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Alffe 07-08-2008 07:09 PM

Wonder Thread #114
I wonder if DM knows how tickled I am to see her here...:hug:

I wonder what Doody, Goofy, and David were doing that night....;)

I wonder if Av8r girl knows that she'll be missed....

I wonder if Tammi will please have a relaxing trip...

I wonder if Twink is still working on them baby my possum done?

I wonder how my little wren is...awful quiet dear lady....

I wonder if Abbie got the rain we got (finally) today..been very dry up here...

I wonder if KM will please accept me as her friend...I keep asking....rofl

Abbie 07-08-2008 07:13 PM

I wonder if DM knows she can join us anytime!!

I wonder how it is that I started a #114 the same time as Alffe!?

I wonder if I can get one of the SUPER Mods to delete mine??? I'll buzz a mod....

I wonder if I can tell everyone that I've been thinking of you all...

I wonder if I can pass on that I'm here just can't get words to sound right... I am ok.... just having trouble with words being jumbled in brain.

I wonder if I can just leave :hug: and wonder more later...

:hug:--- for all

Alffe 07-08-2008 07:14 PM

I wonder if I can just copy and past my wonders.....:D

I wonder how confusing it might be to have two going at once....

DM 07-08-2008 07:26 PM

I wonder if AB's knows how special she is and that I hope she is doing better soon. Thanks for the nice welcome.:hug:

DM 07-08-2008 07:27 PM

I wonder if I'm losing my mind seeing two #114 threads, but Ab's came to my rescue and explained it. I wonder if both Abs and Alffe know how truly special they both are???
Thank you for the nice welcome. :hug:

Alffe 07-08-2008 07:29 PM

I wonder how DM picked which #114 to post on....:D

I wonder if this might be fun...but problematic...:confused:

Alffe 07-08-2008 07:37 PM

You sure you don't wanna have two going at the same time...:D

Might be fun watching BMW trying to close down two....;)

Chemar 07-08-2008 07:43 PM

I wonder how confuddled y'all are now :D
I wonder if it's ok that I merged the 2 wonders cuz dint wanna delete any wonderers:grouphug:

Alffe 07-08-2008 07:46 PM

There's some more of that magic! I love it....thank you.:hug:

Oops! I forgot to wonder...I wonder why? *grin

Abbie 07-08-2008 08:21 PM

I wonder if I can thank Cheri for helping me out by merging the two wonder #114's together. (Alffe and I started them at the same time)

I wonder if I can say that I deleted my duplicate posts so that it wouldn't confuse everyone too much as it was looking like I kept repeating myself...:rolleyes:

I wonder if I can tell Alffe... YEP... It's pouring here now, thunder & lightening... the works. We've had a lot of rain here for the last couple of weeks.... I'll send it your way next time... :cool:

:hug:<---for all

tovaxin_lab_rat 07-08-2008 08:29 PM

I wonder if I can tell you all that DM confuses easily! LMOA!

I wonder if I can tell you that it took me a while, but I finally figured out who DMACK is...I may be slow, but I finally get there.

I wonder if I can tell Kathy that TOPGUN was filmed where I used to least parts of it...Fallon, NV! (here's some husband used to be in the Navy and he was one of those pilots that flew against the TopGun guys, he was the one in the other planes, not the F-14s.)

I wonder if I can tell you all that I got my next batch of posties mailed and you are all going to love them!!!

I am off to bed....early morning...big landscape job!! Lights out for Flygirl who plays in the dirt!!! :hug:

Junie 07-08-2008 10:07 PM

I wonder if anyone knows how completely lost I still feel everywhere I post??
I wonder if anyone knows all the times this month I have tried to reach out to just kill off anther thread?
I wonder if I belong anywhere?

Nik-key 07-08-2008 10:31 PM

I wonder where our Koala is? I was hoping to get one of her bear hugs today:winky: I'll just leave one for her!:hug: ok maybe two :hug::hug:

I wonder if I can tell Junie I am sorry you feel this way. I didn't understand the second line of your thread....but you are most welcome here ((Junie))

I wonder if Tam knows how much her words mean to me :hug: I hope you and DH have a wonderful trip and get the rest you need!

