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Vrae 08-15-2012 06:45 PM

Unrelenting lower back pain… any suggestions?
Hello everyone, I typically hang out in the RSD/CRPS group, but I am having some MAJOR back issues today and thought I would reach out here.

So here’s what’s going on I have had a discectomy L5/S1 back in 2004 when it ruptured. I awoke from this surgery with a whole new problem called RSD/CRPS II. A couple of months ago I had an MRI and I have L3 & L4 bulging. I have had the flu and have been coughing for at least a week or so. I know this isn’t helping anything. But this morning I woke up and my back is in excruciating pain, I have been debating or waring with myself to go to the ER. I can’t take a deep breath and it not be horribly painful. And if I take too big of a step while trying to walk… same thing, very, very painful. I’m trying to figure out what the heck has happened. I have amped up on pain meds and it takes the edge off but that is all it does. The hosp that I would have to go to stinks in that the wait will be very, very long. I’m scared to even try and get into the car for fear I won’t be able to get back out once at the ER. What to do, what to do. AND I am worried something major has happened. All while I was asleep… how strange to have woken up this way this morning. Any advice… suggestions? Thanks in advance!

Leesa 08-16-2012 10:39 AM

Is it mostly in the back, or does it go down the leg too? You could have herniated a disc easily. Even coughing can do that, cause I herniated a disc just by SITTING in a car going on a trip!!! I was just sittiing ---can you believe that? The first time, all I did was bend over to pick up an EMPTY laundry basket. And I was alone in the house, in the basement. I had lots of "fun" trying to get upstairs. LOL

Anyway -- You won't get much done at the ER. What you need is an MRI done of your lower back. The ER will just pooh-pooh it, and call you a drug addict. :rolleyes: Call your doctor and ask if they'll set up an MRI with and without contrast material. That's the only way you'll find out if you've got a herniation. They'll probably want to see you, but you can try by just calling. I'm sorry you're in such pain. Been there, done that several times. It's no darn fun. :mad:

PLEASE - keep us posted, ok? And let us know what the MRI says, ok? You can get a copy of the report for you to keep. Best of luck and God bless. Big hug, Lee :)

Vrae 08-16-2012 02:08 PM

Thanks so much for the response. I did have an MRI about 6-8 wks ago. It showed that L3, L4 & L5 were all bulging. Not sure if that is the same thing as hernia. I have degenerative disc disease, and something else with my joints, I think it’s DJD. At that time I was told by the ER that I needed surgery. Unfortunately I lost my health ins a year ago and I am on a state assist program. My husband is looking for a new job that would provide the benefits I so desperately need.

So here’s what I did. I have stayed off myself as much as possible. I ration meds but I did have a few Soma’s left and high dose Percocets. Both have proved helpful. I think the Soma has at least relaxed the lower back and the Percocet took the edge off the pain. I despise the ER I would be forced to go to, as they just treat me like I’m drug seeking and will make me wait hours upon hours (5-10 is the norm.). I just could not have sat there that long and thought I would try everything in my arsenal first. Today the pain has been reduced, but still very sore and tender. I’m just trying to take it easy and let things try to heal up a bit.

The PC that I would be forced to go to recently had a nurse call to tell me that if I have any leg pain to go to the ER. With the RSD CRPS II that I have, he has stated that I’m out of his scope of practice. At my request he referred me to the Neuro Dept at a local hosp, and I am on a 1 year waiting list… awesome!

To answer your question, yes I have sciatica pain in my butt cheeks and down my legs. I wish it was only one side, but it’s both with one side always more irritated more than the other, but it alternates. I was afraid that something was pinching so bad that it could possibly get bad enough to do some real bad damage like paralyzation

Thanks so much for your feedback. I really do/did appreciate it!

Dubious 08-16-2012 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Vrae (Post 906320)
Thanks so much for the response. I did have an MRI about 6-8 wks ago. It showed that L3, L4 & L5 were all bulging. Not sure if that is the same thing as hernia. I have degenerative disc disease, and something else with my joints, I think it’s DJD. At that time I was told by the ER that I needed surgery. Unfortunately I lost my health ins a year ago and I am on a state assist program. My husband is looking for a new job that would provide the benefits I so desperately need.

