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COLBEYMOORE 03-10-2009 08:59 AM

What pain medication works for you for neuropathy
Curious to see what pain medication everyone is on. I am having great difficulty managing the pain. My neuropathy is due to diabetes since 1996.
My EMG results were very abnormal and I was told the damage is not reversable due to the length of time I have had uncontrolled diabetes.

I am currently taking about 3400mg of Gabapentin and over 400mg of Tramadol a day followed with 20mg of amitripiline at bedtime.
I have asked my neurologist to try a pain medication and his answer to me was Motrin or Tylenol. I told him Motrin is not an option for me since I am in
3rd stage kidney disease. I am considering calling a Pain Management Facility any advice or is anyone else having or have had a problem getting the appropriate pain medication for neuropathy?


Augie 03-11-2009 12:33 AM

Pain Medication
My neuropathy is from a bout of necrotizing vasculitis and I've had neuropathy pain for five years. I'm currently taking 2400mg of gabapentin. In the past I've taken Keppra, Oxcarbazepine, and Topomax (one at a time) with the gabepentin. They have all worked to some extent to ease the pain and discomfort, but gabapentin alone works pretty well. I've taken all this other stuff because my neurologist has been trying to find a "cocktail" of medications that will make me feel better as my pain has gotten worse over the last year or so. Good luck finding the right thing!

jaynurse05 03-11-2009 02:28 AM

Unfortunately it sounds like you have a lot going on in your body. Diabetes is just an awful condition that has just so many nasty complications. I think your response to your neurologist when he recommended advil was great. Good job at being an advocate for yourself! Due to your complications from the DM, I think it would be a fantastic idea to visit a pain management clinic. The specialist there should not only be up on the available pain meds and their uses but also what you, in particular can take with the stage three kidney disease!
Side note - The community I live in has only one of these clinics which is attached to the hospital I work in. This pain clinic is fantastic, along with the hospital so I might have a slightly skewed notion. :wink:
But in all honesty, since you haven't had any luck with your doctors idea of pain control and considering the amount of medications for pain you take compared to the amount of uncontrolled pain, a good next step for you could be a good pain clinic.
Good luck! I really hope you find a solution quickly.

COLBEYMOORE 03-11-2009 08:55 AM

Thank you Jaynurse and Augie. I have called and made an appointment with a pain management clinic here in kentucky. I am desperate for a break from the pain I am up until 3 to 4am most nights it is so depressing and causes you to have thoughts you normally would not have.

The hospital where I see my doctors have an online patient access program where you can send emails to your doctor, view your lab results etc...

Here is my email to him at 2:59am
03/06/2009 02:59 is 2:45am and like all the other nights i can't sleep showers foot rubs nothing so I take another pill and another..this is what I am up to..
6am 1200 mg neurontin 100mg tramadol
11am 600 mg neurontin 100mg tramadol
4pm 1200 mg neurontin 100 mg tramadol
9ishpm 1500 mg neurontin 150 tramadol
Now on days where I am exhausted frm not sleeping I dont understand before I selpt now I dont..I will sleep maybe 6 hours but when i wake up it is horrible i have no sensation up to my knees my right leg is worst but yet I feel pain in my feet like needles sharp knife like. When trying to walk my right leg often buckles, I have fallen down in public, it is hard to lift my right leg or left leg to get into a vehicle..I cant remember things misplace things. I wish i Had one normal day pain free
I used to be able to do so much more this is horrible...
Is there anything else i can try i taking tramadol and it still doesnt seem to help wit nights are horrible so i take extra of the neurontin (1500mg) and (150mg)of the tramadol before i try adn go to bed.during the day the pain is not as basd my husband massages my feet with extra icy hot. i have purchased a traedmill for exercise

His response...
03/09/2009 14:12 Mrs. Moore:
You do not have many options at this point. You are presently taking the maximum dose of Neurontin and tramadol. You could increase the amitriptyline to 150 mg per night (3 tabs po qhs), but this is also a very large dose. You could add Advil or Motrin to your pain regimen. You could take 2-3 tabs po 4 times per day as needed for pain.

Is it me? But my thoughts are can we try something other options...??? How frustrating to hear...

I am sorry I am just tired of being like this....sorry had to vent

gardengrl 03-11-2009 09:20 AM

I was on the same meds as you for several years with NO relief. Your story sounds so hauntingly familiar. I got off the Neurontin (advise from my shrink)& it was replaced with Percocet for pain, Cortisone injections, several each month, changed all meds. Went on lexepro for depression, Changed my diet to All Organic, Did Yoga & PT 3x weekly....

