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Twee 03-19-2009 08:03 PM

Do Any Doctors Really Know Anything??
Warning..Woman in mid 40's apparently filled with so much anxiety that she has talked herself into chest pain, aneurysm, brain lesions, cysts,etc
This medical nightmare began 3 long months ago. I was having Vertigo and when it reached the point that I could not walk and was having visual disturbances I was rushed to the ER. They did a cat scan and found a small aneurysm that they assured me was nothing more that an incidental find. I have always had pernicious anemia so of course we had to make sure that was in check and it was as I have received B-12 injections monthly for 20 years. I then went to every specialist in town who then sent me to the next specialist and here I am , each day another symptom and no answers...oh but my blood work is good ...I will make sure my family puts that on my tombstone...HER BLOODWORK WAS GOOD.
Symptoms: Blue toes, worse in 60 degree and cooler weather, ganglion and bakers cyst, aneurysm, MRI showing several brain lesions, chest pain that feels like pins and needles, cat scan of chest normal, swollen painful glands under arm, had sonogram and they are watching them, sick to my stomach, burning around my rib cage, dizziness that has stopped since taking topamax
If anyone has had any simular symptoms I would so appreciate hearing from you! Right now I am at a total loss as to what direction to even go in.
Could It be MS? One neurologist says it was just a migraine although I have no history of migraines another says I should see a specialist for MS ..thoughts????

Dejibo 03-20-2009 07:01 AM

I too was given the dx of migraines and told I was just "anxious" given a xanax and sent home. I was dragging a leg, and off balance. If you truly feel that MS may be in the picture, please find an MS clinic, not just an MS MD, find a CLINIC, and set an appointment to rule it out. Please expect that they will want an MRI and spinal tap. They will do a full run of blood tests from B12 levels to Lyme disease. B12 def can mimic MS. Lyme can mimic MS. MS is the great pretender. No two patients express the same symptoms in the same way. It is clear you feel you are receiving dismissive care, and should seek a new MD.

I hope you feel better. :hug:

legzzalot 03-20-2009 07:57 AM

The only thing doctors know for sure is they make more money than we do. That is my opinion. I would definitely see a specialist and get a full work up.

Looking back, I have had this cruddy disease for over 10 years, but wasn't diagnosed until last october. I too had "anxiety". I was also told I was bipolar, that I had thyroid issues, reproductive issues, was sent to a shrink, a chiropractor, a heart doctor, and tried everything short of voo-doo. The MS diagnosis came from what I thought was a pinched nerve causing my leg to go numb.

One thing I have learned if your doctor doesn't listen to you, you have to find one that will. Because doctors who seem to know it all turn out to just be arrogant people who are too busy stroking their own ego to worry about what is really going on with you.

Niko 03-20-2009 08:14 AM

Doctors know how to cash checks ;)


kicker 03-20-2009 09:02 AM

They're only people, those doctors. I suspected BPV (Benign Positional Vertigo) a vestibular Disorder, saw an ENT, No he said, said a Migraine might be it, although I never had headaches. A MS clinic Neuro I saw later couldn't believe ENT (well-known and MS often suspected of being BPV first) got an MRI and didn't see lesions. Opthomalogist , also a neuro- opthmalogist, suspected MS from our casual conversations. Doctors!

Kitty 03-20-2009 09:09 AM

They know about as much as we do. They're learning from us.

azoyizes 03-20-2009 09:35 AM

Hi Twee, and welcome to NeuroTalk! :Wave-Hello:

Some doctors, though I think this type is rare, are willing to sit down and take the time to listen to you.

A lot of doctors I've been to see, and this type is more the norm, don't want to listen. It seems they form an opinion in the first ten seconds, and nothing you can do or say will change it.

I was diagnosed about 18 years ago, but first I went through some not-too-nice neuros. When I finally found a doc who did sit and listen to what was going on with my body, and said that he wanted to run some tests to see what was going on, I could have kissed him!

I'm with Dejibo, get yourself to a doctor or a clinic and have some tests run. Be sure to keep a journal of all your symptoms, tests, meds, etc. That will really be of some help to you. And, keep us posted on how things work out for you. :)

SallyC 03-20-2009 10:42 AM

welcome Home, Twee..:hug:

The only thing Docs know for sure, is that, they don't know anything for sure....although they would never admit this..:cool:

ali12 03-20-2009 11:05 AM

Hi Twee,

I agree with what the others have already said, Doctors are learning from all of us and I think sometimes, they are afraid to admit when they don't know something (I know my doctor is!).

I don't have MS although I do have a condition that is fairly similar in many ways. I was told by my Doctor that it is in the same "branch" of conditions as MS and is the closest neurological condition related to MS. I sprained my left ankle in March 2007 (2 years exactly today) and had to see over 20 doctors before I got an accurate diagnosis. It took me 5 months to finally see a doctor that knew what was going on and believed me and beforehand, I was also told that I had conditions related to anxiety ... even though I had a rotated, swollen and blue leg!!!!!!

I agree with what some of the others have said, if you aren't happy with your doctor, please go and see another one that specialises in MS and other similar conditions (Neurologists, Pain Management Doctors etc). I KNOW it is really stressful but trust me, once you find a proper doctor that is willing to listen to you it is well worth it!!

I know it feels like a long time to you, but 3 months isn't that long really. Many people have had to wait a lot longer before they got a proper diagnosis! With MS, it can take a long time for all of the tests to come back and to get an accurate diagnosis. My nanan had Progressive MS and it took 4 years for her to find out what was wrong with her - the doctors knew 3 years before that what was wrong but never admitted it - my mum found out by looking through all of my nanans records from the hospital!

Take care of yourself and know that we are all here for you and do understand some of what you are going through and how frustrating it is!! :hug:

Please keep us updated and I wish you the very bst of luck!

Jan4you 03-21-2009 09:43 AM

Hugs to you ~!!
Welcome sorry for all you have been going through. I too learned the hard way that docs SEE what fits their training and expertise and if you dont fit nicely into the boxes (tests..criteria) that they know..well..they dont know what to do with you.

Many also do not have the time to advocate in your behalf anyways..thats our medical system. I have had good PCPs who do advocate. Each specialists I went to had their diagnosis..or dismissed me. I like one patient said she was giving up MDs for Lent !!!

Last year I swore off docs for awhile. Then I got a good PCP..and now I am starting to find the right docs and get answers. I finally got MS ruled out and I am fine with that. There are many disorders that cause neuro symptoms even toxicity..heavy metals in our foods..drinks..add up to some nasty disorders.

A good work up is much needed. Anemia..cysts..and aneuryism ARE serious enough!! I just left 3 neuros..all good..all trying to figure things out..ruling MS in..then out..then all kinds of things..until I met an autonomic specialist who put it all together for me.

Seems we often have more than one disease going on..each making the other worse. I too dont fit in lab results which makes diagnosing so much easier on MDs rightly so.

Are you a woman of faith? Cuz once i found the BEST doc by closing my eyes..saying a prayer..and pointing to the yellow pages. I DO believe in being spiritually led. 3 months may seem long to you..cuz you just haven't found the right doc. It could be an endochronologist.. or someone at MAYO

I will pray you find the answers you prepared you may need more than 1 doc. Do you have a really good PCP?? They are supposed to help coordinate this for you..

Warmly Jan

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