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dorrie 12-15-2008 10:17 PM

Its off to the doc!!
I dread it! This will be my 2nd appointment with my new doctor. I am late going back to see her but life has been busy. I am asking for a new medication tomorrow. Metformin is doing nothing for me. My sugars are at 252 on a good day in the AM!! They have been shooting up to 450!!!!! I am tired (literally) of it! Need to do something about it as I need to be on my toes for Saffire!! I will pop back in tomorrow to update everyone!

watsonsh 12-15-2008 11:29 PM

OMG Dorrie what an adorable picture.

I was thinking of you as I am coming home for hte holidays to western NY and then going ot michigan where we are driving through Canada. We are actually staying in a hotel in Niagara Falls.

Anyway, I thought you liked the new doc. But hmmmmm the metformin not working. Defintiely talk to him about it. Have you been using the cinnamon? Are you taking the b vitamins?

Let us know how the appt turns out. Ask about the lantus that Mel takes?

Haveyou been good or bad with the sweets :confused:

dorrie 12-16-2008 12:21 AM

Hi Shelley! Niagara Falls is only a couple hours away..if that!!
The cinnimon burns my tummy!!! The B 12 gives me the trots but I do not mind the cleanout!! I forget to take it sometimes.
I will ask about Lantus...I do not know if we have it here in Canada though. I have not been that bad with the sweets. My sugars soar before I eat breakfast! 12 -14 on average BEFORE I eat!! I have to pee constantly...I am always tired too!! Yucky!! I will update you tomorrow!!:hug:Heres a hug!!:)

MelodyL 12-20-2008 02:03 PM

Hi Dorrie:

Just checked online and Lantus is indeed sold in Canada.

4 years ago, I went off of Metformin (I had tried all the oral meds but then again, I never watched what I put in my mouth).

The Lantus made a big difference, but then again, I lost quite a bit of weight. My sugar is really good now (especially since I sprout most everything that I eat).

I just put up a pot of soup and I put in my sprouts, and when it's all cooked, I'll take a bowl and put in some of the Dreamfields pasta and I'll have a nice bowl of hot chicken soup with sprouts. It smells good in my kitchen right now.

So here's hoping you can get better numbers.

Take care,


dorrie 12-20-2008 10:10 PM

Hi Melody!!
I did ask about new doc thinks it is a wonderful drug but does not want me in ot yet. I am now on Januvia 100 mg/ 1 time a day and metformin 3 times a dayx500mg. So far not much improvement.
My A1c went from 6.4 or so to 9.2(I think) since I went off of the glyberide...I just cannot handle the low blows that ot ives me to maintain the good average. I hope that me and he new doc come up with the perfect mix for me...not always feeling good...I have been sick with a chest infection for days...this always raises my BS too. I just wanna be healthy for christmas!!!!

MelodyL 12-21-2008 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by dorrie (Post 431105)
Hi Melody!!
I did ask about new doc thinks it is a wonderful drug but does not want me in ot yet. I am now on Januvia 100 mg/ 1 time a day and metformin 3 times a dayx500mg. So far not much improvement.
My A1c went from 6.4 or so to 9.2(I think) since I went off of the glyberide...I just cannot handle the low blows that ot ives me to maintain the good average. I hope that me and he new doc come up with the perfect mix for me...not always feeling good...I have been sick with a chest infection for days...this always raises my BS too. I just wanna be healthy for christmas!!!!

I'd love to know why he doesn't want you on a med that would lower your blood sugar. I have a friend who was on Lantus, Januvia, Metformin, glyburide and she still got high readings.

She finally went to an endocrinologist (your doc is an endo, right?) and her doc took her off of the Lantus (she said it bothered her stomach but it has NEVER bothered mine), he put her on Levemir (which is also a basal insulin), and she's now on Levemir, Januvia, Metformin, glyburide (as well as metoprolol, cumadin, another blood pressure med, a anti-arrythmic meds, and god knows what else.

When I hear what some peope are on I just marvel. I know people who take 15 meds a day.