For me, this worked. I had a terrible time with the Neurontin. I have been on these meds now for 9 years & have cut down my dosage of pain meds myself by one half. I know everyone says they so addicting but for me it was opposite. Don't misunderstand, I still have pain, every day, every minute..but I can tolerate it much better. Everyday is not terrible. I get that 6 hrs. of pain relief several times a week that is said needed to re-set your internal pain threshold.
I hope this helped..

COLBEYMOORE 03-11-2009 01:04 PM

Thanks Garden
Yes and proves that just because you have a pain medication available that you will not be addicted to it. I am currently taking the maximum allowed for neurontin and believe when I say I can tell. My memory is horrible to say the least. I can barely remember what I did the previous day.
I saw on some websites other medications like Lyrica and Cmbalta I think it is called but when I suggest them he says he is concerned on the affect of weight gain and that most of his patients have great success with neurontin.
I picked this doctor because he was the best at the hospital but now I am second guessing my decision.

You are so right just a little break from the pain helps. Sleeping to me doesnt count I just want to be able to be active with my kids and husband without being grouchy because of the pain. It really stinks and I now it is affecting my children as well as my marriage.

Can I ask you if you had other form of pain medication or did you go directly to Percocet. I am on Ultram or Tramadol and it does nothing but keep me awake thru the pain (go figure) I have scratch marks from the side affects I guess. I gave up using the medication on Sunday...
I have an appointment with a Pain Management center on April 15th and hope they can find the right combination for me.

jsrail 03-12-2009 01:55 AM

3600mg Neurontin and 30mg Methadone works well, though I need to have the Methadone increased because of my high drug tolerance and my extremely high level of pain. Advil and Tylenol for me would be like taking nothing at all. Don't these drugs work havic on a person's liver in high doses? I don't know anything about kidney disease, but you certainly need totake it into account.

Best of luck with your treatment and keep up your research and questions. I find that its the best way, keep involved in your treatment and dx.


Crystal Dawn 03-13-2009 02:59 PM

I have tried Neurontin, Lyrica, and amitriptyline, but the only thing I found that helped was Tegretol (carbamazepine). It has some potentially nasty side effects, but so far it's the only thing that has provided me with some relief.

Good luck to you!

Hope15 03-13-2009 08:05 PM

I cannot take any of the lower dose antidepressants. I tried Imipramine and Nortriptyline for a pain condition that I had previously before I was hit with the neuropathy and they caused my heart to go crazy! Just horrible pvcs!

I am currently taking 1800 mg. of Gabapentin that was prescribed by my first neurologist, but it is just so inconsistent. I got approved for pain management, so I'll be calling next week....

gardengrl 03-13-2009 08:36 PM

tried others

Originally Posted by COLBEYMOORE (Post 479425)
Thanks Garden

You are so right just a little break from the pain helps. Sleeping to me doesnt count I just want to be able to be active with my kids and husband without being grouchy because of the pain. It really stinks and I now it is affecting my children as well as my marriage.

Can I ask you if you had other form of pain medication or did you go directly to Percocet. I am on Ultram or Tramadol and it does nothing but keep me awake thru the pain (go figure) I have scratch marks from the side affects I guess. I gave up using the medication on Sunday...
I have an appointment with a Pain Management center on April 15th and hope they can find the right combination for me.

I was put on something called Soma? Carasopradal I think...Those we called Brain killers instead of Pain Killers:eek:They got me messed up & did nothing to control the pain. I was offered phentenal patch, not sure that is spelled correctly, but my research scared me. I don't want to be dysfunctional. :wink:For me, the Percs work the best. Unfortunately I have learned to plan my life around them. They are not the magic pill but I Can manage to get normal things done most days.:)

I do hope your Pain Clinic will work with you to get you the best relief possible. I have been so Blessed to have found mine! Good luck on the 15th! Let me know how you made out? :hug:

I can also relate to what you said about the husband & kids, Yes it does affect them, but if you are open with them & share some of the pain you are in, they will know what is helping you...Don't be afraid of scaring them away. I made that mistake at first. THEY turned out to be my biggest strength in so many unexpected ways!

