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Alffe 11-11-2008 07:01 AM

Wonder Thread #149
I wonder what BMW is taking for her cold...drink lots of fluids and stay warm...

I wonder if she has any chicken soup in the house...:hug:

I wonder if anyone will attend tomorrow nights support meeting..:rolleyes:

I wonder how my friend (neighbor) is with the holiday looming..:(

I wonder if Addy will post some pictures soon...

I wonder if Abbie is looking for a bus....:D

I wonder why Twink doesn't wonder..:p

I wonder if Tammy will tell us any more jokes....LOL

I wonder why Doody is being so quiet....:hug:

I wonder how Curious broke her hand....Smacking someone? *grin

I wonder and wonder about the Moi's...and if everyone finally pooped or if Moi really is passed out on the floor somewhere in the house...:D

I wonder if Mistiis remembers making Scrabble's snowflakes out of pipecleaners...:cool:

I wonder if things are settling down for Goofy and how the birthday went....

I wonder how Idealist is...

I wonder also about David who lurks but doesn't share...:( :hug:

da duck 11-11-2008 08:48 AM

I wonder if it has been as tough on everyone lately as it has been here.
I wonder if things will ever get easier?
I wonder how cold it is where Alffe is and if it is as wet and yucky as it is here. We're not worlds apart, but the weather is generally totally different.

I wonder if you all know that I read every day, but I so rarely have anything to add...

I wonder if the Kid will like the birthday present I got him. It isn't on his list, but I know he wants it badly. Well, I'll find out tonight. His Aunt, Uncle, Cousin and I are all taking him out to dinner at his favorite place in the whole and entire world RED LOBSTER!!! LOLOL.

I wonder if you all know the gratitude that I feel for the men and women who fought for and fight for our country every day, in wartime and in peace...and how this day never fails to make me appreciate our blessings.

I wonder if I can leave hugs and go check on that cake I just baked.

Nik-key 11-11-2008 10:06 AM

Doody 11-11-2008 11:53 AM

I wonder that today would have been my sister's 56th birthday. ((Janine))

I wonder at how much I still miss her and tears still flow.

I wonder that usually I remember first thing that it is also Ducky's son's birthday today. (((the kid))) :hug:

I wonder that when I visited Duck, I got to go to that favorite Red Lobster, and yup, it was good. :)

I wonder about the migraine that popped up out of nowhere last night as I was resting. Makes for a lovely next day. Not. :rolleyes:

I wonder that after work yesterday I went to Target. And for almost a half hour I stood in the aisle in the book section reading from The Shack. So absorbed I forgot where I was. :rolleyes:

I wonder if ((Addy)) has held her precious granddaughter yet.

I wonder if DejaVu will ever stop by again, and I wonder how she is recovering from her big surgery.

I wonder if Mr. Moose ever found that check.

da duck 11-11-2008 12:07 PM

I wonder if Doody knows that there is a little red and blue J on the cake this year?

Happy Birthday, Janine. Your sister is the bestest...though she says that you were.

I wonder if you know that I broke down and gave the Kid his gift...a wireless router and some Wii points.
I wonder if you can guess how popular I am here right now. LOLOL

I I wander?

Doody 11-11-2008 12:15 PM

(((Ducky))) Thanks. :hug: Hugs and happy birthday to da kid. :hug:

tamiloo 11-11-2008 12:41 PM

I wonder if it would be legal to tell any more jokes as the one I told a few days ago. My best friends husbands Uncle died and that same day I sent the joke to him was his Uncles funeral....he still got a great laugh out of it!!:D Aren't I the one who usually gives out the spiritual thoughts...maybe something happened during the surgery??

I wonder how stupid it was that I fell yesterday...what a set back....:lookaround:

Alffe 11-11-2008 12:54 PM

I wonder if Doody will forgive me for not remembering Janine's birthday..:hug:

I wonder if Ducky will please tell me what it is she got D...I'm such a geek.

I wonder if Ducky knows that it's cold and grey here...somemore, still.

I wonder if I'll ever get used to the price of cheese!! yikes!!

I wonder if Tammy knows how horrified I was to hear that she fell...did you get your meds straightened out??? I know you were dizzy..:hug:

I wonder if Doody got to finish The Shack...I don't want to finish it so am slowly, slowly reading still my heart.

I wonder if I can remind my dear Mistiis...I am a long way from being able to set an example of how to live an exemplary life...I love you but trust me, I struggle in this life.

