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Abbie 07-14-2008 04:31 PM

I have a question...
I don't know if anyone can help me on this or not....

Lately, for the past 7 to 10 days at least.... it feels as though my brain is bouncing around every which way... thoughts and words... It seems as though I can't get it to slow down enough to get the important stuff out.

My question is... Is this due to my meds?? Is this a manic thing??

I am on amitriptyline and cymbalta.... These are somewhat helping with the depression but I feels as though I am bouncing around in my brain... I have also noticed that when I talk... I am talking about a hundred miles an hour and making no sense what so ever.

This is all so very exhausting to me...
Thanks in advance for any input, help, ideas...

houghchrst 07-14-2008 06:13 PM

It does sound a lot like mania. If you are bipolar often antidepressants can trigger mania or make it worse. Are you bipolar or just being treated for depression. I would definitely contact your pdoc and let them know what is going on.

Mari 07-14-2008 06:16 PM

Dear Abasaki,

Both of those meds are anti-depressants and can cause mania in sensitive people, especially people with bipolar.
For bipolar, usually psychiatrists would prescribe a mood stabilizer along with an antidepresant to keep things from getting out of control.

Yeah, what you describe sounds like what we call racing thoughts and pressured speech.


Explanation of pressured speech:

befuddled2 07-14-2008 06:26 PM

I 2nd what the others said.

Abbie 07-14-2008 06:30 PM

I don't have a confirmed diagnosis as of yet. I see the Pdoc for the first time on the 28th. I've been seeing a tdoc for the past 5 weeks. I saw her today. She is very aware of the situation and the medicines I am on. The Pdoc is on vacation until the 28th -- I was able to get his 2nd appointment on that day.

I guess I will just have to do the best I can until then.

Thank you both for answering me. It helps me to have an idea of what is happening in my head.


DM 07-14-2008 07:15 PM

I can be of no help to your post ABS, but just wanted to send hugs to ya and hope you are doing better soon. Take care friend.

bizi 07-14-2008 10:33 PM

Dear Abbie,
I am afraid that you have been running hypo manic for some time from what you have described in prior posts. Could you ask your regular docotr who prescribed the anti depressants to intervene?

Do you still have your charge cards in the freezer?
that is a good thing!
Have you been sleeping at all?
how is that?
Your pdoc should have someone on call for them.

Racing thoughts is awful.
I am sorry that you are going thru all of this. It is not fun...I know.
welcome to the club dear have come to the right place.

Twinkletoes 07-14-2008 11:27 PM

Sorry Abbie. Hope you feel better in the morning. :hug:

BJ 07-15-2008 05:45 PM

I can't take any sort of antidepressants at all Abbie because they make me manic. If I could I wouldn't be like this. I hope you get this sorted out and start to feel better, and slow down :hug:

Abbie 07-15-2008 06:12 PM

Thank you all.

Bizi... My doctor said she doesn't know exactly what I need to be on and doesn't have the necessary skills to diagnose and prescribe the required medicine. Told me NOT to stop taking the meds as it would do more harm than taking them for the next two weeks.

Yes, my credit cards are still in the freezer... and I am glad they are!!! I actually have no easy access to any money or credit what so ever right now.

I am sleeping but it's very broken again... and not restful at all. I have BIG black circles under my eyes. I am completely exhausted and not able to really concentrate on anything.

There may be a pdoc on call but since the 28th is the first time I will see him/her (I only have a last name) the clinic said I would have to wait. (Unless it becomes a "true" emergency)

houghchrst 07-15-2008 08:55 PM

I really hate to say this but if your doctor came right our and said that she does not have the skills to diagnose and prescribe the right medicine how on earth did she give you antidepressants. Someone who is taking antidepressants with undiagnosed Bipolar disease can be thrown into a manic phase and that can be very dangerous. She should have at least tried lowering your dose.

Please if it gets any worse or if you really feel as though you are coming unglued then I think you should go to the ER.