jakatak 03-15-2009 10:28 PM

Not Proud of It
But I take Lyrica, tramadol, and oxycodone. As a probation officer, I always feel uncomfortable refilling the last of those meds. But....reality is, after trying to wean myself off different combinations of this cocktail, I have decided that I will continue to take these three meds. They have improved my pain level tremendously. I'm able to go for walks, exercise on my elliptical machine, and be much more positive with those around me. I can't answer as to why a narcotic would have a positive effect on, what really is a nerve disorder. You go to the pharmacy to refill this drug, and the looks that you get are very eye-awakening. You'd think that you are the next drug addict to get his hillbilly heroin. I have a client on methadone. He is recovering from heroin addiction. He tells me the horrible side effects that he gets when he doesn't get his daily dose. He says that it is worse than heroine. I can sympathize somewhat with him when I have run out of my script, and the Twin Cities had completely run out of Oxycodone two weeks ago. The pharmacists really had no sympathy for those that were on this meds. Well...I'm rambling here...but it is one thing to have a difficult disease like PN, and then deal with the issues surrounding narcotic medications.

jsrail 03-16-2009 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by jakatak (Post 481713)
But I take Lyrica, tramadol, and oxycodone. As a probation officer, I always feel uncomfortable refilling the last of those meds. But....reality is, after trying to wean myself off different combinations of this cocktail, I have decided that I will continue to take these three meds. They have improved my pain level tremendously. I'm able to go for walks, exercise on my elliptical machine, and be much more positive with those around me. I can't answer as to why a narcotic would have a positive effect on, what really is a nerve disorder. You go to the pharmacy to refill this drug, and the looks that you get are very eye-awakening. You'd think that you are the next drug addict to get his hillbilly heroin. I have a client on methadone. He is recovering from heroin addiction. He tells me the horrible side effects that he gets when he doesn't get his daily dose. He says that it is worse than heroine. I can sympathize somewhat with him when I have run out of my script, and the Twin Cities had completely run out of Oxycodone two weeks ago. The pharmacists really had no sympathy for those that were on this meds. Well...I'm rambling here...but it is one thing to have a difficult disease like PN, and then deal with the issues surrounding narcotic medications.

WOW!!!! LMAO dude! I laugh because I take Methadone for my SFN and since I started to get those "looks", I started to say its for my SFN, even though the pharmacist didn't ask me!


jakatak 03-16-2009 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by jsrail (Post 481746)
WOW!!!! LMAO dude! I laugh because I take Methadone for my SFN and since I started to get those "looks", I started to say its for my SFN, even though the pharmacist didn't ask me!


They look at you like you're either in the final stages of cancer, or your garden variety drug addict! I don't care anymore. The pharmacist knows me better than my wife! I start walking toward the pharmacy, and he immediately looks for my grocery list of drug refills. 10 years ago, the only pill I ever took was aspirin. Now, my medicine cabinet looks like the pharmacy at Walgreens!

mrsD 03-16-2009 09:43 AM

Methadone is actually the better choice for PN pain.
It is a NMDA antagonist. The NMDA receptors are responsible for pain transmission.

Methadone is less abuseable, and does not cause the euphoria that other opiates do.

Its downside is that for people susceptible to long QT syndrome it can be dangerous. QT is a heart rhythm problem. It can be induced by some drugs, genetics and/or dehydration with low potassium and magnesium. So it should be monitored carefully and not increased suddenly.
No pharmacist who knows about drugs should give you any "looks" or hassles about methadone.
Methadone is the only opiate that causes this side effect.

my thread:
post #4

COLBEYMOORE 03-16-2009 10:21 AM


That is exactly what I am talking about. After I informed my doctor that tramadol is not working for me his statements listed below was in insult. Advil or Motrin for pain from neuropathy??? Because he is worried about long term addication use??? So suffer through the pain ..... time for new doctor bad thing he is suppose to be the best in neuropathy and neuromuscalar diseases.

03/09/2009 14:12 Donofrio, Peter D: "You do not have many options at this point. You are presently taking the maximum dose of Neurontin and tramadol. You could increase the amitriptyline to 150 mg per night (3 tabs po qhs), but this is also a very large dose. You could add Advil or Motrin to your pain regimen. You could take 2-3 tabs po 4 times per day as needed for pain." P Donofrio

03/10/2009 08:36 Donofrio, Peter D: The next best choice would be acetominophen 2 tabs 325mg each four times per day. I would prefer not to advance you to a narcotic because of long term addiction issue. P Donofrio

daniella 03-16-2009 12:25 PM

I was suggested methadone as well but there was concern for me with my other health issues but have heard the benefits others have recieved too. That angers me about people generalizing especially in the health care field. You have to focus on this giving you better quality of life. Anyhow I have had little success with meds and why I need to do a treatment. I know that I think Dan excuse me if I am wrong is on fentnyl and has had great results. He told me his story and it was very hopeful.

