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hollym 04-07-2008 11:48 AM

Fit Flop Sandals
Anyone heard of these Fit Flop Sandals? Better yet, anyone ever wear them? I just got an e-mail from Victoria's Secret advertising them. These are the claims:

Get a workout while you walk. Engineered to engage muscles, lessen joint impact and absorb shock, FitFlops burn calories and tone legs with every step. From running errands to working around your house, it's finally easier to stay in shape and multitask your fitness with a sexy, sporty look. Imported leather/cotton/polyester.

• Strengthens and tones muscles in your feet, legs, buttocks, stomach and back
• Absorbs shock on your feet, knees and back
• Tones and trims your thighs, calves and glutes
• Recreates the gait of barefoot walking with a built-in micro-wobbleboard workout-enhancing effect
• Improves balance and posture

If this is really true, they would be worth the $50. Heck if these really help stregthen and improve balance, I'll wear them everyday!!

Erin524 04-07-2008 12:12 PM

Do they look like this??

They've been around for years, and I would never pay $50 for a pair of flip flops...not when I can go to Hobby Lobby and get a pair for $2 or less. (flip flops are uncomfortable shoes anyways...and yes, I realize that what you're asking about says "Fit Flops")

Crocs are more comfortable, and I feel like I have better balance in those shoes than in sneakers or real shoes.

momXseven 04-07-2008 12:26 PM

I have not heard of them but here's the link so others can see them.

AfterMyNap 04-07-2008 12:47 PM

"built-in micro-wobbleboard workout-enhancing effect"

I'm convinced! Where do I sign???

You have my curiosity up now, Holl. Sadly, I could never wear them, anything between my toes sends my foot into wild spasms. :(

Bearygood 04-07-2008 12:50 PM

I've seen similar things before -- this one seems to be a British craze that's now making it's way into the US. Here's the link to the manufacturer's site below -- if you type in your zip code you might see places near you that have them so you can try them out before you buy. Obviously mail order is often the cheapest because you might save tax but at least you can try them on if you want! Also, if you do buy online, remember to check out to see if there are any coupons for the store in question!

hollym 04-07-2008 12:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Erin524 (Post 253494)
Do they look like this??

They've been around for years, and I would never pay $50 for a pair of flip flops...not when I can go to Hobby Lobby and get a pair for $2 or less. (flip flops are uncomfortable shoes anyways...and yes, I realize that what you're asking about says "Fit Flops")

Crocs are more comfortable, and I feel like I have better balance in those shoes than in sneakers or real shoes.

No, those just look like ordinary flip flops. I will try to attach a picture of them. Also, you can click on the link momXseven gave.

hollym 04-07-2008 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Bearygood (Post 253547)
I've seen similar things before -- this one seems to be a British craze that's now making it's way into the US. Here's the link to the manufacturer's site below -- if you type in your zip code you might see places near you that have them so you can try them out before you buy. Obviously mail order is often the cheapest because you might save tax but at least you can try them on if you want! Also, if you do buy online, remember to check out to see if there are any coupons for the store in question!

You rock. I did just as you suggested and found out that the Macy's 5 minutes from my house has them. I will have to go check them out.

Kitty 04-07-2008 01:01 PM

Oooh, they're cute!! I don't usually wear sandals with the piece between my toes but I'd be willing to give these a try.

If you buy a $2 pair of shoes that's exactly what you're going to get.....these look well made and they'll take them back if they don't perform like they advertise they will.

I think I'm going to try them - Holly we'll have to compare notes and see if we're Victoria's Secret material after we've toned up with these shoes!! You might be - but I know I'll NEVER be.....not in this lifetime!! Maybe 20 years ago - but now......:Noooo:.

Snoopy 04-07-2008 01:06 PM

Dang it Holly, you got me all excited then I saw the toe part - I have never been able to wear sandels that go between the toes. My poor toes get sore and raw :(

If it wasn't for the toe thing I'd be ordering a pair or two or three.....:p

Bearygood 04-07-2008 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by hollym (Post 253550)
You rock. I did just as you suggested and found out that the Macy's 5 minutes from my house has them. I will have to go check them out.

Holly, let us know how they feel!

AfterMyNap 04-07-2008 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Bearygood (Post 253555)
Holly, let us know how they feel!

Yeah! Go get them now and take your cell along, we want a minute-by-minute report!

greta 04-07-2008 01:39 PM

Just kidding:) They do look very cool. I love flip flops now. Hated them for years, but now I'm a convert. Let us know how you like them because I might just have to invest in a pair!

Bearygood 04-07-2008 01:50 PM

Just checked my beloved ebates site and saw that you can get 2% cashback from Victoria's Secret (one of the places you can order these). And, if you sign up through a referral you'll get $5.00 cash back after your first purchase. The person doing the referring gets cash back too Woo hoo! I'll put my url in my profile so you can save and in the future, give your friends your own referral # so both you and your friends can benefit. A friend turned me on to ebates a few months ago and I've already gotten a check for $25.00. Yes, it's cash, not credit! :D

ETA -- I just posted about ebates in The Stumble Inn with the idea of starting a "train" so everyone can benefit.

tkrik 04-07-2008 02:18 PM

Holly, these look cool. Let us know how they work.

