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Fancylady_2006 09-19-2006 08:09 AM

Roll Call Tuesday-9/19~
I have been up since 6:30 and thought somone else would post roll call. Are you all still in bed?

Lets rise and shine, for it's wake up time on weight Loss forum! Good morning friends. I do hope we can all do our walking today or swimming for some. I am having vision trouble this morning. I need to get off and do some work.

I think Jan is gone for the day, so you gals fill in for me some. I still have so many e-mails to answer from yesterday. Yes I do still have to have another surgery! It is scheduled for Oct. 24 th. I can't hardly stand the thoughs of more. It' s dangerous if I don't have it tho. It is called Inguinal Femoral Hernia. Until last week I never heard of it. Oh wellI got 5 weeks to heal yet from this one. There's aways something.

Well I hope you all have a good "D"& "E" day!

snoozie 09-19-2006 11:46 AM

Good morning to us all, yes Billie we are getting a late start today. keep in mind I am a pacific time zone person so your way ahead of me. Sorry to hear of another surgery but it does sound very serious so it will be for the best. Geez, wouldn't it be nice if they could fix everything at once so you would not have to get cut on again. I will mark it on my calender to say an extra prayer for you on Oct 24th--positive vibes coming your way.

I went to the store yesterday and they had the nicest peaches and only 79cents a pound so I bought a bunch of them. I am trying to grab a piece of fruit instead of all the other junk. I also picked up some rice cakes, does anyone know if they are really that good for you such as high carbs? I am really bad about just grabbing something quick for a snack so I need to find good food to grab that is also tasty. Well hopefully we will all have a light day. Catch ya'all later gator...Sue:D

KTM5665 09-19-2006 11:53 AM

Im here....I just ate my first WW lunch. Blech. I topped it off, with two small peanut butter cvookies, and a diet Dr pepper. slow changes for me.

I was not impressed with a $3.50 cent blechy TV dinner!:D

nancy-h 09-19-2006 02:08 PM

Im late too
Billie, Snoozie, KTM;

I had to get up with the birds this morning but didn't have the time to log on because I was helping my husband get out the door. For those of you that don't know, my DH is on medical disability and has been since 1991. (We got married in '89 but he already was pretty disabled then. Spinal cord injury from falling down a mountain on the job in Idaho.) ANYWAY, he was leaving to go see a friend who was flying in to meet him in Vegas. He can see lots of old buddies that way. They fly in for business and see my DH, too!

He wasn't going to wake me this morning but I knew it would be, "Honey, where is my . . ." anyway so I got up. My poor baby tried to learn how to pack his own suitcase when he married me but still struggles. His ex-wife used to do it for him but I was working a 10 hr. day job so that request went right out the window when he met me. AND, she made sure all of his shirts were organized in the closet by color and hung facing the same way, etc. He learned a new word when we got married. It was spelled: L* A * U * N * D * R * Y !!! And when the shirts went into the closet, there was no sorting them anymore. But I did cook and loved to cook as it was a de-stressor.

Now that I'm not working, I do iron some things but I'm just not good at it. And even though I love to cook and my intentions are good, by dinnertime I'm usually starting my nightly pain cycle. But I manage to feed him anyway. He loves to cook too but by 4:00, he is in worse shape than me. So whoever is able to cook, does.

Now that you have read Chapter One of my book, I'll say Bye. Catch ya later.


janster 09-19-2006 07:07 PM

Hi gang!
Happy Tuesday! Hey--better late than never!! The happy wanderer has returned! For how long remains to be seen..... hehehe

I just got in from picking my remaining tomatoes that I wanted to keep. We have a frost advisory out for tonight! Geez Louise! Sher, sorry honey, YOU CAN HAVE THIS COLD CRAP!! Member how we were all gonna come invade think IT'S TIME LADIES!!!!!! Originally it was gonna be BS or SueBabe cuz they were in Nevada, but is there anyone further West now?? Someone, ANYONE!! Please start the wagontrain, migration, or whatever ya wanna call it..... let's just start from the West picking everybody up along the way, ending up on Sher's doorstep in Florida!!

She's gonna wait on us hand and foot so she can keep her girlish figure!!

I'm glad you're having your surgery BC. Little by little we'll get you back to normal. Well, maybe I outta rephrase that....... :D health-wise!!

I'm a carbaholic! I like the Crackerjack rice cakes. They satisfy my craving for something baked like a roll----sometimes. I dunno about the carbs in them though. I'm not that much of a fanatic--I should be, I know, but I figure whatever change I make is for the better.... I also do the fresh fruit---keep it handy. We talked about this in another thread--somewhere. If it's handy I just might grab it before digging for the good/bad stuff.

I used to like the Lean Cuisine frozen thinggys. I don't think they were that much either, but that was years ago--yeah, I'm old... :p

Hey BS~
Is Tootsie gonna be in Chapter 2? :D

PS-Hey GC: YAY! It's Tuesday!

slogo 09-19-2006 07:14 PM

I'm here. :D I bought myself some more plants and they were on sale big time. was given 2 boxes of small plants to revive free! Wow, now I got all kinds of new plants.
So far so good with d plan. Hugs to all, GC :)

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