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GFPaperdoll 10-09-2006 10:17 PM

update & dry wall in throat, help??
Hello everyone - I have a new name also, it was Country Heart. Wow, I did not know how much I used this board until it crashed. I did not ever find BT2. I have been posting some on another board but it is not like this one at all.
I have had a lot of things going on in my life. Just today I got sick at the office, I walked into the new suite of offices & they were still dry walling & had a fan blowing everywhere. I was not in there 5 minutes but my throat is still messed up like there is something in it & I cannot cough it out & it just hurts. I almost lost my voice, my nose burned, right ear hurt, I got a headache. I officed for the day on the 4th floor, but I was sick all day. I think that the stuff was coming from the 5th floor. The headache got better on the drive home - but the throat is not better. Anybody got any ideas???

Then my little sister's only child a son age 28 was killed in a traffic accident, Sept 14, 2006. He was a family practice doctor in his second year of residency. He was a remarkable person and got high accolades for his medical accomplishments in his short career. There will be a memorial schlolarship fund set up that will be awarded to second year residents that show exemplary patient care, he was known for that & also the cheesecakes & brownies that he made & took to the clinic & hospital staff, all the while getting up in the middle of the night to go to the hospital to check on his patients. Two nurses told my sister about the time he spent 45 minutes calming a woman that was having a panic attack, & they said at that time that he was not an ordinary doctor.

My nephew's & his roommate (an adopted child) were like brothers. He is taking it very hard. I was talking to him last night about celiac disease & they do check for it, when they have a failure to thrive child. I gave him some more info & will give him tha book "Dangerous Grains".

My little sister went to the GI doc today & took the printed out sheet that I gave her to get the blood tests. She has had her gall bladder out, has tubes in both ears, sinuitis surgery & it is still bad, has that ringing in her ears, IBS (bad), seasonal allergies, pouchy stomach, thin otherwise, gas, & our mother died of colon cancer (I had thought it was stomach cancer). When she is not crying with grief, she is reading that book "dangerous grains". I am sending her to Enterolab next, she is not GF yet, but I do not think it will be long. She has an endoscopy every three years, she is 52...

well that is about it for me...

rachelb 10-09-2006 11:09 PM

My deep sympathies to your family on the huge loss of your nephew!



jccgf 10-09-2006 11:20 PM

Hi Country Heart...I'm never going to keep all the new names straight :eek:.

I'm so sorry to hear about the tragic loss of your nephew :(. It sounds as though he was a wonderful person and a wonderful doctor.

About the drywall, I suspect you know this, but I think some of the drywall compound used has wheat starch (or other wheat based ingredient). It has been such a long time since I've read about this, but I know it can be a concern. I don't know how you would avoid it, except to maybe wear a face mask????

Has anyone read about this recently? I'm sure we could have pulled something up on the old forum because I know we've discussed it in the past.


Leslieand 10-09-2006 11:25 PM

I'm so very sorry for your loss. It all sounds so heartbreaking.

About the dust I wonder if you could wear a HEPA air filter mask? Here is an article:

Construction workers who sand drywall joint compound are often exposed to high concentrations of dusts and, in some cases, respirable silica. Drywall joint compounds are made from many ingredients (i.e., talc, calcite, mica, gypsum, silica). Some of these have been associated with varying degrees of eye, nose, throat, and respiratory tract irritation. Over time, breathing the dust from drywall joint compounds may cause persistent throat and airway irritation, coughing, phlegm production, and breathing difficulties similar to asthma. Smokers or workers with sinus or respiratory conditions may risk even worse health problems. When silica is present, workers may also face an increased risk of silicosis and lung cancer.
In older buildings there is the posibility of asbestos and lead paint. I know my walls are painted with 3% asbestos (1977). But at least you don't have to worry about that. My sister was quite ill working in her building because of paint fumes.

GFPaperdoll 10-10-2006 03:56 AM

staying Home!!!
Yes, I had read that thread about drywall, another reason I was out of there right away. What I did not realize was how much of it I was getting from being just one floor away. I am just staying home tomorrow. The building people have promised me that they will dust & vacuum & have everything cleaned up. I am putting a portable air filter in my office. I think it is going to be painted tomorrow night, but not sure yet.

The problem that concerns me is that they are still doing work on the larger suite of offices that we moved out of, we just moved around the elevators on the same floor. Not sure when they are going to finish that drywall work.