Who on earth can do this? I asked one of my friends "do all of your doctors know which meds you are on, I mean do they speak to each other?" and she said "I have no idea". Then I told her that I read an article in Readers Digest where a 50 year old woman was worried that her 70 year old mother was on so many medicines and she took her mother to one of the doctors and he threw them out of the office when the daughter questioned all the meds. He actually threw them out saying "If you can't trust my judgement I can no longer be your doctor". Then they found a man who (for a fee) looks at all your meds and contacts your doctors and lo-and behold- they found a doctor who said "hey, you don't need to be on all these meds".

So the daughter actually lowered the mother's needs for all those prescriptions, and the mother was doing beautifully after that.

I can't imagine a physician getting mad when you pose the question "Do I really need to be on 13 meds?"

Good Lord


Good Lord!!!

dorrie 12-21-2008 10:31 PM

Hi Melody! My doc said that she does not want to put me on an insulin yet that she wants to try some other things first. So far the mixture is not doing much good at all. It is hard to know for sure as I have been sick all week and when I am sick my readings are always high. I certainly do notwant to go on a whole whack of meds though....I am sure my tummy would fight back. The Januvia does not seem to bug my tummy and taking 3 metformin a day split up into 3 doses is alot easier on my tummy than 2 in the am and 2 in the pm.
I am giving it a month...if something does not improve by then I want something that will work better. These numbers are far too high and the difference in my A1Cs was just overall I do not feel all that great and the stress of knowing that the numbers are up adds to them!!!
15 meds a day..OMG!! I think I would be freaking if I was on any more than 2 a day!! I may ask a little more about the lantus. Thanks Melod:hug:y!!

MelodyL 12-21-2008 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by dorrie (Post 431700)
Hi Melody! My doc said that she does not want to put me on an insulin yet that she wants to try some other things first. So far the mixture is not doing much good at all. It is hard to know for sure as I have been sick all week and when I am sick my readings are always high. I certainly do notwant to go on a whole whack of meds though....I am sure my tummy would fight back. The Januvia does not seem to bug my tummy and taking 3 metformin a day split up into 3 doses is alot easier on my tummy than 2 in the am and 2 in the pm.
I am giving it a month...if something does not improve by then I want something that will work better. These numbers are far too high and the difference in my A1Cs was just overall I do not feel all that great and the stress of knowing that the numbers are up adds to them!!!
15 meds a day..OMG!! I think I would be freaking if I was on any more than 2 a day!! I may ask a little more about the lantus. Thanks Melod:hug:y!!

No problem hon.

And anytime you want to learn how to sprout, just holler. It's the best thing I ever did. Yesterday I made sprout soup. Alan is having a ball.

The holidays are coming and for many people, IT'S VERY HARD.

So be careful, okay?


dorrie 12-21-2008 10:59 PM

The holidays are coming and for many people, IT'S VERY HARD.

So be careful, okay?


I thought about that earlier today...all the goodies and stuff! The mads I am on sure would not help pull down a high sugar! Best to say no to the treats! I will take your advice and I will be careful! Thanks for caring Melody! Love you , Dorrie:hug:

Dmom3005 12-29-2008 06:17 PM

Oh gosh you were talking about the number of medications you take.

Well I hate to say it, you might say I'm doing to many but honestly
I'm not. They all have a reason. I take 9 regularly every day.
And then I have one that I take when I need it for pain. But I've
not taken it for a long time as of now. I've gone off 2 or 3 in
the last 3 months and added just the metformin. So it kind of
adjusted itself.

But these are all interesting combo's. And yes, all my doctor's know
what medications I'm on.
And I get all my medication's filled two places, one local and one
mail order.

Now I did leave out my asthma medications, so sorry that is 11 regular


dorrie 12-31-2008 05:06 PM

:(I am tired of meds!!!!!!!
I am on Biaxin for whatever is wrong with me now.
I decided the the new med is crap and went back to my metformin and #s are far too high and I need to bring them down I feel like ****!
Hubby and the boys are up north at a friends for fireworks to ring in the new year...Saffire and I are hanging at home...I think we will be naughty and order something off of "the baby channel" and snuggle under the blankies...instead of doing any housework!!!!! Hope everyone else is OK...:grouphug:

MelodyL 12-31-2008 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by dorrie (Post 436727)
:(I am tired of meds!!!!!!!
I am on Biaxin for whatever is wrong with me now.
I decided the the new med is crap and went back to my metformin and #s are far too high and I need to bring them down I feel like ****!
Hubby and the boys are up north at a friends for fireworks to ring in the new year...Saffire and I are hanging at home...I think we will be naughty and order something off of "the baby channel" and snuggle under the blankies...instead of doing any housework!!!!! Hope everyone else is OK...:grouphug:


Maybe I can help you reduce those numbers. I found out that eating plain yogurt DRAMATICALLY reduces my sugar readings. I mean really really reduces.

