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seara 12-05-2008 09:15 AM

One more time plz
Hi Everyone!

I'm new to this forum for the past couple of weeks I've been wanting to post but just couldn't get the words out.

Welcome to Round 2 of testing and all that garbage for MS. First go round was in 2001. Ya'll know the drill so I won't go into detail there. The final words from my neurologist were "if you have MS, it's a mild case and should be fine and dandy from here on out". Right....ahuh.....sure....ok. I wanted to scream and yell at him to go pound sand! :ROTFLMAO:

So, here I am almost 8 years later having to go through the same dang thing again. I'm too tired to do this. I'm in too much pain to do this. I'm too depressed to do this.

Just thinking of all the testing and on top of that all the paperwork I'm going to have to do because I have no income and I have no insurance is overwhelming me like mad. Not to mention all the family issues going on right now that I "have to be strong" about. Hogwash! Just let me stay in bed an hide under my covers and I'll be just fine thank you very much :(

tkrik 12-05-2008 09:25 AM

(((Seara))) I am sorry you are having a rough time. However, know that you are not alone whatsoever in this. You will find great support and a wealth of knowledge here.

Yes, filling out all that paperwork is overwhelming but once it is done, that is 1 less thing you need to worry about right now. It was so hard for me to do that as I had so much pride. But, I had my DDs to think about and focused on that.

Going through all the testing again is frustrating and scary. But look at the brighter side, you will get some answers and treatment that will help you.

Hang in there Seara! We are all here to cheer you on.:hug:

FinLady 12-05-2008 09:48 AM

Welcome Seara and :hug:

Sorry to hear things are rough for ya right now. We all have days where we're tired of being strong and this stuff gets to us, so vent away - we understand. :hug:

And I understand about wanting to tell docs to pound sand. Actually said that to one once. :D

Hope things work out for ya! :hug:

yeahbut 12-05-2008 10:25 AM

:hug: Seara, welcome to NT but I am sorry you have to be here. :hug:

I understand your wanting to stay in bed, I am the same way. I also understand no income & no insurance I am right there with you.

Just know we are here for you when you need us. Even though we can't help with insurance or income we can be moral support which some times is a better help.

Keep us posted on how you are doing and know you are not alone in this fight. PM me is you need to talk. I am right there with you! :hug:

seara 12-09-2008 11:30 AM

Thank you ((((((((((( Everyone ))))))))))))) for responding. I'm sorry I haven't posted back yet....I'm having some difficulties in finding my words and saying exactly what I want to say. Also, life at home is crazed and confusilated at the moment...LOL.

I do appreciate all your thoughts and support. I still don't have my referral to the neuro yet. I should hear something today...if no word by 4pm I will call my pcp and find out what the hold up is.

I hate paperwork. I'm struggling to get my information into the hospital for financial's depressing and frustrating to me and I'm really trying hard to fight with those emotions and just do it!

In the meantime, I'm still suffering with these symptoms that are driving me batty. The pins and needles are actually painful. Off balance most of the time and I feel like a weeble. Twitching and jerking seem to be the norm these days....very noticeable when sitting still. The left side of my body feels very heavy....seems to take such great effort to move and it tires me out so quickly. I really hate it :Sob:

ewizabeth 12-09-2008 11:43 AM

Welcome Seara.... :hug::hug::hug:


I'm so sorry you're going through such a tough time. You've come to the right place for support as you go through this. I hope things will get better soon for you and that the paperwork won't be so bad. :hug:

SallyC 12-09-2008 01:25 PM

I welcomed you in the welcome thread, but starting your own thread was a great idea. As you can see, it gets more responses.:)

I'm glad you are feeling more confident to post, now. We Understand what you are going through and are here to support you.

Be sure to visit the Stumble Inn and have a little fun..:D

Welcome to the Family..:hug:

dmplaura 12-09-2008 02:48 PM

Welcome :hug: testing is the pits! Doctors and specialists argh.

If you feel the need to hun, no shame in smashing your fingers on the keys and just letting it all out!

Gazelle 12-09-2008 05:27 PM

OH yeah, I hear you. Just went through the whole thing myself. Dx in 2005, sx started 2003, and got undx'd and redx'd just this year. All that testing..... grrrr....

It's embarrassing to have to ask for help, but you do it when you need it. I understand that too. I've been at the point of government cheese giveaways and WIC and only having $5 leftover from a paycheck with a small child. Survival is much more important than embarrassment. :hug::hug: You'll get over the mind hump. Just close your eyes and make the leap forward. You are NOT a beggar!! That is why they HAVE those programs.

