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Aarcyn 02-02-2008 01:27 PM

What do you dream about when you sleep?
I do not have MS in my dreams. Do you?

Do you have a recurring dream? A recurring theme?

PunkDizzle 02-02-2008 01:40 PM

sometimes i have MS in my dreams but not in the way you would think ill dream i am taking a shot or getting a TY infusion.. but thats about at far as it goes.. i'll have no symptoms or anything and everything works... then it moves on to the usual nonsense that is my dreams.. then i wake up and think what the heck was that all about..

AfterMyNap 02-02-2008 01:44 PM

I feel blessed to be one of those who have great dreams full of adventure and strange humor. In my dreams, it's all activity and people busy doing things with boundless energy and remarkable alacrity.

We ski down huge hills, run, climb mountains and camp, fish & hunt, ice skate, swim, and everything else I used to do with my friends. The interesting thing for me is that I now dream it with newer friends with whom I've never done any of those things.:confused:

Guess that's what makes it a dream, huh?

Chris 02-02-2008 01:53 PM

I usually have very pleasant dreams, unless I have taken certain medications. I did have an odd recurring dream (it wasn't a nightmare per se:D) after 911, with Mayor Guilliani and myself. It was in a very romantic setting for some odd reason, and I think I'm going to stop there except to say that I was living in NYC at the time, and I wasn't even an American citizen yet!:eek:

kimmydawn 02-02-2008 03:00 PM

I don't ever remember dreams. :( Well, that's a lie, I might remember a dream every five years or so, and when I do they're really "out there". The ones I remember, I still remember because they were so odd or terrifying (killer tornadoes, trapped in fire, and very weird...the birth of six These rare dreams that I remember stay with me (wake up crying, etc.) for the entire day as well.

Anyhow, thanks for this thread because I love reading about others' experience knowing I have few of my own.


McGimpy 02-02-2008 03:30 PM

Sometimes i dream that i walk normal again and that i don't need 11 hours
of sleep or more. i dream about my family,and that i'm recording in the studio
that i just built.
I can dream can't i:)

Blessings2You 02-02-2008 05:16 PM

I could do pages and pages. I dream all the time, and I usually remember them.

Sometimes I have hollering nightmares (especially if I'm stupid and do caffeine too late in the day or watch something horrifying on TV). Then my huge old cat comes and comforts me. (Bob says she's trying to shut me up :D)

Sometimes I dream that I'm out somewhere and I've forgotten my cane. I dream that I'm trying to reach a goal and can't quite reach it.

I'm dream weird stuff, funny stuff, real stuff, impossible stuff, you name it.

If I wake up during the night and I've been dreaming about somebody I know, I pray for that person before I go back to sleep.

I've had dreams that "come true". I've had dreams that I sure hope DON'T come true! :eek:

I think that some dreams are "messages", to which I need to pay attention. I think that some dreams are pepperoni before bedtime.

AfterMyNap 02-02-2008 06:26 PM

B2, drop that pizza, it's getting late.

A few months after my mom died, my sibs and I were talking about how we've all had dreams starring our mom. One sissy was all bummed out because she hadn't had any at all.

I don't know how soon after that it was, but I actually had a very vivid dream in which, I was asleep and dreaming, and in the dream, I flew to my sister and pulled her up into the air with me to come along on my dream and see Mom. We flew a long while and waaaaaaay down there, I spotted our mom, so we swooped down toward her. Now, we realized that Mom was in a check-out lane in Tomorrowland at DisneyWorld(?)! So, we hovered over her and I called out, "Hey, Mom! I brought Sissy, look!" And my mom looked up at us and answered, "Just a minute, girls, I'm busy."

That's all I remember, but I remember it vividly all these years later. Too funny, my sister split a gut when she heard that one.

For Chris: Translation = "Mum" ;)

Aarcyn 02-03-2008 12:28 PM

I used to buy and read dream books when I was a preteen. I only remember a few things.

AMN - flying is supposed to be a good thing psychologically. It has something to do with being happy, a feeling of elation.

I used to have two recurring themes:

1. I found myself naked in public.:eek: Very embarrassing. The last time I had that dream, I decided that I did not care.

2. When I was in school, I forgot my schedule, I did not know where to go or that I did not know there was a test.

Right now, I am having a series of dreams about an extra room in my home. I have never had a guest room or place for a guest to sleep comfortably.

In this series, I find an extra room that I never use. Twice it has been the same hidden room in my house, located in the same place. But the last one was just that my son and a group of people were coming over and I was going to use my guest room.

Vonn07 02-03-2008 12:47 PM

okay .. this one was silly (to me) .. I woke up smiling!! I dreamed about a guy I had a crush on when I was 16-17 (over 30 years ago) .. plus, I haven't seen him for about that long since graduating in 1977!

but, the dream was: he was sitting on a couch, I was standing - then (I was scared to) ... I sat down on the couch ... then he slid over to me - and was glad that I did!

that's it .. I woke up smiling! .. I just dreamed this the other night!

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