As long as I eat a cup of Fage yogurt, I am good to go (and I mean that literally). It has friendly bacteria and it's just plain good for you.

Now I don't know if we've discussed this before, and maybe you don't like the taste of yogurt, but honestly, with those numbers, YOU HAVE TO LEARN TO LIKE IT!!! lol

I love Fage plain. Zero fat. It tastes like sour cream. It took me some while to not make a face when I put it in my mouth. But now I can't imagine not eating it. My body LOVES yogurt.

It loves it so much, I am now bidding on a yogurt maker on ebay.

I'll be making my own homemade yogurt from now on. Buying it is much too expensive and since the people at Cornell are the ones who told me to eat Fage, well, they seem to know their stuff.

Thankfully, I do love it. But at $2.00 a pop, well, I'm glad I can make this in my kitchen.

That, and my sprouts, well, I'm in heaven.

I feel like I'm turning into an Amish Farm Wife.



dorrie 12-31-2008 08:08 PM

Hi Melody!! I am glad that I decided to go back to the old meds....would you believe I saw a 117 reading today..:Dancing-Chilli:..I feel cooler, a little more energenic, and content with the reading for now. It has not been that low in so long. I only took a quarter of a pill rather than a half. I am monitering my numbers closely not want to bottom out!!!!!:thud:

Thank you for being here for me Melody..I really do appreciate you!! Happy New Year, my friend!!!!:hug:

MelodyL 01-01-2009 09:59 AM


no wonder you are jumping for joy!!! lol

I know how I get when I see the meter and it says


I remember the days when it wouldn't go under 265 (that's because I was stupid way back then and I had an even stupider (is that a word?), well I had a stupider doctor who told me

"Maybe your sugar is supposed to be 265".

Good Lord.

pabb 01-01-2009 11:29 AM

how where you taking the cinnamin?
have you tried curcumin?
d chiro inositol? think that is right....ask mrsd....

MelodyL 01-01-2009 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by pabb (Post 437122)
how where you taking the cinnamin?
have you tried curcumin?
d chiro inositol? think that is right....ask mrsd....

Take a look at this!!! Just got this off of the internet!!

D-Chiro Inositol

Another naturally occurring form of inositol is d-chiro-inositol, which has been found to have activity against insulin resistance. However, d-chiro-inositol is not commercially available either as a drug or as a supplement.

It is found in legumes and especially in buckwheat. Consumption of buckwheat concentrate appears to reduce excessively high blood sugar levels and reduce the excretion of d-chiro-inositol in diabetic rats."

Guess what Melody started eating last week (besides my yogurt). BUCKWHEAT GROATS!!

I thought I could sprout them, but I found out they were of a toasted variety and had to be cooked. Another name for them is Kasha.

Well!! easy as pie. I cooked them in Swanson's Organic Vegetable Stock. You can add some bow-tie macaroni or any thing you want. Or eat it plain.

My numbers reflected the change.

The buckwheat works.

Hey, it's buckwheat. It has d-chiro-inositol.

can't hurt.

This is a brand new year.

Let's all get us some brand new LOWER blood sugar numbers!!!



dorrie 01-01-2009 12:12 PM

Happy new year everyone!!!!

Ok Sprout do I do this?? I wanna give it a go!!
Do I buy the beans from the grocery store in the pinto, kidney, lima, white, black etc?? What do I do then...gotta start out a little small I do not have alot of room!!

MelodyL 01-01-2009 02:35 PM

Okay, here's the first step.

Anything you buy in a grocery store (unless it's labeled organic), it will have been exposed to pesticides. So don't go there.