So here’s what I did. I have stayed off myself as much as possible. I ration meds but I did have a few Soma’s left and high dose Percocets. Both have proved helpful. I think the Soma has at least relaxed the lower back and the Percocet took the edge off the pain. I despise the ER I would be forced to go to, as they just treat me like I’m drug seeking and will make me wait hours upon hours (5-10 is the norm.). I just could not have sat there that long and thought I would try everything in my arsenal first. Today the pain has been reduced, but still very sore and tender. I’m just trying to take it easy and let things try to heal up a bit.

The PC that I would be forced to go to recently had a nurse call to tell me that if I have any leg pain to go to the ER. With the RSD CRPS II that I have, he has stated that I’m out of his scope of practice. At my request he referred me to the Neuro Dept at a local hosp, and I am on a 1 year waiting list… awesome!

To answer your question, yes I have sciatica pain in my butt cheeks and down my legs. I wish it was only one side, but it’s both with one side always more irritated more than the other, but it alternates. I was afraid that something was pinching so bad that it could possibly get bad enough to do some real bad damage like paralyzation

Thanks so much for your feedback. I really do/did appreciate it!

Hi Vrae,

I do recognize you from the RSD list. First, any hospital that accepts state or federal money cannot turn you away. ER is always an option, at least for emergent issues. Depending on the state, if you have an ortho/PCP that can refer you into the neuro dept. of such a facility, your wait time might drop to a week or two (at least it is that way around here). Also, if you are clinically/neurologically a mess and unstable, ER can call for a neuro consult while you are there.

The CRPS issue is messy. And I would stay away from any doc who does not feel comfortable with CRPS as they could make you worse. Exhaust all state and federal aid programs that are available until hubby finds a job/insurance. Lumbar sympathetic blocks, if not already tried, may be instructive. If your recent MRI is blaringly positive for cord or root compression, don't bark up that tree!

Lastly, while even great and perfect surgeries can result in CRPS, I would get a full copy of your surgical records, hand over to an attorney versed in medmal and explore whether or not there was an error of ommision or commission that led to your demise. That part didn't work out for me (although all docs I worked with said the surgeon screwed up big time), but it might for you.

Spiney95 08-17-2012 05:49 AM

If you must go to the ER (and it is appropriate at times) take all of your surgical and radiology records....discs and reports. Keep your focus on your need for some answers, an immediate referral and your greatly diminished level of function. The ER doc is far more likely to take you seriously and throw in something to give you temporary relief.

I DO understand the problems the ERs have with drug seekers. On the other hand, it seems like you must have a gunshot wound to the chest to get something for pain. :mad: Best wishes.

Leesa 08-17-2012 07:20 PM

The time when you have to worry about paralyzation is when you lose control of your bladder and bowels. Now THAT is a REAL EMERGENCY!!! If that EVER happens, do NOT let anyone in the emergency room intimidate you. YOU INTIMIDATE THEM!!! Make THEM get busy on YOU. Cause that is a real emergency situation. If that ever happens, usually it's an issue of immediate surgery or else it could mean permanent damage.

I've had sciatica in the right leg for 26 YEARS -- yes you read that right. Now it is spreading to the left leg. It's been miserable because no doctor could find any meidcation that could help the horrible pain. Now, my "kind of new" doctor has finally found a combiination of meds that are working to ease the pain --- of course it hasn't taken away all the pain, but it has eased it somewhat. Instead of a 10 on the pain scale like it was, it's now about a 6. So I can live with that, although I'd rather not. LOL :D

Seems like someone could refer you to physical therapy. THAT is where you're gonna get your best relief -- even if you've tried if before, try it again and stick with it cause that really IS where you're gonna find relief if you stay with it. Especially pool therapy -- that is the best for your ailment. I wish you the very best. God bless and will you PLEASE keep me posted? Let me know how you do, will you? I'm really interested. Take care. Hugs, Lee ;)

seahorse02 08-17-2012 09:29 PM

Foot drop can be permanent as well. Take a sheet or blanket with you to any medical office if you have to wait, pick a spot where you won't get stepped on and and LAY DOWN if you need to. Forget what anybody thinks. Do what you need to in order to get as comfortable as possible.