I wonder if I can just say once again how very grateful I am from your friendships and your pick me up when I need it.

tamiloo 11-11-2008 01:13 PM

I wonder how wonderful it is to have the best friends who care about you...even when you take a fall...I was on the floor doing I don't know what it was but when I went to get up my arms and legs went every which way they wanted to go...thus the fall. The Olhipie heard me and about fell out of his wheel chair...I'm a little sore today but I will survive.

I guess I need to slow down.

I wonder how fun it is to be able to go out driving with my Olhipie. We are going shopping. He is a flannel shirt kinda guys so we are going on the hunt for some new shirts....what do ya thing...wally's World???....We were thinging of Penny's...well here we go...I will be using my walking today. :Dancing-Chilli:

DMACK 11-11-2008 01:13 PM

I Wonder if i call leave a thought for all victims of WAR



mistiis 11-12-2008 07:52 PM

I wonder where Tammi went to get those flannel shirts? I wonder if she is less sore today, and is taking it easier?

I wonder if I can tell Alffe what a beautiful butterfly she is :wink: even they must face strong headwinds. I wonder how many people were at the support group meeting, and I wonder about that survey :rolleyes:

I wonder at how Tammi's joke made me laugh so :D ...good to raise endorphin levels, especially on the Sabbath....HF loves His special needs children :p

I wonder how Doody is feeling now, and I wonder if she knows I would like to wipe her hears :hug: I wonder at what a beautiful picture that is of Bruna, and how it made me go awwwwwww :) I wonder what Chewie thinks of Bruna

I wonder if I should peek into that book

I wonder how they will treat Curious's broken hand...OUCH...I wonder if I can make some brownies for her

I wonder if BMW is feeling better....I wonder about her daughter

I wonder why we have not heard from hippiechick, and if her pain level is reduced

I wonder how many more boxes Wren will have to pack....ughhhh I still have boxes to unpack :o

I wonder if I can give BJ a big (((HUG)))

I wonder at how much I miss the Moi :(

I wonder if Nikki's car is fixed, and if she could use a (((HUG)))

I wonder if David is keeping the beast at bay....I hope so

I wonder how BF's meeting went with the counselor

I wonder if Scrabble's light is helping her, and if she knows how much I care about her :hug:

I wonder when Idealist will come back in here, and share with us d:)

I wonder at how much fun Addy must be having with that Grand baby

I wonder if Abbie is seeing the ray of sunshine we are sending to her :hug:

I wonder how Koala's family is doing :grouphug:

I wonder how Twink's father is

I wonder where da duck wandered to :rolleyes:

I wonder how Megveg is doing in school

I wonder if a bus will be big enough :D:cool:

Doody 11-12-2008 07:55 PM

I wonder if ((Brokenfriend)) and ((David)) could use some extra hugs today. :hug:

Well, I wonder that a lot of friends here could use extra hugs so consider yourselves hugged from me.

I wonder that a student came to my office today and laughingly announced she had pink eye, please excuse her...and proceeded to ask for my pen to leave a note for someone.


I also wonder that the students have a big scabie outbreak goin on. OI VEY! Had those once, never want them again!

I wonder how Ms. Loo's pain is doing. :hug:

I wonder about a lot of friends who are having so much physical pain. I for one am tired of this longggg fibro flare.

I wonder where BMW sis finds the time to send such wonderful things to my mailbox. :hug:

I wonder how Mr. & Mrs. Moi are doin with the kids. Hope they are getting plenty of rest! :D

I wonder how greatful the kids are for what I did last weekend when I babysat. I spent Sat. morning in g-doody's room cleaning windows, securing them tightly shut, and then put plastic on them. His room gets cold! Then rearranged furniture in there, swept, put toys away, books away, OI VEY! All the time little man sat in his rocker singing perfectly his ABC's and even a stint of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, LOL.

I wonder how much it makes my heart burst with love everytime g-doody hugs me and tells me he loves me.

Makes me wonder how Addy's visit with her new granddaughter is going/went and if we'll get to see pictures. :hug:

I wonder at all the wonderful support that ((Megveg)) gets in the bipolar forum and how she's doing today. :hug:

I wonder if I've told any of you that when I saw Nikki's picture in her profile I nearly dropped my jaw to the floor. She looks SO much like my sister Janine. I'll have to find a photo of her and post it. ((Nik)) :hug:

I wonder how Flygirl and her new business are doing. :hug:

I wonder if Cayokay is rested up from her longggggg visit with her friend. :hug:

I wonder how Ms. Twink and her father are doing. :hug:

I wonder if Mr. Moose will ever come in and tell me if he found that check he was looking for months and months ago. :D

I wonder if the Stumble Inn ever completed their Gone With the Wind play? :D

I wonder that I gave up on sheets and now sleep between 2 blankets instead. Much warmer for me and oh so soft.

