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Pamster 03-17-2008 08:17 PM

Put this off for far too long...Update:
*Sigh* a few months ago I decided to stop using the Cpap, I'd say more like six months ago...At least five, but it could be six, I didn't write it down so I can't recall. Anyway I have been sleeping badly and I know you're all going to ask "Why did you stop?" Thing is I think it was my own fault for not looking into it better, I got a large nasal mask and it was pushing on my teeth something fierce and it made my face ache but as it was my first time getting one I wanted a large like I had used at the sleep study, little did I know I am probably more of a medium, maybe even a small...

So I was put off using it and slowly my sleep got worse and worse and now I am really having a rough time sleeping. So tonight I got everything out, cleaned it and am setting it up again for the first time this year. I called today about a replacement so I can get another but in the RIGHT size...AND I can get replacement masks every three months so I am going to do just that. I was pretty impressed with the medical supplier's attitude and willingness to work with me and get here before my son gets home from school and get this, they can come out day after tomorrow! :D

As you can see I am pretty desperate to get a good night's sleep again and I need to get my crap together and KEEP using this machine for my own good. I know it sure as I am sitting here that it DOES help with all kinds of things. I was getting depressed and sad again but that changed a month ago when we got a baby turtle. :D I just love him! And it's done wonders for my spirits, I feel so uplifted just watching the little guy swimming around and doing his thing, it's amazing! I am really okay in spite of the poor sleeping patterns, like today my son got up and I had to get up with him at 5AM. Just awful and no matter how much coffee I drink I am still tired all day. I have to say his doing that this morning is part of what motivated me to call the supplier and to get everything out again. I hate feeling this way! :confused:

At least I don't have long to wait eh? I haev been wanting to make that call for weeks and today something triggered it so in a way it was good Jackie got me up at 5AM. It got my motivation up and kicking my backside! Sometimes we all need a kick in the backside and it's always best to do it yourself rather then let someone else do it for you because that is another story...Not motivating for me at least, and I doubt it motivates anyone here to be kicking by someone else. My eyes are closing but I have to wait for an hour more at least before getting to hit the hay, I will post tomorrow and let you all know how it went using the machine. Towards the end of the time I was using it still I began taking it off around three am due to pain in my face and teeth. Hopefully that won't happen tonight. :)

How are all of you doing? Still using your machines faithfully and successfully? Feeling good? I sure hope so. :D

Burntmarshmallow 03-20-2008 08:03 AM

Pam. :hug: Good to hear you are giving it another go with the machine.
My hub wont use his at all and it has put a big huge wall between us. I could say so much in this post and vent :Soapbox: and dump off a whole truck load of frustrations , sadness and anger but what is the use in that as it may feel good to do. . . it wont fix anything or make hub magicly use sleep mask. Soo my friend I am so glad you are getting a new mask and regrouping to give it another go. that is so great to hear!!!!! kudos on you Pam!
gotta go my comp is in need of some fixing and clean up as it is givng me fits latley. you have great easter weekend.

Pamster 03-20-2008 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Burntmarshmallow (Post 240728)
Pam. :hug: Good to hear you are giving it another go with the machine.
My hub wont use his at all and it has put a big huge wall between us. I could say so much in this post and vent :Soapbox: and dump off a whole truck load of frustrations , sadness and anger but what is the use in that as it may feel good to do. . . it wont fix anything or make hub magicly use sleep mask. Soo my friend I am so glad you are getting a new mask and regrouping to give it another go. that is so great to hear!!!!! kudos on you Pam!
gotta go my comp is in need of some fixing and clean up as it is givng me fits latley. you have great easter weekend.

Aww, I am so sorry your husband won't use his machine anymore. I sleep alone but I am sleeping much better, though the old mask hurt my face under my nose, I kinda have skin peeling there now from it. I do feel better, but the new mask helps so much! I am not nearly as sore as the old mask left me. I am also getting a full face mask from my mother to use she got from a guy she works with. :D So I can see if I like that or not, but for now the new mask is a SMALL compared to the original LARGE I got with the machine. Amazing the difference in sizes can make. :D

It seals well and I don't wake up from escaping air anymore. :D I hope you have a great Easter weekend too BMW! Glad to hear from you, but I hope that your hubby starts to feel like using his machine again, maybe you can mention that "Pam on Neurotalk" started up again because she was feeling so run down and tired all the time and now even three days later she's not yawning during the day and she said she feels GREAT! Maybe something like that might encourage him to start back up because he's got to be sleeping badly if he's not using. I wish you luck on winning that battle BMW. Take care! :D

Jan4you 04-02-2008 10:36 AM

Sorry for all you guys are going through. I almost chucked my CPAP and I just got it a week ago!!

I dont have a mask tho it wouldve been small. Because of my titration was only a 7 I could get away with the nose pillow which is plastic nose thingies that you place in your nostrils with straps holding it on.

ITS SILENT!! Only when I moved, the air would hiss and leak out and keep me awake@!!! Argh!!!!

But I adjusted the strap on top of my head and whalla... sssshhhhoosh quiet!!!

Also, another solution was suggested by the respitory therapist who hooked me up. YOu dont have to have it on ALL night if you dont want to. So.. because I was having troubled sleeping with it, I would wear it as I was watching TV, then as I fell asleep but when it awakened me or bothered me, I took it off.

Now I use it most of the night as its quiet now. IF I want to turn onto my stomach I take it off for awhile.

BUT its heavenly to feel the AIR and breathe again. I had no idea how much I dont breathe. IN fact I stop breathing for seconds during the DAY time as well.

