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doydie 09-09-2006 10:31 PM

Where is everyone?
This used to be a 'rockin' place!!! Did everyone find another home? I'm glad for the ones that are here.

Nancy T 09-10-2006 12:23 AM

Hi doydie, I asked the same question at the end of Gary's thread... you do realize this is not the original Braintalk forum?

This is a "copy" of the forum that someone put up temporarily until the old one gets back online, but who knows whether that will ever happen. I'm not holding my breath.


SallyC 09-10-2006 01:00 AM

Raising my hand and waving frantically...I'M HERE.:D

I had made another forum my home for the last couple of years, but I came to my senses (Not really:p ), and I'm back home.

Does anyone remember me? I was Salpalsally at the old BT. Hey this new place could work, maybe with Mods who actually have a neme.:)

It's late so I suppose nobody's here and I'm talking to myself again. :rolleyes:

See y'all in the morning...Oh wait, it is morning. Well later in the morning. Doesn't anybody stay up late anymore?

Love, Sally

doydie 09-10-2006 09:58 PM

Yes, I realize this isn't the old BT. I guess I just figured that once a 'replacement' became available until John could fix the mess, that everyone would come back. I have tried going to some other places through the years and have always liked BT the best. I guess a lot of the others have either decided not to try this one or have not found it yet.

bntgal 09-11-2006 12:21 PM

Hi Folks,

I've been lurking, figuring the original BT would be up by now. Since I'm not sure if it is ever coming back, I decided to start posting here. I've been enjoying agate's site as well.

I guess other folks will eventually start posting here too, if they have been lurking, just waiting for BT to come back on line. I've also checked out a few other sites, but none compare to braintalk. I do hope it eventually comes back.

Linda 09-11-2006 03:32 PM

Yipee! I just found this temporary site. Salsapalsy, I remember you. I used to be "Trying to go w/ the flow" then switched to "Linda." I started posting on the MS board back in the fall of 2001, right before I was diagnosed with MS.


SallyC 09-11-2006 06:27 PM

Hi Ya, Dar, Linda, Doydi and NancyT:) . I remember all you great people. It's so nice of DocJohn to start this place and I hope it takes off.

I wonder if all our other MS friends know about this Home away from home. I'd e-mail some people, if I had their addys.

How is everybody, MS wise and just general Life wise? I'm OK, getting older (66:eek: ), but not necessarily wiser..LOL. Not on any of the injectables anymore. Been on LDN for 3.5 yeares now, and still doing pretty well. Sitting on butt, getting chubbier as we speak, and still enjoying smoking, but other than that, I can't complain.

I'd love to hear how you all are doing and what you're up to.:D


Nancy T 09-11-2006 10:00 PM

Hi Sally, I remember you now that you told us your "old" name! :) Glad to see you here, and bntgal too! :)

Agate's site? I'm really ignorant, could someone clue me in to where/what it is?


Nancy T. (doing great and enjoying life)

bntgal 09-12-2006 12:30 PM

Hey there Sally and Nancy! Yes I remember everyone who has posted here as well. Nice to see some familiar names, isn't it? :)

Nancy I enjoy agate's MS site very much. She's always been known to post helpful info and interesting research articles. I really missed that when BT1 went down. But with her site, there's an entire section dedicated to research, so it feels like braintalk is still around. :D Here's the URL for her site, There are some other familiar names who post regularly there as well.

Once you join, don't forget to check go to the "announcement board" that is where she welcomes you as do the others who post their regularly.

marfla 09-13-2006 09:07 AM

howdy, someone sent me email this morning with link to BT2. I have been checking BT1 every day and have thought it probably isn't coming back.

nice to see DocJohn opening this up for many can reconnect.

several forums from BT1 aren't on these boards but that's ok too. we all can find somewhere to jump in i'm sure.

hope everyone is doing well.

karilann 09-14-2006 09:15 AM

Found It!
I'm here. I kept waiting for the old forum and checking everyday to see if it was up and running.:)

SallyC 09-14-2006 02:24 PM

Hi Karilann, Glad you made it. How are you feeling?

Cherie 09-14-2006 03:17 PM

I see, from another post, that ZucchiniFlower has made it. Welcome!

karilann 09-14-2006 03:23 PM

Doing pretty well considering.....
Hot summer and I survived it better than I thought I would. Doc put me on Wellbutrin and it seems to pep me up. Before I was on Paxil and now I have cut way back on the Paxil.

July 17 my mother in law comitted suicide. I felt like I had just lost my own Mom. She was one of my best friends. It was such an emotional event that I thought my MS would go hay wire for sure. But things have remained okay.

