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gibbrn 09-23-2006 04:12 PM

Ironing Is My Worst Enemy!!!!!
Hi all,

Ok need to vent....dying lying in bed just took 10mg valium and two tramacet (like ultram with tylenol in it) and have my hot pack on my back and neck. Parents having a dinner party tonight. Mom at work, Dad worked, but do you think he would iron the table cloth or understand the pain it causes to iron for 45 mins.....table for 9!!! I guess i''ll be stuck down in the basement in pain and not eating dinner with the rest of them. I feel like hell.....pain 9/10 hope like hell that the headache goes away and tht the axert works on eye always goes funny before so I can hopefully prevent the migraine.....Oh Lord grant me the serenity to see past this moment and think of good pain free moments.........oh to be in a hot shower not doing anything but sitting in the tub as the hot water relaxes my muscles...oh to be on my massage therapists table and have her work out all the trigger face even hurts....numbness in eye, ear, neck and down arm....and they tell me I dont have rear end I don't!! I guess I know my own body best, but those darn surgeons who give you the golden handshake and see u out the door as fast as they can....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

thanks for letting me vent....
hugs and prayers,

JAMY 09-23-2006 06:48 PM

Now that is why I buy wrinkle free clothes and a dryer :) Victoria - take care girl...PM me and we will have to get together soon!


Jomar 09-24-2006 01:43 AM

I throw em in the dryer with a damp towel & hope for the best- LOL

actually just did that last week with a tablecloth.

I hope the pain passes soon for you.

Gromlily 09-24-2006 11:05 AM

Oh Victoria!!
I'm so sorry!! I know exactly what you are describing pain wise, I'm sure we all do !! It is misery !!

What would happen if you showed your Dad and Mom this thread, or another one on the forum ??

I have done that to show family that I'm not nuts, that just because I look o.k. doesn't mean I am !! I at least have an M.R.I. that shows/ showed my compression and a Dr. that is very understanding and has written a letter explaining the symptoms I experience if I over use my arms. That still doesn't always help, but I have finally learned to say " No, I can't do that, sorry!"

Hang in there!! WE understand your pain!! And please, take care of yourself, don't over do!!

((Hugs and Smiles))

gibbrn 09-24-2006 02:23 PM

i love you guys!!
Oh what would I do without the care and support of all who are here!!!! Only you who have been here and there know the pain I suffer....still not talking to Dad .....he just dosn't get it and I don't think he does want to....can't accept that things have regressed. Perhaps he is upset for me and he can't the hell does he think I feel!!!!!!!!

Anyhoooooo THANK YOU all soooooooooooooooooo much for your encouragement and love!!!!! I feel it really I do Thank God for all of you

Love Victoria

astern 09-24-2006 02:58 PM

poor Victoria, you describe the migraine to a T. Hope by now the worst as pased for you. I know how it feels when something MUST be done and guess what? YOU're picked to be the one - regardless of what it will do to you.

be sure and let them see how BAD you hurt!
((((gentle hugs))))

ponyboy 09-24-2006 05:12 PM

You must be one of a kind...

Originally Posted by gibbrn (Post 12433)
Ironing Is My Worst Enemy!!!!!

You still IRON??? :eek:

I thought that was a lost art... I haven't had a freshly ironed shirt in decades...

Bless your sweet little heart, Victoria... I hope you've recovered by now... :(

I think I would have handed "dad" the iron... hot, and not by the handle...

Much love and

gibbrn 09-24-2006 08:31 PM

iron my best friend
Oh lost art??? I have been ironing since I was old enough to.....say seven....did dad's shirts so Mom didn't have to used to hate it, still hate doing it but love the results of seeing my special guy with his ironed shirt that I ironed and he looks great in. I usually take breaks....not doing it for 45 mins straight.........hence the worst enemy issue today is better but perhaps it was the excessive double dose....necessary valium. my favourite drug these days...trying not to get the narcs back. Thanks guys.......


Gromlily 09-25-2006 12:42 PM

I'm with Ponyboy!!
Make sure the iron is good and hot before you hand it to Dad!! :eek: J.K.!!

I think there must be something about us TOs'rs; something in our nature. It seems like we all are the ones who will do things because no one else will, or we aim to please those we love, even if it is at our own expense! It is so hard for us to say No!!

Or we love to clean our homes so they sparkle or take pride in our perfectly ironed shirts or lovely gardens, and then we pay for it later, for days on end!!

Sometimes I try to do things to see if I've recovered fully and am back to my old self!! And then regretfully, I find out the hard way that I am not!! :(

I'm glad we all have each other to turn to here also!! There have been so many times I've come to this forum in tears and heard a kind word, or an encouragement from someone here that has given me the strength to keep plugging away.

God Bless you Victoria, and each and every one else here!!

G~ :)

gibbrn 09-26-2006 12:21 AM

Nail on the Head!!

You could not have said things better if you is true for me anyway I check to see if things are better.....or some miracle has healed me and I can do the things I used to make my toilet and tub sparkle....... but it is just a bad idea so one day the toilet gets it the next the tub....and I am usually in a little freaky but what the heck!!

Thanks so much to all for support and the realism....still not talking to Dad but went to a meeting tonight and a minister started talking about being kind and talking things in tears....and needing to fix the broken strings of life.....I think he just can't cope wiht the fact that his lil girl is injured and may never be able to work......and I must too face this fact..

love and hugs to you all!! Where would I be without you all....crying and taking lots more vallium!!!! lol

thanks again,
love Vic

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