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janster 09-27-2006 09:32 AM

RollCall Wednesday 9-27
Morning gang!

It's a beautiful crisp morning here! It's time for me to buckle down! I AM GONNA DO IT!! Join me---c'mon, you know you want to!

Biz, you were the last straw--I mean that in a good way!! Jo, you too honey!! I'm gonna do teh water thinggy too!! Let's do it!! Everyone with the helpful ideas, suggestions, and 2 websites that were mentioned (WHO HAD THOSE?? Please post them. I guess I can. I bookmarked one of them, and can go through all the posts here and find the other one. They were GREAT sites!) I need to get back on track, and Biz's post last night, that I read just now, DID IT! So, thanks Biz!! Is it ok if I call you Biz? I kinda sorta have a way of giving out nicknames.......... :rolleyes:

Anyway, does anyone have a plan of any kind for exercise? I mean for a virtual walk or anything? Heck, I'm even open to maybe twice a day! OMG Biz--you've created an exercise monster!!! :eek: That's good--I need it! Maybe it was the cheer!! LET'S GET GOING ON THIS LADIES! (AND GERMS, IF THERE ARE ANY!!)



Have a great "D" and "E" day!!
I want more cheerleaders to play with!!!! :( :(

Jomar 09-27-2006 11:47 AM


it's beautiful here in OR too.

I have my books right here- my water and I plan to do my xercises mid morning and in the evening.

nancy-h 09-27-2006 12:58 PM

Good Day, All
BS - My head is getting a pounding in it from being upside down so long. My body, however, is down 3 pounds, back to what I call my new "set point". My weight goes up and then back down to this same number. When it moves and stays put for a week, I will be ready to be turned upside down!!!!!

Last week was such a tough week for me with pain. This week is better but I was up until 4:30 this morning with that burning and shooting pains. For burning pain in my feet, do ya think a fire extinguisher would work? I did a lot around the house Monday and Tuesday so I guess I'm paying for it.

I need to get back to my chair excercises. I want you all to be on my case until I start doing them - please??? I need your support.

I've been to our neighborhood pool a couple of times since it is still in the upper 80's, low 90's here. But it is too far for me to walk to and we only have 1 car now to save $$$. A neighbor wants to sell me (he's almost giving it away) a scooter. Has anyone had experience driving one of these little electric scooters - the sit down kind? I need to take it for a spin to make sure I don't wipe out.

jo - Have a great day - enjoy the weather.


((((((((((((Hugs to all))))))))))))


Fancylady_2006 09-27-2006 01:04 PM

Another bad day for me~
Sorry Jan,
I am down right ill. I did have a meeting this morning, but I almost had a wreck getting there. I made the mistake of taking pain meds before leaving and it was all I could do to stay on the road, never mind wheather I was on my side of the road or not. I finally got back in one peace and I am staying in the rest of the day. I don't know whats wrong, but my back and knee pain is out of this world. No medicine is keeping it in check I even lost one of my ice gel's. I have no clue where is went to either.

I'll come back in later today It is just beautiful ouutside.

janster 09-27-2006 01:43 PM

COOL!! I am drinking water, and did my half hour walk too!! OH, GET THIS BC--I put my lipstick on!! AND, I think I'm gonna walk tonight too! Do you walk at certain times Jo? We could walk together if ya do--or even if the times are ballpark--kinda close.

And all of the stories you might POSSIBLY hear about the old virtual walks of me knocking down stuff in stores with a skateboard have NEVER been proven!! :cool:

Anyone else wanna get in on the fun?? We used to do virtual walks with lipstick, carmex, balmex, chapstick, what have you, so we were BABES!!! WE ARE BABES! (There were a couple of HUNKS, but they mostly read, they didn't post much, or go on the walks that I know of) Sure would be nice if we could get some guys here for their input! No lipstick for them though...... :eek: We would all get together to do virtual walks. Everyone would walk wherever our imagination would put us--by the beach, Wally's world, grocery store, running errands, and I know there were more places, but I can't member where else.

