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Doody 10-16-2006 10:33 PM

Wonder Thread #8
I wonder why of all nights I can't sleep. Gee, could it be the excitement and tons of preparation for my trip???

I wonder how many drugs it takes to get me to sleep in this state. criminies! I have to get up at 'dark' thirty to make it to the airport at time. I gave up trying to fall asleep and decided to come here for a minute.

I wonder if my plane will still leave on time. I have to get up at 'dark:30' in order to make it there in time...

Then when I finally get to Kentucky, will have to go to bed early tomorrow night too cause Ducky and Dale and Kat are picking me up at the hotel at extremely dark thirty (2:30 am!!!!!!) to hit the road for S. Carolina! Geesh. 2:30! I suspected the woman was nuts, now I know... :D

So I wonder by the time we finally get to S. Carolina we will all be very tired people and will need lots 'o rest.

I'm so excited to see everyone, some of which I've seen before. 1 I haven't, and that will be fun to see Battski!!!!

I wonder at how beautiful it will be to once again to to my favorite island complete with lighthouse and walk into that warm Atlantic water from the beach. I feel like my spirit couldn't possibly mingle more with the universe when I go into it.

I wonder how many things they will have to comb through in my carry-on luggage. Like a baggie filled with my drugs. The pharmacist said to make sure all of the meds are in the appropriate bottles, so I have them all ready in one big quart baggy, per instructions. Apparently they have to look at medicines going through. They will think I am a walking pharmacy!

I wonder if we will have a chance to check in here while we are out there. Hopefully heckitdude will have his computer up and running so we can step in and say howdy...

I wonder if they'll let me post a group picture of us...all of us current and former bt folks...

I wonder that I pooped out and didn't get my toenailzies painted. Ah, well, tomorrow night at the hotel I can...

I wonder how nice it will be to go somwhere where the weather is still in the 70s in the daytime and cool at night.

I'm excited about our dinner at my favorite restaurant there on Friday night. I'll be glad to see Mr. and Mrs. Alffe again. :D

I wonder if anyone has ever heard of Makers Mark. We're going to stop by their distillery so I can buy some of their incredible Makers Mark coffee. :D

I wonder if I can leave you all hugs and lots of love until I get a chance to post again.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 10-16-2006 11:17 PM

I wonder why i seem to miss parts of conversation and had no idea doody was goin to see Mr and Mrs alffe.
I hope you have a great time doody!!
Be safe, give alffe a in real life hug for me.
I wonder if you will be able to post pictures soon.
I wonder if you know i will miss you.
I wonder if you know how much your dark thirty comment made me laugh.:D
I just love the lil kitty at the bottom of your post.:)
Have fun be safe!!
Talk to you when you get back.

Alffe 10-17-2006 06:33 AM

I wonder if I can tell Kell that several of us are going south to a wedding, and if she really wants to know about it, I think it's posted in one of the wonder threads.........:D

I wonder at how easy it was to vote yesterday on absentee ballot...a paper ballot so it might be included in the count...:rolleyes:

I wonder if Addy has left yet for her competetion in Seattle..I wonder if I'll ever get to hear her sing...I hope they win!!! :D

I wonder if Scrabble is still fighting wasps!....:confused:

I wonder if I can leave Kimmy a hug....(((Kimmy)))

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 10-17-2006 08:07 AM

I wonder if i can tell alffe that i remember reading something "now" about 2 people from the BT meeting and falling in lurve and getting married..heehee

I wonder if i can find the old post, because i'm nosey like that and i will go look;) ..LOL
I wonder if i can tell everyone thats going that i hope they have a great time at the wedding.
I wonder if Kimmy knows how often i think of her and wonder how she is doing.
I wonder if i can tell Julie that i have been thinking of her and her lil Mikey alot lately.
I wonder if i remembered to tell you peeps..heehee,we are gonna be able to keep our lil baby kitties after all.King tut gave his final word on it..No turning back now.That made me VERY happy:D
I wonder if doody will get her toenails painted tonight:D
I wonder if she knows what a great mental pic she gave me of her fav island w/lighthouse .:)
I wonder if i can just stop wondering already and give the room a hug.

FeelinGoofy 10-17-2006 08:08 AM

i wonder if my MIL will ever regain her strength?

i wonder if her and my FIL will ever realize they need to move into assisted living?

i wonder if Doody and Alffe knows i'm sending them good vibes for a safe trip.

i wonder if my friend Mike and his wife are ok. They live in Hawaii doing missionary work in Honolulu.

i wonder if i can give a {{{{HUG}}}} to those who need one today...