Just a suggestion. Not sure if its ok to do this.

Good luck, Jan

Darlene 04-05-2008 02:15 AM

When I was in my sleep study they used a mask with me, I was looking forward to sleeping with all night. Then as I was getting my machine the tech showed me the nasal unit, I was so happy.

As long as I have it snug up to my head it's ok, and at times I may take it off some for a short period of time. I have gotten used to it pretty good.

Jan4you 04-05-2008 12:51 PM

YES Darlene, adjusting the mask makes a difference for sure. Did the tech tell you that you can go without it for short periods of time? Mine did.

Anyone sleeping all night with CPAP???

Take care


Twinkletoes 04-05-2008 01:34 PM

In an effort to finally sleep thru the night wearing the CPAP mask, I took a sleeping pill. Woke up and had ripped the thing off w/o knowing it!!! :confused:

Haven't used the thing for 1.5 years.

Burntmarshmallow 04-06-2008 04:11 PM

I have to say it is really hard to deal with someone who dosent use their cpap machine. for years I would be the one who would poke at him to make him inhale. I did this poem about snoring. I am over it .it is his choice... to snore or not to snore :(.. and my loss I guess. As it affects the whole household.
Please Listen -BMW
Suffocating, struggling, sleep deprived
Noisy beyond my limits, not listening to my pleas.
Out of his bed I sleep now, angry!
Relaxed throat chokes stopping breath over and over.
I check thought the night for signs of life, I love.
Not using c-pap machine, will I find you dead?
Gasping grouchy grumpy guy

Jan4you 04-06-2008 09:19 PM

WOW Burntmarshmellow.. what an amazing poem, but so unnecessary isnt it if only they would use it.

What will it take to get those to cooperate. It can be a challenge to use the CPAP and still sleep. BUT having the AIR and ability to breathe, live is certainly worth it !!

Good luck


Darlene 04-07-2008 02:12 AM

There are times which I take it off for a short period of time. There a number of times I sleep through the night with it on.:hug:

Burntmarshmallow 04-07-2008 02:59 PM

Okay I should say he has tryed to use it . I dont meen to sound like he got the cpap and left it in the box or anything. he used it at first but he just didnt give himself enoguh time to adjust to it. so i have grown frustrated to the extream. it would slip off durring night and I would wake him have him put it on. but he would take it off a few mins later... and leave it off rest of night. now maybe he will use it if he remebers to or feels like putting it on and in his sleep takes it off . like he falls alseep and then 20 mins later he takes it off but he isnt awake. weird to explaine. but I am fed up with the snoring and the worries. I guess I should just think of it as a medical conditon maybe I dont know I am probly due some good nights sleep ...would help lose the frustration and anger. thanks for listening .
Peace BMW.

Twinkletoes 04-13-2008 03:27 PM

Me too, Pamster: I'm tired all day. Ugh.

So I talked to the doc about it and had my thyroid levels tested. Turns out my thyroid is doing okay.

But he wants me to sleep with a clothespin on my finger. Okay, one of those BloodOx thingies. :p

I reminded doc that I've tried the whole CPAP thing (wore it for 1 year) ... but he said if my oxygen level were low, he'd have me sleep with oxygen.

Anyone ever try this instead of the CPAP?

Pamster 04-25-2008 10:01 AM

Nope never tried that, but I am back to using my cpap again. I feel a LOT better now that I have had a couple of good night's of sleeping. Unfortunately I had a zit appear after I used the new mask, I think it was already about to pop through and was due to the sore I developed from the larger sized mask.

Anyway I am feel so much better. I do understand how some folks can't use the machine through the entire night, but I try really hard to because I totally stop breathing all the time during the night. :eek:

Thanks for al the replies everyone, I didn't want to post until I was using it again and now I am happily for the moment. :)

Good luck with your DH's using the CPAP BMW, I hope something gives and he's able to use it again consistantly, no one should have to sleep angry and I know my DH used to get angry when we shared a bed, I have slept alone now for over eight years and I kinda like it. LOL! ;)

moonstar 05-12-2008 11:54 PM

hey pamster
i too am having trouble using my cpap machine..they gave me a new type of mask that doesn't cover your face you stick 2 tubes up your nose and strap it to your is ok for a short time and then my nose starts to ache-- also the vent to let out air is very loud. they came and adjusted it and i don't know.. i am so tired of using the machine but do know that i need tired all day and somewhat awake thru the night. the dr gave me provigil 200 mgs and it helps some but co-pay is expensive so i don't take them everyday. usually when i have appts to keep. then he increased it to 250 by taking another half later on in the day.. helps but not great.. i feel my depression also stops me from using the times i just don't seem to care much anymore.. good luck with all...using it at least part of the time is ok at least you are getting some decent sleep once in awhile.... moonstar :hug:

Jan4you 05-17-2008 03:16 PM

Yes I can agree. I too have the "nose pillows" but man if they move, the hissing drives me nuts. I could not sleep at all the first couple of nights then I adjusted the straps.. and ...aaaahhhh quiet.

BUT if I want to lay on my side or on my stomach it gets in the way and hisses again. So, I only use it part of the night. Dont see much improvement but yet its good to have the air pressure.

I see the neuro this Thursday, we'll see what he says.
Take care everyone ~!


Twinkletoes 05-21-2008 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Jan4you (Post 281302)
Yes I can agree. I too have the "nose pillows"

Just wondering: where do you find your itty-bitty pillowcases? :p

Jan4you 05-21-2008 08:29 AM

Twink.... hahahahaaa!!!

I MAKE them of course~!


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