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BlueMajo 05-05-2009 01:39 AM

Do you understand why ?
Hello dear all,

Im having a bad night here...

Im wondering... (and have always done), do you know, or, do you underastand why things happen ??
I mean, good and bad things... why, why, why !? of course the bad ones are even harder to understand for me....

Like, why does God let us feel bad ? sick ??

Dont you feel that sometimes, things happen no matter what ? like, accidents for example... I mean, why ?

How do you cope with that ? How can you forgive yourself or God, or the person who hurt you ???

Like, why do someone dies during a surgery ??

I just... what do he have to learn from pain ??? Do we really have to learn something or things just happen but without a reason ??

Does everything happen for a reason ? what can we do to uderstand or find the reason for that thing that happened ??

Help me please. If you have a philosophy or religion that helps you understad all this, please share with me... I have always wondered, and I have always thought that if you manage to understand this, you can live happier...

Thanks in advance. :grouphug:

pearl girl 05-05-2009 02:21 AM

No, I never understood why ...
and the good news is that I no longer have to, at least quite as often.

Hello to you! I see you are up at this hour also. It's 3am here in Western Pennsylvania.
Having a strange night myself.

You know, BlueMajo, I've wasted the better part of my lifetime so far by pondering all the WHY's that exist. One of my earliest memories is standing on my grandmother's porch in the darkness, and looking up the sky and crying because I didn't understand anything; felt like I just didn't belong; was out of sync with everyone else... all alone and lonely. I must have been about 7??

Anyway, I was too serious for my own good, always, and as my Mother told me when I was about 11: "Nancy, you are your own worst enemy!" Of course I didn't have a clue what that meant, but I recall the words.

I'll get to the point because I can babble on like a champ. I even babble about babbling to my husband. lol.

As a newer Christian, my journey has been difficult because I needed to understand things. I have struggled but never lost my faith. Well, I don't know if this will help you, but I recently read a book entitled, "The Shack" by Wm. Paul Young. It's about a man's spiritual journey told in a metaphor (not sure that's exactly correct). I ABSOLUTELY lOVE THIS BOOK and have given away lots of copies. My husband is passing it around at work. After reading this unique, unexpected story of faith, my own heart/soul was touched- very deeply. It changed me. I no longer wonder about all those 'whys' you mentioned. I have no desire because I DO understand that we can't possibly understand! (Boy, that's a mouth full.) In other words and simply put, I am at peace with my Faith and my God for the first time in my life and it's FABULOUS.

I hope you find something that will quell the restless spirit within, and find peace & harmony. Keep looking, praying... it will come to you when you don't expect it. God loves you and I do too. :hug: Nancy

PS my 'name' pearl girl is a reference to my spiritual awakening... not the kind found in shells... (It's a looooooong story.) I'm still a bit shy about posting.. :Blush2:

DiMarie 05-05-2009 06:10 AM

I don't know why,
Why people have pain,
Why people have losses of income, health, friends, family
Why people have to lose loved ones.

But we do not live in Eden anymore, maybe that is why...
Hugs :hug:

BJ 05-05-2009 06:30 AM

God allows suffering because he gives us choices Blue. But God does not let us suffer without his presence. He suffers with us. He allows suffering to build us up.

Through suffering, we draw closer to Christ, who suffered for us.
Through suffering, we grow in Christ. “No pain, no gain” is still true.
Through suffering, we become stronger.
Sometimes, God allows pain and suffering as a test, and he rewards the faithful.

When we're suffering, we seldom understand why. We cling to our hope and hold on to our faith, but we still wonder why. God knows what’s in store and he offers us hope. :hug: And sometimes that's all you have.......hope.

Chemar 05-05-2009 08:30 AM


I am re-reading a book by Philip Yancey called "Where is God When It Hurts" that is again ministering to me so deeply. If you are able to get a copy of it I really recommend it.
Yancey is very real in his writing...he doesnt just throw out cliche`d answers but gets down deep where our doubts and fears live and looks at them honestly in the light of faith

I dont know that we will ever have clear answers to "why?" this side of heaven....but I do know from personal experience that God is with us in the midst of it, just as He has promised.

Have you ever heard a song by Ginny Owens called "If You Want Me To"
Always ministers deep to my spirit

praying you:hug: (and all of us:grouphug:) will find His Peace in the midst of the storm

BlueMajo 05-05-2009 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by BJ (Post 505920)
God allows suffering because he gives us choices Blue.

That is what worry me BJ :(

Maybe I misunderstood your sentence, but what worry me, is, do I have to suffer because I did a bad choice ??? Do I suffer because I deserve it ??? And I start thinking.... What did I did to deserve this ??? Why ? etc.... aaawwww...


Thank all for replying :hug: :grouphug: :hug: :grouphug:

I will look for the books suggested....

Chemar 05-05-2009 04:35 PM

As a Christian I truly dont believe God "punishes" us with suffering. I believe in complete redemption in Christ

there is suffering in this "fallen" world. period.
sometimes people suffer through no apparent fault of their own and other times yes, we bring about our suffering as a consequence of bad choices we make. That isnt God punishing us IMO but us "reaping what we sow" in the natural.

I really hope you will be able to find a copy of that Phillip Yancey book "Where Is God When It Hurts" as just the first pages cover exactly what you are asking here.

BlueMajo 05-05-2009 05:17 PM

I will look for the books in Amazon :) Oh, and I have to pay my credit card first..... :rolleyes:

That make sense Chemar... It is all my fault, not God's.... Do I need to forgive myself then ??? I CANT !!! :( Gosh I cant.... I feel so stupid.... I just can think on ways to punish myself for being this silly.... :(

Chemar 05-05-2009 05:26 PM


a major life lesson I have learned is you have to forgive yourself and use your mistakes as stepping stones not stumbling blocks.

if God has forgiven sure can forgive yourself :)

praying for you:hug:

mistiis 05-05-2009 05:26 PM

Hi sweet Blue...(((hugs))) I think you got some really insightful answers. I truly believe that Christ loves us soooo much and knows what we need to get closer to Him. Sometimes, that means experiencing painful things. Have you ever noticed that it is usually in the darkest of moments that we reach out to Christ?? We, sometimes, forget in the moments of happiness to reach out to Him. I believe implicitly in the two great commandments. It takes a lifetime of learning to be able to put them into practice in our lives.

I also believe that those moments of spiritual awakening usually come during difficult moments in our lives. We are humbled and brought to our knees. I don't believe that Christ wants it to be that way. It is just the way we seem to be as a human race. And I wouldn't trade those moments of 'awakening' because of deep yearning to be close to Christ. They are priceless, and eternal.

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