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Doody 09-22-2006 06:16 PM

Flu-like symptoms?
I'm going to start keeping track on a calendar of how I feel.

I think I'm starting to notice a pattern. Out of the blue I'll get a sore throat and just feel horrible, like I'm coming down with the flu. I'll think I'm getting strep or some local crud, and that as quickly as it hits, it goes away (like in a day or 2).

So, do any of you have this happen? I'm wondering if it's possibly part of the fibro. It happens to me a lot.

kimmydawn 09-22-2006 10:14 PM

Wow, yes!!! I just assumed it was sinus (4 surgeries here), but I do that exact same thing. I've had MANY cases of strep in my life, and I would swear every time that I'm getting it.

You know, looking back, it might be involved somehow. Either the throat is a sinus flare-up which flares up the fibro, or it might all be fibro related.

Wow, again. Thanks for bringing this up. I'm looking forward to reading other's responses.


Idealist 09-23-2006 12:33 AM

Yeah, I get a sore throat every so often, with no obvious reason for it. Last week I thought I was coming down with a cold, but then it just disappeared after only a day. I've mentioned it to a couple of doctors, but they didn't seem to know what to think of it. Fibromyalgia sure is a strange puppy, ain't it? :rolleyes:

Wittesea 09-23-2006 08:45 AM

I don't get a sore throat.... but I do get sinus issues and ear infections.

I always assumed that the sinus/ear probelms were half caused by genetics (I have had sinus/ear problems since childhood and they run in the family) and half caused by the fact that I am a smoker.

But, when i think about it I realize that my sinus/ear issues disappeared in my early adult years, and returned around the time that my body went wonky.... so maybe I did outgrow the childhood problems, and they re-surfaced when the fibro came along.

One thing I know for certain - the staff at the doctors office love to roll their eyes when an adult calls complaining of an ear infection several times a year. I love my doctor and her nurse, but the front office staff has a problem and I always end up having to complain about a fake problem in order to get an appointment for an ear infection because the office staff all love telling me that "adults don't get ear infections" when I try to make an appointment.

One of these days, I'm going to make them come into the exam room and make them look in my ears with the doctor to be able to say "I told you so, adults sure can get ear infections"....

coyote 09-23-2006 02:00 PM

I've never heard that adults don't get ear infections. I've complained about it before, and have never had a doc say that to me.
I have chronic sinus infections, and used to have sore throats all the time, but that has lessened in the past couple of years. Lately I've had what I thought was a cold coming on, and it went away in a couple of days. I think mine is just something going around. I'm a travelling art teacher, and I see about 650 kids a week, and usually get everything that's going around. A lot of them will sneeze and cough in your face. I've learned to exhale quickly as soon as I hear it, and move away quickly!
I also live in New England, the capital of sinus problems. It's said that you can't live here for long without developing one.

Doody 09-24-2006 07:29 PM

Well, those symptoms I had sure enough cleared up after a day. I nearly didn't make it through work I felt so sick. This happens a lot, and this time I marked my calendar.

One other thing I discovered recently, speaking of ear problems. For years now I have been going to my GP, whom I adore, when my ear would start hurting. Along with the ear pain my neck would hurt. I'd go to him thinking I have a horrible ear infection, and usually he'd tell me, basically...well, it must be an inner ear problem because the ear canal looks fine, .... but he'd put me on an antibiotic and a sinus medicine. Eventually it would get better.

This time, about a month ago...I went to him and complained about how much my neck hurt...not my throat, my neck and my ear pain was excruciating. He touched my neck and I bout went through the ceiling. THIS time he was concerned that I had something wrong with my carotid. (Heart disease runs on my dad's side.)

So he had me go for an ultrasound. Well the ultrasound lady did both sides of my neck.

Next thing I know my doctor calls and wants me to come in, says the radiologist is concerned about my lymph glands. So blood tests and an appt made with and ENT.

I now love this ENT. First he had me get an CT scan of my neck. Then he assured me that there was no evidence of lymphoma. (My blood count was high and indicated infection, so my GP was worried about that.) The ENT did a lot of checking and some tests and the one that told him all was when he held my face in a certain place and asked me to open my mouth.

OUCH OWIE OUCH! I near went thru the ceiling.