Hang in there, Seara. It's an ordeal and all you can do is ride the waves one at a time.

We got your back! :hug:

tkrik 12-09-2008 06:17 PM

(((Seara))) Go ahead and fill the paperwork out. That is at least 1 thing you have control over at this point. The 1st time I went to our DES office to fill the paperwork out was really hard!!! I just didn't fit in. I had clean clothes on, not designer or dressy, but nice, my make-up and hair was done up well, wore jewelry, etc. I got lots of stares and glares as the only help it appeared I needed was to "stop drinking." LOL Seriously, I was falling all over and didn't have my cane yet.

However, DDs and I really did need the help. After I got approved, I was so relieved and that stress was taken off of me. Then, I was able to focus some on my health. It is OK to accept the help. I know, easy for me to say but I was where you are just a few short years ago - almost exactly 3. I wasn't even diagnosed yet. That came a few months later.

Over time, things will get easier and you have us to help you along the way.:hug::grouphug:

weegot5kiz 12-09-2008 11:28 PM

Seara you have naught to worry about, the group of people here, they are supportive and caring and kind. We all were new at one time we all hesitated and we questioned ourselves, welcome to the group and jump on in, we don't bite, hang in there, with the MS bs it sucks and annoying, as are doctors and insurance companies. Keep a journal of info so its easier for you, and one step at a time, that is all you can do, try to do more and get frustrated and stressed and you end up annoying the MS

NurseNancy 12-10-2008 05:40 PM


i'm sorry you're going thru all the MS issues right now.
it's very difficult, i know.
try to take one thing at a time. set priorities.
and take care of yourself.

rest as much as you can.
i hope the referral comes thru and the new dr can help.
please keep us posted when you can.

take care.

seara 12-10-2008 07:40 PM

Thank you everyone for all your support and kindness. I'm finding that I cannot seem to concentrate lately. I know what I have to do. I know I need to get moving on it. For some reason, I just can't make myself get out the door to do it. I still have no referral yet....why in the world would it take 5 days to get a referral to a doctor? It's a matter of putting it into the computer and getting the appt back from the other office. Good grief, scheduling isn't that difficult. Maybe I'm being too impatient. Maybe I'm not thinking clearly enough. Maybe I'm too tired to even care at the moment.

I have to say, this feels good to get my whine out...thank you for affording me that. I'm normally not like this. I take things in stride and I'm the one everyone comes to for assistance. Now I can't seem to get myself out of the hole never mind anyone else. And man oh man I have a really bad attitude these days....LOL.

I'm really wondering about my symptoms. Would it be ok to list them and get some feed back from ya'll? I know so many different symptoms can be so many different things. Besides, I really need to have a listing for the neuro because I will never remember them all if I don't list them out.

Again...thanks are all very kind and I really appreciate it very much!


Gazelle 12-10-2008 07:48 PM

LOL Yeah, sure, go ahead and list them. You might want to start another thread to do it so that people don't see this thread and think, "well, I posted on that and I'm not posting again."

Hey, you're going to find a LOT of people who were the "go to" ones for family and friends. It's tough being on the "I can't do it all" side of things. Learning how to say, "No" is a real challenge but once mastered is your saving grace! Sometimes you just have to think of YOU!

Oh and "whining" here is just fine. We get it. So whine away! ;)

SallyC 12-10-2008 08:42 PM

List away. Seara. Most of us will be able to put a check mark beside them..:D Let me tell Ya, Docs don't like long lists, it overwhelms them, the little twits. Just list the really bad ones and the others will come up at other times.


azoyizes 12-10-2008 08:53 PM

Welcome Seara :hug:, I'm sorry you're having problems. This is a great place to come for advice, or just to feel better. There are great people on this board who are always around to help each other out. I tend to visit almost every day, two or three times a day. If not to post, then just to lurk. :)

tkrik 12-10-2008 09:04 PM

Bring it on, Seara. That's what we're here for. And, if one doesn't have any suggestions or advice, someone else will.

Additionally, I'd give the dr a call back to find out the status of the referral. Paperwork does tend to get lost and/or overlooked even in the most organized offices. Let us know how it goes.

As for getting out the door, sounds like fatigue and possibly some mild depression (and rightfully so considering what you are going through). You'll get there.:hug:

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