I wonder how much Bruna likes sleeping on the neat futon I bought from a professor at work. The cover is so cute. Yellow with lots of brightly colored birds, doggies and such.

I wonder if they really killed off Catherine on the Young and the Restless. :rolleyes:

Much love, prayers and hugs for our NT family. :grouphug:

Nik-key 11-12-2008 11:17 PM

I wonder if I can say that at this particular time, I am not up to wondering... but I sooo love reading all of yours:hug: Thank you! and big hugs for the room:grouphug:

Addy 11-13-2008 12:19 AM

3 Attachment(s)
I wonder at how emotionally drained and exhausted I am...

I wonder if I'll find a cousellor who will help me heal the open wounds...

I wonder if you'd all like to see my baby grandaughter Adrianna... and to know that I am full of warmth and happiness at being able to hold her... for a brief time, she was mine...

FeelinGoofy 11-13-2008 01:20 AM

I wonder if anybody else wants to pinch those adorable cheeks???

Twinkletoes 11-13-2008 02:33 AM

I wonder why I haven't wondered lately, too, Alffe. I wonder how nice it is to be missed. :)

I wonder how special it is to see some wonders about my dear 95yo Dad. We're just waiting for that phone call from the oncologist to tell us the biopsy results. We know its Lymphoma, but not what kind (guess there are about 30 varieties -- some fast-moving and some slower.

I wonder that Tamiloo is overdoing celebrating the season. Just because it's Fall doesn't mean you have to take it literally, woman! :eek: I wonder if you could use a big hug from down south in Hicksville. *hug* And another one for the Olhipie. *hug* I wonder if Craig could survive another fall from his W/C? I wonder if maybe instead of a flannel shirt, you should shop for a leftover Halloween Superman cape for him? ;)

I wonder how Nikki is doing on her volunteer efforts? I wonder if you all know how brave and proactive she was to phone the Chief of Police to volunteer her time to help prevent suicide? I wonder if you are as proud of her as I am? *hug*

I wonder how absolutely adorable those fat baby cheeks are on Addy's darling baby granddaughter? I wonder that my double chin isn't anywhere near as cute as Adrianna's? I wonder how my friend, Adriana, down in Rio de Janeiro is doing? Such a pretty name.

I wonder if Doody can stay away from scabies and pink eye? I wonder if I should send her some hand sanitizer? I wonder how she got stuck in a Shack in the book aisle? ;) I wonder how nice she is to her Little Man to make his room nice and warm? I wonder if she has posted about her dear sister, Janine, so I can read about her? I wonder, no, I know that she was every bit as special as Doody and I'm so sorry she is not around to celebrate her 56th birthday. :( :hug:

I wonder how (((Curious))) broke her hand? I wonder that it's a good thing she's got a tail so she can still swing around in the treetops. :D

I wonder if the price of gas will continue to come down? I wonder that I saved about $142 today because I waited a few hours to schedule a flight to XXX? I wonder if we'll be able to have an MS GTG while I'm there? :excited:

My DH wonders (actually doubts) that when I return from *SecretLocation* to Salt Lake City whether I'll be able to get from Concourse A to Concourse B in 45 minutes *huuuppp* (coming up for air) ;) to catch a flight on a little turbo prop plane to go to my DD's nursing school graduation? I wonder if you all know how proud I am to have an RN in the family?

I wonder how nice it is to know that Koala has seen little William, even though her DIL handed her a ticket to pick up his "lay-by" tricycle. Sheesh! I wonder if she could use some hugs? :hug:

I wonder how lucky Ducky is to be so popular? :D

I wonder if BrokenFriend will tell us how his appt. went with the counselor? I wonder if his sister will be nice and let him stay in the house longer?

I wonder about Misty Eyes? I wonder if she could use a special hug? :hug: I wonder that I want to hand her a Kleenex whenever I see her username?

If wonder how FeelinGoofy is doing? I wonder if she knows I will fight her for the chance to be first to pinch Adrianna's chubby cheeks? ;) And Moi and Spanish Mouse now that there's 4 in da house?

I wonder how CayoKay's grocery shopping trip went? I wonder how many hundreds of pounds of produce she has to purchase to keep her menagerie fed?

I wonder if y'all know the Stumble Inn's casting of Gone With the Wind got hung up because of the indecisiveness of the producer? :o

I wonder that, just in case BurntMarshmallow doesn't have any chicken soup for her cold, if CayoKay could send her one of those nekked necked chickens? :D

I wonder if I can thank DMACK for remembering the victims of war?