I wonder that anyone could hate our dear Alffe:eek:

I wonder if I can thank Kathy, and tell her it would be an honor to hold her hand as well:hug:

I wonder if BJ was able to see her doctor today:hug: I continue to hold you in my thoughts and prayers. ((BJ))

I wonder at how wonderful CRW's wonders were :D Thank you ((CRW))

I too wonder where Wren is, missing you((Wren))

I wonder if Doody knows how special I think she is? :hug:

I wonder if my wonder to BMW made her cry, just as her PM did me.
Turn about is fairplay :winky: ((TINA)) :hug:

I wonder if I can tell DM it was great to see you posting :hug:

I wonder at how neat that was to hear about Top Gun Avgirl!! I hope you job goes well too!((AV))

I wonder if I can tell Abbie, I am thinking about her too ((ABBIE))

I wonder at the gift David has, of saying SO MUCH, with so few words. Amazes me. I wonder too if I can say, thank you. I will try harder to not "be done" , but I promise nothing. It is the best I have today.

I wonder why Moi is lurking? Post ! In need of your humor :D

I wonder if I can tell you this stress has triggered unbelievable pain with my TN and ON...and as much as I would love to wonder more with all of you...I must go lay down. Hugs, peace, love to all :grouphug:

Edit...I wonder if I should leave the thread addy here as well, so I can update in one place....

Burntmarshmallow 07-08-2008 11:16 PM

I wonder if I post here on Abbies if my post will show up on Alffes
humm let see :D

I wonder if yes BMW cryed today I wonder why Nikki ??:hug: thank you angel friend :p

I wonder that I dont feel so funny right at moment.

I wonder how hard and long it was to reply in the Love you thread to BP.

I wonder if it time to go wonder at the skies and all of you will be in my wonders prayers and thoughts.

I wonder where this post will end up ...
ready??/ abracadabra hiney hoe push the post see where it will go. lol
humor and rhyme
at the same time
I wonder why
im so fly.
oh no thats not me thats av8 :p :D

DMACK 07-09-2008 04:21 AM

I Wonder why if we are suffering the effects of global warning.. that the UK has had no true summer for two years [or is this GW ]

I Wonder why the gremlins are out and trouble...oven broken...washing machine broken... momey money money,,:mad:

I Wonder if the origin of the word Taboo explains its myth
Word History: Among the many discoveries of Captain James Cook was a linguistic one, the term taboo. In a journal entry from 1777, Cook says this word "has a very comprehensive meaning; but, in general, signifies that a thing is forbidden.... When any thing is forbidden to be eat, or made use of, they say, that it is taboo." Cook was in the Friendly Islands (now Tonga) at the time, so even though similar words occur in other Polynesian languages, the form taboo from Tongan tabu is the one we have borrowed. The Tongans used tabu as an adjective. Cook, besides borrowing the word into English, also made it into a noun referring to the prohibition itself and a verb meaning "to make someone or something taboo." From its origins in Polynesia the word taboo has traveled as widely as Cook himself and is now used throughout the English-speaking world.

I wonder if because it ws the 'Friendly Islands' the locals adopted the term Taboo to refrain from speaking or doing things that offended others...and a bit of superstition was added for good measure.......

I wonder if enough people in the world talked about uncomfortable subjects then we could turn the word on its head and give it 'a.boot' [anagramn]so to speak.

I wonder how Xie is doing long time no hear.
I wonder if without humour on this forum many could cope to continue
I wonder if i should take more photographs today
I wonder when my football team will purchase new players for the new season ................anticipation is driving me beserk
I wonder how so many of you find the courage to speak so freely and openly about your personal issues, and truly admire and comend you.
I wonder if bizi will go gamble with Alffe at the casino.. she should....because... life is based on an eliment of RISK...[if on roullette $5 on black 28 for me please pay you back one day promise:D:Dlol
I wonder if who moi knows i can feel him lurking lol
I wonder if Kathy M IS HAVING A GOOD DAY????:)

I wonder how Abbie is today, and nohope who has been very quiet again
I wonder if i can wish Av8girl a pleasant trip
I wonder if Feeling goofy and Doody want to hang out in this thread once the lights go out......shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dont tell BMW

I WONDER IF I CAN say a big hello and thanks to all those hard working mods.

