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legzzalot 11-02-2008 01:16 AM

I'm new; recently diagnosed; and so so confused!
I went to see a neurologist over what I thought was a pinched nerve somewhere causing my right side from my belly button down to go numb. Now, weeks later and on my favorite holiday no less the results come back to MS.

Like most people who are diagnosed with an incurable disease that has no definite cause I am scared, confused, and trying to figure out with all of the troubles I have had over the years how long I have been living with this. And a part of me is angry. I'm mad that I can't be mad. I can't be mad at my mom for giving me these genes, I can't be mad at myself for some foolish mistake I made, I just can't be mad. But I can fight. They say knowledge is power and I am absorbing as much information as I possibly can.

One thing I am not seeing, maybe you guys can help me with. I have been very stressed out for the last few days between work, being a mom, trying to get enrolled for classes next semester and now this. It seems the more I stress the more my body aches. I woke up this morning in so much pain that it was a struggle to get out of the bed. I am 27 years old. Is anyone else experiencing sever joint pain that seems associated with MS and does it seem to increase with stress?

Also my Neuro is recommending Rebif. For anyone who is on it or has taken it, how did it effect you?

azoyizes 11-02-2008 09:01 AM

Legzz, welcome to NT. I'm sorry for the reason you're here, but you will find that this is a great place to be.

I can't help you on joint pain or Rebif, because I've not had experience with either one. I've been on Avonex and Copaxone, and I'm on Betaseron at present. I'm sure other people with Rebif experience will be able to help you.

Hope to read more of your posts. :hug:

AfterMyNap 11-02-2008 09:10 AM

Hi, Legz! :Wave-Hello: Welcome to NeuroTalk!

I'm glad you found us, you'll find our community has a lot to offer and we will help you make the transition. Before you know it, this will all seem a little mundane so hang on and keep asking your questions.

Yes, stress and worry will definitely effect your body and there is no easy answer for how to control that. The long and short of it is to find your personal ways to control those emotional reactions to the events that tend to raise your stress levels. Yes, easier said than done, but if you can push a baby out, you can do anything!

It will be very important to keep your neuro informed of changes so please do not be afraid to call in any symptoms that become troublesome. I recommend that you purchase a dedicated day planner and scratch in a little description of your condition every single day. This timeline will be invaluable to you and your neuro.

This is a difficult time for anyone, no matter the age or phase of life, so please don't let yourself believe that you are ever overreacting to this junk. It doth sucketh but you will definitely find your pace and learn to gauge everything accordingly.

Don't forget to laugh and savor the good moments, life is not over, it's just a little different now. :)

Kitty 11-02-2008 09:21 AM

Hi Legzz and welcome to NeuroTalk!

You'll find that all of us here with MS have a variety of different sx on any given day. I've had the joint pain sx, too. It's no fun.

I've been on Betaseron which is an Interferon just as Rebif is. I no longer take it but I believe Rebif is a shot three times a week while Beta is every other day.

I depend on Aleve when general pain becomes a little too much.

I try to take as little meds as possible....seems they just have side effects that are as irritating to deal with as the disease itself.

Stress can definitely affect you and cause MS sx to flare up. I haven't found a way to eliminate stress so everyone just has to find their own ways of dealing with it. Whatever works for you is the best way.

I started out with what I thought was a pinched nerve (both my legs were numb) and before I could get a definite answer it went away so I just assumed that's what I had. Two years went by with no sx. Then....double vision and I had to find out what was going on. The dx came back as MS which, as strange as it sounds, was a relief to me since I had done alot of Internet research and had all but dx myself with a brain tumor!! :eek: MS was the lesser of two evils I guess!