Julie 10-17-2006 08:36 AM

I wonder if I can leave hugs for everybody.

I wonder how it can be so beautiful today after being so ugly icky yesterday.

I wonder if you know how glad I'm not in Houston anymore after their ten inches of rain.

I wonder about how beautiful a South Carolina wedding will be.

I wonder why Poochy barks at the air.

I wonder if Michael will start back on Depakote

I wonder if I can say that yesterday my daddy would have been 78.

I wonder if I can say I miss him with all my heart.

I wonder if I can thank Goofy, Alffe, Doody,Kell and everybody else for their thoughts on Michael.

I wonder if I will ever sleep with him so far away in his room.

I wonder about spending the weekend in Houston with my in-laws...shudder.

Alffe 10-17-2006 09:15 AM

I wonder if Julie will think I am crazy if I say that Poochie feels the presence of those who have passed....imho

I wonder why when I sign in and check the remember me never remembers me....:rolleyes: I guess I am just forgetable! :D

I wonder if Goofy knows how much I appreciate the offered hug...can't get too many of inlaws were VERY resistant to moving into assisted living and ended up loving it there...independant with help!

I wonder if driving the wheelhorse over and over the dirt yesterday will result in my being able to sow the grass seed today....impossible to rake..too many clumps...big clumps!!

I wonder if the Peeps our Kell referred to is my peep, lurking here...and if so....warm hugs and talk to me....dang it!! :p

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 10-17-2006 01:13 PM

I wonder if alffe knows that i just say "peeps", because that's what the younger kids say instead of people -and i'm tryin to be kool:cool: ..LMAO!!

I wonder if alffe knows she made me think of the song"unforgettable"..heehee

I wonder if i will ever get anything done today........................

Idealist 10-17-2006 03:47 PM

I wonder if the sun is ever going to shine again...

I wonder if my littlest girl turning ten today means I'm just a dad now, and no longer a daddy...

I wonder why I've had such a hard time getting over this latest bout of the blues, when it usually only takes me a week or two...

I wonder why my words always seem to come out sounding totally different from what I meant them to...

I wonder how you guys manage to make this such a superior forum...

Alffe 10-17-2006 04:17 PM

I wonder if Idealist and I are kindred spirits.......what with the grey days and the words not coming out quite right?....;)

I wonder what part of the world Idealist lives in ..........

I wonder if he will believe me when I say that my daddy was my daddy until the day he died.....and I was old then. :D

I wonder if Idealist feels any improvement since his procedure......(((Idealist)))

I wonder if anyone is going to join me in chat at 7:00 this evening...(I've only invited a couple hundred people)....:o

I wonder if my grandkids will think I'm cool if I use "peeps"....nah :p

Idealist 10-17-2006 08:39 PM

I wonder why I see everything too late? I woulda joined ya, Alffe, but now it's already nine-thirty, so I'm about two & a half hours past due!

Idealist lives in central Virginia, by the way...

I wonder how in the world Alffe alwalys manages to sound so positive...even about the negative things?!?

FeelinGoofy 10-17-2006 09:59 PM

i wonder if Alffe knows i heard from our peeps, and they are still going to do a skin graft, but no date has been set yet.

i wonder if idealist knows Alffe can sound so positive even about negative stuff because shes an amazing person.

i wonder if Houston has dried out yet?

i wonder how many people ended up in chat?

~scrabble 10-18-2006 12:48 AM

I wonder if Alffe knows that I wanted to meet her in chat but I had a meeting to go to at my kids' school?

I wonder if KellWantsAnswers knows I was glad to read that she had a good weekend?

I wonder how Idealist's daughter's birthday was?

If Alffe invited "a couple hundred" peeps to the chatroom ... I wonder how many showed up at the right time?

I wonder if Alffe is packed yet for her trip?

I wonder how the bride and groom are doing?

I wonder how Julie's Michael is doing?

I wonder if you know the wasps have finally slowed down ... and I only found one in my bathroom today?

Alffe 10-18-2006 05:45 AM

I wonder if I should admit to exaggerating about how many invitations were extended.....:D

I wonder if Goofy knows that I really appreciate news of our Peep...ty for the kind words but you know I'm just a student of life and sometimes the lessons are hard.........

I wonder if Scrabble knows that I'm glad about the wasps! Our mouse parade finally quit....:o

I wonder about the weather forecast in S.C....haven't begun to pack but that's on todays list..along with getting dirt and more grass seed.

