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Doody 02-28-2009 06:49 PM

Wonder Thread #174
I wonder how far this wonder thread will get without Ms. Alffe.

Wait, I wonder if they took the laptop with them. :D

Wait! I wonder that if they did take the laptop with them, we can't be naughty and have a party while she's gone. :cool:

I wonder about all the other babies Bruna must have had in the puppy mill. I have no idea.

I wonder if Amalie's family (Bruna's sister) will respond that it's okay to contact them.

I wonder how our sweet BJ and Nikki are doing today. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I wonder that I understand what Mistiis and GmaSue were talking about at the end of our wonders in 173. I'm surprised my mom is so understanding to the point she's really studied about fibro and the mysterious stuff that goes with it.

I wonder that it's nice that she asks me how I'm feeling today and I can say to her that I'm pretty sore and give her a # on the 1-10 scale and she understands. (Pretty amazing for my mom, you'd have to know her, LOL)

I wonder who keeps peeing on the corner of my bed!!!! GRRRRR! Could be 1 of 4 cats or 1 of 1 doggie. :rolleyes: NO it's not me, ROFL!

I wonder if you know that everyone here crosses my mind each day and that I say a little prayer for all.

I wonder that every time I hear an Abba song (most especially since Dancing Queen seems to play quite a bit) I always think of Jessie Sue. :D :hug:

I wonder how nice it is to see our friends from other forums pop in here from time to time.

I wonder if Moi knows I think of his sweet cheeks often. :cool: (Mrs. Moi isn't looking, is she!?)

I wonder if you've noticed in Moi's pictures he always hides himself under a mask or somethin. Let me tell you!...he is GORGEOUS! Rrrrruuuufffff! Big dimples and beautiful face.

Oh my, I wonder that Mr. Moi also has buns of steel and a great body.

I wonder if Mr. Moi still drives with that cap on.

I wonder if you know that Mr. Moi started me on my path of 'faith' the first time I met him. And oh how I love him for that. Thank you Mr. Moi.

I wonder how many times I've mentioned that Mrs. Moi is TRULY an angel walking on this earth.

I wonder if GmaSue and I will be getting together in May. :D *happy dance

I wonder how our Wren is doing. I think of you so often (((Ms. Wren))).

Oh my god, you guys, I will be SIXTY in May! :eek: :thud:

I wonder that I will go play some games now. Got a movie rented for tonight, hope it's good.

I wonder if you all know how much I love you. Hugs and kisses. :hug:

barbo 02-28-2009 10:09 PM

Yes, they DID take the laptop!

da duck 03-01-2009 01:06 AM

I wonder that this day comes around so quickly...
and I wonder how I hate this day.
And I wonder if you can forgive me for saying that here, but i have to say it somewhere or I will explode.

Lara 03-01-2009 06:11 AM

(((da duck))) :(
I am. You are. We all can.

Edited later to add: You're forgiven. Of course. Nothing to be forgiven about.

I keep having to log on and off here at the moment as I don't have any internet. It drives me crazy trying to reply. Hang on there. You are loved. *heart

FeelinGoofy 03-01-2009 10:10 AM

I wonder if Duck knows she can say what ever she needs to say...:hug:

I wonder if Alffe is enjoying her time away from the cold weather :rolleyes:

I wonder about alot of stuff right now.... my plates pretty full. we've been looking for another place to move my FIL. Not for sure where yet. we're not as angry as we first were, but a lot of the reason he's having to move is the place hes at now wasn't doing their job right....:mad: They say he falls to much and he cant stay there because of it, well if they'd make him wear his knee braces, which they DONT make him..... he would have more support and his knees wouldn't give out on him and buckle like they've been doing. I know it will all work out but its not right....

I wonder if i can leave a hug for the room? {{{{{HUGS}}}}}}

GmaSue 03-01-2009 02:49 PM

I'll take one of those hugs, Goofy.

I wonder if da duck is having even a little teensy weensy better day?

I am sitting here watching "Untold stories of the ER" and wondering why the stories are so tame compared to stuff I have seen.

I am wondering why networking on this forum helps-is it because of the help we receive-or the help we give. I guess iit feels good both ways.