I have NO IDEA who put GC (Gaye) on a skateboard---OH YEA BC (Billie) or how it came about, but things just were FUN! I think we should get back into the swing of things BABES!! Let's have fun exercising so we can share with each other our successes with lost pounds! Sometimes we commiserate with the gains with you, but that's what friends, who grow to be family, is all about!

OK, I tend to ramble, but Let's do this guys!!! Remember how the compliments felt? Remember how YOU felt when the pants started getting loose? Remember how your body felt when you ate healthy? I do. I'm gonna get there again. C'mon gang!!
I'm Back---I was gone for about an hour and a half--but of course forgot to send this before I left.... Hi BS and BC!! I'll post to ya later--gotta get going on errands right now. Twas busy making a date-----free food ya know!! Priorities!! :D Luv ya all!!!!

Sherloc56 09-27-2006 02:18 PM

Now Jan!! We all know how reckless you were in Walmart!
Really!!! Don't try to get out of it! Jan is nortorious for mischief!! Don't let her fool ya! :cool: as she may seem....she really will get you in a mess in Walmart!! Especially those end caps! And Wendy can vouch for that if she decides to pop in here.

Yes, we even went on this trip to... where?? How did that ever end? All those naked hunks and stuff.....boy was that a trip!!! At least they finally found something to put on!! Sheesh!!! And Jan didn't you get us all arrested at one point??? Whose convertible were we in anyways???

See ladies. We have a ball here. Everyone pitches in a line to a story someone starts. It gets hilarious before it is done. We have some real comediens here let me tell ya! The more the merrier and it is a great stress reliever too! (Which also keeps me away from the food!) Laughter is such a great medicine!

Billie Honey! What is going on Sweetie? You sound so awfully painful. Have you called the Dr. yet? PLEASE do that! I worry about how you are and come back to hear it hasn't been so good. I wish I could help somehow. ((((((((((WARM FUZZY HUGS!!!))))))))))))))))))) Maybe you are overdoing? Rest some.

Jan, Gaye, what are we gonna do with that Billie? We can't have her down like this? She is too important to be in so much agony. Maybe we need to get her on a stretcher and wheel her through Walmart this time? That would get her mind in a different place I bet! Whatya think? ;)

Not many checking in today. I certainly hope everyone is ok. I have to go see if the darn rain has stopped. I am so sick of this rain!! I wanted to walk today!


nancy-h 09-27-2006 02:34 PM

I call discrimination!!!!!
What about those unfortunate folks that cannot walk more than a block, shall we sit and spin in our chairs? :confused: I'll get my cans of veggies out and do some arm excercises. Or, I could use our wheelchair (my DH and I share) and try using it myself. I'm not comfortable with it yet.

Are there any other "non-walkers" out there that would like to join us and then join me??? :)

And, I'm with my LS - come on guys - we'd love to have you join. You might have some cool stuff you could teach us!

BTW - just kidding about the discrimination but it does suck not to be able to walk very far.

Love ya all,

Gotta run now - the bug man is here. :eek:

nancy-h 09-27-2006 04:42 PM

Another trip...

Originally Posted by Sherloc56 (Post 14759)
Yes, we even went on this trip to... where?? How did that ever end? All those naked hunks and stuff.....boy was that a trip!!! At least they finally found something to put on!! Sheesh!!! And Jan didn't you get us all arrested at one point??? Whose convertible were we in anyways???


Sher - I'm with you, we should take a trip again. Maybe to Europe??? :D


janster 09-27-2006 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Sherloc56 (Post 14759)
Jan, Gaye, what are we gonna do with that Billie? We can't have her down like this? She is too important to be in so much agony. Maybe we need to get her on a stretcher and wheel her through Walmart this time? That would get her mind in a different place I bet! Whatya think? ;)

Wellll, Okkkkk...... if you think it'll help her......

Hope you're feeling better BC!!

janster 09-27-2006 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by nancy-h (Post 14766)
What about those unfortunate folks that cannot walk more than a block, shall we sit and spin in our chairs?

Hey BS~
I'd try to think of a plan "B" if I were you..... I wouldn't be able to get off the floor after using one, but, hey, if you think you could, go for it!! Just remember, you're older........ :eek:

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