If you have to go to the ER to get treated, tell them that your condition has reached the level where you cannot function, and emphasize that you cannot leave the hospital until your problem is properly treated. Dr. told me that. It is a way of forcing the hospital's hand. They are also required under state or federal - I forget which or if it's both - but hospitals are REQUIRED to treat a certain number of indigent patients per's just that they have the option of picking and choosing which ones on the wait list they help. It helps if you have a highly respected doctor/neurosurgeon on staff who is pulling for you at the hospital ER you visit. Just my 2 to you!!! AND please don't give up!

Spiney95 08-18-2012 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Leesa (Post 906663)
The time when you have to worry about paralyzation is when you lose control of your bladder and bowels. Now THAT is a REAL EMERGENCY!!! If that EVER happens, do NOT let anyone in the emergency room intimidate you. YOU INTIMIDATE THEM!!! Make THEM get busy on YOU. Cause that is a real emergency situation. If that ever happens, usually it's an issue of immediate surgery or else it could mean permanent damage.

I've had sciatica in the right leg for 26 YEARS -- yes you read that right. Now it is spreading to the left leg. It's been miserable because no doctor could find any meidcation that could help the horrible pain. Now, my "kind of new" doctor has finally found a combiination of meds that are working to ease the pain --- of course it hasn't taken away all the pain, but it has eased it somewhat. Instead of a 10 on the pain scale like it was, it's now about a 6. So I can live with that, although I'd rather not. LOL :D

Seems like someone could refer you to physical therapy. THAT is where you're gonna get your best relief -- even if you've tried if before, try it again and stick with it cause that really IS where you're gonna find relief if you stay with it. Especially pool therapy -- that is the best for your ailment. I wish you the very best. God bless and will you PLEASE keep me posted? Let me know how you do, will you? I'm really interested. Take care. Hugs, Lee ;)

The last time I had surgery.......and I mean the last time.......I started losing bladder contol and experiencing profound leg weakness. I called the surgeon's office and was told by the office manager :eek: to just hang in there as I had a scheduled surgery in two weeks. I told her I had my bags packed and to tell the surgeon I was on my way........a two hour drive. The idiot was there when I arrived and ducked out the door. I had to see one of his fellowship doctors who honestly didn't speak English. The office manager, who I was ready to clobber with my cane, told me to go to the ER and they were waiting for me. LIAR!!!! When I got over there, they knew nothing about me and I had to start from scratch to see somebody with knowledge and authority. When I finally got a neuro surgical eval, the guy told me to go check into a motel and try to get into see my surgeon in the morning. When he started examining me again, I got rather passive/aggressive and empited my bladder (on purpose). That got me admitted and I had surgery the next morning. Sometimes a girl just has to do what a girl has to do. :D

Silver 08-19-2012 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by spine95 (Post 906912)
The last time I had surgery.......and I mean the last time.......I started losing bladder contol and experiencing profound leg weakness. I called the surgeon's office and was told by the office manager :eek: to just hang in there as I had a scheduled surgery in two weeks. I told her I had my bags packed and to tell the surgeon I was on my way........a two hour drive. The idiot was there when I arrived and ducked out the door. I had to see one of his fellowship doctors who honestly didn't speak English. The office manager, who I was ready to clobber with my cane, told me to go to the ER and they were waiting for me. LIAR!!!! When I got over there, they knew nothing about me and I had to start from scratch to see somebody with knowledge and authority. When I finally got a neuro surgical eval, the guy told me to go check into a motel and try to get into see my surgeon in the morning. When he started examining me again, I got rather passive/aggressive and empited my bladder (on purpose). That got me admitted and I had surgery the next morning. Sometimes a girl just has to do what a girl has to do. :D

Good for you girl...I had a similar thing happen, but they had cancelled my husbands surgery twice, on our third trip, after he was prepped and ready they told me they had "overbook" again and we had to go home and reschedule. I told them they couldn't make me, that's when they called security, in all the commotion a doctor passing by came in and made them put my husband in an ICU unit and get him stable, then that doctor not our did surgery the next day. My husband would not have lasted another couple of days...It's a shame we have to resourt to such measure to get the medical care we need ...good luck ...keep fighting...Silver

Dr. Smith 08-20-2012 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by spine95 (Post 906912)
The last time I had surgery.......

You slyboots! :rolleyes:


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