COLBEYMOORE 03-16-2009 01:23 PM

I have an appointment with a pain management clinic and hopefully they will be able to figure something out so that I get a break from the pain and be able to be a more pleasant person, a better mother and better wife.

jakatak 03-16-2009 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by COLBEYMOORE (Post 481977)
I have an appointment with a pain management clinic and hopefully they will be able to figure something out so that I get a break from the pain and be able to be a more pleasant person, a better mother and better wife.

I don't want to get into a disagreement with MrsD. She possesses a tremendous amount of information, and has been very helpful for many on this website. However, having recovering heroin addicts tell me, that methadone is by far.....more difficult to kick, then heroin. The euphoria that MrsD speaks of, has certainly gone from my use. As long as it isn't abused, and you maintain the same dosage, I haven't had any problems. I do know that the system eventually adapts, and I have a friend who is on very high doses of oxycontin due to his quadraplegic condition. Every so often he has to detox, so that he doesn't increase his dose to the point of it being serious to his respiratory system. Those on higher doses of methadone have actually appeared catatonic at times.

jsrail 03-16-2009 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by jakatak (Post 481990)
I don't want to get into a disagreement with MrsD. She possesses a tremendous amount of information, and has been very helpful for many on this website. However, having recovering heroin addicts tell me, that methadone is by far.....more difficult to kick, then heroin. The euphoria that MrsD speaks of, has certainly gone from my use. As long as it isn't abused, and you maintain the same dosage, I haven't had any problems. I do know that the system eventually adapts, and I have a friend who is on very high doses of oxycontin due to his quadraplegic condition. Every so often he has to detox, so that he doesn't increase his dose to the point of it being serious to his respiratory system. Those on higher doses of methadone have actually appeared catatonic at times.

Actually, I find Methadone the best by far that I've tried for my SFN. I had a real bad allergic reaction to Fentynal that almost stopped my breathing and heart rate. I get no euphoric feeling from Methadone, its the narly constipation that only really bothers me. But as mentioned before, its a quality of life issue for me. Its better than laying on my side in bed all day and doing nothing else. For example, this Saturday my son plays in his 2nd piano recital, if not for the Methadone, I couldn't go to see him and he would be negatively effected (he is 6 y.o).

My neuro doc has me go on a 3 day "drug holiday" each month to refresh my tolerance to the methadone. I'm not sure it works and its a bad 3 days for me, but I do it anyway. I need to up my dose anyway.


COLBEYMOORE 03-16-2009 09:23 PM

Tramadol in the beginning just made me sleep..then my body adjusted to it and now I am taking 100mg 4 times a day which my neurologist says is too much.

Does anyone know what affects of too much neurontin or gabepentin have on you. Some days I take a little over 4800mg of gabepentin. I have already experienced short term memory loss. But what other choices do I have. I have gained weight so my doctor doesnt want to put me on Lyrica.

It is so frustrating everyday all day only you guys know what it is like my husband and friends do not. And to describe the various pain sensation from day to day is even more frustration.

jsrail 03-16-2009 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by COLBEYMOORE (Post 482188)
Tramadol in the beginning just made me sleep..then my body adjusted to it and now I am taking 100mg 4 times a day which my neurologist says is too much.

Does anyone know what affects of too much neurontin or gabepentin have on you. Some days I take a little over 4800mg of gabepentin. I have already experienced short term memory loss. But what other choices do I have. I have gained weight so my doctor doesnt want to put me on Lyrica.

It is so frustrating everyday all day only you guys know what it is like my husband and friends do not. And to describe the various pain sensation from day to day is even more frustration.

I feel for you Colbeymoore! I've never taken more than the 3600mg I've taken for over 1 1/2 years. My dose does make me sleepy to some extent and used to make me gain weight, but for some reason I've lost some appetite and weight as well. I've had short-term memory issues since before Neurontin, so I'm not sure it does or doesn't effect it, but it might. My insurance won't pay for Lyrica, so its out for me. It is unfortunate if your husband does not have empathy for you. Even if he has never had such pain, he should do some reading on it on the internet, and at least believe your description. He is your husband! I hope he does understand and supports you dealing with your issues, because you need this. I don't know what I would do without my family and their support, even my 6 y.o., and he doesn't know what joy I get from him everyday!


