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Living_Dazed 05-22-2014 10:31 AM

Anyone else home all day because you can't drive
Good morning all,

I am home all day by myself because I can't drive. Everyone I know works.

I still have a hard time out with all the movement and sounds so I am selective and use glasses and ear plugs when I go out.

Reading books and tv are out for me. We are still getting organized from moving so my jewelry stuff isn't out. I don't cook alone. I pick stuff up around the house 10 min at a time but who wants to clean everyday all day. I sit on the patio, pace, try games to help my motor skills. I just started that. have to find ones that aren't so busy and things moving.

I have the animals, but they are lazy and sleep all day. In our other house my husband put up a 96" screen and projector. He ran the wires for sound system. We loved watching movies and had an amazing family room. We don't have the screen and projector here. The tvs are hardly on. Music either. Upstairs was my space. No tv. My music on all the time.

Not sure what I'm going to do with myself this summer. Some days are strikingly lonely.

If I lived by the water I'd sit on the edge and soak my feet all day long.

I miss my work and the interactions all day long.

I have become old in my 40s. I sit on the couch and watch EVERYTHING outside. I do take short walks but I'm cautious because my vertigo can be unpredictable. I don't have a back up besides calling 911 if things go wrong.

Anyone else in my spot. What do you do all day til your family gets home

Stringstalker 05-22-2014 10:42 AM

I'm currently stuck at home all day. I'm so bored, I feel useless, I feel like less of a man. I sit/lay around. Small walks in my yard. But I'm in the same position as you.

Marina22 05-22-2014 11:32 AM

I'm in the same position now. stuck at home all the time. :(

I can still drive, but no freeways or any busy roads. Only quiet streets :(. No TV, I can use a computer for a very limited time. I have a cat, but she is lazy and sleeps all day.

I have no friends or much of a family here. Absolutely no back up in case of any emergency. And I have 2 kids (11 and 9) I have to take care of. I feel very lonely and miserable. And I miss my old self badly.

I have no idea how this happened. Three years ago I was very active and happy mother of 2 wonderful kids and a happy wife. I used to own a small business. I used to take zumba classes three times a week. I was very involved with my kids' school pta (VP and then a president) and contributed a lot to their school.

Now I'm just a homemaker with very limited abilities. :( I try to convince myself that life goes on, but it's really difficult considering the situation.

I will pray for every one of us every day. We will recover! :grouphug:

Socks 05-22-2014 11:45 AM

Up until very recently I wasn't driving at all and now I'm only driving at most 10-15 miles, just enough to get me to work and my parent's house and my physical therapist. But my parents are on vacation right now and I don't really have any friends in the area anymore so I've just come to work for a few hours, gone to PT and gone home. To switch things up a little I might run to the store but I have to make it really quick because I can't stand the noise. I would love to get out on my bike but I don't trust my balance and I haven't really done anything physical like that yet so I don't know how it will affect me. Same with going to the driving range. I'm depressed right now. Yesterday and Tuesday weren't great days. I keep finding new things I have problems with. Daydreaming or using my imagination, cutting my fingernails (that one's new today), still having trouble speaking properly sometimes. I'm not sure the PT is actually helping and that's a $55 copay every time. My cats don't talk back. I'm alone too much. I want to start a drawing class for the summer but I'm afraid I won't be able to translate something I think of (if I can think of anything at all) from my brain to the paper. I want to have a beer but I know that's out. Sigh. This whole thing is just depressing.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Living_Dazed 05-22-2014 11:46 AM

Sometimes it's comforting to know we are not alone even if I never meet any of you it makes a difference.

DeWitt, in my opinion you should rest as much as your brain asks for. Using my phone is the easiest for my brain now but before even that was hard. Find a hobby that doesn't ignite your symptoms. Be good to yourself and give yourself a break on the guilt. I can imagine anyone wanting this life. It happens. If it was your wife would you still love her and be there? It's time to take care of you!

Marina- I hear you. I do 80% or more less daily since my injury. I'm working on accepting this new me and making a new life. It's hard but I take it one day at a time. Some days are easier than others.

Peace and wellness,


Living_Dazed 05-22-2014 11:56 AM


I get the store thing and beer and balance.

You are early in. Are u doing vestibular therapy. My V therapy leveled off at month 5. I stopped progressing at that point but it did help.

$55 is a huge copay. Wow. I thought $40 was bad.

I thought about a drawing class too. No bus, or transportation so that's as far as I got. I think I will look up tutorials on my ipad.

I started looking at other forums on here too. Interesting. I can't read too much or my head hits that brick wall and demands sleep. But pictures I can look at for a nice while.


Hockey 05-22-2014 12:16 PM

Been there, done that, it sucked - but don't lose heart.

I am - finally - allowed to drive a little. If I can make it back, there is hope for pretty much everyone.

After my MVA, the neurologist declared that I'd NEVER drive, again. We were even going to sell our second vehicle. Thankfully, my PT encouraged me not to give up.

The PT worked really hard on improving my physical skills, while the occupational therapist suggested modifications to the car (like a captain's arm rest), the cognitive therapist worked on my concentration and my GP used medication to get my seizures under control. I even worked with a driving instructor to help get over my MVA-related PTSD.

I can't drive in heavy traffic, or for long distances, but I am so thankful for what I can do. Don't give up, friends.

MyNewReality 05-22-2014 12:25 PM

I do drive, but I don't if I don't have to.

What do I do all day?

I spend a lot of time on my back patio, watching the birds and drinking coffee.

I don't usually feel like doing much else.

Probably not much of a help. Sorry.

Hockey 05-22-2014 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by MyNewReality (Post 1071007)
I do drive, but I don't if I don't have to.

What do I do all day?

I spend a lot of time on my back patio, watching the birds and drinking coffee.

I don't usually feel like doing much else.

Probably not much of a help. Sorry.

Birds and coffee... sound a lot like my day.

Living_Dazed 05-22-2014 12:35 PM


It must be nice to have some independence back. Wow, that's great.

Do you have damage to your vestibular nerves? The nerve that controls my vision is damaged. I was just told I wouldn't drive again. It would be great to hear of someone's vision improving enough to drive! Even if I could only drive in my town I'd be thrilled.

We are in the process of selling our second car. It's a sedan and I can't stomach my family being in it. I was in an SUV when the accident happened. If I was in the car it would have been much worse. When the rest of North America drives sedans then we can be in a sedan. Until then, I just can't.


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