Buy a bag of any organic bean, seed, anything that can be sprouted.

Just know that after you sprout beans, you should sautee them (or add them to soups). They might have a natural toxin. This just applies to beans (especially kidney beans). So I don't do kidney beans.

The beans I do sprout are black turtle beans. I supposed I'll get to other beans later.

Today I made a home-made soup with all my sprouts.

I had sprouted lentils, green peas and black turtle beans (all in the same jar, it's just easier.)

So to start off with, get some organic anything. Put in a glass jar, put water up to half of the jar. Soak over night.

Next day, drain off ALL THE WATER. You don't want the seeds/beans WET. You want to drain well!!

do this for 4 to 5 days. Rinsing and draining twice a day if you can manage.

after 3 days you will see the little sprouts.

If you do any kind of beans, put them in a nice broth, add some carrots, simmer, and you'll love this.

If you sprouts seeds, give 5 or so days, and add them to your salad. it really is fun.


P.S. Buy some buckwheat groats. Follow directions. it's good for diabetes. I told you this in a previous post.

P.P.S. I just bought a rack, put it together and it HAS ALL MY SPROUT JARS ON IT.

Take a look.

dorrie 01-01-2009 03:49 PM

So they do not have to be kept in the fridge??

MelodyL 01-01-2009 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by dorrie (Post 437243)
So they do not have to be kept in the fridge??

NOTHING IS PUT IN THE FRIDGE until they have finished sprouting. Then you make sure they are nice and dry (whatever they are, be it beans, seeds, ANYTHING THAT YOU HAVE SPROUTED)

You only put it in the fridge when you are finished sprouting. Then you get a nice bowl, put in the sprouts (or beans, legumes, whatever), and cover them.

Many of them last up to 2 weeks. But believe me, you'll add them to your salads and soups, or stews, so they go fast.

Today, I put the quinoa sprouts into my soup. along with the lentils, green peas and black turtle beans. I'm thinking "lots of good protein in this soup".

I made some Dreamfield's pasta. I broke them up into smaller pieces.

Cook em up. Add them to a nice piping hot cup of this soup, and you'll have a hearty lunch. For dinner tonight, Alan will have a bowl of soup, with a sweet potato and a side of buckwheat.

I feel like I'm living "LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE"


Dmom3005 01-01-2009 11:41 PM

Hi I'm off visiting my mom and sister's and others. But saw Dorrie's number's
and had to say YAY!!!


dorrie 01-02-2009 03:19 AM

Hi Donna! Thank you ! I feel good with these numbers..hopefully I will shake this darned cold soon as well! Whenever I get sick it gets difficult to control them...heres to feeling 100%!! Hope you have a nice visit with your mom and sis etc:hug:Hugs, Dorrie:hug:

dorrie 01-02-2009 07:06 PM

Checkin numbers were a little high today...took my pills but I have had a slight fever on and off and find it pops my numbers up a bit. I cannot wait untill I feel better!! Hope my diabetic buddies are all doing OK!! Hugs:hug:Dorrie:)

MelodyL 01-02-2009 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by dorrie (Post 437815)
Checkin numbers were a little high today...took my pills but I have had a slight fever on and off and find it pops my numbers up a bit. I cannot wait untill I feel better!! Hope my diabetic buddies are all doing OK!! Hugs:hug:Dorrie:)

Hi. want to have a laugh? I made Alan spaghetti and broccoli for dinner. He looked at the plate and said: "where are my sprouts"? I said 'well, I figured you might get tired of them so I would make you them tomorrow night. I will make them stir-fried for you" He said "how long does it take you to make them like that?" and I said 'exactly two minutes".

He said "I can wait". I made the lentil, black turtle beans and green pea sprouts. I sauteed them after spraying the pan with no -stick spray. Then I added a dash of honey.

He ate them up like there was no tomorrow.

I couldn't believe it.

