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DiMarie 11-04-2006 12:06 AM

Re-post TOS, why some have shortness of breath and chest pain
My old Post:
TOS, why some have shortness of breath and chest pain

One new symptom has been the shortess of breath. He explained it this way, when he asked if we knew why it happened...

The let me think...Intercostal clavicular nerve....It is the one that on a diagram comes from the area of the arm pit and travels across the chest is the culpirt.

The lungs breath, as they expand from the diaphram bringing air in to fill it ...compresses against the chest wall where this nerve runs. From the pressure on the nerve it causes compression, irratation and the body reacts to it.

I am trying to remember as I didn't write it down. But this affects the chest wall to the point when you breath you are not able to get breath properly from the irratation...

He said this is the nerve inflamation that often will send someone to the ER with thoughts of a potential heart attack.

It is proably the one that makes me feel like a vibrating pager is going to my breast.

Horizontal One 11-06-2006 08:42 AM

Di this is a great post..and I remember it from before. I used to get the pain described here and was told that it was due to nerve irritatation. Boy it does make you SOB at the time...sadly I am now SOB due to diagphragmatic problems - complete and partial palsies!!

oh well...onward and upward..but now slower and with the old supplemental oxygen!!


Peg24 11-06-2006 10:09 PM

Do you think this would also cause you to have a cough at times too?


DiMarie 11-06-2006 11:11 PM

Hi Peg!

I think it could be a few things. Maybe rule out esclating medical things like, my asthma kick me with the seasonal change, humidity change, perfumes, car exhaust, someone smoking near me etc...triggers, amking me cough. Even a dusty musty place.

The other thing is if it is chronic ask the medical doctor to check it out, xray pumanary push test etc.

But, that said, With a phrenic nerve compressed in the neck, and traveling to the diaphgram to make the lungs work, I do think it is possible that it can be affected and cause a cough. IF it is not working the diaphram correctly, can poor expansion make a feeling of cough, Not sure, but would inquire. But, the tight chest, also if the lungs are feeling compressed, wouldn't a knee jerk reaction be to cough?

I know between my ashtma and ongoing problems I ahte the tight chest unable to take a breath feeling. If only I could get a good yawn!

The other thing that use to floor me was the buzzing in the front of my chest like a pager or ell phone would feel on my waist band agaist would vibrate or buzz...I have not had that since my last trigger points and restarting my valium 5 mg a day....
well. have to get tucked in, long day with helping with the grandson while they packed today..

Jomar 11-06-2006 11:32 PM

When I had my severe spasms -the almost heart attack feeling ones- I did have a weird cough. It was like an automatic one, plus an all over buzzing inside my chest?? like a inner tickle -Made me want to cough also.

Gromlily 11-10-2006 09:13 PM

bump up for newbies!!
Good post!! need to keep tis in the fore front.


earlybird 01-05-2009 05:55 PM

buzzing in chest??

Hi, i was searching on the net about buzzing (like a cell phone vibrating) on the chest and was happy to find your post. So 2 nights ago this happened to me and it woke me with a start. I was lying on my right side nursing my daughter and I was 1/2 asleep but aware since my baby was in bed with me. All of a sudden i closed my eyes and opened them abrubtly b/c i felt like someone put a vibrating cell phone right on my chest below my collar bone! Then I felt like my left arm which i had resting on my left hip, tingled a bit. Like I had gotten a little jolt, or shock of electricity go thru me. It was so weird.

Also, I've been feeling like a flutter in my heart. I'm wondering if this has to do with my heart (which I will be seeing a cardiologist tomorrow) or TOS? i've never heard of this condition before, but I do sit in front of a computer at work....any thoughts?


btw I'm 26 y/o female with no prior medical history. Healthy as a horse (i think??)

DiMarie 01-11-2009 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by earlybird (Post 439493)

Hi, i was searching on the net about buzzing (like a cell phone vibrating) on the chest and was happy to find your post. So 2 nights ago this happened to me and it woke me with a start. I was lying on my right side nursing my daughter and I was 1/2 asleep but aware since my baby was in bed with me. All of a sudden i closed my eyes and opened them abrubtly b/c i felt like someone put a vibrating cell phone right on my chest below my collar bone! Then I felt like my left arm which i had resting on my left hip, tingled a bit. Like I had gotten a little jolt, or shock of electricity go thru me. It was so weird.