I wonder i can leave this :grouphug: and push off and get dressed lol


Burntmarshmallow 07-09-2008 08:12 AM

I wonder if Goofy Hope Abbie and Doody can use a bunch of :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

I wonder how tired I am this morning

I wonder if today will be a good day

I wonder if I can say I wuv my family here very much :grouphug:

I wonder if I can thank the mods along with DMAC and say wow Chemar thanks for the magic porthole trick ;)


oh cant forget Angel friend (((((nikki)))))))

DM 07-09-2008 09:03 AM

I wonder how FG knows I get confused easily?? ha!

I wonder how you can all type so much; my R hand fights me at time.

I wonder why Junie feels out of place. Please know that you fit in here just like the rest of us loonies.

I wonder if I will get my chores around here done today? *doubtful*

Have a good one everyone.

***Oh, and I heard from Koala and she's just busy right now. She does give great hugs, I agree.

Alffe 07-09-2008 09:27 AM

I wonder that I had to have more coffee before I could understand Davids' heady wonders....:wink:

I wonder if Junie will just pull up a chair and wonder away....:hug:

I wonder if DM is the princess...I get so confused about who is and isn't...

I wonder if Cindy AMN will wander over and wonder....

I wonder at how tasty my chili turned out with cinnemon in it (and a can of beer)...:rolleyes:

I wonder if Twinks birdies have now joined the others...what fun!!

I wonder how KM is behave Kathy! :hug:

I wonder if Doody will post more pictures of the little man...

I wonder where Curious is and why we are out of chocolate around here...

I wonder if moi is lurking....;)

Junie 07-09-2008 09:53 AM

I wonder if I am just losing my mind and feeling paranoid everywhere since I am invisible in my own home?
I wonder if I will ever learn to trust people again?
I wonder if anyone will call me this week and not want anything?
I wonder if I will ever feel normal again?
I wonder if I will continue to stay here in my safe spot away from people?

Alffe 07-09-2008 10:19 AM

I wonder if Junie knows that many women feel invisible at times..

I wonder how support groups can be so varied...I'm so tired to recommending them to survivors and have them turn out to be a horrible experience for them!!!...

I wonder if Madison WI is the only place that knows what they are doing and how to help survivors....

I wonder if I should start a ticked off thread!...:mad:

DejaVu 07-09-2008 12:59 PM

I wonder if Alffe's leg ever gets tired?

I wonder if there's anything more we can do to make Junie feel at home here?

I wonder why we cross the paths of the people we do?

I wonder if my overall actions in life have done more good than harm?

I wonder if how much more difficult life might be, if people could not fnd the support they need online? (Especailly when they cannot find it otherwise?)

I wonder if each person fully realizes how much good they do in the world by showing support to even one other person? I wonder how that "multiplies out" in each life, as we all "pass it on?"

I wonder if you each know just how special I think you are?:hug:

I wonder how long it will be, after surgery, before I'll be reading the "wonder thread" again?

I wonder if you all know I'll be missing you?

I wonder if those with special requests right now know that I will be remembering your needs/request while I am away?

I wonder if people know how much it means to me to have them reach out to me here?:grouphug:

I wonder why I have such wonderful friends?:grouphug:

I wonder why I am so blessed?

Wren 07-09-2008 01:11 PM

Junie - I wonder if I can tell you that I've been invisible in my home for over 30 years. So now I just get in my little old truck and drive away. I drove away this morning. I drove and drove and drove. I took myself out for lunch. I wonder if I can explain that it's sure lonesome but not nearly as lonesome as thsi horrible "home".

Doody 07-09-2008 01:53 PM

((DejaVu)), I wonder if everyone in here knows that you are going into surgery tomorrow! I know the docs say it is to late for your arm to be normal again, but I pray that this surgery will help and your recovery quicker than months! Then you can get the other arm done before it's too late for that one as well. Hugs and prayers for tomorrow.

(((Wren))) Love you dearheart.

I wonder why Junie thinks this way 'cause we love havin ya here Junie! :hug:

I wonder how our dear BMW is. :hug:

i wonder about Tammy as well (((Tammy))).