I wonder if I can realistically rewrite my list of expectations for the day?

I wonder if I like to hear myself talk too much? :wink: :Yawn: :Blush2:

da duck 03-01-2009 04:02 PM

I wonder if I can tell GmaSue that, no, today is still horrible, but it will be better tomorrow.
But thank you...

Doody 03-01-2009 07:03 PM

I wonder if I can give a big hug to (((Ducky))) as well. I didn't get to meet Wes, but from what I have heard he was an amazing husband. :hug:

I wonder what Ducky thought of my singing today. LOL! :D I just called to say I love you.

I wonder if Ms. Alffe is keeping an eye on us and not telling. :p

Ugh, I wonder that it's sunday night already and that means work bright and early tomorrow. :p

I wonder that Duck finally helped me find "THE WALL" at Facebook, LOL.

I wonder that I spend WAY too much time on the computer.

I wonder if I can give (((Goofy))) lots of love and hugs too.

I wonder how ((Nikki)) is today and ((BJ)).

I wonder that I haven't eaten enough today and should remedy that situation.

Well, if I'd get my tush off the computer maybe I would. :o

da duck 03-02-2009 08:01 AM

I wonder how great it is to pick up the phone and have someone singing at you. LOL. I wonder how it made me feel cared for and comforted.
I wonder that friends are the most wonderful people.
I wonder that, now that it's past, I can tell you that yesterday was the anniversary of my husband's death, and that each year it hits me differently. I have no idea why this year was so hard, but I am hoping that it will leave me be for a little while.
I wonder if you all will have a great day and , for you people in the great white North, will stay safe and warm.

Curious 03-02-2009 12:38 PM

I wonder if y'all know I just got my internet fixed?

I've missed giving and getting :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:<----butt squeezes. :p

Burntmarshmallow 03-02-2009 07:19 PM

wonder that :eek: ouch curious quit squeezing my butt :hug:

wonder that i do believe I have gotten rid of that bug flu....
what a knock out .

wonder if I can leave hugs to everyone and I will not attempt naming EVERYONE as I am to behind on the happenings and my family here...I know there is no wonder that I will forget names.

I wonder if Goofy knows I am thinking of her and family :hug:

Wonder how sismis is doing with her back? BMW says hot baths for you sister.

I wonder that angel friend nikki isnt answering phone .... dosent feel up to talking just yet... I am sending many prayers and hugs to you dear friend.:hug: :hug: :hug:

wonder how pono is doing and the rest who just got hit with snow and cold ... warm healing prayers at you pono and all the rest of you snow peoples.

wonder if Alffe Mom is walking on warm sand today :)

wonder that it is bike week ... if I got a penny for evey bike i can hear right now :Rich:
wonder :) if Abbie wants a shirt???
I wonder how she is doing after the trip got cancled :(

I am lost in the wonder of how behind and how much catching up I need to do. but I sure feel better with more energy AMEN to that!

hugs for the roooooommmmm


Abbie 03-03-2009 08:01 PM

I wonder that I'm holding on and things with the trip not happening worked out for the better.... my meds were once again changed the day before I was to have headed out and I had a hard time with the change...

I wonder that the new Pdoc changed them again yesterday....

I wonder that I'm tired of medicines that make me gain weight but lose my appetite!!! I have gained about 40-50 lbs in 6 months....:mad:

I wonder that a doctor can prescribe and ANTIBIOTIC.... HOW on earth does a Pharmacist fill the script with and ANTIPSYCHOTIC!!!!????!!!! (not adopted brother)

I wonder if Alffe is having fun and soaking up some sun?!?!? :sunchair:

I wonder if I can tell BMW that I am envious!!! I would love to be there amongst the rolling thunder!!! :D

I wonder if I can tell GmaSue...that even though I don't know her....she's on my radar and I DO think of her too!!!!

I wonder about everyone who has ever posted here on our SOS forum...

I wonder about the SOS social chat area....
I wonder that seperating it out is NOT my cup of tea.... I'm sorry if I offend anyone for feeling that way. Please don't jump on me... I do understand why someone would want a seperate area for socializing and a seperate area for the "serious" stuff. I just have a hard time with the whole idea... Suicide is a very serious subject and if we have to seperate the "fun" sections out... it might as well be a complete seperate forum instead of a subsection... THIS IS JUST MY OPINION and I SINCERELY APOLOGIZE if I have offended anyone.