He just said, "Uh huh, I'll be right back," and he walked out with his asst trainee doc whatever they call them, and I could hear them jabbering. He came back with a pamphlet and said, "My dear lady, the good news is you don't have lymphoma or a blocked carotid, but the kinda bad news is that you have TMJ."

Huh? And I sat there for a minute and it was a flash show in my mind of all these things that now made sense.

TMJ is listed as one of the more common complaints with fibro. As is colitis - I have ulcerative colitis since I was 26. Migraines...had them since my early 20s. Abdominal pain, had those since my early 20s. Sore throats. A million of em. Flu like symptoms... Well I am now going to 'calendar' those to see how often they happen cause I know it's often.

I've been a fibro mate for a few years now....??? And I still find myself making discoveries with it and noticing patterns.

A lot of stuff that has been happening in the last month has led me to my annual fun fall flare.


I'm running the whole gamut. The climate here right now is temperate, but last night I had a couple of blankets wrapped around my knees and ankles and feet. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow...they hurt so bad. And both elbows, both wrist, both hands, both feet and ankles, both knees, both thighs.

:p :p :p

Now I've heard of TMJ before but never gave it much thought til now. It sucks.

I'd like to try anything and everything for relief. Acupuncture, A good chiro, massage, warm aquatic therapy, but hello? Money?

Yeah, my particular insurance will cover chiropractic, but I've been in numerous car accidents with pretty nasty whiplash and spine damage. Every chiro I've seen, I come out hurting worse than when I went in.

Anyway, this stuff sure is interesting. :rolleyes:

Doody 09-24-2006 07:32 PM

And yes, I have lots of sinus problems also, with 3 surgeries. But the first surgery was to correct a horribly misaligned nose from one of the (Many) beatings from a husband I had in my early 20s. He Broke my nose and I never had it tended to. Anywy, 3 sinus surgeries.

I have a lot of drainage. And I've also developed the alternate dry/teary eye that is also a symptom, or result, of fibro.

When you look at the list on fibro pages of symptoms/results of fribo, you think...yeah right, everybody gets those. But, I think not. Especially not when you start recognizing that you have sooooo many of those symptoms.

sallyb 10-03-2006 01:21 PM

Well, yeah!!! OFTEN I feel like I am getting ear ache, or flue or something...and it disappears the very next day! I just always figured that since I live in pain, my endorphins (or something) is very high, and kills whatever attacks.


Diane K 10-06-2006 10:19 PM

Wittesea so why haven't you mentioned to your doctor that his office staff seems to think adults don't get ear infections? What about patients that call with bonafide ear infections that can't get an appointment, because of his staffs mis-information others may not be as resourceful as you and instead suffer in pain without an appointment. I know if I heard my doctors receptionists giving out mis-information I would make a point of letting him know and any good doctor would be glad for the information. Since I am a retired nurse I know from experience that medical office people tend to think they know more then they do (know offense to medical office people) it is just that when it comes to medical info it is not their position to tell a patient they do or don't have a problem. Or talk among themselves about how a certain problem isn't possible because they are to old or not old enough and the doctor they work for needs to know about the problem.

Diane K

Sydney 10-08-2006 09:40 AM

full body pain
Doody and others
Yes - I have widespread FM pain: face , neck, full back, knees, feet, hands, arms. I just ache all over. I can't say it feels like the flu because I never had the flu. I get trigger point injections weekly but they vary in their effectiveness. Sometimes minimal to no relief. I take no pain meds as I am polymorphic(don't metabolize pain meds). Only take xanex and seroquel to sleep. I like the epsom salt idea but I cannot get in and out of the tub - too much back pain to bend over, etc.
I've tried every modality for relief - all have made me worse. (acupuncture, cold laser, etc.). Also, see a naturopathic dr.
I checked out your petfinder web site. Neat. I adopt all my dogs from the local shelter. I love my latest dog. He was 5 yrs. old when we got him. He is a calm, loving mixed lab. Came fully trained: sits, speaks, etc. Nice to see another animal lover in the group.
Oh -this suffering is so bad this morning. I just hate it because I can't even walk the dog. I haven't walked even a block now in about 5 years because of FM and meralgia paresthetica.
Sorry to go on - bad day!

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