FYI: She was in a lot of pain for over 30 years. Back then she was hit by a drunk driver and it caused severe Migraines and stenosis in the neck. Nothing helped and believe me she sought out EVERYTHING. So now she is at peace but I will miss her terribly.:(

Cherie 09-14-2006 03:43 PM

You seem to have an understanding and perspective on her decision that most survivors of a suicide never get. It's a gift that you can see what led her to this and know she is no longer in pain. I'm so sorry for your loss.

wannabe 09-14-2006 05:32 PM


I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I admire her for enduring the pain for 30 years... I just can't imagine what it must have been like to live in such extreme pain.

Did she "close things off" with you (or her son I'm assuming is the relation?) before she did this (or leave a note)? I think one of the worst things for those left behind is a lack of closure and the unanswered questions. Sounds like you do have some answers of at least what precipitated it.

I'm really sorry. So hard to lose anyone we care about, even if they are at peace because of it.

mexigrl 09-14-2006 10:29 PM

Hi Everyone -

I finally found this "copy" of our beloved Brain Talk - I do miss it. I don't know where everyone went but I'm glad I finally found this one!

Mexigrl aka Laurianne

Jmak 09-14-2006 10:41 PM

Hi all!

I'm back too. I sure could have used BT this summer. My husband deployed back to Iraq for 7 months in July. I have a 3 year old and a baby who just turned 1. Whew!

My MS has been pretty active probably because it's so hard to get enough sleep and not be stressed out. I've had Optic Neuritis and some more leg weakness. Not fun at all. Luckily my family lives close by and has been helping out.

I'm so glad I found my way here. It was a relief to ask about the disability placard and to see how everyone else is doing. Hopefully more will join us soon.
Take care,

agate 09-15-2006 12:55 AM

karilann, how terribly sad about your mother-in-law! Please accept my condolences.

Jmak, how nice that you found your way here. I read the thread about your disabled parking permit problem and was about to say that I've had one of those for over 20 years and never had a problem getting it. I haven't ever had a car but I use it if a helper takes me some place. But it looks as if you've solved the problem--great!

mexigrl aka Laurianne, welcome back! Good to see some familiar names here--it's been a long time without BrainTalk, hasn't it?

lady_express_44 09-15-2006 01:09 AM

Hi all!!

Nice to see so many familiar people find their way here. :)


SallyC 09-15-2006 01:44 AM

Hi Mexigirl, nice to see you. :)

Karilann, so sorry to hear about your MIL. That's just awful for you. Please accept my congdolences.

Hi Agate, glad your are here, too.

I think I've said Hi to the rest of you. If not, please excuse the holes in my brain.:p

bafriend 09-15-2006 10:46 PM

Hi, Just found out about Brain Talk 2. I've missed keeping up with everyone over the summer. Glad this new site was started. I've never been a big poster however, I'll try to do better this year. Betty

SallyC 09-15-2006 11:25 PM

Hi Betty, nice to see you.:)

Nancy T 09-16-2006 09:08 AM

Hi to everyone! Nice to see this forum picking up steam. Hopefully more will find us.

Karilann, so very sorry to hear about your mother-in-law, and her years of pain. It must be very difficult for you and the rest of your family. Glad you are here.

Jmak, welcome; I hope your fall will be better than your summer! (your bummer summer, that is).


bafriend 09-16-2006 01:48 PM

Sally, Thanx for the welcome. I see your from the Ohio Valley. My husband and I are from Martins Ferry. Great place to grow up, we have so many fond memories of those high school football games etc!!!!

We don't make it back to the valley often enough now that are parent's have passed and we only have one sibling left in the valley. Luckily our daughter lives in the Pgh area, so sometimes we just visit her and take a day to go see what's changed in the valley. Betty

wayleaf 09-17-2006 03:07 AM

Hello Bntgal,
long time....I decided to drop in and see how everyone was doing and everyone was gone. That was an eerie feeling, ha. Hope you are doing okay over yonda. ;)

vlys 09-17-2006 10:07 AM

So glad to "see" you Wayleaf!!

vlys :)

bntgal 09-17-2006 02:23 PM

Well, DOG MY CAT!!! (Wow haven't used that expression since the mid eight-teen hundreds.) :D How are you ole pal? So nice to see your username lighting up the board once more. Yep, can you imagine all the shocked people who decide to just drop in and find braintalk is no more. Glad you found your way here though. Hope everyone else looking for the original site is able to do the same.

I'm doing quite lousy, thanks for asking. :( This goofy disease has decided to progress, so am going to probably be switching to Rebif in October. Was hoping to just go back to monthly solu for a bit, but my GP doesn't want me to because my sugar is too high. Have to see him this Wednesday and I imagine he is going to want me to start taking meds for Diabetes. I just started taking yet another BP med, a beta blocker. Who in the world invented those things??? I'm finally down to just being sick for about a hour a day now. A big improvement from the 8 hours a day I spent sick when I originally started taking the pill last Friday.

