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tshadow 09-02-2006 06:13 PM

Emergency Room and all that jazz!
I've been in the emergency room for the last three days. Turns out, after ALL of the tests and pain, that I have a "bowling ball" size of "feces" in my upper intestine that just won't budge.

I've been taking power shakes with psyllium and wheat germ - thinking I was getting good fiber - and I think I made a hard rock.

So now after so many things they've tried, and I've tried, during the last ten days, I have some day long thing I've got to do here at home...

My symptoms were nausea, couldn't breath (as the bowling ball presses against my lower lungs), and my digestion just stopped. If I ate a bite, I was full. This has gone on for months, really! See, I was still going to the bathroom, hhmhuh, BUT, it was going around the bowling ball...oy, so disgusting...

This is so embarrassing, but out of my love for you guys, if you're on any pain meds, do keep taking something like "Colace" or ask your doc for a non-habit forming type of softener - there are some I think. Laxatives aren't an answer ultimately. But be careful, as this is just a big problem now - excuse the pun.

My belly looks like I'm going to have twins! Ok, now for your jokes: go ahead, it will give me a laugh!

trix 09-02-2006 06:38 PM

When you had your surgery, what type of antibiotics did they give you? If you got clomazapine, that is likely what started your problem. I have had something very similar happen to me. I had a bad leg infection from a splinter, and got clomazapine. It can cause ulcerative colitis. I got so constipated, I had a tennis ball size lump. It has resolved itself now, but the doc has me keeping watch for any symptoms that might indicate ulcerative colitis. I hope this reloves very soon for you. I know how painful it can be.

Jomar 09-02-2006 09:12 PM

that is weird to hear about-
my niece had a emergency appendectomy last month {had a leak too} so she had antibiotics at that time. she ended up back in hospital 2 more times the last time for a blockage or twisted bowel...

Horizontal One 09-03-2006 09:39 AM

No jokes Tam, but hope feel better soon and your abdo returns to norn.

Gromlily 09-03-2006 12:44 PM

Oh my gosh that is awful!!! Thanks so much for sharing your experience, even though it is embarassing, it is something that those of us on opiates as well as other pain meds are at risk for.

I had a similar situation, in June after getting a bacterial infection while on vacation. I was rx'd Clomazapine as well. Luckily the Dr. told me not to use the psyillium products but to drink senna tea and take docusate sodium (stool softner).

He said the psyilium products DO clump up and make it difficult for your intestines and bowels to move things along thanks to the pain meds.

I KNOW the symptoms you are describing!! I looked pregnant too, was EXTREMELY uncomfortable and had difficulty breathing. I felt TOTALLY STUFFFFFFED!!! It was horrible !!

Thankfully my situation was not as severe as yours, but I still felt awful.

Gee, I wish I could think of a good joke to share with you but my mind is blank.... nothing will come out ..... (how's that?? ;) )

Take Care Sweetie!!

Dried prunes, every day and lots and lots of water!!


tonia 09-03-2006 11:01 PM

Oh Gosh Tam!...:eek: you poor dear...

getting all blocked-up is not fun :( ...

Hope that you get relief real soon (like yesterday! :) )...

I think its OK to take laxatives if you are on meds that block you up...
I would suggest you take turns of different ones instead of sticking to one sort always, some are more gentle and natural than others, some are just "lubtricants" others are "bulk formers" and then theres "softeners" ...ask your friendly Chemist person for advice .

Edelweiss 09-04-2006 07:15 AM

Poor Tamara
I am sorry that you have got this problem - I only once had a similar experience and I can understand what you were going through.

All the best and I hope you feel much better!

fromParis 09-04-2006 07:59 AM

Poor Tam,

always something nasty going on...

Are you sure you are not having twins???:D :D hah hhhhhha.

I hope the things soon get better, hard to have something like that in addition to all the rest.

be courageous

healing hugs
and positive waves!


Wittesea 09-04-2006 09:05 AM


So sorry to hear about the constipation issues. I hope that the docs can get everything fixed quickly and painlessly.

Below is a recipe that has been passed around the chronic pain forum for years and has worked for lots of people. It is also used a lot in nursing homes and for cancer patients on pain meds.

Most people have said it takes a few days to figure out exactly what 'dosage' works best for them... enough to work daily without too much so that you are tied to the bathroom all day. So when you first try it allow a few days for adjustments.

I am adding it here in case anyone needs it.

Yakima Valley Anti Constipation Fruit Paste
1 lb pitted prunes
4 ozs senna tea leaves (at health foods store)
1 lb raisins
1 lb figs
1 cup lemon juice
1. Prepare tea; use about 2 1/2 cups boiled water, add to tea leaves and steep for 5 minutes.
2. Strain tea and remove tea leaves.
3. Place 2 cups of tea, or amount left, in large pot.
4. Add all of the fruit to the tea.
5. Boil fruit and tea for 15 - 20 minutes, until soft.
6. Remove from heat and add lemon juice. Allow to cool.
7. Use hand mixer/blender or food processor to turn fruit and tea mix into a paste.
8. Place in glass jars or Tupperware and place in freezer (paste will not freeze but will keep forever in freezer also very long in fridge).
DOSAGE: 1 - 2 Tablespoons per day Suggestions for use: Can be spread on toast, english muffin, bagel, bran muffin or rice cake. Good breakfast. lunch, or snack: toasted bagel or english muffin, spread with low fat cream cheese or goat cheese and topped with fruit paste. For a change of flavor mix in some raspberry or strawberry jam. The first time I made this, I cut the recipe in half, used the full recipe after that. The stuff seems to work just fine, as long as you use it regularly .... it's all natural, no chemicals, no preservatives, just a little bit of money and time invested.

tshadow 09-08-2006 08:45 PM

I gave birth to a few premies, but nothing bowling ball sized. Another medical mystery...but I'm going to stay away from psyllium and find a more refined fiber. I also bought and fiance has been cutting up pineapple, which seems to work better than watermelon.

I had three high 10 pain days - thought I was going to check myself out perm. - BUT, it finally broke and I'm a 7 today.

thank you God.

I think this medicaiton called "Colace" that I am taking every day is helping, and I believe it is not a dependency-type med, so others may want to check it out.

Witt - thanks for sharing your recipe!!!

Merja - Could you send me some pink and blue booties?

And all others I LOVEEEE you. Really. I do. ;)

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