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bizi 08-29-2008 12:52 AM

OT: hurricane discussion
Hurricane discussion...

This is our evacuation far.
Since hubby was leaving town on sunday, heading to northern LA to see a friend. I did not want to be left behind while a storm approached.
So we decided that I would go with him and we would see if we could then go to his aunts for a couple of days....
Before we leave....We have some plywood to board up the front windows that have wooden shutters. The back of the house has brick only so we have to come up with some sort of fasteners...home depot will have them I am sure.
Today I gathered some supplies at the store, gallons of water, cans of tuna, baked beans, bread, mustard,peanut butter, some fruit granola bars nuts. WE have flash lights and lanterns. Before we leave we will fill up the washing machine and the bath tub with water in case we need that.
The cats have plenty of fresh water and food and I will have the pet sitter come to check on them.

We will know more by saturday for sure.
lafayette is about 2 1/2 hours west of new orleans and jsut down the block from new Iberia, and east of lake charles.

this is really interesting site:

move the arrows to move the center of shows both storms at once and seems to be active, clicking on gustav will give you specifics...of course this is all speculative and there are different forecasted tracts/models that take it to other places I liked the way this showed the other countries and interactive nature.

I also use:
it shows tracking models at the lower right of the screen. these models are not in agreement right now so we shall see.....

Alffe 08-29-2008 04:35 AM

It's smart to take the precautions....interesting web sites! Be safe. :hug:

Mari 08-29-2008 08:56 AM

My parents gave my sister their locked box of paperwork last night in case there is a madatory evacuation order while they are here in Florida.

I'm hoping that both Gustuv and TS. Hannah are gentle or go away.

How far inland will you go, Bizi? Will you wait for a warning or a watch or are you going to take off before the roads get crowded?

Good luck.
Stay safe. Pack some goodies for the car.


Mari 08-29-2008 09:16 AM

Bloomberg has a good text discussion of what is happening and what is supposed to happen.


bizi 08-29-2008 08:33 PM

jeff masters weather channel and blog:
I follow this site and blog for realy current information


Mari 08-30-2008 12:22 AM

Hi Bizi,
I'm watching the storm too.
Thanks for the links.

bizi 08-30-2008 12:54 AM

hey Mari,
Your folks arrived today?
Did you get some sleep yesterday?
I bet you are exhausted.

I am working saturday seeing some patients due to the storm.
I don't think I will be working tuesday or wednesday...we will see.
I went to walgreens and bought about $20 worth of almonds....:rolleyes:
I am mentally tired but am wide awake took extra meds with my pdocs blessing.

Mari 08-30-2008 01:06 AM

They are here -- in a nearby hotel.

Hubby acts hyper around them -- like the energizer bunny and stops listening to me.

Dad says he will be back here at the apt at 10:30 am. HA!
I told him that I would still be sleeping.

We are watching Gustav because they are flying home on Monday -- not a good day to be changing planes in Atlanta and trying to get to Texas.

Mostly, everything with them is ok.


mymorgy 08-30-2008 03:21 AM

I have been thinking of you guys whenever i hear the weather forecast which is often up here.
I am so glad your parents aren't staying long. This year sounds far less stressful than last year. I hope it is.
Why did you buy so many almonds? I adore almonds. I don't buy them because I cant stop eating them once I have them

BJ 08-30-2008 09:42 AM

I hope this stay isn't too stressful on you Mari. Were you able to sleep any? Bizi stay safe :hug:

Mari 08-30-2008 03:50 PM

OMG Category 5
Dear Bizi,

The storm is strong and big.
It's strength will change down and up as it approaches Louisiana, but it will still be strong -- at least a cat 3 I am reading.
Take your cats and and go.

My feeling about hurricanes is that the aftermath can be the worst part so it
is best to plan to be somewhere else during the aftermath.
Return home after you know that the electricity, sewage, water, roads, stop lights, and so on are working. Other people are tense and frightened after the storm and it best not to have to deal with them.