It's alot to take in but soon you'll develop your own coping strategies and MS will just be another part of life for you. I'm glad you found this site and joined us here. Most of us try to have as much fun as we can.....MS is an inconvenience but it doesn't have to rule your life. You let it know who's boss! :D

Jodylee 11-02-2008 10:00 AM

Hi Legz :Wave-Hello:! Welcome to NT. I was diagnosed about a year and a half ago. I'm still struggling sometimes with accepting that I have this crappy disease. I have joint pain all of the time. Mainly in my hips. I've had to resort to narcotic pain meds to deal with it (but only as a last resort). I haven't taken Rebif but have taken Avonex, another interferon. It was not a pleasant experience for me, BUT, everyone has different reactions to the meds so I wouldn't base any opinion on other's problems with any particular med. You just have to find one that is a good fit for you :). Remember that it's your decision what drug you take, not your doctor's. We're a great bunch of people here (for the most part :D). We'll support you and help you as much as you need. :hug:

Riverwild 11-02-2008 11:32 AM

Hi Legzz,

Welcome to NT, the place you never thought you'd have to be! I don't have any experience with Rebif either, but lots of folks do and someone wll be along to talk about it.

You've already gotten a lot of good advice and you will get a lot more. Ask whatever you need to know and someone will be able to answer your questions.


SallyC 11-02-2008 11:53 AM

Welcome to NeuroTalk, Legzz, So Nice to meet you..:) Even though I'm so sorry for you DX, I am so glad you found us.

When your Family and Friends don't understand what you are going through, mentally and physically, we do. Most of us have been there, done that and own the T-shirt ..:D

Come on in and join your new Family. We will be here for you as you will be for us..:hug:

AfterMyNap 11-02-2008 11:59 AM

WHOT!?!:mad: I didn't get any T-shirt!:mad: :icon_sad: :Sob: :Bawling:

weegot5kiz 11-02-2008 12:03 PM

Hello Legzz welcome and sorry for your reason. Do not hesitate to post questions and read other post to help gain some insight to this unique illness. you will find a lot of helpful and kind people here. The others have posted wonderful comments.

The stress issue is a tough one, find that inner balance and try to maintain. MS isn't a death sentence. it can be a manageable illness and with some, remission is also possible, it is an illness, that effects us all differently through different symptoms.The treatments and meds will also effect all of us differently. so in a way it can be an elusive illness, because there are no set patterns. this you must deduct through time, keeping a journal for your activities how it effects you or illnesses like flu and so forth and keep track of how your MS reacts, is a good idea

Good idea to write down all your questions for your doc so when you meet up with them you don't forget what you wanted to ask.

Like I said sorry for the reason you found us but glad you found this site, Neuro Talk is a blessing

Gazelle 11-02-2008 12:57 PM

Welcome, Legzz! Yeah, MS sucks. Welcome to the wonderful "club" of those afflicted with the "MonSter." It's a roller coaster ride we have every day. You sort of get used to it but it doesn't mean you have to like it.

Stress'll make things worse for you so you sort of have to plan to do it one day at a time, one thing at a time, one minute at a time--depends on what you need to accomplish and how much you need to focus on. Make sure to take down time for YOU, especially given all the additional stressors you have in your life like kids, school, etc. Down time for you is really important to refuel, destress, and plan.

I've been on Copaxone, so I"m no real help there. It's a personal choice with the CRAB drugs. :)

Welcome again. NeuroTalk's a great place!

Jules A 11-02-2008 01:04 PM

Hi and welcome!

After the initial shock wore off I was totally ****** and actually still am at times. Oh well it keeps me determined to move forward as long as I can.

Hang in there.

legzzalot 11-02-2008 01:27 PM

Thanks you guys!
All of you! Thank you! I am so glad I found this site. I have spent all weekend explaining to friends and family what this disease is (or what I know of it) and researching and comforting them! I get Dx'd with this and somehow I am the one comforting my mom and my sister and I finally cut my phone off this morning. My mom did point out I am moving out of my grief stage.

Funny story, so I thought I would share. After the dog bashed my eye with her face last night and split my eyelid open (see, these kind of things can only happen to me!) I woke up in a grateful mood that my eye hurt worse than my back so see MS is not that bad. LOL I headed to the store and bought everything I needed to make my mom's chipped beef and gravy. She calls me while I am cooking and points out I am getting over being depressed. I had a lot of depression issues growing up and it seems every time I would start coming out of my funk I would make the same breakfast. Which is funny because I never thought about it and I NEVER eat breakfast. So I guess the cloud is lifting (not that I can see it clearly out of my black eye).