He actually REQUESTED sprouts!!!


dorrie 01-02-2009 10:30 PM

Hi Melody
I have not started mine yet...too sick still...but I am looking forward to them. Whoda thunk a man would be requesting sprouts..that is wonderful. Did you get my message re your u tube two must have a great are a pair of hoots!!!! I am still not smoking and have to be very careful not to eat too much.....I find myself pacing at times...I am on the patch but I still have those tough times...I just try to stay away from the know that thing when you check the fridge 10 times for what I really want is going to magically appear if I keep opening that door kinda thing...I drive myself nuts. If I was feeling a bit vetter I would have more energy and go swimming butI get tired 10 minutes after I get up. Anyway Melody...I am now babbling...(I guess that is better than eating or smoking)...hope you are doing OK....take care...hugs:hug:Dorrie:)

Oh PS....Have you checked out the new social group..."Weight loss and healthy living"....I know you do not need to lose weight but the Healthy Living thing is right up your alley!!!! Pop in if you can...I have found some humerous (to me) cartoons and posted them:DI think you will get a chuckle!!! xoxo

MelodyL 01-02-2009 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by dorrie (Post 437948)
Hi Melody
I have not started mine yet...too sick still...but I am looking forward to them. Whoda thunk a man would be requesting sprouts..that is wonderful. Did you get my message re your u tube two must have a great are a pair of hoots!!!! I am still not smoking and have to be very careful not to eat too much.....I find myself pacing at times...I am on the patch but I still have those tough times...I just try to stay away from the know that thing when you check the fridge 10 times for what I really want is going to magically appear if I keep opening that door kinda thing...I drive myself nuts. If I was feeling a bit vetter I would have more energy and go swimming butI get tired 10 minutes after I get up. Anyway Melody...I am now babbling...(I guess that is better than eating or smoking)...hope you are doing OK....take care...hugs:hug:Dorrie:)

Oh PS....Have you checked out the new social group..."Weight loss and healthy living"....I know you do not need to lose weight but the Healthy Living thing is right up your alley!!!! Pop in if you can...I have found some humerous (to me) cartoons and posted them:DI think you will get a chuckle!!! xoxo

Yeah, I've been over to the weight loss forums. They know ALL ABOUT MY SPROUTING!!!



dorrie 01-02-2009 10:55 PM

I have seen your posts there Melody but this is not the forum...this is a social group...if you go to your user c p..then go to on social groups and you will find us from would be lovely to have your input...after all you are Mama Mel...the original sprout lady....the ivory soap spokesperson...little house on the prairies shoulda been Mom...etc....and a wonderful source of information on healthy are a well of wisdom and I would be honoured of you were part of our great big group of 4 members..(remember we just started up!) Hope to see you is not live...just posting...I cannot type fast enough for live!!

MelodyL 01-02-2009 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by dorrie (Post 437958)
I have seen your posts there Melody but this is not the forum...this is a social group...if you go to your user c p..then go to on social groups and you will find us from would be lovely to have your input...after all you are Mama Mel...the original sprout lady....the ivory soap spokesperson...little house on the prairies shoulda been Mom...etc....and a wonderful source of information on healthy are a well of wisdom and I would be honoured of you were part of our great big group of 4 members..(remember we just started up!) Hope to see you is not live...just posting...I cannot type fast enough for live!!

I never knew about social groups. I just joined it.


dorrie 01-03-2009 12:31 AM

Hooray!! :hug:

Dmom3005 01-04-2009 12:53 AM

You two are a riot. And so much fun. I wish I could get into sprouts
my husband wouldn't know what to think. But I am just not about


And I am not allowed fish or anything like that right now. Till after
friday, I'm having a iodized Thyroid test. And I have to be careful
and not have a cscan either.

Heehee, Now I keep wanting to say, why the heck would I want to
allow a cat to scan me.

ANyway, get to feeling better Dorrie.


dorrie 01-04-2009 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by Dmom3005 (Post 438605)
You two are a riot. And so much fun. I wish I could get into sprouts
my husband wouldn't know what to think. But I am just not about


And I am not allowed fish or anything like that right now. Till after
friday, I'm having a iodized Thyroid test. And I have to be careful
and not have a cscan either.

Heehee, Now I keep wanting to say, why the heck would I want to
allow a cat to scan me.

ANyway, get to feeling better Dorrie.