COLBEYMOORE 03-17-2009 04:12 AM

Yes Jay

This site is all I have it is 4:05am and I am up and feeling so alone. I just got done soaking my feet in ice and took meds....I don't understand if the nerves are dead why the pain????
I am tired of popping pills that do nothing! I think back to when I first felt the early symptoms and regret every single day I did accept that I was a diabetic and change my ways. Now I have this til I die..I worry about getting cuts on my feet and legs....I hope and pray the diabetes and/or this disease does not get the best of me before I see my daughter grow up. My mother passed away when I was 14 and I pray my daughter does not have to go through what I went through. I am venting again 4:12am...probally the only one up most people are sleeping....

jakatak 03-17-2009 10:50 AM

I feel for you. For many..and don't speak for all. It is the unknown factor that really is upsetting. The idio aspect drives me crazy. Cause and affect. Point A to Point B. It is so easy to treat a cut, or high blood pressure. But peripheral neuropathy is a bugger! When I began getting the early signs 5 years ago, I just didn't understand what the heck was happening to my feet. Today....most of the time, I have it under control. Proper diet, exercise (when able), and the dosing of meds that seem to work....allows me to function. Work at finding the best solution to your problem and maintain that plan as best you can.

zorro1 03-20-2009 11:29 PM

Beer has worked the best and vodka is a great! increases the burning at first but then its completely gone :D but that was what caused my PN in the first place :(so now I take Lyrica 300 mg although I still have the occasional drink on weekends, no way IM stopping my enjoyment of life altogether and whatever will be will be I dont worry anymore :wink:

kreink 03-21-2009 01:45 AM

3600mg Gabapentin 90mg Cymbalta
I had neuropathy before I found out I was diabetic, probably was diabetic with high BS for a few years. I take 3600mg Gabapentin and 90mg Cymbalta. It doesnt totally take away the pain but it is manageable most of the time. I have sensory/motor neuropathy and have lost ankle stability on my left side. I am being fitted for an AFO next week and walk with a cane now.

The cymbalta was added after I hit 3600mg of the Gabapentin with only temporary relief of pain. It helps my mood which is good, helps me keep going day to day and seems to offer some more extended pain relief throughout the day. I find if I take the cymbalta that if I dont hit my gabapentin dose right on the hour, I still am ok.

I think I am starting to have some memory issues, but that may also be sleep related. The gabapentin makes me weak and tired sometimes, especially if I take ibuprofen for muscle pain from overexertion.

As soon as I get my AFO I am going to start getting back into doing some regular excercise. 30 min a day of even light excercise does help with the pain for me.

antonina 03-21-2009 01:11 PM

"I am being fitted for an AFO next week and walk with a cane now."

Forgive my ignorance but what is an AFO? Thanks.

kreink 03-21-2009 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by antonina (Post 484610)
"I am being fitted for an AFO next week and walk with a cane now."

Forgive my ignorance but what is an AFO? Thanks.

No problem, AFO stands for Ankle Foot Orthotic, it basically a leg brace. The one I will be fitted for has an insole made for my foot and a stiff rigid leather lace up/velcro ankle foot support that will fit inside a walking shoe. I will need to get a shoe slightly larger to accomodate it and take the insole out. It has a brace that fastens to my lower leg so that leg bone provides the support that the muscles in my ankle and foot no longer provide. Currently my doctor has me in a boot/cast until it is made. It is the only thing that prevents me from walking on the outside of my foot or prevents me from rolling my ankle or worse. It also keeps the foot at a 90 degree angle so that I am not tripping over my toes.

BlueMajo 03-22-2009 02:43 PM

In my case it was Lyrica 150 mg per day, B-complex capsules and Zinc :)

gardengrl 03-22-2009 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by BlueMajo (Post 485052)
In my case it was Lyrica 150 mg per day, B-complex capsules and Zinc :)

I tried the lyrica Blue, for me it didn't work as good as my old stuff. I'm Happy it's working for you!

What I use now...I wear my AFO only if I plan to be out for the day, otherwise I hobble around pretty good at home. It does help with the Drop Foot (trippin over toes):o

Knee, elbow & wrist braces everyday to keep me from overdoing it.