Be OK.
Bring the almonds :)


I'm aware that you live a few good hours from New Orleans.
For some reason I am on the emailing list of a New Orleans television station. This is what I came into my email box almost two hours ago.

Dawn Brown / Eyewitness News
Hurricane Gustav is packing winds of a 145 miles per hour as it bears down on the western tip of Cuba and is forecast to strengthen into possibly a category 5 storm in the Gulf of Mexico.

This storm will most likely be a major hurricane (higher than a category 3) as it makes landfall just west of Terrebonne parish with possible storm surges in Terrebonne parish of up to 18 feet or more.

However, Lafourche, Jefferson, Plaquemines and St. Tammany parishes could also experience coastal storm surge. And, the westbank is at risk of inland flooding due to storm surge up Barataria Bay if the storm stays on the current track. Rainfall rates could range from 10-15" inches on the northshore.

bizi 08-30-2008 04:11 PM

WEll we are leaving very shortly, say half an hour.
we have sand bags on 2/3 doors, boarded up half the windows which is better than none, even our trusted neighbors have sand bags for the first time...10-15 inches of rain expected.
we are going north about 3 hours so hopefully the traffic won't be too bad. the evacuation route begins tomorrow.
I just started that time of the month so am not looking forward to that and driving etc.:eek:
WE will be in touch with alffe and our neighbors who are not leaving they are looking after the cats who have plenty of food and water. We will be gone at least until tuesday and maybe wednesday, staying with different people, sleeping bags are packed as well.
anyway, we will be fine.
I am jsut hoping that the house is fine as well when we return.
I sure hope this storm dies down and feel really bad for the people in its path.........I pray that new orleans survives.

DiMarie 08-30-2008 08:56 PM

Hi Bizi
I am hoping and praying for the best case senerio, none are very good. But, the latest for your area near Lake George look like a sirect path. ALTHOUGH that high above can still send it south or west of your area,

Be safe and in touch,

bizi 08-30-2008 11:21 PM

Safely we arrived tonight in Natchitoches around 9pm so the drive was not that bad at all, glad to have left when we did.
many people on the roads.....many emergency vehicles passing and several folks broken down on the sides of the road.
95% humidity....
keep you posted....
I just saw on the news of the evacuation of new orleans....and new iberia, our neighbors...

Mari 08-30-2008 11:38 PM

Thanks for checking in.
'Good to hear that you are safe.


Mari 08-31-2008 02:43 AM

rain / tornado warnings
We are getting rain and lightening from this stupid storm. It will continue through today / Sunday.

I hope the folks in New Orleans get out to safety.

My parents don't know when or how they can get back home as the storm will be in their backyard perhaps by Monday -- their return day.


Chemar 08-31-2008 08:04 AM


keeping your whole family in my prayers and praying especially no damage for you.

glad you are somewhere safe:hug:

BJ 08-31-2008 09:16 AM

I glad you got out safely Bizi. I hope there's not too much damage to your home when you return and your kitties are safe.

Abbie 08-31-2008 07:15 PM

Thank you Bizi for letting us know you are safe!


Vowel Lady 08-31-2008 09:38 PM

Wishing you safety, comfort, luck, peace...

Mari 08-31-2008 11:12 PM

I think I heard on the 11:00 update from the Hurricane Center that
Gustav could hit just west of New Orleans as a Category 3.
(Katrina hit just east of New Orleans as a Category 3 back in 2005).
Gustav is a little smaller across than Katrina so less area will be
effected by hurricane strength winds and storm surge than last time.
There will still be lots of rain and perhaps floods.

I hope that the people up and down the coast of Louisiana
are in good shape tonight.
God save us.


Mari 09-01-2008 12:02 AM

New Orleans
I worry a little for the people of New Orleans tonight. Also for the city itself. I think that some of the evacuees will not return -- like last time. And New Orleans will be diminished.

I visited New Orleans once around early 1990s perhaps but memory is not good on dates. I was there for work but sis and parents showed up too for fun. We ate dinner in the French quarter and walked around, stopping into a couple of clubs to hear music.