I wonder that I had no clue of what all Koala has been going through. ((Koala))

I wonder that DejaVu's husband went through something with his thumb and wrist that sounds exactly like what has been happening to me!!!! deQuervain's Tendonitis. Well we'll see. I have an appt with a hand doc in ortho in a month. :rolleyes: Howsumeber, that's where my daughter works so she is going to watch for a cancellation in the meantime for me.

I wonder that I really need to glance at the other SOS threads before I come in here to wonder.

I wonder if I stood out on a busy street corner with a sign that says "Will work for money to go and see my friend Alffe because I'm worn out, feeling deranged, really need to leave this town" would work? LOLOL!

I wonder that really...gas for a car, Greyhound, and Amtrak are close to costing the same! (Amtrak slightly higher and VERY booked).

I wonder what people think of the sign I put in my back car window...the one I put in the Wonder Thread the other day about gas prices. LOLOL! LOL...OMG...WTF! Makes me laugh everytime I see it.

Doody 07-09-2008 01:54 PM

((DejaVu)), I wonder if everyone in here knows that you are going into surgery tomorrow! I know the docs say it is to late for your arm to be normal again, but I pray that this surgery will help and your recovery quicker than months! Then you can get the other arm done before it's too late for that one as well. Hugs and prayers for tomorrow.

(((Wren))) Love you dearheart.

I wonder why Junie thinks this way 'cause we love havin ya here Junie! :hug:

I wonder how our dear BMW is. :hug:

i wonder about Tammy as well (((Tammy))).

I wonder that I had no clue of what all Koala has been going through. ((Koala))

I wonder that DejaVu's husband went through something with his thumb and wrist that sounds exactly like what has been happening to me!!!! deQuervain's Tendonitis. Well we'll see. I have an appt with a hand doc in ortho in a month. :rolleyes: Howsumeber, that's where my daughter works so she is going to watch for a cancellation in the meantime for me.

I wonder that I really need to glance at the other SOS threads before I come in here to wonder.

I wonder if BMW :hug: knows that I think she's really special too.

I wonder if I stood out on a busy street corner with a sign that says "Will work for money to go and see my friend Alffe because I'm worn out, feeling deranged, really need to leave this town" would work? LOLOL!

I wonder that really...gas for a car, Greyhound, and Amtrak are close to costing the same! (Amtrak slightly higher and VERY booked).

I wonder what people think of the sign I put in my back car window...the one I put in the Wonder Thread the other day about gas prices. LOLOL! LOL...OMG...WTF! Makes me laugh everytime I see it.

Doody 07-09-2008 02:02 PM

I wonder how I posted double threads again. :o I wonder if a mod can delete one of them so I don't take up so much room in the wonder arena. I think NT had a brainphart for a minute because my reply was 'hanging'.

Nik-key 07-09-2008 02:45 PM

I wonder if I can tell you I am running late for an I have little time to wonder :eek:

I did want to take a moment to tell Dej, that your support has meant a great deal to me, more than I can say without crying again!! And that I will be thinking about her tomorrow....:hug:

I wonder if I can leave bunches if hugs for the whole room! :grouphug::grouphug: a special one for Wren :hug::hug:

And of course angel friend BMW:hug:

DMACK 07-09-2008 05:19 PM

I wonder if DejaVu could do with a :hug: a :) and another:hug: i will be thnking about you tomorrow
I wonder if i can ...YELL OUT........ JUNIE...........Just calling to see your ok...dont want anything
I wonder why i too am invisible at home.....
I wonder by trusting others we empower ourselves even more, when it goes wrong we are more prepared than the time before ..
I wonder where wren is today
I wonder,I wonder,I wonder,I i' will save that for another day


Nik-key 07-09-2008 05:19 PM

Hey Moi!!!

DejaVu 07-09-2008 06:17 PM

I wonder if I can take a moment to thank each and every one of you?

Thanks so much for your lovingkindness!

I wonder that I am weary and need to retire soon?

I wonder if I will be a "good patient" tomorrow?

I wonder if I, too, can leave hugs for all?

I wonder if this will post without making a fourth page?

Burntmarshmallow 07-09-2008 09:22 PM

lights out
wonder 114 is tunring over.
No more wonders or playing move on to 115!
Thanks AND

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