Yoga deep breathing & stretches

3 percocets a day 7.5

1 Lexapro

2 Womans Multi Organic Vitamins

2 B12 for extra boost
4 tbls CHIA (Salvia hispanica L)
1 xanax for sleep

Keep sugars as low as possible as they are instant inflamatory agents.:(

Caffeine also limited:(

1/2 cup micro brew beer every other night! :wink:

To much of ANY of these will have me back in severe pain! This may change as weight does, it's all trial & error. So far, this is it.

snshort 03-23-2009 12:56 AM

Pain meds
Naproxin OTC 4 tablets a day
Cymbalta 60 mg twice a day
Lyrica 75 mg twice a day
offer me virtually symptom-free results
Steve Short

mrsD 03-23-2009 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by snshort (Post 485224)
Naproxin OTC 4 tablets a day
Cymbalta 60 mg twice a day
Lyrica 75 mg twice a day
offer me virtually symptom-free results
Steve Short

I use Aleve liquigels for pain... The liquigel formula is very superior to the tablet type for me. I can get by with ONE capsule a day, whereas the tablets did nothing for me.
You might want to try them. If you have the same effects, you will be reducing the amount daily you take, and this is better for your heart. ( I don't use them every day either!)

COLBEYMOORE 03-23-2009 11:42 AM

Can only use tylenol. I am in 3rd stage kidney disease and when I used to work I used alot of Motrin and Excedrin which excessive use caused additional damage to my kidneys.

My sister is a physican and she stated 20mg of methodone is what she would prescribe for me. I have read alot about it and how it does help however I am still very nervous about starting it and that affect it will have on me.

I had loratab prescribed to me after my first c-section, had several left over so I used them while I worked and did not have a neurologist. I was told they are very addicting.

I have also seen Cymbalta and Lyrica used with the neurontin or gabapentin.

Hopefully the pain management clinic I will be going to will help. As of yesterday I have had to take my self down off of the gabapentin since I was exceeding 4800 mg. My sister said that high of a dose was "toxic" so I took her advice and switched my dosage around a little bit. Also has anyone had any success with a lidocaine patch. My sister also said to try that as well.

My own neurologist has offered me no other options for pain relief so I am going else where.

gardengrl 03-24-2009 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 485281)
I use Aleve liquigels for pain... The liquigel formula is very superior to the tablet type for me. I can get by with ONE capsule a day, whereas the tablets did nothing for me.
You might want to try them. If you have the same effects, you will be reducing the amount daily you take, and this is better for your heart. ( I don't use them every day either!)

mrsD, would there be any reason for me Not to try this Aleve liquid along with my percocets?:confused: Well, not together but hours apart...I would LOVE to get off these percs. & was hoping to wean off. BUT need Pain relief? What do ya think?....Motrin 800 works but kills my gut no matter how much I eat.:hug:

mrsD 03-24-2009 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by gardengrl (Post 485824)
mrsD, would there be any reason for me Not to try this Aleve liquid along with my percocets?:confused: Well, not together but hours apart...I would LOVE to get off these percs. & was hoping to wean off. BUT need Pain relief? What do ya think?....Motrin 800 works but kills my gut no matter how much I eat.:hug:

Aleve liquigels have 220mg of naproxen in them. That is much less than the Motrin. It is therapeutically about equal to a 400mg Motrin. NSAIDs work for those with inflammatory pain. They are less effective for NERVE pain.

I don't have alot of nerve pain. But I do have burning now and then...I also have arthritis. Inflamed joints can pinch nerves and cause pain that way. So it can be complex in choosing a medication solution.

I can't say if the Aleve liquigels would be easier on the stomach. I don't take them often or every day because of that risk. But I did take them for 3 days in a row for that nasty sore throat! The lower dose effectiveness means less potential for GI upset. You'd just have to try them to see how you react.

For those here who use NSAIDs already, the Aleve liquigels may afford a way to reduce the dose/exposure without losing relief results.

ckfisher 04-02-2009 06:33 PM

Late 2005-Early 2006

Prescribed Daily Pain Regiment
8-10 5mg oxycocet (As Needed)
1-2 250mg Naproxen (x3)
200 mg Amitriptlyne Nightly
(Used for Nerve pain, Sleep & Chronic Migraines)

Results: Decent Pain relief still days with bad breakthrough but on average Good.

Early 2007
Prescribed Daily Pain Regiment
60-80 mg Oxycontin Daily
1-2 250mg Naproxen (x3)
200 mg Amitriptlyne Nightly
(Used for Nerve pain, Sleep & Chronic Migraines)

Around this time i started trying different Nerve pain meds on top of Elavil.