I wonder that maybe I should just go for now... leaving :hug:for all...

Addy 03-03-2009 10:53 PM

Abbie, you echo my feelings... oops I forgot to wonder... so I'll wonder this... I wonder if I'd have time to keep up with two forums and really don't want to jump from link to link even tho I appreciate that someone would do that for us....

... and then I wonder... well, heck... its ok... like any change... the only one I can change is myself ... oh I'm so smart...

I wonder if I can wave a wand of love over all of you ... :circlelove:

FeelinGoofy 03-04-2009 12:13 AM

I wonder if i can ask you to say a prayer for my mom... shes been having some problems this past week and they are doing an MRI on her brain soon..

I wonder to if i can ask you to remember my FIL, i'm pretty sure we will be moving him this next week to the assisted living part of the place i work at..

I wonder why when it rains, it pours....:hug:

who moi 03-04-2009 12:38 AM

I wonder about doody's first wonder. :)

I wonder that Abbie, Addy, and others that are against the other forum knows that I understand and can see their point. :hug:

I wonder if they don't mind that I shared my point also. :)

I wonder that ducky knows that we have been thinking of her.... :hug:

I wonder that goofy knows that we'll be keeping her in our thoughts

I wonder how much fun Alphos are having. :)

I wonder if we'll get to meet barbo this year.

I wonder if curious knows that I can say now, the monkey is on our back, again. LOL

I wonder what a great addition GMAsue is to our family?

I wonder if Lara's internet people will take good care of her so she can be on more often? :)

wonder if BMW knows that it's always good to see her post?

I wonder about a lot of things, about family about life, about tech supports and about it all....and wonder why I am having such a rough time tonight....

I wonder that I will go back to in cognito mode....

you all take care....


~scrabble 03-04-2009 12:44 AM

I wonder if you mind that I'm just stopping by to tell you I am still miserable with my ruptured ear drum? :(

I wonder if I should have returned to work today? :confused:

I wonder if this 2nd week with a different antibiotic will help as my ear is still infected?

I wonder if my hearing will improve? ... because if it doesn't then the doc will refer me to an Ear-Nose-Throat specialist and I may need to have a tube put in to help my ear drain.

I wonder if you know I've run out of sick time from work?

I wonder if you know how mad I am that I was misdiagnosed by 2 doctors ... and then my ear drum ruptured? :mad:

I wonder if you will excuse me for not keeping up with everyones' posts and wonders as I've just been too miserable and exhausted and I haven't been online very much?

I wonder who would like some hugs? (I would ;) )

:hug: :grouphug: :hug:

who moi 03-04-2009 12:51 AM



Alffe 03-04-2009 09:19 AM

I wonder how glad I was to see our Scrabble posting...and how sorry I am that her ear is still giving her fits....:hug:

I wonder that I managed to get a big blister on my heel and it's really cramping my style....:p

I wonder that the bartender in the tikki hut is from a town very near to us at home so he's very generous with his drinks....*grin

I wonder if that's a good thing...

I wonder how glad I was to see Addy posting..where ya been lady!!!??

I wonder if moi can feel our love thru his angst....:hug:

I wonder if I misspelled angst....:cool:

I wonder how we'll like the Botanical garden we are going to today...if I ever get off the computer...which I carried down here to the office cause their wi ? doesn't carry very well up at our place.....

mistiis 03-04-2009 10:19 AM

I wonder how it feels to be typing on a laptop waiting in a hospital lobby while dh has surgery...

I wonder why it has to pour when it rains too, but, how I have seen beautiful rainbows too, and how it gives me hope, and how much I want to share that with all my special friends here....:grouphug

I wonder, too, how nice it was to read some posts from those who have been so absent, (I know, me too)...I think about all of you and I want to thank those who I know have been sending me strength and prayers...I need it and it is making a huge difference...:grouphug: I wonder at the miracle of that.

I wonder at how I don't like to have to be on the receiving end, but, at how much it helps when you allow it to.

