onto something to steady myself. No one else feels a thing so I assume its a symptom-the looks from family n friends(in the beginning, before we were aware of MS/MG) was that I had lost my mind! Haha. Now, that one creeps me the most - well, come to close to my other #1 creeps me-total blindness or total paralysis instantaneously and then passes in 30-60 mins later. Ohhh, I dont even like to rememeber those episodes:eek::Trapeze 2::Crazy 2::Thanx:

clarkstar 11-01-2010 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by TRESA (Post 710769)
-total blindness or total paralysis instantaneously and then passes in 30-60 mins later. Ohhh, I dont even like to rememeber those episodes:eek::Trapeze 2::Crazy 2::Thanx:

holy smokes that is crazy!! :eek:

Philster371 11-01-2010 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Philster371 (Post 710625)
Thank you everyone for writing in this forum.
After reading the thread, I clearly have the symptoms of a periodic buzzing in the lower leg - 2 seconds soft vibration every 15 seconds. This started only 3days ago.

I am fortunate that my wife is a medical specialist - a family practitioner - who then specialised as a pediatrician (6 years experience) - who later specialised as a clinical geneticist (8 years exp.) - who finally specialised in pharmaceutical medicine (12 years exp.).

With her help I checked some cross references about l'Hermittes. Apparently, this condition can be caused entirely by inadequate support of the head and neck when sleeping and poor posture when sitting. I will be using additional and more supportive pillows to support my neck more from now on. Her comment to me was: "I recommend trying this for several days before any self diagnosis of MS!".

Quick feedback after using one extra pillow last night with firm support in the base of the neck:

SYMPTOMS TOTALLY DISAPPEARED - and this after 3 days continuous buzzing.

I strongly recommend that you at least try this. Just because someone says you have Hermitte's because you seem to have the symptoms may not be true. Wikipedia even says:

Lhermitte's Sign, sometimes called the Barber Chair phenomenon, is an electrical sensation that runs down the back and into the limbs from involvement of the posterior columns, and is produced by bending the neck forward or backward.

Supporting my neck better removed the symptoms . . . it could work for you.

Lady 11-01-2010 08:02 PM

Hi and welcome! Phil, Clark, Morgan, karilann, godiva3ft and Tresa. :)

I have this too. It was part of Vertigo for me, also moving the head back and forth too fast in a store, looking around, I thought the floor was sinking. I had to hold on. The neck is involved, eyes too and ears.

They also say that when the jugulars have blockages, you should sleep elevated to allow some gravity to let the blood flow back down from the brain. The blood gets trapped in the head, causing pressure and perhaps iron build-up, they say.

Elevation has many benefits. Even for acid reflux. Keeps the acid down.

Keep your bed elevated at head level with those cups for the wheels, or put rubber under the head part of your mattress, or get a wedge to sleep on. Put it on top of your mattress and add a pillow if you like.

Back straight, head higher than the heart, and firm support.:hug:
JMO, and thoughts on this, which I have read about.

Snoopy 11-01-2010 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Philster371 (Post 711026)
Supporting my neck better removed the symptoms . . . it could work for you.

Thanks for the suggestion Philster371, but...I have MS.

No amount of neck support will change the fact I have L'Hermittes or symptoms of vibrations/buzzing. Those symptoms are caused by my Cervical Spine lesions courtesy of MS.

Since your symptoms disappeared due to better neck support you no longer have to worry about MS...CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

fotokat 05-07-2011 02:06 PM

buzzing in leg

Originally Posted by EnchantedGypsy (Post 199458)
Does anyone else have a symptom of a buzzing sensation in their legs? The best way I can describe it is that it feels like my cat is on my lap purring:p

yes, i have this sometimes in my left leg, just above the knee, on the outer part of my thigh. it seems to come and go, like you said, like a cat purring. can't imagine what it is....

Snoopy 05-07-2011 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by fotokat (Post 768488)
yes, i have this sometimes in my left leg, just above the knee, on the outer part of my thigh. it seems to come and go, like you said, like a cat purring. can't imagine what it is....

Hello fotokat and welcome to NeuroTalk :)

If you have MS, buzzing/vibrations are perfectly normal abnormal sensations.

PolarExpress 05-08-2011 11:30 AM

"Perfectly normal abnormal sensations"....Ha! I love it! I'm gonna write this down and use it at all times. :D

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