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SeamsLikeStitches 12-21-2006 11:56 AM

Feeling Better!
Hi everyone! Just wanted to share some positive news...
I am no longer using a cane, I'm walking around a lot more, (although still in some pain) I am doing better!

I told you earlier that I was going to fight this and it wasn't going to win... well, it seems I'm gaining some ground! I've started lots of vitamins, B-12, B-2 (I can't drink milk or milk products) Vitamin C, Multi-Vitamins, and I'm drinking an 8 ounce glass of carrot/celery/beet/apple juice every day! Jack LaLane doesn't look that good at his age by accident! I've lost 12 pounds and I'm no longer eating fatty foods. (I do have a problem with my eyebrows getting out of control sometimes, but I'm sure it has to do with that juice machine thing :) )

I do feel it if I've pushed myself too far, and am careful not to do that but somedays I get a little too "bulletproof". ;)

I don't like to give up without a fight, and :mf_swordfight: I'm not going down easy!

I just came back from visiting my hometown and my mom's husband. (She passed away three years ago) and it gave me a real sense of who I am and how far I've come. When you look back at the road you've travelled, it reminds you of all the things you've overcome and all the battles you've won. When you are tired and feeling somewhat insecure, just look back at how far you have come and remind yourself what a strong and incredible person you are. :cool:

You all have been very helpful and instrumental in my fight as well. Thank you for all your advice and I know you will be there for me in the future. I know this is just a temporary "high" and there will definitely be bad days in the future, but I'm going to wallow in the good days as well, so I have something to reflect on when the bad days are getting me down. (And so you all can have something to hold on to when you are having bad days and remember that we all have ups and downs). :Sigh:


Curious 12-21-2006 12:56 PM


you have been missed :D

rose 12-21-2006 03:13 PM

So happy to hear you are doing better. :)


MelodyL 12-21-2006 09:15 PM

Hi Terri!!!1
How are you doing? Glad you're posting again!!!
Today, Alan and I went to a breakfast meeting so I could sign up with Empire BlueCross MediBlue Medicare Advantage Plan.

On the bus home, an 18 year old Asian youth (who didn't know me at all), turns to me and says "Did you hear what Bush did?" I simply said "I beg your pardon!!" and he goes "He's sending a million more troops over to Iraq, and I'm probably next, he wants to kill us all" And all of the men on the bus starts to yell out loud about Bush.

So naturally, me and my big mouth, I couldn't just sit there and say NOTHING!! so I stand up (thank god it was my stop anyway) and I said to the whole busload of people "the trouble with all of you is that you didn't vote for a woman president, you keep putting men in charge, if you voted for a woman, we'd probably have a tea party, have a decent discussion with the enemy and nobody would get hurt, but noooooo, all of you big bad boys have to go shoot em up and bang bang and play cops and robbers!!!. WE NEED A WOMAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!! And all the women on the bus started screaming "Right on Sister". Alan just skulked off the bus thinking he's married to a nut job and all the ladie were cheering me.

I should do this more often.

HeyJoe 12-21-2006 09:46 PM

Do you mean someone like Margaret Thatcher?

Brian 12-21-2006 10:00 PM

Its really great to read that your feeling better :)

Brian 12-21-2006 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by HeyJoe (Post 52126)
Do you mean someone like Margaret Thatcher?

:D :D Good one Joe, i reckon that " ? " was a bloke dressed in drag clothes :D :D

SeamsLikeStitches 12-22-2006 01:25 PM

I just think all the "Men" on capitol hill are afraid the "women" will expose them for what they really are! They are all driven by money, power, sex, and power. Unfortunately, so is the rest of the world. Except some add religion in as one of their drivers.

I don't think anyone has the "answers" to it all, and I don't believe the should, that's why God separated us all and gave us different languages and different lands to govern.

Fortunately, those of us here on the Northern part of our continent have figured out how to get along pretty well. We just need to learn how to play well with others!

You know, it's all a game of politics, some play well and others don't. Each religion and culture has it's own structure. If you stay within your own and "respect" the others rights to do the same, then things go along smoothly. It's when the "respect others rights to do the same" line gets crossed that the boat starts to tipping.

Until the leaders of the nations learn to play nice, there will never be peace. When someone comes up with a plan to get them to "trust" each other, it won't happen! How do you learn to "trust" someone who shot your parents, or who raped your sisters? Someone who took your property and killed your brother? That is a very difficult bridge to cross. If any of you can figure it out you are truly a gifted person!

I believe that Peace begins at home, teach your children to love their neighbors and they will hopefully do the same. Unfortunately, that is not the case in this world. (I know, silly bleeding hearts think they can heal the world!) Far from it, I'm scared to death of the silly bleeding hearts! I don't have the answers, I don't know who does, but I do know that what they are doing now isn't working!

I don't know who's right or wrong, I've been too busy raising my kids and trying to make a living. I leave that up to the people who get paid to do that. It's just that I don't think they are doing their job the way it should be done! Their job is to run our country in the most efficient, safe manner, for the people of the country and to keep it safe from any enemies that may decide they don't like us. My job is to pay a reasonable amount of taxes, follow the laws, pay my bills, and raise my children to the best of my ability to be the best citizens they can be.

O.k. soap box is complete.

MelodyL 12-22-2006 02:04 PM

I still think we need a woman in the White House!!!
Not sure who would make a good candidate but at least there would be different perspectives on things.

And if I were in charge, you'd better believe I'd find out what really happened in 1947 in Roswell New Mexico and what the heck they are hiding in Area 51.

Silver Swan 12-22-2006 07:55 PM

I hereby nominate our Melody for President. Party of her choice.

Shirley H.

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