Other then that though, I'm doing great! LOL

How goes it with you? How's your health treating you? So good to see you once again. Don't you be a stranger now.

VIRGINIA 09-17-2006 03:41 PM

Well, I am another one from the old Braintalk. Boy have I missed it! I posted there since early 2001 under VMJ. Just started using my first name here because I had to have more characters anyway.

I recognize so many of the names here. Hopefully, more people will find this spot. I just happened to do a search for Braintalk Communities, and that is how I found this place.

Have done some reading on other forums this summer while waiting for BT to come back up, however I have not been posting. I just always have felt BT had more good information than anyplace else that I found.

I think if we keep this one going more of our people will eventually find it. My thanks to everyone who is trying, and of course to the person who came up with this idea.


wayleaf 09-17-2006 05:20 PM

DAR. the problem is you probably have not being doing enough fishing!!! Seriously, I am sorry you are having it so rough right now. Have you ever used kyolic garlic in addition to bp meds? It is known for lowering bp. I don't imagine it would be enough by itself but it might help hold the line or make it so less meds are needed. (just a thought).

Anyhoo, I am okay. I'm still on the Swank diet and Copaxone. We sold our house in the country and bought a 1930 house across from a beautiful park in town. Dennis loves it since we have acres of green grass now but someone else does the mowing, :D.

The house had not been fixed up for about 40 yrs so it was a 'wee' bit of work to get the outside looking like a yard. We have the living room, dining, entry, sunroom and downstairs bath done. I'm currently working in the stairwell and have the upstairs to redo.

Right now I'm making reproduction antique clocks for Christmas presents and am planning a grandfather clock to make for the dining room. Dennis is on vacation for 2 weeks and has been going salmon fishing so you know he's happy.

I do hope others arrive since I'd really like to read how everyone is doing and say hi. Take real good care BnT. margie

SallyC 09-17-2006 09:17 PM

Welcome home, Wayleaf and Virginia.:)

wayleaf 09-18-2006 08:15 PM

greetings Salpalsally
Hello! Hello! Good to see a name I recognize, Salpalsally. Love the picture of the cutie love puppy. I know, the dog is no puppy, but when they are cute they are all love puppies. My love puppy is nearly fourteen. ha.

Nancy T 09-18-2006 09:22 PM

Hiya Margie! And everyone else--some of whom I kind of remember, maybe I remember their forum name but not their real name, but in any case it's very nice to see people finding this place.


wayleaf 09-20-2006 03:41 AM

Hello Nancy,
how are you? And what have you been up to? m

vlys 09-20-2006 07:55 AM

I sent you a PM.

ssusan 09-23-2006 11:13 AM

Wow, so many familar 'faces'. Feels like coming home.
Karliann, so sorry to hear of your loss.

Bnt Gal, thank you so much for letting me know of this site. I've been stumbling around in the dark all summer.

I lost my job of 24 years on July 14. They eliminated my position. Funding wasn't the problem; I had obtained much of it. My guess is my worsening MS and heart attack didn't fit the bill, so to speak. This after struggling to miss as little as possible, not missing a single day the last quarter of the year and having had an excellent performance review.

Ah well. After some time freaking out, I applied for short term disability from old agency's insurance. This was during my two weeks severance pay. I was approved. I also decided I need to work some for my own mental health and health insurance. I got a job 21 hrs a week, teaching ESL to adults in a family literacy program, and will continue to receive the disability part time.

In terms of pay, I am working to pay insurance. This first pay, I will owe them. But it truly is worth it. I'm doing what I love. Funding is only set for this school year, and we'll see if we are renewed. Meanwhile, life goes on.

MS has decided to whip my tail however. Walking is more than difficult and this new school is tough. Girl's room is about a mile away. I'll figure it out I guess.

Anyway, wonderful to have found this place. Thank you, Dar.

prettypearlgirl 09-23-2006 04:17 PM

I'm here, but had to re-register to get on. I'm not even sure if I registered with my old name, but it's close enough that some of you might remember me, LOL!!!


bntgal 09-23-2006 04:32 PM

Ssusan, seeing you here makes it feel more like home. I love all the names that are showing up. I saw Laz on another thread as well. I just hope everyone waiting for BT1 to come back on line, does a new search and finds this place so they can join us.

Lazarus 09-23-2006 04:45 PM

Nice to see everyone.
Special hello and thanks to Dar for giving SSusan the address. She passed it on to me. When I click on the old link I just get a message that Braintalk is unavailable....SSusan just gets a blank page. How did everyone find this?

I posted the link on MSWorld. Many people use both boards so I thought it might reach a few more of us.

Nice to have you all again.

BBS1951 09-23-2006 05:16 PM

As they say in The Matrix:

"I'm in":D

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