I wonder if the Blue Ridge mountains are in central Virginia...and now Idealist knows that geography is not my strong point!...:rolleyes:

I wonder if Kell is still singing....makes me think of Nat King Cole...:p

I wonder where Curious is and if she's ok................:confused:

I wonder what Doc John meant when he posted about changing how we log in....Obviously checking the remember me box doesn't get the job done...
I hope I don't have to bother ZS with that question....:p

FeelinGoofy 10-18-2006 09:43 AM

i wonder why people feel the need to destroy other peoples property. I saw probally 10 smashed pumpkins on the street just in our neighborhood this morning while taking my daughter to school :confused:

i wonder at how happy i am to have a morning to myself and to get to do what "I" want to do.:rolleyes:

i wonder too at how happy i am to get to meet some friends from Jr. High for lunch today. :D

i wonder about an email i got from my aunt in kind of hurt my feelings

i wonder if i can wish everybody here a Happy Wednesday today!!!!!!!

Julie 10-18-2006 10:54 AM

I wonder too about the pumpkins. It seems this year seems particularly brutal. In our "upscale" neighborhood it has been unbelievable and what really shocked me was where our church is which is way upscale (mansions and security guards...estates) on Sunday it was unbelievable over there. My husband said that he couldn't believe people could get past the gates and guards so they must have brought their own to smash.

I wonder why my husband can't get through his head that even if the ATM says there is money doesn't mean I haven't written a check for the electric, phone, cable, gas, etc. Argh

I wonder if we will ever recover from 600.00 electric bills this summer.

I wonder if I will hear from the doctor today.

I wonder if there will be thunderstorms when we go to church tonight.

I wonder if there is anyway I can avoid rush hour traffic plus thunderstorms.

I wonder if Michael will get his bootie down here so we can start school.

i wonder who needs hugs.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 10-18-2006 03:28 PM

I wonder why my daughter feels the need to get into some serious business that is not hers to tend to...........
I wonder why i was having a great day until about 3:15pm...hhmmm
I wonder why i have to be the one to always cook dinner,even when i worked i was "expected" to be the one to cook.I guess now that i am home it's expected even more so...
I wonder if my girl will soon forgive me for not letting her go to her friends house today.
I wonder what they are making for dinner as i sit on the puter playing..heehee
I wonder if i will be able to change this mood around i got myself into ,while surrounded by all this negativity here......
I wonder if Julie knows that the sight of her $600.00 electric bill comment made my eyes pop like this:eek: LOL
I hope you can get it paid down soon!
I wonder if feelingoofy had a goodtime today with her juniorhigh friends.
I wonder if she was able to just let go of the nasty letter and have a good day.
I wonder if alffe got her stuff packed for the trip.
I wonder if alffe knows i sing all the time.Just plug your ears cuz it's not to good..heehee
I wonder if scrabble knows i realy like that name.and ia m very happy to hear all the wasps are gone!!YAY:)
I wonder if scrabble and alffe and feelingoofy and julie and kimmy and whomever else is reading this knows that i am goin nuts with nosiness wondering "who" from the old forums is getting married..aarrgghhhhh
Iwonder why it is such a secret.
I wonder if someone will just tell me
I wonder if i will even know them once i'm told:p
I wonder if i can give the room a hug.

Curious 10-18-2006 04:18 PM

i wonder if julie realizes that it has dropped 10 degress in the last hour? :eek:

step outside need for ac tonight! :D

Julie 10-19-2006 09:18 AM

I wonder if Miz Curious figured out I got major bounced yesterday afternoon for the internet.

I wonder if the priests will ever figure out that though they are robed usually on Sunday, it's not necessary to keep the parish hall at -50 on weekdays.

I wonder if I will ever thaw my nose and fingers.

I wonder why my husband let the dog chew up a John Denver 45 last night...the sorrow of it all.

I wonder if at 9:17 and it's only 49 if it will hit the high of 65 today

I wonder if the weather knows it's October not January

I wonder what I will do while Michael is at chess class today

I wonder who needs some hugs

Idealist 10-19-2006 03:34 PM

I wonder why it's so much easier to break things than it is to fix them...

I wonder why it's so much easier to lose things than it is to find them...

I wonder why it's the things we value most that we always seem to break or lose...:rolleyes:

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 10-20-2006 08:55 AM

I wonder if the rain will ever stop here....
I wonder if i will someday be able to get back into the real world and work...
Iwonder if everyone arrived for the wedding celebration.
I wonder what i will do this weekend.

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