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stevem53 09-02-2006 10:42 PM

Weekly Check-In Sept 3-9, 2006
1 Attachment(s)
Hi Everyone..Its starting to feel like autumn already, and has been for a week or so..Its coming early this year which I kinda like it on the cooler side..I cant do much these days in the sweltering heat..I get fatigued easily

I have been feeling ok all summer mostly..Im sure the Sinamet helps, and it feels like the progression of my pd is at a stand still..if thats possible..It sure does help when I am active

Ive been building a few more conch traps and getting ready to put them back in the water in a couple of weeks..Still havent sold the boat, and I recently lowerred the price so that Im practically giving the damned thing away..But I dont care anymore, I just care about getting rid of it..Nobody really wants to get in the fishing business anymore

On the PAN front..I got a call from R.I. Rep. Jim Langevin's office on Friday..He is putting together a task force here in R.I. to begin stem cell research because Pres Bush vetoed the stem cell bill, and Rep. Langevin wants to meet with me on Tuesday, and the press will be there..This is my first meeting with a state Rep or Senator, so Im kinda nervous, but as my dear friend rosebud told me recently.."If youre not heading toward adversity m'boy..then youre heading in the wrong direction"

Rep. Langevin is a strong advocate of stem cell research because he has a spinal cord injury the he sustained in the police academy from and accidental gun shot wound, and has been wheelchair bound ever since..I will let you all know how it went..This really feels out of my comfort zone because Ive never done anything like this before..but its time to get my feet wet

How is everyone doing this week?

Picture of the week:..Another ocean front picture in Newport R.I.

Stitcher 09-02-2006 11:48 PM

Socks...Yikes...Not them already
I posted this today, elsewhere:
It is September 2nd and I had to get my socks out.
Yikes! Where did the summer go.
My feet are cold. They were cold last night and I tried very hard...successfully ignore them.
Alas, it is 12:31pm on Saturday, September 2nd, and I am giving in...putting on my socks!

My summer was filled with kids...4, 5 and 8...swings, bubble blowing, snacks, picnics in the backyard, lots of those, trips to the library, sprinklers under the playset...seems swinging into the sprinkler is a fun thing to do...I wouldn't know...since I am a grandmother, I'm not suppose to do that...LOL

After more than 10 years gradually going from three Sinemet a day to 5+, and due to offs and the onset of dyskinesia...only slightly...I have added 1/2 twice a day, along with Amantadine, and my all time favorite...NOT...Mirapex is back in my life. What a vicous circle our meds are...take one for this, take another to make that one work better and another to offset the side effect of the first...what a hoot!

PAN...goodness...I have been out of that loop for almost two years now. And rosebud is totally righton: "If youre not heading toward adversity m'boy..then youre heading in the wrong direction" Yepper, Steve, get those feet wet!!

Too much family obligation duty with my autistic grandson and his siblings. Just now getting back into the Parkinson Pipeline Project...lots of website work to catch up on.

mamafigure 09-03-2006 06:22 PM

Well, today is my birthday. One brother called me from Venice (must be nice) and another called from his home, two daughters came and one son called. It has been a good day even though I feel like I have been through the wringer. (Stayed up till around 2:30 making applesauce after working 1/2 day, and today (Sunday) I went back to work and hand typed a bunch of circ stuff since the circulation computer was down yesterday).

This week is going to be rough, so bear with me.


rosebud 09-03-2006 06:31 PM

Babies have arrived!!!
Some time ago I announced my daughter was having Twins in Sept. Well they arrived Yesterday Sept 2 just after 7 pm. We have an identical set of twin boys! Store the fine china and hide anything that can be thrown, tackled, or otherwise tested for it's durability. The amazing thing about boys is they always have to see who can throw the other one across the room. My two oldest sons are 35 and 28 and when they get together they still have to tackle each other. The older one had the advantage for a number of years, but the younger one has a much more physical job (fireman) and is now in the power position. (I warned #1 the day would arrive when the tables would turn).
I am buzzed today so I'm keeping this short. My meds are totally out of balance.
On a completely different subject: Thanks Steve for finding my philosophical insight memorable
"On the road of life, if your not facing adversity your headed in the wrong direction." Sounds negative at first...but its the tough stuff that tests our integrity and the people we admire are the ones who walk gracefully through the muck holes of life. I'm always flattered when someone refers to my insights in a positive way. Even when I do it myself:D Cheers to all and have a good week.

stevem53 09-03-2006 08:59 PM

Happy Birthday Mama!!

mamafigure 09-03-2006 11:36 PM

Thanks, Steve!

Rosebud, hug those babies for me...and make sure each gets some cake and ice cream. I had a birthday party for my kids when they were born. It was great.

Have a great weel, everyone!

stevem53 09-04-2006 06:53 AM

Rosebud..Congrats on the twins!!

GregD 09-04-2006 10:29 AM

Mama, Belated happy birthday!!!

Rosebud, Congratulations on the new babies!!!:D : Now you'll have your hands full.:eek: :eek: :eek:

Everyone have a great week,


olsen 09-04-2006 01:30 PM

birthdays and babies
Mamma, happy birthday--rosebud congratulations--2 new babies. madelyn

MKane 09-04-2006 03:36 PM

What I have posted over my desk in my office is, "When life looks like Easy Street, there is trouble at your door." - Grateful Dead.


Evon 09-04-2006 04:06 PM

Well Carolyn, I too had to put on my socks, its hard to believe that the summer is over. I also put the fireplace on to warm up the house, it has been raining a lot this weekend and the dampness makes me feel cold.
Happy belated birthday Mama, hope it was a good one. These days I just want to forget about birthdays, they seem to be coming around faster and faster. Congratulations Rosebud, two grandsons, aren't you lucky. My two boys were born a year apart and they certainly kept me busy. This week I will be looking after my grandson for a few days so I'll be worn out by the weekend. Doesn't matter, I love to spend time with him. Not feeling too good today, if I could get a good nights sleep, that is if I could sleep through the night I'm sure I would feel better. Maybe I should add another pill to my list, something to knock me out at night. Is that a good idea or is it better just to put up with catching a few hours at a time? Good question, anybody else have some input on this subject.

Todd 09-04-2006 04:43 PM

Happy belated Birthday Mama.

Rosebud, boys rule! Make one a goalie, the other a forward, and let the fun begin! How cool...

It's been extremely hot here on the Left Coast. We're still in the low 100's but Fall is just around the bend, so warm days and cool nights are coming soon. Thankfully, we don't get the humidity with our heat, so it's easier to handle.

The heat has spawned a cricket invasion. They've decided that the heat is too much for them, so they're seeking the comfort of our air conditioned home. I know that some believe finding a cricket in your house is good luck, but this is just getting silly. I've tried every type of bug killer and the damn things just keep on coming. Plus, you should see all 6'4" of me on my hands and knees, scared to death of bugs, and with my Parkie hands trying to swat the little critters. My wife thinks it's the funniest thing ever. Meanwhile, I'm breaking out in a sweat and screaming like a little girl. It's just sad...

We've also had a crow invasion. (If they ate the crickets, I wouldn't mind so much!) They're huge and they come in large packs. Reminds me of Hitchcock. The city has been finding dead ones and a lot have tested positive for the West Nile Virus, so that's a little disturbing.

I start my last semester of Grad School this week, so it's nice to be on the home stretch. Hope everyone is doing well...

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