Neurontin Not sure on Dosage. As well as 1 or 2 others over the span of 8 months or so.

Results: Again Decent Pain relief still days with bad breakthrough but on average Good. Tho depended Completely on the Narc's

2008ish ...Time of Detox

After about 3 Years of Being on Narcotic pain meds. Determined I was heavily addicted and no matter what the dose Still in Pain. 1 Week later. Admitted my self into local "Medical Managed" Detox Facility here on the Island. The pain meds for the 9 days i was there are below. On top of that i was taking Decreasing amounts of methadone to relieve the DT's of coming off the Oxycontin. During this time i was in the worse pain I had been in since 2005. I was in bed all day except meal times in which i had to get up. The only relief i would get would come 1-2hrs after receiving a dose of Methadone. Max dose was 25ml decreasing 5mg daily till i was off it. Day 1 & 2 consisted of 2-3 10 ml doses which topped day 2 at the 25ml.

Prescribed Daily Pain Regiment in Detox
1-2 250mg Naproxen (x3)
200 mg Amitriptlyne Nightly
(Used for Nerve pain, Sleep & Chronic Migraines)

Results: Terrible!! In extreme pain Constantly! Not sleeping, and when i did sleep constantly being awaken.

2008ish ...Non- Nartoic

Prescribed Daily Pain Regiment
150mg Lyrica x3 Daily
1-2 250mg Naproxen (x3)
200 mg Amitriptlyne Nightly
15mg Imovane (Was waking up at 4-5 am Due to pain. If sleeping at all.

During this 6 week period, I was of Narc's from my Doctor. Within 2 weeks. I was in such severe pain i went to the street for methadone. I advised my family doctor of this and she tried to get me into see a Pain doctor that was licensed to prescribe methadone (There are only 2 Doctor on PEI that can do this. It took over 5 weeks to get into see the doctor i needed to see. During this time waiting i was spending between 40-100$ daily for methadone from the street avoiding using Street Pain Killers (Perc's oxy's D's ect ect)

During this time i lost everything i had worked for in the prior 5 years. As explained in another one of posts. I've had interesting past between the age of 17-22ish. I had been clean from all street drugs for all those years. Yet here i was again.

Present Day
Prescribed Daily Pain Regiment
75-150mg Lyrica as needed
1-2 250mg Naproxen (x3)
200 mg Amitriptlyne Nightly
15mg Imovane (Was waking up at 4-5 am Due to pain. If sleeping at all.
80mg Methadone Daily (40ml x2)

Results: Decent releif. I have bad breakthrough but treat it with lyirca & naproxen. Sleeping is still not what it use to be. Tho on occasion i will sleep right threw a day to make up for it :P

My pain level has been escalating as of recently, with methadone being up'ed to 100mg Daily. I am waiting still to have hardware removal Surgery and more then likely a nerve block Surgery, but the wait is very long.

Methadone Saved me from a life of extreme ups and downs that are always there with narcotic pain killers. Eventually the line between pain and Addiction become thin, yes the pain is there always but it's not pain relief you're getting. It's High.

This is just my experience. I know people who have been on Narc's for 20 years and are relatively fine. (Not Blindingly Addicted as i became)
If you one of those people with a addictive personality like me, methadone could be a good thing, but it has some really terrible side effects especially for young men^^ and the pills that make that 1 side effect go away are really expensive;).


chubcobear 04-05-2009 05:58 AM

Standard neurontin/tramadol doses
I am using 900mg neurontin, 300 mg (or less) tramadol. My PN is not from diabetes, but we don't know yet for sure where it came from. I mistook it for gout for many years. It started in 1999 with numb toes and has progressed to numb feet, ankles, and lower legs skin, etc. Pain began last year with tingling and burning of lower legs and feet. It seems to have progressed rather quickly lately, but we are dealing with it. Neurologist tested extensively but cannot find the cause. I gave up all alcohol and caffeine last year, drink only water,
watch my diet, etc. B vitamins daily. Trying to manage the pain. Thank you for this forum, I am learning much. All the best to you all, Tom C. Bear

lefthanded 04-07-2009 04:01 PM

I take up to 500 mg of Vicodin a day, and I use medical marijuana. When I find the right dose I can actually function a little better. . . too much and I may be happy and relaxed, but no better than if I had taken 1000mg of Vicodin! My gastro authorized the use of medical mj for **** sphincter pain that is the result of scar tissue at the site of my ileal anastomosis. Some days (like today) I have to fight this pain AND my PN pain . . . and it is not a simple matter to move through the day with any significant accomplishments.