Also, I've been feeling like a flutter in my heart. I'm wondering if this has to do with my heart (which I will be seeing a cardiologist tomorrow) or TOS? i've never heard of this condition before, but I do sit in front of a computer at work....any thoughts?


btw I'm 26 y/o female with no prior medical history. Healthy as a horse (i think??)

Hi Welcome here,
This is the oddest feeling for sure.
I think it is a positional thing with nursing. I know I nursed a gang of babes, in bed and the last one for 2 years and 8 months :rolleyes:

I mostly was keeping milkup due to severe allergy.

But when you are in the position you are with a babe in your arms, under your arm pit to the front is the intercoastal clavicular nerve. If you remember laying on a hand and tingling to wake up, it kind of is that with this nerve.

When people have a brachial plexus, like a whiplash injury, accident, repetative strain injury from their job, the nerves off the cervical neck go across the collar bone, behind the collar bone.
This can be a real long term problem for most.

I think without other symptoms that yours is positional and you may want to try changing positions, using a tube shape foam, like your baby buddy for over your arm to lay the baby, and then add an extra pillow to where you are laying.

Keep using that baby buddy in chairs, if you are out drag it with you or make a smaller travel pillow due.
Are you starting to feel pull on the lig's along the sides of the breast? Do you have any butcher knife feeling above your wing.

Your body may be predisposed to these nerve type crush entrapments so protect yourself. If carrying your baby, get a GOOD front or hip seat type to take weight off your arms in front and distruibute better. I always have the unbrella stroller around. With my grandson and he is sooo heavy and big I had to wheel him even around as I did things instead of the balance on the hip.

from getting him from the house to the car and diaper bag, and bringing in grocerys I always used the unbrella, it is in the car and one in the garage,
So glad I never got rid of the last childs.
He is 3 1/2 and my youngest is now he gets around.

LOL, now I have a bag buggy that I keep in the car too. Before that I used the umbroller for YEARS to shop.
Good luck and let us know how you are.
Try a warm moist heat under the arm pit during the evening,

Jomar 01-12-2009 12:12 AM

I copied the last 2 posts to a new thread for earlybird.
here is the link to it-

tied 02-22-2009 01:21 AM

shallow breaths
i get chest pain when two ribs pinch a nerve. things to avoid:

don't do the cobra in yoga.

don't try to sprawl across the bed of the pickup trying to reach something that is just a little too far away. get a ladder and climb up in the pickup.

when i get this i just have to take very shallow breaths until i can get to the chiropractor, or do other yoga poses if my body will allow it. the yoga will do the same thing the chiro does if you listen to your body about what hurts and what doesn't. & don't do what hurts.

tshadow 02-23-2009 09:52 PM


In past two years, I've gone to the hospital for 7 ER visits due to this symptom.

I've had the EKGs and nitro - there was nothing wrong with my heart.

So some docs said it was "constipation." Then, when I had nothing in my system (literally, no food) they thought my muscles on the rib cage were hardening.

I asked them, can this be "autonomic neuropathy" starting? Then they said "yes."

But now, you (as you have done in the past, and THANK YOU), you actually point out the nerve that may be being affected. I am going to talk to my doc next time about this, as he said "huh?" as usual as I am trying to find a CURE to help myself get better...

Why is it that we must do so much research on our own, and find the medical truths, before the docs then connect the dots and say, "oh yes, that is it."???

Very irritated with the docs right no doctors open a book and try to help their TOS patient???

Can you repost your great post showing what nerves go where so we can share that info. with our docs?

Jomar 02-24-2009 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by tshadow (Post 470372)

Can you repost your great post showing what nerves go where so we can share that info. with our docs?

Is this the one you mean Tam?

there's also these in useful sticky post#1
Anatomy info links

The vessels and nerves of the pectoral region are branches of the subclavian and axillary arteries and the intercostal nerves.
red & blue = vascular
green= nerves

I was amazed at how many tender & sore spots I had in between my ribs when the PT worked on me for my sacroiliac, low back & myofasical pain.

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