:Funny-Post: Meow meow Donna!! Have you seen our new social group yet?? I think you would really like it Donna! In case you do not know how to get on user c p on the left of your on networking on the left of the screen as well..then click on social groups!! Scroll down untill you find the group "Weightloss and healthy living 2009" It is oodles and bunches of fun!! It is not live chat..just posting like here but by posting all of our chitter chatter on there we keep the "Post your weightlosses here thread" to a very serious thread and just post our particulars on there/
I hope you check it out and join Donna ..the more the merrier!!!!! Hugs:hug:Dorrie:)

MelodyL 01-04-2009 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Dmom3005 (Post 438605)
You two are a riot. And so much fun. I wish I could get into sprouts
my husband wouldn't know what to think. But I am just not about


And I am not allowed fish or anything like that right now. Till after
friday, I'm having a iodized Thyroid test. And I have to be careful
and not have a cscan either.

Heehee, Now I keep wanting to say, why the heck would I want to
allow a cat to scan me.

ANyway, get to feeling better Dorrie.



Believe me, I was NEVER into sprouts. I didn't even know what the heck a sprout was. Then one day I was walking to my local supermarket and I came across an organic food and produce store named Adam's Apples. I said "hmm, organic stuff?"

I went in. The prices of the produce and veggies were WAY ABOVE what I could afford. Organic stuff usually is.

But then I wandered over to the sprout section. There they were, in little pint packages. There was alfalfa, broccoli and pea shoot sprouts. I picked them up and saw the prices.

The cheapest was the alfalfa at about $2.49 a pint.

The broccoli and others were $3.29 a pint.

I said 'i wonder if I could grow these things?"

I bought some of the sprouts and began putting them in my salads. They were delicious. I then incorporated them into my patties. Oh my god were they good.

So then, I went online to and began reading everything I could on sprouting. I said "I can do this, I have the mason jars, the cheesecloth, I CAN DO THIS'.

That's when I went on youtube and saw a whole bunch of videos and I said "yeah, I can do this".

THEN, I learned about sprouting lentils, beans, etc.

I went back to Adam's Apples and went over to their seed packages. All organic. And when I figured out much it would cost to grow my own (compared to buying them already grown), I said "here is where I can save money on my food bill".

I haven't bought any lettuce since I started to sprout my Alfalfa. I use this as a base for my salad. I did the research. There was some alfalfa scare YEARS ago, but that was commercial alfalfa and had nothing to do with organic alfalfa, nor did it have anything to do with growing it in your kitchen. so every day, I take my sprouts, add some cherry tomatoes, some sliced red onion, some sliced olives, (and whatever else I want to throw in my salad). along with some tuna (not every day, but when I feel the need for extra protein). boy oh boy, what a nice delicious salad.

Then I take the sprouted beans, peas and lentils, and I put them in a stir fry. Alan went nuts. He actually requests them at night.

See, we never ate like this before. It's not processed, it has no salt (unless you add your own), and all these sprouts are VERY GOOD FOR PEOPLE WITH DIABETES.

I know I sound like some Amish farm wife, but I get such a kick out of growing stuff in my kitchen. I was never into this before.

I guess I now have my very first hobby.

Yesterday I ordered some 3 part salad mix sprouts from

God only knows what I'll make with these once I get them sprouted.

Oh, guess what I found out from a Sprout-people message board (yup, they have their own message boards).

I found out that instead of rinsing the sprouts with plain old water, if I rinse them with Green Tea, (de-caf), then the sprouts are infused with all the good stuff that is in the green tea.

I never knew such things in all my life.

so gone are the days when I ate processed foods, gone are the days when I ate white stuff.

My sugar is better for it, and believe me, my stomach is better for it. I also added yogurt and kefir to my daily eating habits.

To me, it's all about habits. I had a bad habit for almost 60 years of eating the wrong stuff.

So now I just replaced the bad habits with some better habits.

Can't hurt, might help and the stuff tastes good AND I SAVE MONEY.

Now what could possibly be wrong with that.

I just have to buy some more wide mouth Mason Jars.

I can't wait to see Alan's face when he wakes up and there's 6 more jars of sprouts, growing on my sprout rack.

lol lol


mrsD 01-04-2009 12:14 PM

There are TWO
commercial sources now for d-chiro inositol.