There is no city like it anywhere in the world.
The people of New Orleans are gracious and fun and beautiful.


bizi 09-01-2008 12:52 AM

I need to go to bed....I am also so worried about new orleans...I think you are right Mari.:(

mymorgy 09-01-2008 01:26 AM

i am watching cnn. I guess they will have 24 hour live coverage.

Mari 09-01-2008 10:15 AM

Category 2
I'm watching CNN at the moment too. The local FOX station is carrying CNN.

It appears that the storm hit at Grand Isle / Port Fourchon as a Category 2. Cat 2s are not devastating. The winds don't take a a part buildings for example as easily as a Cat 3 can.

Hurricane Gustav Hits Louisiana Coast as Category 2 Storm

FOX 5's Super Tracker


NEW ORLEANS (MyFOX Atlanta) -- Hurricane Gustav charged toward the largely deserted coast of Louisiana Monday morning and made landfall west of a city still recovering three years after Katrina's devastating blow.

Cartons of food, water, blankets and other supplies to sustain 1 million people for three days were ready to be distributed Monday as FEMA anxiously eyed Louisiana levees to gauge how much damage Hurricane Gustav would wreak.

Flood barriers in and around New Orleans, which was devastated in 2005 by Hurricane Katrina, were expected to hold this time, Federal Emergency Management Agency Deputy Director Harvey E. Johnson said. But the storm's surge could over top levees and at least partially flood the city, he said.

Damage from Gustav "will be a catastrophe by the time you add it all up," Johnson said in an interview with The Associated Press a few hours before landfall, but not as bad as Katrina.

"We're expecting levees to hold. We're expecting that that people are much, much more prepared," he said. "We don't expect the loss of life, certainly, that we saw in Katrina. But we are expecting a lot of homes to be damaged, a lot of infrastructure to be flooded, and damaged severely."

Gustav was downgraded to a Category 2 storm by mid-Monday morning. Katrina was a Category 3 storm when it hit the Gulf Coast three years ago, obliterating 90,000 square miles and costing billions of dollars in damages.

Although all the levees have been strengthened since Katrina, the Corps of Engineers has not completed its plans to prevent or ease flooding in New Orleans, Johnson said.

"There's no doubt there'll be water that'll accumulate inside New Orleans," he said. "But we just have to watch that, and understand it and not overreact, and gauge how well those levees are holding."

bizi 09-01-2008 07:22 PM

may trigger....
I was so upset with my hubby who decided to come to natchitoches from ruston this evening....he got lost and I was so afraid...felt helpless cause I could not help him....he was lost for a long time....finally he got back on the highway and he is about half an hour away.
so am relieved about that!
The rains have started in northern LA, we are in natchitoches. They are expecting 10 inches of rain. It is very gusty here right now.
I called our neighbors, in lafayette, and they said that at least the front part of our house is fine, that our neighbors lost some small trees...that our neighborhood still had power which is great. Other areas in Lafayette had big trees down and even fell on houses killing at least one on the north side of I was so relieved to hear that our home was ok and that they were fine as well. They checked on our kitties this morning and they are fine.

I am feeling much better right now....drinking a good beer and eating chocolate.....

Mari 09-01-2008 07:51 PM

That is good news, Bizi.
Tell your husband he is supposed stay close to wherever you are in times like this. ;)

I'm glad that your house is alright and that you got good news.
Stay dry.


Mari 09-04-2008 08:14 PM

Hurricane IKE
The National Hurricane Center just changed the projections for the track.
They say Hurricane IKE is headed this way as a major storm and will show up early next week.

I'm going to hope that the track changes again and goes out to sea.
Also, I have to stay away from the TV.
The news folks are acting excited.


bizi 09-04-2008 09:24 PM

I better go look at my weather channels, blogs etc.
Have your parents left yet?:o

Mari 09-04-2008 09:47 PM

Parents left on Monday. My dad was checking the whether twice each day. They made it home despite the Louisiana hurricane.


bizi 09-06-2008 01:35 AM

so now we have hurricane ike to worry about....