I wonder how it got to be after midnight already? I wonder if I can hurry and leave hugs for everyone above, including those I didn't have time to "officially" wonder about?

(((Bizi))) and (((Abbie))) and (((Junie))) and (((nuhope))) and (((Wren))) and (((barbo))) and (((barb02))) and (((Cheryl))) and (((Shelley))) and (((Idealist))) and (((megveg))) and (((hippiechick))) and (((Addy))). :grouphug:

I wonder if anyone can say "buxom Bond blonde bombshell?" hehe!

mistiis 11-13-2008 08:25 AM

I wonder at how ((((Twinks)))) wonder made me laugh right out loud, and want to change my userid...:rolleyes:

I really do wonder if this is a good forum for those contemplating suicide :o
when so many here have been hurt by it...I think it is good for us to read about the pain....but there may be fear in expressing our own....:confused:
Just me, wondering..........:D

Alffe 11-13-2008 08:54 AM

I wonder if Mistiis know that yes, this is the place to talk about "those black thoughts and feelings"...we've all had them..we just can't announce that we are going to act on them....

I wonder if we have all finally learned that it's impossible to live with an elephant in the room.....

I wonder if Addys' opened wounds will get tended to and soon...:hug:That baby is DARLING!!

I wonder why new beginnings can be so painful at times..and impossible at times.....

I wonder how people can be so cruel to each other...:(

I wonder how the son at last nights meeting kept trying to talk about the loss of his father and he'd be interrupted by jewlery, or clothes conversation..

I wonder if Twink knows I am so impressed by her ability to remember everyone...yeah, I know you said you write it down first but still.....:hug:

I also wonder where hippie chick is....

I wonder if Doody knows I love her new Brueno picture!....

I wonder if BMW is ok....

DMACK 11-13-2008 01:30 PM

i wonder if i can leave a dictionary definition

survivor 1. Someone who outlives another person or other people. 2. Anyone who lives through afflictions or dangers. 3. Someone who remains alive despite being exposed to a life-threatening danger. 4. A person with great powers of endurance; such as, somebody who shows a great will to live or a great determination to overcome difficulties and to carry on...
Found on

i wonder if we are all survivor's, just different aspects of a single word


tamiloo 11-13-2008 04:57 PM

I wonder if I will ever get over the side effects of these wonderful pain meds.

I wonder why I found a doctor that is going to medicate me until the pain is gone. My four other back surgeries about a month after the surgery they took the meds away and was bad.

I wonder about so many of you but I can't keep track of all that is going is definitely not me...

I wonder how long it will take for me to come back??

Alffe 11-13-2008 06:52 PM

I wonder if Tammy knows that I think her dr. is wonderful!! :hug:

I wonder if David knows that I agree with the definition of a survivor...

I wonder if Twink knows that I'm praying for her dear Daddy..

I wonder is she knows that Curious broke it smacking someone...LOL

I wonder how Cheryl's florist shop is doing...this awful economy...

I wonder at how much cheaper the cheese is at the "factory" where you can watch them make it....and it's dang good!

I wonder how lil Doody is and if we can see that sweet smile...

I wonder if DM knows that in addition to the dancing turkeys..I really like the Tinkerbelle getting spanked! ;)

I wonder how Bizi is today....:hug:

Burntmarshmallow 11-13-2008 06:55 PM

I wonder if any of you have seen the moon the last few nights and mornings (Mistiss ;) ) , tonight with it's changing colors orange to golden yellow as it makes its way to shining bright white .

I wonder that I am not feeling well at all but please know all of my family here is slow dancing in my prayers and postive healing wishes.


Doody 11-13-2008 07:30 PM

I wonder that BMW forgot to turn out the lights.

mistiis 11-13-2008 07:44 PM

I wonder if I can vent before the lights go out, I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE :Sob::hissyfit: ~sigh I guess I need to be brought to my knees again, so He can lift me up! Thank you all for helping me to smile...
Ok :o:Sigh:....I feel a little better....:grouphug:

(((BMW)))...I will be watching for the Moon, its not up here yet.

Koala77 11-13-2008 08:22 PM

Well I wonder what happened, because that I came in here and asked if I might be permitted to close the wonder down... just this once.

I even wrote nice things and put up a nice picture, but it all seems to have vanished off the screen!

Gremlins are about, or else I'm not a popular choice for closing down a wonder. :( Sorry peoples, I don't know what went wrong.

Maybe I might be permitted to close it just the same?

Please move over to the new 150 Wonder that I just started.

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