Chiral Balance
DCI Chiro

They are both expensive. (about $100 a month)

I have just started on a 3 month trial to see what this can do
for my elevated fasting insulin.

DCI has shown in animal models, and now humans that it can lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation of blood vessels,
lower testosterone in females, reduce insulin levels by up to 1/2 and improve glucose utilization.


Int J Exp Diabetes Res. 2002;3(1):47-60.Click here to read Links
D-chiro-inositol--its functional role in insulin action and its deficit in insulin resistance.
Larner J.

Department of Pharmacology, University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville 22908, USA.

In this review we discuss the biological significance of D-chiro-inositol, originally discovered as a component of a putative mediator of intracellular insulin action, where as a putative mediator, it accelerates the dephosphorylation of glycogen synthase and pyruvate dehydrogenase, rate limiting enzymes of non-oxidative and oxidative glucose disposal. Early studies demonstrated a linear relationship between its decreased urinary excretion and the degree of insulin resistance present. When tissue contents, including muscle, of type 2 diabetic subjects were assayed, they demonstrated a more general body deficiency. Administration of D-chiro-inositol to diabetic rats, Rhesus monkeys and now to humans accelerated glucose disposal and sensitized insulin action. A defect in vivo in the epimerization of myo-inositol to chiro-inositol in insulin sensitive tissues of the GK type 2 diabetic rat has been elucidated. Thus, administered D-chiro-inositol may act to bypass a defective normal epimerization of myo-inositol to D-chiro-inositol associated with insulin resistance and act to at least partially restore insulin sensitivity and glucose disposal.

PMID: 11900279 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

PMCID: PMC2478565
This is a natural substance that our bodies' use and make, and it is thought at some people genetically fail in this regard.
Insulin resistance and PCOS are considered genetic by many doctors. So since I had PCOS when I was younger, I thought this would be a good test for me.

So yes, now you can buy it. But it remains very expensive at this time. (Other things were like this too, SAMe, benfotiamine and CoQ-10. So perhaps with time, this supplement will become more affordable as well).

dorrie 01-04-2009 12:36 PM

Hi Mrs D

I have just recently quit smoking and wondered what supplements I should take if any...I cannot do expensive and I have some typical vits and mins here already...any suggestions? Hugs:hug:Dorrie

mrsD 01-04-2009 04:15 PM

I'd start with magnesium first...
All diabetics become low in this and need extra because for some reason it is lost in the urine for these patients.

There is an interesting post on my magnesium thread concerning this:

Shelley's post: #148

This is not expensive. One of these twice a day is enough for most people.

I don't know what you have in Canada.
this is generic SlowMag:

Just don't get magnesium oxide (which is common and cheap)
It is not absorbed.

The mag thread of mine gives other choices, and dosing.

Start with that, and use your other multivits as well for starters.
Go for about 1/2 the RDA at 200mg a day.

dorrie 01-04-2009 04:18 PM

Thank you Mrs. D
I can always count on you!

Dmom3005 01-04-2009 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 438786)
commercial sources now for d-chiro inositol.

Chiral Balance
DCI Chiro

They are both expensive. (about $100 a month)

I have just started on a 3 month trial to see what this can do
for my elevated fasting insulin.

DCI has shown in animal models, and now humans that it can lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation of blood vessels,
lower testosterone in females, reduce insulin levels by up to 1/2 and improve glucose utilization.


This is a natural substance that our bodies' use and make, and it is thought at some people genetically fail in this regard.
Insulin resistance and PCOS are considered genetic by many doctors. So since I had PCOS when I was younger, I thought this would be a good test for me.

So yes, now you can buy it. But it remains very expensive at this time. (Other things were like this too, SAMe, benfotiamine and CoQ-10. So perhaps with time, this supplement will become more affordable as well).

I'm just glad that at this time. In the beginning of my journey I can count
on everyone that I've met so far.

I'm still learning, and I'm working on getting better.


dorrie 01-04-2009 06:39 PM

Donna....:hug::hug::hug::hug:Hugs form Dorrie:)

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