I wonder it they would help spasticity or make it worse? If it helps it, I'm on my way to Macy's.:D

As for wearing flip flops, that's all I wear from March to November. I have an assortment of flip flops. On good gait days, I can wear my flip flop wedges with the pretty jewel like things on them.:D

4boysmom 04-07-2008 02:31 PM

These also looked great to me! They looked like they would be very comfortable, and once you get used to the strap between your toes, you never have trouble with that again! I have several pairs of sandals with the toe strap, and I love all of them!

braingonebad 04-07-2008 02:40 PM

This is the first I've seen of this one. But a couple years back there was a similar one. Some show did a test of them. Had a couple dozen people try them (not exactle scientific, but anyhoo) nobody got any real results.

I say, get them and walk. Walking is good.

That's what I should be doing right now, walking, lol.


I'm wearing the most comfortable pair of flip flops from Earth shoe and I could walk all day in these. Waiting to try out a pair from Yellow Box.

If you do get those, let us know how they feel, okay.

KarenMarie 04-07-2008 09:45 PM

Just to add my two cents - my husband's cousin's wife always wore flip-flops - she slipped on the basement stairs two years ago and the flip didn't flop - stayed on her foot and caught on the stair tread - she fell under the stair railing onto the concrete floor - broke her checkbone and jaw - left shoulder and as she had just had a double hip replacement - damaged her hip - will never be the same - so unless you're really stable in your flip flops - don't take the chance !

Koala77 04-07-2008 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by KarenMarie (Post 253926)
so unless you're really stable in your flip flops - don't take the chance !

I was going to keep quiet until I saw your post KarenMarie, but I too have had falls and broken bones because of leg weakness and foot drop....both thanks to MS.

My physio told me to get rid of any flip-flops that I had in my wardrobe, as these were a big factor in MSers with leg or foot problems, having falls.

Just my 2 cents worth.

smiles 04-08-2008 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by tkrik (Post 253598)
Holly, these look cool. Let us know how they work.

I wonder it they would help spasticity or make it worse? If it helps it, I'm on my way to Macy's.:D

As for wearing flip flops, that's all I wear from March to November. I have an assortment of flip flops. On good gait days, I can wear my flip flop wedges with the pretty jewel like things on them.:D

I was wondering the exact same thing. Remember Dr Scholls. They bothered my calves when I was just a young teenager (maybe had ms then??? it's possible)

I also live in flip flops, weather permitting, even the $2. My calves are really muscular just from the workout the spasms give em but I would love to tone my abs just by walking. And they are kinda cute!

tkrik 04-08-2008 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by smiles (Post 254051)
I was wondering the exact same thing. Remember Dr Scholls. They bothered my calves when I was just a young teenager (maybe had ms then??? it's possible)

I also live in flip flops, weather permitting, even the $2. My calves are really muscular just from the workout the spasms give em but I would love to tone my abs just by walking. And they are kinda cute!

I remember the Dr. Scholls. Actually, I see people still wearing them. LOL.

When I wear my flip flop wedges, my muscles do get more of a work out. But I will only wear them on good gait days.

lady_express_44 04-08-2008 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by smiles (Post 254051)
I was wondering the exact same thing. Remember Dr Scholls. They bothered my calves when I was just a young teenager (maybe had ms then??? it's possible)

I also live in flip flops, weather permitting, even the $2. My calves are really muscular just from the workout the spasms give em but I would love to tone my abs just by walking. And they are kinda cute!

I had the same thing with my calves about 10 yrs ago (already had MS then), and the doc figured it was from switching over to sandals & flip flops (thongs, in my day :D) in the summer. He said they were too flat-footed after wearing reasonably high heels at work all year.

I live in flip flops too, unless the "spasticity" gets to me.

I like these. :)


sugarboo 04-08-2008 10:24 AM

Cool...wonder if I could wear those to my new job :D

Kitty 04-08-2008 11:19 AM

My sister used to have a pair of those wooden Dr. Scholl's sandals. She plopped down on the couch one day and swung her leg up in the air to cross it over onto her other leg - her sandal flew off and hit my Dad in the shin. :eek:

It was too funny not to laugh but he had a knot the size of an orange on the front of his leg for weeks after that!!

Needless to say I never was allowed to purchase a pair of those while I lived at home!! :D

kellijo 04-08-2008 12:39 PM

I love flip flops in summer. The ones I usually get though have the thicker sole and a small heel. I really can't wear the totally flat ones.

I used to love the Dr. Scholl's too. Course I was a teen and loved the sound they made. Go figure.

AfterMyNap 04-08-2008 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by herekitty1960 (Post 254262)
My sister used to have a pair of those wooden Dr. Scholl's sandals. She plopped down on the couch one day and swung her leg up in the air to cross it over onto her other leg - her sandal flew off and hit my Dad in the shin. :eek:

It was too funny not to laugh but he had a knot the size of an orange on the front of his leg for weeks after that!!