I am attending a pain clinic, but finding that counseling may be more what I need. The discouragement is near unbearable at times, espcially when I think of the future and what life will be like as the economy gets worse, more of my limited income gets eaten away by medical, and the fact that I have a first grandchild due any day. I hate the thought of being the grandmother who is always fuzzy headed.

I don't work anymore because between the pain, the volatility of my Crohn's, issues with incontinence, and lack of sleep I would likely not make it a week on a job that required alertness and the ability to multitask. The fact that every once in a while I actually produce a painting at my easel seems miraculous when compared to the fact that I don't get much done on many days. And being as art is all I have now, one might think that it would be a simple matter to block out the pain and paint . . . but creativity is greatly affected by pain, espcially chronic pain.

Gabapentin caused me increased incontinence, which someone with no colon really has little tolerance for! I have read the horror stories of what it is like to use and quit the other newer genration of nerve meds . . . and I choose to learn how to live with my pain. Don't like it, but hey, what can you do when you want to continue to use the good brain you have been given?

Monica de Lara 04-07-2009 04:14 PM

Lyrica and Elvil are the meds I have tried for neuropathic pain. Lyricas has been helpful for me. As others have said, my pain has not dissapeared but it has diminished and some lucky days I am completely pain free.

mrsD 04-07-2009 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by lefthanded (Post 492700)
I take up to 500 mg of Vicodin a day, and I use medical marijuana. When I find the right dose I can actually function a little better. . . too much and I may be happy and relaxed, but no better than if I had taken 1000mg of Vicodin! My gastro authorized the use of medical mj for **** sphincter pain that is the result of scar tissue at the site of my ileal anastomosis. Some days (like today) I have to fight this pain AND my PN pain . . . and it is not a simple matter to move through the day with any significant accomplishments.

I am attending a pain clinic, but finding that counseling may be more what I need. The discouragement is near unbearable at times, espcially when I think of the future and what life will be like as the economy gets worse, more of my limited income gets eaten away by medical, and the fact that I have a first grandchild due any day. I hate the thought of being the grandmother who is always fuzzy headed.

I don't work anymore because between the pain, the volatility of my Crohn's, issues with incontinence, and lack of sleep I would likely not make it a week on a job that required alertness and the ability to multitask. The fact that every once in a while I actually produce a painting at my easel seems miraculous when compared to the fact that I don't get much done on many days. And being as art is all I have now, one might think that it would be a simple matter to block out the pain and paint . . . but creativity is greatly affected by pain, espcially chronic pain.

Gabapentin caused me increased incontinence, which someone with no colon really has little tolerance for! I have read the horror stories of what it is like to use and quit the other newer genration of nerve meds . . . and I choose to learn how to live with my pain. Don't like it, but hey, what can you do when you want to continue to use the good brain you have been given?

Thanks for posting. Your situation is really tough.

I'd like to comment on the "vicodin" . 500mg of Vicodin refers to the Tylenol part. The narcotic part is 5mg of hydrocodone.
This is really a low dose of narcotic.

There are many versions of Vicodin:
Vicodin 5/500
Vicodin 7.5/750mg called Vicodin ES
Vicodin HP 10mg/660mg

The first number is the narcotic, the second is the Tylenol part.

There are other hydrocodone products with less Tylenol. Taken over long periods of time for pain, the Tylenol can have a negative/toxic effect on the liver.

To avoid this is NORCO...
Norco has 5mg/7.5mg/10mg with 325mg of Tylenol.
Available in generic also to save money.

If your pain is severe, I don't see why you are not on Percocet? This has oxycodone in various strengths like the Vicodin. It is used for more persistent/severe chronic pain.

I wish we could change things here for you. This is the best I can do for now. Hang in there!

groundpounder 04-08-2009 11:53 AM

Side effects
I was diagnosed with PN about 10 months ago. The pain in my feet is so severe I'm afraid to drive my car. Every drug the doctor has tried so far either has no effect or has bad side effects. Has anyone found a good pain releiver with minimal side effects? Here is what I've tried so far:

Lyrica: Little relief and bad double vision
Gabapentin: No relief
Lidocane: No relief
Trammadol: Nausea
Oxycondone: Nausea (Actaully vomiting)
Capsation: No relief

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