And again thank you guys so much for being here it sucks we are all here for the reasons we are but it is great not having to go through this alone!:grouphug:

Jules A 11-02-2008 01:42 PM

For lighter reading check out our off topic forum Stumble Inn. It is where we get silly, share stories and basically solve all the worlds problems over coffee, lol.

Natalie8 11-02-2008 02:54 PM

Hi and welcome to NT. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this cruddy diagnosis. It certainly is a shock in the beginning. But this is a great supportive group of people. I was diagnosed 14 months ago and the people on here have helped through some difficult times. The first year will be rough but just know that you will eventually find yourself back on more solid ground.

I would highly recommend this book for someone newly diagnosed. It is easy to read and will answer many of the questions you have about symptoms, choice of medication, and the emotions surrounding this disease, particularly in the beginning stages.

Margaret Blackstone, The First Year-Multiple Sclerosis: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed

Take care of yourself! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Taffy 11-02-2008 10:12 PM

Welcome to NT! I am a Bifer!:D

Girlie Girl 11-03-2008 10:29 AM

Hi Legzz!!! :Wave-Hello:Welcome to NT! Sorry you are here for this reason but you will find these people here will become your saving grace! Especially when you are depressed. No one understands what you are going through better than these people. They have become my extended family!

Make sure you take care of yourself and LISTEN to your body (easier said than done) If you are stressed or taking on too much, your body will tell you.

I also take Rebif. I switched from Avonex. I like it because I can autoinject. That has saved me. I take the shot at night so if I do get any side effects they will happen while I sleep. I do take an Aleve with the shot so it will help with any "flu like" symptoms I get.

Good luck! Let us know if you have any questions or need to vent!

FinLady 11-03-2008 10:31 AM

Hi and welcome! Sorry I'm late to the thread, but you've got a ton of advice. Glad you found us. :hug:

Yep, stress can make things worse for us. I was also wondering if you had any balance issues. :confused: I know that my back and hips hurt for awhile from the compensation I was doing for my wacky legs and PT helped a little with it.

There's a lot of great info out there. I have the book previously mentioned by Natalie and I have "Multiple Sclerosis for Dummies". Both of those helped a lot. The NMSS also has a lot of good info on their site.

freeinhou 11-03-2008 01:20 PM

Hi legz! Welcome to the site!

Not much more to add. The first year is a torrent of emotions. Things typically settle down after a while.

I've had MS for a while. I watched all the trials for beta 1a (rebif, avonex), beta 1b (betaseron), and COPII (copaxone). There was nothing approved when I was dx'ed so it wasn't a decision I had to make.

There is a possibility ya won't have too much of a problem with MS. Just warning ya. You might just still be doing everything ya do now in 20 years. This includes, unfortunately, working and paying taxes.


DM 11-03-2008 02:19 PM

Hello legz and another welcome to NeuoTalk here. Sorry to hear about your dx, but as you can see, this place is incredibly supportive. Please know that you are among people who really understand and care.

sassy 11-03-2008 02:33 PM

Welcome! I think you are going to be fine! Just keep your great outlook and pay attention to what your body tells you.

Jappy 11-03-2008 03:21 PM

Welcome LEGZZ to NT Like everyone has said, sorry that you had
to find us for the same reasons we are all here.

But, happy that you did find us. NT is the best place to be. We have
become one big FAMILY of HELP. We know what you are going through and

We are here to share your bad times and your good times.

Jappy :hug:

TwoKidsTwoCats 11-03-2008 11:43 PM

Hi Legzzalot, glad you found this place... this is the best place for support on the web.


NurseNancy 11-04-2008 12:25 AM

hi legzz,

welcome. glad you found us.
i'm sorry for your dx. i think it's a shock for all of us when we hear it.
but somehow over time feelings work themselves out. it is a process.

sometimes grief will go away and then come back. same with other emotions.
journaling can help if you have the time.
counseling is also a help if your depression doesn't go away. talk to your dr.

i've been on copaxone so can't answer your Q on meds.

hope to hear more about you. sounds like you have a busy life.
i did a lot of explaining to my friends and family too. it gets easier.
the more you learn the more empowered you will feel.

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