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rd42 10-19-2006 08:38 AM

Vayu Mudra - Who Knows...
The physical body is made up of five elements namely - Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Aakash (ether - the tiny intercellular spaces in the human body).

Imbalance of these elements disrupts the immunity system and causes disease.

Deficiencies in any of these elements can be made up by connecting one part of the body with another in a particular manner through Mudras.

When a finger representing an element is brought into contact with the thumb, that element is brought into balance. Therefore the disease caused by the imbalance is cured. Mudras start electromagnetic currents within the body which balance various constituting elements and restore health. The joining of fingers creates an effect on the human body.
Vayu Mudra

Helps in diseases like arthritis, trembling in Parkinson's disease. Better results obtained if practices after Prana mudra .

lou_lou 10-19-2006 10:08 AM

Ayurvedic Medicine - And Yoga -
hello robert,
theorhetically when our bodies, and minds and spirit
are not in allignment we can suffer disease because of
the lack of ie: proper blood flow, etc
peace to you,

Most people, specially from western worlds, think of yoga as merely an eastern exercise program. Nothing could be further from the truth. The underlying purpose behind the practice of yoga - the literal meaning of yoga is `joining' - is to reunite the individual self (Jiva) with the absolute or pure consciousness (Brahma).

Union with this unchanging reality liberates the spirit from all sense of separation, freeing it from the illusions of time, space and causation. Since according to yogic philosophy the human body and mind are part of the illusory world of matter, with a limited time span, while the soul /spirit is eternal and passes onto another world when this body wears out. Thus, central to yogic philosophy are the concepts of Karma (cause- effect relationships) and Reincarnation.

Yoga is therefore regarded as a divine science of life, revealed to enlightened sages in meditation. First textual mention in the Vedas was corroborated by oldest archeological evidence of seals from the Indus Valley dating back to around 3000 B.C. The Upanishads that followed the Vedas provide the main foundation of Vedanta philosophy (that espouses the idea of an absolute consciousness called Brahma) and yoga teachings.

Around the sixth century B.C. appeared the massive epic The Mahabharata written by sage Vyasa and containing The Bhagavad Gita. Apparently a set of battlefield instructions on one's duties in life, they are very allegorical in showing how the challenges of life have to be faced - so much so that it is often considered the best book on management ever written. The Gita contains yoga terms and concepts to enable the reader face life similarly.

The backbone of Raja Yoga is furnished by Patanjali's Yoga Sutra, thought to have been written in the third century B.C. The classical text on Hatha Yoga, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika which describes the various asanas and breathing exercises which form the basis of the practice of modern yoga, was compiled much later by a yogi named Svatmarama.

In the modern perspective, Yoga is one of the most effective and wholesome forms of experience to control the waves of thought by converting mental & physical energy into spiritual energy. Yoga eases away pent-up tension, rejuvenates the body & soul, enhances concentration, cures diseases and keeps a hold on the aging process.

Benefits of Yoga

Preventive Value

Yoga helps to bring natural order and balance to the neuro-hormones and metabolism in the body.
At the same time, these exercises improve endocrine metabolism, thus providing you with a preventive shield.
Curative Value

Yogic postures activate the energies that have accumulated and stagnated in the energy pockets of the body - since left inert, these energies create various ailments.
Yogic exercises cleanse your body, mind and consciousness by venting toxins from the body.
Introducon | Principles of Yoga

Yoga for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha | Types of Yoga Asanas

jes123 10-19-2006 10:24 AM

have clicked on perwnkle's site to view your video, but am unable to get it started.can you help me??
also, we have a video on the CALIPSO website called: Parkinson's: it's a life sentance, not a death sentance that you might enjoy.
to view this video go to:
and click on the appropriate video.
thnaks for any help you can give me so that i can view yours. j

reverett123 10-19-2006 11:50 AM

Cultural economy
A lot of people, and doctors in particular, tend to have a reflex of the upper lip when things like mudras, yoga, chanting, shamans, roots, and berries are suggested as being on a par with their own offerings. And many of their patients, enthralled by their costume and regalia - white coat and stethoscope, a trick any shaman could explain - adopt a similar attitude.

But if we think about it-
1) Our ancestors were just as intelligent as we are;
2) Though they lacked the width of our database, in some areas their depth far exceeded our own. Try memorizing a thousand plants - where and when to gather them, how to prepare them, what each part is good for, etc - and you get the idea.
3) They were far better observers than we are;
4) Often going through periods of just surviving, things requiring a lot of energy that offered no benefit were quickly jettisoned.

Best we consider such things carefully.

lou_lou 10-19-2006 02:07 PM

hello jes

Originally Posted by jes123 (Post 27437)
have clicked on perwnkle's site to view your video, but am unable to get it started.can you help me??
also, we have a video on the CALIPSO website called: Parkinson's: it's a life sentance, not a death sentance that you might enjoy.
to view this video go to:
and click on the appropriate video.
thnaks for any help you can give me so that i can view yours. j

dear jes,
It seems to be working for me? maybe you need to reload the page if not,
I will send you a VHS, copy I had alot of DVD's but have given them away?
Possibly you may be able to get a copy from Lane?
email - me at
I need an address to send one to you! :)

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