There are those here who probably know a lot more than me hopefully they can come with some good advice.

Abbie 07-15-2008 09:33 PM

My MD has cut my Cymbalta by 2/3rds of what I was originally taking. That was a few weeks or so back... I can't imagine what I may be like if I were still on the high doses. With the lower dose... my depression is worse and really black.

She's a newer (young) doctor. She's not the one who originally started me on the Cymbalta. My original doctor left his practice so I had to find a new doc.

Thank you for reminding me that if things get worse to get to the er... :) I know with my scrambled mind right now I didn't think of that...


Mari 07-15-2008 09:51 PM

Thank you all.

Bizi... My doctor said she doesn't know exactly what I need to be on and doesn't have the necessary skills to diagnose and prescribe the required medicine. Told me NOT to stop taking the meds as it would do more harm than taking them for the next two weeks.

Hi, Abasaki,
Christina is right.

And your doc is wrong. So wrong. (stupid docs :mad:)

Mania can be waaaaaaay more dangerous than depression.

If that doc is prescribing the meds for you, then she is responsible for you.
She needs to get you into a pdoc soon -- sometime this week.


Mari 07-15-2008 10:00 PM

Dear Abasaki,

I'm sorry that you are stuck right now in depression and the other stuff that is going on.

A good pdoc can give you a mood stabilizer that will help with depression.
What I am trying to say is that Anti-depressants are not your only choice. Mood stabilzers can do the job too.
Also, mood stabilzers kind of keep the anti-depressant under control -- keeps the patient from getting manic but still lets the patient benefit from the antidepressants.
I'm not sure it that made sense.
Know that we are trying to help.

The problem with waiting to go to the ER when you are already in crisis, is that when a person is in mania, they do not think clearly -- they do not know that they are having a problem.
The timing is tricky.


Dmom3005 07-15-2008 10:11 PM


I am thinking of you. And hoping things start to calm back down for
you. I am not sure if you take the drugs both in the evening or
just the amtrypiline. But I would even consider just adjusting the
times you take the meds.

Because that might help.

I did that when I was getting very confused, it did wonders.


Abbie 07-15-2008 10:32 PM

Thank you all so very much!!

I can't explain how much your help means to me!!!

Mari... Thank you... mood stabilizer.... that's the word I was trying to remember. Tdoc was talking about this yesterday. She works with my Pdoc and was going to make sure that the doc had all of her info on me.

My best friend is going to go with me to the pdoc. She's very good at telling the docs what is going on with me.... I tend to forget details and clam up when stressed.

Donna... Thank you... I do take both meds at night. It's too late tonight to split them up... I will do that tomorrow... take one earlier to see if that helps.


Dmom3005 07-15-2008 10:47 PM

Also you might want to consider taking cymbalta in the morning. Or even
half in the morning and half in the evening.

I take cymbalta. And I just by a fluke when I was in the hospital at
christmas, the nurses not realizing it was all at bedtime. Split my
dosage and for some reason it made me do better and feel better.

So I ask my primary, because she is who prescribes that. And she
said: Sure go ahead and give this a try this is one that can be done
that way.

Now this is only something that works for me.


bizi 07-15-2008 11:25 PM

Dear Abbie,
I take lamictal as my mood stabilzer and it has anti depressant qualities to it as well as being a a mood stabilizer.
this works for me.
This may work for you too.
Ask your therapist what she thinks about the lamictal as a first choice option to try.

Dmom3005 07-17-2008 11:04 AM

That is a good idea because lamictal also makes you sleepy, or at least
it does Derrick. So it is also at times a good medicine for putting
you to sleep when you don't want to go to sleep. Or in some cases
it can help you go to sleep at night.


bizi 07-17-2008 11:15 AM

i take my lamictal at night.

Dmom3005 07-17-2008 11:51 PM


I know that Derrick wishes he could take his lamictal only at night.

In his case since its for seizures its got to be twice a day.


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