I am awake at 3a.m. with nausea and a visit to the bathroom. I am drinking some grape juice for the throat, which I think is getting better. This little guy from my office today was miffed because he had to bring me a few things & said "it is really not that bad or my contacts would be messing up". It is nice to post that here, I am sure I am not the only one that thinks he is a nitwit...

I posted on BT1 that my sister did in fact have her blood drawn to be sent off to test for celiac. She is a retired radiology tech so she is pretty savvy with the doctors. She said they had no idea what to do & they had never tested for celiac & they were glad that she brought the paper in, they made some phone calls & I think she said they drew 4 vials of blood. They were going to send it off to be tested. I hope to Prometheus labs because that information was on the paper. I will keep you posted. Although, I think that if her blood tests are negative that she will still go GF, & that she will also test thru Enterolab. She has a full brother that is an alcoholic (my half brother) so she would also like to know the genes that she has etc.

diamondheart 10-10-2006 08:22 AM

Hi Paperdoll,

I'm so sorry for your loss ((((hugs)))). I recently had a loss too, but posted about it here:

I think it's worse when it's someone young who has a lot of life ahead of them. Sounds like between the drywall at work and your loss, you need to take a sick day or a couple of sick days.


GFPaperdoll 10-10-2006 09:35 PM

thank you everyone for your condolences, yes it is a trying time, my sister & her husband will be going for grief counseling, although it is sad, I think they are doing very well & are not bitter, & are working to honor their son with the scholarship fund and other good deeds...

I am feeling better today, had a stomach ache all afternoon, it felt like the burning that was in my throat & nose yesterday. I get to take the rest of the week off & have some fun !!!! So said my boss! they will be doing construction all week on that floor. He said that our office was spotless, except for the carpet, but of course the dry wall is not painted over yet. The lady that co-ordinates the construction also has allergies so she said she would see that they got my office cleaned up.

he sat down at my desk & said he smelled something & got an instant headache... No telling what kind of chemicals they are using in the other suite of offices, plus dry wall etc. etc.

I was also out Friday when the movers were there, because I had already scheduled to stay with my sister that day. I came out like a bandit on this move!!!

moose53 10-10-2006 11:22 PM


I'm so sorry about your nephew. It's so hard to understand WHY. I believe that GOOD people like your nephew are much further along on their journey than we are and they are allowed to transition earlier because of their goodness.

I hope you and your family and your friends come together and support each other through this. It's good to remember what an incredible gift he was in everyone's life.

I'll say a quiet prayer for him tonight.

As for the other. Don't know where you live, but, I believe it's illegal to perform work like that when employees are present.

We had an environmental spill (the junk in the air conditioner) and it caused a lot of us to get sick. The state EPA came in recommended a lot of changes. One of them was that no cleaning (vacuuming or floor cleaning with ammonia-based products) should be performed during the day-time when the employees were there.

There are a lot of people that get sick because of all the crap that's in the environment now. If you KNOW you have a bad reaction to that stuff, you HAVE TO listen to your body and stay out of there until it's safe to go back. YOUR HEALTH is more important than work.

Hugs. Hope you feel better.


PS: Oh, did you try drinking milk to clear your throat?? My Mom used to have us drink milk or eat a slice of bread (I know the bread is a no-no for you) if we got something caught in our throats.

GFPaperdoll 10-11-2006 12:29 AM

Barb, Thank you so much for your prayers...

I am in Houston & work in a very nice multi story steel building. I also find it hard to believe that they are doing this work during the day, but I guess they can because they have to get permits even though it is inside a building.

I am dairy free, but I ate some dried cherries & I think that helped a little. Seems like I remembered that they have some antioxident benefits. I also drank some grape juice.

GFPaperdoll 10-15-2006 12:09 AM

I cannot believe this happened to me again!!!! Today I went to my local celiac meeting that is held in a hospital conference room & oh my beejeebers there was construction that had been going on all week. There was a plastic sheet blocking off one of the hallways near the meeting room. They were not even working today but I could taste the stuff in the air and smelled it. I signed in, left my goodies and had to leave. Everyone else was just fine while I had to nearly run out of the building to get fresh air!!!

Same thing happened to me that happened Monday, I was out of the building & my throat was hurting & I started losing my voice, 15 minutes later I was nauseous. It is now 12 hours later and the tightness in my upper chest is somewhat better, but I still feel the gritty feeling there & in the bottom of my throat. A nurse was headed back into the building with her lunch & she said “yes the dust has been bad”. OMG, I cannot believe people are breathing that stuff…

The next time I see a plastic sheet hung up or a construction sign – I am running in the opposite direction !!!

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