Needless to say I never was allowed to purchase a pair of those while I lived at home!! :D

Hated 'em! I begged, borrowed and stole to get those and I wore them for one painful day! Sometimes I really miss high school.:rolleyes:

hollym 04-08-2008 01:50 PM

It's funny, I hadn't thought about Dr. Scholl's sandals in years. I never wanted a pair because I was a vain girly, girl and didn't think they were feminine enough!

Kitty 04-08-2008 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by hollym (Post 254343)
It's funny, I hadn't thought about Dr. Scholl's sandals in years. I never wanted a pair because I was a vain girly, girl and didn't think they were feminine enough!

:holysheep: The girls in my high school wore those things with short-shorts and tube tops!! :eek: Am I showin' my age??

Supposedly they made your legs more beautiful......didn't work out quite that way for my Dad, though!! All he got was a bruise!! :D

DM 04-08-2008 03:08 PM

As soon as I get to a mall where there's a Vict Secret, I'm going to check those fit flops out. From online pics, they look pretty secure on the foot and they are really cute.

I agree about the reg flip flops being not very stable, but they are comfy and easy to wear. My DH threatens to throw all mine out too.

4boysmom 04-08-2008 03:42 PM

I hate any shoes with a heel! I don't know some women wear those really high ones. I'll take a flat flip flop any day of the week over high heels.

I do like ones with arch support, though. I don't like any sandal that doesn't have some kind of arch support.

So, anyone try the fitflops yet?

momXseven 04-08-2008 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by tkrik (Post 254136)
I remember the Dr. Scholls. Actually, I see people still wearing them. LOL.

I have really nice Dr. Scholls tennis shoes, I can't ware just anything.
There like these but have a little pink on them. There really comfortable.

tkrik 04-08-2008 05:32 PM

I wonder if Medicare and/or Medicaid would pay for these. I could see them getting a claim for me from Victoria's Secrets. LOL.

I am so bound and determined to beat this exacerbation that I went to my closet, with this thread in mind, and got out my wedge flip flops and wore them for what 10 feet.:eek::p They are back in the closet for now. LOL. Need I say more.

KarenMarie 04-08-2008 06:23 PM

careful tkrik !!!!!

JessieSue 04-08-2008 08:57 PM

I'm gettin' a pair! I buy anything that'll help me improve my balance.

sassy 04-09-2008 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by JessieSue (Post 254637)
I'm gettin' a pair! I buy anything that'll help me improve my balance.

And they are cute!

AfterMyNap 04-09-2008 04:05 PM


So I went on a mission to discover this amazing, revolutionary Fit Flop. Here are my observations after speaking with two of the clerks who wear and love them:

They are about a 1.5-inch heel (I'd fall off or break an ankle).
The soles are a vinyl compound that is very soft under the ball of the foot and quite firm and unforgiving at the heelbed.
The heelbed is flat and does not "cup" the heel.
The straps are not flexible, they are a cotton/canvas web and are meant to hold the shoe tightly against your foot.
They are made in Black, Gray and the cute Red. The red ones are the hottest seller, so if you want 'em, don't waste any time.
The footbed is quite flat, not formed and will only "give" slightly to mold to your foot.
The warning tag explains that you will be working a new muscle group and should start with progressive stages, don't wear them to DisneyWorld the first day.

Both the gals I spoke with have quite narrow feet and report that Fit Flops fit snugly (by design). Both agreed that a bulkier foot would likely be uncomfortably constricted.

They haven't had a chance to sweat in them yet, but both find themselves wanting to pull their foot away from the footbed to let it breathe from time to time.

I learned something new today, Victoria's Secret and Bath & Body Works and Macy's are all part of the same company. My Macy's and Victoria's Secret do not carry them, only Bath & Body Works (in my town).

My fee is $25.00 per view.

Click on the thumbnail for poorly-lighted pics.
Attachment 2692

Taffy 04-09-2008 07:03 PM

So how many pair did you buy Naps?

tkrik 04-09-2008 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Taffy (Post 255206)
So how many pair did you buy Naps?

Really, how many? Are your legs toned yet? :D

Thank you for getting that information to us AMN.

Are the insoles vinyl too? I don't like the feeling when your feet sweat on vinyl and they get all slippery.

AfterMyNap 04-09-2008 07:13 PM

Yes, T, the whole footbed/insole is vinyl compound.

Terffy, no, I did not buy any, nor do I walk a tightrope.:eek:

Taffy 04-09-2008 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by AfterMyNap (Post 255209)
Yes, T, the whole footbed/insole is vinyl compound.

Terffy, no, I did not buy any, nor do I walk a tightrope.:eek:

Clapping hands...Did you buy DM and me a matching pair then? Oh goody!

(I hope she bought them in black!:D)(Gee, we might fall and kill ourselves on those. I wonder if that is what she has in mind?:mad:)

Carolina 04-10-2008 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by AfterMyNap (Post 255099)
.......My fee is $25.00 per view.

Click on the thumbnail for poorly-lighted pics.
Attachment 2692

Cindy, Cindy, Cindy -

How many times do I have to tell you - you can be easy but not cheap.

Your investigative work is worth much more than that! :Bow: :D

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