Mari 09-06-2008 02:10 AM

We are watching the storm too.
It has been nearly impossible to track past a day or so until about yesterday.

Also, I read this at one of the sites you recommended:

The U.S. is getting pummeled this hurricane season
With hurricane season less than half over, it's clear that the U.S. is taking an unusually harsh beating this year. Already, we've had

-two Category 2 hurricanes (Dolly and Gustav),
-two strong tropical storms (Edouard and Fay),
-and now a third strong tropical storm or Category 1 hurricane (Hanna). Hanna is the fifth consecutive named storm to hit the U.S., tying a record. The other years this happened (kudos to NOAA's Ryan Sharp for compiling this):

2004 (Frances, Gaston, Hermine, Ivan, and Jeanne)
2002 (Edouard, Fay, Gustav, Hanna, and Isidore)
1985 (Gloria, Henri, Isabel, Juan, and Kate)
1979 (Bob, Claudette, David, Elena, and Frederic)
1971 (Doria, Edith, Fern, Ginger, Heidi)

-There's good chance that Ike will make it six consecutive strikes.

Brokenfriend 09-06-2008 02:20 AM

It looks like hurricane"Ike" may pass over the lower part of Florida. That one doesn't look good. I hope that it won't be bad.

Whats left of the current hurricane is going to just barely miss my area. It's raining right now. BF

Brokenfriend 09-06-2008 10:02 AM

Now it looks like the center of "ike" may mis the tip of Florida,but Florida will get the spiral around "ike",according to NOAA's trajectory graphs. BF

Mari 09-06-2008 12:53 PM

offered to volunteer re IKE --- oh my
I just phoned and volunteered to help the school evacuate the students out of the dorm and into the shelter on campus in case an evacuation order is made. :eek:

I am feeling too good right now -- need sleep. Need lots of sleep.


BJ 09-06-2008 05:32 PM

I'm starting to freak out a bit here. We've had about 5 inches of rain already and the winds are blowing. I'm about 45 miles inland but they issued a tropical storm warning for the whole county. Now they just issued a tornado warning and I don't even have a basement. I have my candles ready in case the power goes out.


Statement as of 6:11 PM EDT on September 06, 2008

The National Weather Service in Mount Holly NJ has issued a

* Tornado Warning for...
extreme southeastern Bucks County in southeast Pennsylvania...
northeastern Philadelphia County in southeast Pennsylvania...
northwestern Burlington County in southern New Jersey...

* until 700 PM EDT

* at 608 PM... National Weather Service Doppler radar indicated a
very heavy tropical shower capable of producing a tornado near
Riverside... or 9 miles east of Philadelphia... moving northwest at
20 mph.

* Other locations in the warning include but are not limited to
Beverly... Wissinoming... Tacony... Holmesburg... Andalusia and
northeast Philadelphia

The safest place to be during a tornado is in a basement. Get under a
workbench or other piece of sturdy furniture. If no basement is
available... seek shelter on the lowest floor of the building in an
interior hallway or room such as a closet. Use blankets or pillows to
cover your body and always stay away from windows.

If in Mobile homes or vehicles... evacuate them and get inside a
substantial shelter. If no shelter is available... lie flat in the
nearest ditch or other low spot and cover your head with your hands.

Abbie 09-06-2008 06:05 PM

Thinking of everyone in Hanna's and Ike's path.

Please be safe.


bizi 09-06-2008 07:54 PM

your bathroom is the safest place usually or a hall closet.
I hope that you have taken cover dear girlie.

Brokenfriend 09-06-2008 10:14 PM

Hanna,and Ike
Got lots of rain,but Hanna went north. I was to far inland. I had no problems.

Ike is moving 12 miles an hour,and the center is possibly going to miss Florida. It appears to be headed for Cuba.

NOAA's graphs end in the middle of the Gulf. BF

bizi 09-10-2008 10:44 AM

jeff masters weather blog:
texas starts to take cover
I am thinking of all who are in its path....:(

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