I wonder how nice it is to see BMW well....:hug:

I wonder if I can give Abby, Moi, Scrabble, Doody, Ducky, GmaSue, Doxie, Tammi, Twinks, Alffe, Addy, Lara, BMW (Ok, who am I forgetting sitting here without a list?) Please forgive me, I know I will remember later, and then feel bad. I guess I shouldn't name names, but, I try, and I hope those I haven't mentioned will know that I will remember and still hold you close. (gosh, I hope that made sense) Anyway, x-tra hugs :grouphug:

I wonder what is going on with our forum. I wonder if I can just say that I think a mix is good, for what that is worth. Suicide is a serious matter, life and death. Humor, and other things that are going on in our lives, affect how we feel, react, and fight that beast. I think we need a balance. For what that is worth. I wonder if that made sense? (hard to function with pain and little sleep)

I wonder if Alffe is having fun at the bar...:p I wonder if she is shopping too much on that foot, or just sightseeing, I wonder if she would be better off barefoot on the beach...

I wonder if I can say that my back is now tolerable, I can walk...and get around now TG...I wonder if I can thank those of you, again, for your prayers, and good positive thoughts and hugs. I wouldn't be getting through this without it:grouphug:

I wonder if I will be back on later to wonder some more...

I wonder how our friends weathered that last storm

I wonder when it will stop raining here, just have to remember those rainbows...

Doody 03-04-2009 10:33 AM

Otto got his wheels yesterday!

I wonder if you'd like to see him in action? It looks like his back legs are moving but they are just swinging back and forth.


mistiis 03-04-2009 10:38 AM

I wonder how that made this tired spirit smile :)
Thank you dear doody :hug:

Doody 03-04-2009 10:49 AM

You're ever so welcome dear sweet (((Mistiis))). It made me smile and feel good too!

Alffe 03-04-2009 05:39 PM

I wonder how Mistiis's dh surgery went.....:hug:

I wonder how glad I am to read that Mistiis's back is some better...

I wonder how Nikki's visit with Lynn went...:grouphug:

I wonder why Doody didn't post the picture of Otto on wheels...:confused:

I wonder how much fun we had at the Botanical Gardens today...lot's of rescued animals who have a permanent home there....

I wonder if Scrabble remembers the day we spent at Buchart Gardens with her...what a fabulous place that is!

I wonder if Scrabble's ear is any better tonight...:hug:

I wonder who's a big cat....*grin

I wonder if Curious knows how glad I am that she's back, taking care of business...

I wonder why David doesn't talk to us....:confused:

I wonder the same thing about Idealist...:hug:

I wonder if I should get off here and walk over to the intercoastal waterway and watch the that!!

I wonder if BMW is hearing zoom, zoom zoom. *grin

I wonder if Abbie got my card....:hug:

I wonder if hippiechick knows that I think about her all the time...:hug:

Doody 03-04-2009 06:59 PM

Uh Oh, I wonder if everyone should stop the partying! Ms. Alffe found us.

I wonder that she missed the post on page 2 with the link to Otto in his wheels. :D :hug:

Doody 03-04-2009 07:11 PM

I wonder if (((BMW sis))) will turn lights out and direct to the new social chat forum. :D

Burntmarshmallow 03-05-2009 12:15 PM

I wonder that yes I will close this wonder thread, and direct ya'all to the new wonder ,Wonder if a link will bring you all there???

I wonder that it is very crazy driving with all the zillions of bikers that are here :rolleyes: yes vroooom vrooom Alffe Mom
I wonder that 18 years ago Sunday I gave birth to my first girl and what a adventure it was getting to the hosp in Daytona was the 50 aniv of bike week back then ... wont ever forget that ride!! nor the beautiful :) wonderful girl that was born that day. :D

I wonder if Nikki
Alffe mom
Cool Angel
WONDER if everyone knows how much everyone of you means to me. :hug:
and that I have been saying prayers for all of you.:smileypray::smileypray::smileypray:

wonder that it is time to close this thread
THE next one here please follow the link
and wonder on the new wonder thread #175
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
move on to the next wonder please.
all secure , my watchmen are in place 10-4 over and out.

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