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Pamster 08-02-2008 06:00 PM

Gut wrenching anxiety attacks....
Possible triggers for anxiety....

I just need a place to talk about it, I get so anxious and feel like its my stomach has no bottom and only lorazepam helps...I shake and my heart pounds in my chest and it can be triggered in any number of ways, it's awful, I was hoping maybe some of you can pass along some of your coping skills...HELP! :)

megveg 08-02-2008 06:10 PM

I have dizzying anxiety about alot of things. I'm slowly starting to develop acute agoraphobia because of it. I don't like being out of my home, or out driving. I only feel safe when I'm somewhere and staying there for a while.

My panic attacks are terrible. I feel like I can't breathe and I end up heaving and getting air out by coughing anything and everything up (I've coughed up blood before from trying to get air out so hard)

I HATE when everyone tells me to calm down, and slow my breathing. It gets me more worked up because I just get mad and frustrated cuz I can't just calm down and breathe. I can't communicate when I'm having a panic attack so I get even more worked up when people ask 'what's wrong, what do you need?' and I can't answer.

But the worst part is the pre-panic attack. The thought of getting a panic attack causes me to hyperventilate and it's agony just waiting for it to start. The pre-panic usually lasts for like 15-20 mins then I have the attack but when I was on ativan, it made that 20 min pre-panic stretch out into HOURS and I was litterally BEGGING for a panic attack that would never come.

The xanax I have now stops the pre-panic dead in its tracks which is good, but I still have anxiety that I'm going to have panic attacks. :(

Brokenfriend 08-03-2008 02:00 AM

OH me
I can relate to all of it. No one knew what was going on when I had full blown panic attacks when I was 13 in the 1960's. It was like a black cloud,or a eclipse would happen,then the attack.

You don't want to hear my description of these attacks.

In 1980,some people put rubber bands on there wrist and snapped it against their skin to divert a attack. Works for some. Mine was more acute.That's when the Phobia Clinic came into being.

Back to 1968,at a Military School,I started having them again. In 1969 they gave me Valium 10 Mg 4 times a day for years. My life was filled with dread,and I backed away from everyone. The clinic at the academy would not let me in. They thought that I was faking it to get out of the Academy.They gave me looks of shame,and aggravation. I was not faking anything. In the 70's I had more problems.

So many people misunderstood. So many judged me,and made big mistakes with me...One after another. This froze my life,and I have achieved nothing. I never married,no kids,no anything that I can say that I proudly achieved.

I'm sorry that I don't have good things to say. I struggle now with many difficulties,and complexes.

In my opinion,they still don't understand this. My dad,Mom,and sister never understood it. I don't understand it...It's like walking through a maize,and confusion is present. I ended up with no true friends. No one wants to be around me.

I have tried to find the cure,but this thing has only gone from one thing to another. I"M SORRY. I'm in broken pieces. Brokenfriend

Brokenfriend 08-03-2008 08:18 AM

MY Anxiety attacks
My anxiety attacks usually cause pain in my chest below my heart. It's been doing this for 15 years now. It starts in the center of my chest,and moves left to under my left ribs,and goes through my body to my back. I thought it was my heart at first,but it is not. It's anxiety that causes physical pain. BF

Brokenfriend 08-03-2008 12:24 PM

Possible Trigger Don't read if to sensitive
Trigger warning....Don't read if successible to others conditions.... Trigger warning...

I felt like my throat was closing in. I felt like I would choke. I felt a pins,and needles feeling. My heart would head would blank was like a dark cloud of terror would move in on me. I'd lay down on a bed waiting for it to pass.

Then all of these phobias appeared. Soon I had dozens. Fear of elevators,going over bridges,getting a hair cut,sitting in the dental chair,eating with people,sitting in the auditorium,sitting in a movie theater,sitting in church,talking to people...etc.,etc...

My head was filled with pressure,my throat in front was filled with pressure,my solar plexus was hurts...the back of my neck was stiff...sometimes up to my ears... tension would go down my legs... my eyes would head would shake...I would clam up and loose my ability to talk...I would be massively confused... My face would turn reddish,and heat up... All of this together was terrifying... I lived in dread

My symptoms almost came back later in life. They where not the same as the ones when I was a teenager. My heart would pound,and my head would blank out. I had terror,and felt like I was going to die. My head would shake side,to side. I'm going to stop here. This is bothering me. I have hated these feelings,and felt like I was the only one on earth who had this. Brokenfriend

Brokenfriend 08-05-2008 04:07 AM

I'm sorry
I think that I shouldn't have posted my panic attack symptoms. Sorry. It couldn't have done anyone any good. I just wanted to say that I've been through the worse of these attacks,and I can sympathize with anyone who's been through this. I've even woke up from sleep,and had panic attacks immediately. God help us,and may research help us. Am I the only one like this?

Pamster I understand.Take a deep breath. Breath into a paper bag. Read Isaiah 41:10 about Him strengthening,helping,and UPHOLDING you. These attacks will pass,and you will be OK. BF:hug:

celestical 08-07-2008 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Brokenfriend (Post 339437)
I think that I shouldn't have posted my panic attack symptoms. Sorry. It couldn't have done anyone any good. I just wanted to say that I've been through the worse of these attacks,and I can sympathize with anyone who's been through this. I've even woke up from sleep,and had panic attacks immediately. God help us,and may research help us. Am I the only one like this?

Pamster I understand.Take a deep breath. Breath into a paper bag. Read Isaiah 41:10 about Him strengthening,helping,and UPHOLDING you. These attacks will pass,and you will be OK. BF:hug:

i am looking for resources to help to talk about my anxiety. I was wondering if you knew of any live chat rooms other than just blogs and forums. thank you. i would love it if you could get back to me.

Idealist 08-07-2008 10:44 PM

For a long time I lived with anxiety and panic attacks. For one whole year I only left my bedroom for showers and going to the doctor. What eventually helped me very much was having a few friends who were willing to listen to my irrational and emotional problems without complaining or judging me. Over a period of time, they slowly brought me out of my shell. I still have some anxiety, and sometimes take meds for it, but I can go to the mall and stroll through the crowds without any anxiety if I want to. I can introduce myself to perfect strangers without a second thought, and carry on a conversation with them.

Celestical, besides the chat rooms offered here on the site, I often chat with my friends on Yahoo chat. It's easy and it's private, and I've made a few friends who helped me through some pretty unpleasant problems.

Brokenfriend 08-07-2008 11:28 PM

Celestical,welcome to neurotalk
Idealist,thanks for the input. I haven't seen to much on here about chat rooms for people with anxiety,and panic attacks. Where can we all go?

I'm better,and have overcome some of my fears,but those anxiety pains in my chest still get to me.

I have other anxiety related problems that have sort of changed into different anxiety problems over the years. I have OCD,and may be Bipolar now. No fun. It seems to be a life long problem for me. Brokenfriend

Brokenfriend 08-07-2008 11:34 PM

The Bipolar forum is popular,and you get quick responses.

Lets see if Idealist finds a chat room here.

He seems to know about some chat rooms here,and there. BF

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