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paula_w 10-31-2006 08:41 PM

Fox on Obermann
Michael came on strong on Obermann. He's not going to go away.....thank you Mike!

If they don't want embryonic stem cell research, they need to shut down fertility clinics. Fertility clinics are venturing into much more questionable ethics than research would. They are producing designer babies and of course they pitch the extra embryos in the trash.

What hypocrisy and all the snowflake babies look alike. You could grow up and marry your sister or brother. I'm so sick of our politicians - they are one sick, dishonest, greedy, corrupt bunch.

Now what's this I hear about the Bush's criticizing Mike? I missed it. Joan, I'm coming up to meet Barack.....a little steamed tonight as i am exhauted from trick or treating with a 3 yr old..even tho it was fun.


Yam1 10-31-2006 09:30 PM

Laura Bush on Michael J. Fox
It is Laura Bush in an interview on C-Span:

In an interview on C-Span, First Lady Laura Bush was asked about Michael J Fox’s advocacy for candidates who support embryonic stem cell research. Mrs. Bush responded that it was wrong for Fox and others to suggest that increased support for embryonic stem cell research could lead to cures for Alzheimer’s and other diseases.

She concluded with a thinly veiled critique of Fox: “It’s always easy to manipulate people’s feelings, especially when you are talking about diseases that are so difficult.”

paula_w 10-31-2006 09:43 PM

Yes, it's very demonstrated by a stage full of snowflake children, all white american anglo saxon. during the house vote.........:cool:


Thelma 10-31-2006 10:10 PM

So stupid of me

stevem53 10-31-2006 11:45 PM

She talks about wishing there was a cure for her fathers Alzhiemers..Dont Alzhiemers patients stand to benefit from stem cell research if I remember correctly?..Didnt Nancy Reagan support it for that very reason?

toyL 11-01-2006 10:20 PM

I understand that OUR emotions run high here, but do WE really need to trash the 1st Lady? She said nothing especially "critical" of MJFox. She merely pointed out that it was "easy" for him to play on people's fears. This is something that I have thought all along--how "easy" it must be for Fox to have PD--no worries about his immediate or longterm healthcare; no worries about his family's healthcare; no worries about his 401k; no worries about his mortgage payments; no worries about his utility bills; no worries about what's not in his fridge; no worries about whether or not his kids have lunch money; no worries about whether or not the mange on his dog's rump should be seen by a vet; no worries about getting eye-glasses for his son; no worries about whether or not he has a ride to his next doctor's appointment; no worries about being able to pay for the next doctor's appointment or the next prescription refill (oh, wait a minute...I already covered healthcare); no worries about getting a ride to the pharmacy; no worries about gas money or car insurance or car repair costs; no worries about his kid's book-rental or school admission fees or SAT fees; no worries about fixing the lawn-mower; no worries about the leaky fawcet on the kitchen sink; no worries about his next case of Molsen's or his next bag of reefer (Woody Harrelson'll hook'em up);...lets face it, not even the 1st 100 million $ he raised for research presented much worry for him. I'm sure much of it was a simple phone call away--to people like Christopher Lloyd and countless other hollywood executive types.
Of course, the 1st Lady has it just as "easy" as MJFox, which leads one to wonder....too tired...nite.

paula_w 11-01-2006 10:36 PM

I like Laura but she is playing word games
I've gone there many times toyL but in the end it's just not the issue. I feel like i've done enough work for pd that if paid I'd be debt free and not struggling so much but what is gained by dwelling on's just not the point.

I've decided to do a you tube response to laura bush and my symptoms will show. I'd rather wait till it is done but the bottom line will be real hope is in the science lab, not the trash can. She has it backwards.

How many less than wealthy people have in vitro fertilzation, which is creating embryos then destroying them instead of -as research is accused of - creating embryos to destroy them.

Hope to have it up tomorrow..........


toyL 11-02-2006 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by paula_w (Post 33551)
"I like Laura but she is playing word games."

...I like Laura, too; agreed, WE're all playing word games.


Originally Posted by paula_w (Post 33551)
I've decided to do a you tube response to laura bush and my symptoms will show.'re a very brave lady.;)


Originally Posted by paula_w (Post 33551)
...the bottom line will be real hope is in the science lab, not the trash can. She has it backwards.
How many less than wealthy people have in vitro fertilzation, which is creating embryos then destroying them instead of -as research is accused of - creating embryos to destroy them.

Who really knows for sure what actually happens to all these "discarded" embryos? It seems to me that they would have a very marketable value. Granted, it may or may not be a black-market--meaning high risk management and high profits. Which raises other questions--Who really knows for sure about all the "legalities" involved for an in vitro firm who is intent on selling or donating their unused embyros?...& Wouldn't the in vitro "customers" pretty much have the final say regarding their own genetic material (embryos)?

toyL 11-02-2006 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by paula_w (Post 33551)
I've gone there many times toyL but in the end it's just not the issue…'s just not the point.

Yes, it’s very difficult to grasp the “issue” and get to the “point” when so much is being said by so many different people.
I try to just remember that all of these people (celebreties, doctors, politicians) are simply doing what they believe is best. It comes “easier” for some.
I try to remember the 46 million people in this country who have no health insurance????????
I also try to remember that government funding is not the end-all to everything that ails us.
& also this: Who really knows for sure what actually happens to all these "discarded" embryos? It seems to me that they would have a very marketable value. Granted, it may or may not be a black-market—meaning high risk management and high profits. Which raises other questions—Who really knows for sure about all the "legalities" involved for an in vitro firm who is intent on selling or donating their unused embyros?...& Wouldn't the in vitro "customers" pretty much have the final say regarding their own genetic material (embryos)?

Howardh 11-02-2006 03:38 PM

a school teacher Laura Bush and a manager of a base ball team George Bush qualify themselves to speak as experts on ESCR, or any scientific research because they are Mr & Mrs President with every American hangin on every word is absolutely absurd.

I agree with Toy The First Lady did not say horrible things about Fox,but her reposte in saying the president was the first president to allocate funds for ESCR is a smoke screen and fails to address the issue surrounding the millions of embryos that have been, and are destroyed each year since George Bush's pathetic gesture in allowing restricted access to Embryonic Stem Cell Research in 2001.

It is safe to say we all recognise the importance of science and Embryonic Stem Cell Research going forward, so why are news people not focusing on the need to use discarded embryos for research, a point MJ Fox brings up time and time again. Nobody addresses that issue.

In America, Science it seems is determined by unqualified political or religious figures with no scienctific backgrounds while those qualified to speak on the issues surrounding scientfic research are deafening in their silence.


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