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Roy Browning 06-06-2008 01:08 PM

Sleep Seizure Symptoms
I'm starting to get a feeling of being kicked deep inside my head
when I try to sleep and I wake up freaked out. Is this a type
of sleep seizure starting up?

I may have a sinus infection also, not sure. I've had sinusitis before
but that NEVER caused sleep kicks deep inside what appears to be
the center of my head. I'm very tired and weak and there is some
post nasal drip and infected tonsils, but that may be just a coincidence.
I don't have a fever. (currently on Levaquin, 2nd day)

I take Soma and Ambien to sleep, but when it wears off I get
the sleep kicks.

I had a seizure before on Neurontin and Lyrica and tore my rotator
cuffs off my shoulders and I'm scared to take that medication because
when I fell asleep once without taking them I had a major seizure.

Maybe I better have a CT-scan to rule out sinusitis. :( :(


southie 06-06-2008 07:48 PM

I am familiar with Soma and Ambien and if I am reading your
post correctly; if you are taking those two - you should
consult the Doctor who prescribe it because there are
problems with taking both of those medications together
and here is what I have copied and pasted from the
Pharmacology Reference book in regards to the both of
them in reference to the Drug Interactions:


Ambien (zolpidem) and Soma (carisoprodol)

MONITOR: Central nervous system- and/or respiratory-depressant effects may be additively or synergistically increased in patients taking multiple drugs that cause these effects, especially in elderly or debilitated patients.

MANAGEMENT: During concomitant use of these drugs, patients should be monitored for potentially excessive or prolonged CNS and respiratory depression. Ambulatory patients should be counseled to avoid hazardous activities requiring complete mental alertness and motor coordination until they know how these agents affect them, and to notify their physician if they experience excessive or prolonged CNS effects that interfere with their normal activities.

So as with any medications, if you are experiencing any
difficulties, possible side-effects, possible allergic reactions,
et cetera - then you need to consult with your Doctor as
soon as possible.

If you have chest pains, develop breathing problems, develop
hives, rashes, or sudden things that are unusual for you that
did not occur before including feeling suicidal or the need to
kill someone - please call 911 or get someone to call the
Paramedics or Ambulance as soon as possible and GO TO THE


tovaxin_lab_rat 06-07-2008 10:45 AM

Hi Roy

My doc will NOT RX Soma and Ambien together and my pharmacist will not fill the two 'scripts as they are contraindicated together. I can take one or the other but not both....

I can take Klonopin with the Soma and I get some good sleep.

If you ware taking these two drugs together, I suggest you give your doc and/or pharmacist a call and ask about the interactions.

Just my experience....

Porkette 06-07-2008 12:33 PM

Hi Roy,
I know each time I get sick with a cold or virus of any kind I always end up having more sz. I'm no Dr. but I wonder if you are having myoclonic sz. this type of sz. happens when a person first wakes up in the morning or when they go to sleep and the person will have convulsions. It's happened to me a few times. I've found that taking vitamin B12 a big help along with multiple vitamins. When it comes to neurontin and Lyrica I had a lot of problems with the neurontin it caused me to have status sz. where I was out of it for 40 min. to 3 hrs. and then I found out that neurontin can cause sz. for many people and that the drug co. is being sued for millions of dollars. Lyrica is almost the same as neurontin so I won't touch it. You might want to ask your neuro to do a DNA blood test on you to match you up with the correct AED (sz. med) with the least side effects. Here's wishing you well and May God Bless You!


love2laugh 06-07-2008 10:41 PM

To me, what you are describing sounds like a symptom of your infection and/or side effects of your medications. Levaquin is a pretty strong anti biotic and if your doctor put you on that, than he/she obviously believes you have some sort of infection. Infections can cause some strange and weird things to happen-- weakness, being extra tired, dizziness & balance problems-- typically with a sinus infection fluid builds up and can make your equilibrium off, and just miserable, cranky and "off". As for the anti biotic, if you are only on your 2nd day of it, you need to give it some time. Unfortunatly, it doesn't work overnight. I was on Levaquin a few months ago for a sinus infection and UTI and didn't start feeling better for about 5 days into it ( I took it for 15 days).

I don't have experience with Soma and Ambien, but I echo what the others have said in making sure to talk to your doctor and pharmacist about them. Also, make your doctors and pharmacist aware that you are also taking an anti biotic-- make sure you tell them which one; as with all meds, the more things you add, the more risk of side effects and interactions. Not that you can't take those meds together--- I've taken, and still take some currently, meds together that have had various levels of interactions and computer alerted warnings; but your pharmacis and doctor need to be aware of everything so they can decide what is in your best interest.

On a separate note, you didn't mention in your post if you have epilepsy or a seizure disorder; you only mentioned having a seizure while you were on Neurontin and Lyrica. If you are not on those meds and don;t have seizures on a regular basis, the chance of what you are experiencing now being a seizure is far, far less than some one who has epilepsy/seizures on a regular basis.

Good Luck and feel better soon !
:) L2L

Roy Browning 06-08-2008 07:38 PM

"On a separate note, you didn't mention in your post if you have epilepsy or a seizure disorder; you only mentioned having a seizure while you were on Neurontin and Lyrica. If you are not on those meds and don;t have seizures on a regular basis, the chance of what you are experiencing now being a seizure is far, far less than some one who has epilepsy/seizures on a regular basis."

Hello L2L,

The first seizure I ever had was about a year and a half ago at age 49.
My neurologist totally off-prescribed a medication to help me sleep
because of sleep oriented trigeminal nerve pain snaps deep, deep inside
my nose were an incompetent ENT doctor burned me with a CO2 laser
back in 2004, after doing some surgeries for sinusitis I got in 2002.

The medication the neuro prescribed for sleep was Seroquel, a very
dangerous medication that is for people who are psychotic. He
wanted the *side effect* to put me to sleep. Well, I went to sleep
alright, then the next night I came home I felt a little tired and fell
asleep without taking the Seroquel and had a grand mal seizure.

Since that time, I had 3 or 4 seizures while using Neurontin and
Lyrica, and I seem to have lost part of my memory and thought
process while on these anti-seizure drugs which were given to
me for nerve pain. I've been tested 3 times for epilepsy, all negative.

It's possible that by giving an anti-seizure drug to someone who
does not have epilepsy can induce a seizure. However, it all started
with the Seroquel.


Porkette 06-09-2008 06:15 PM

Hi Roy,
Yes, I've had sz. for 36 yrs. and I've had 2 brain surgeries to help reduce my sz. and I was doing great until I was put on neurontin and it caused me to have status sz. which I never had in my life. My epileptologist took me off the drug as soon as the status sz. started and they found it caused more brain damage. I was told to try lyrica but I found out that lyrica is almost the same as neurontin and I refused to take the chances of having more status sz. I know the drug co. that makes neurontin has been sued for over $240 million I saw all the info. on NBC Dateline a few yrs. ago when one of their employees turned them in. To get more info. about neurontin and lyrica and how it's affected people just type in neurontin lawsuits or lyrica lawsuits and you will get a lot of info. Here's wishing you well and May God Bless You!


Roy Browning 06-09-2008 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Porkette (Post 296917)
Hi Roy,
Yes, I've had sz. for 36 yrs. and I've had 2 brain surgeries to help reduce my sz. and I was doing great until I was put on neurontin and it caused me to have status sz. which I never had in my life. My epileptologist took me off the drug as soon as the status sz. started and they found it caused more brain damage. I was told to try lyrica but I found out that lyrica is almost the same as neurontin and I refused to take the chances of having more status sz. I know the drug co. that makes neurontin has been sued for over $240 million I saw all the info. on NBC Dateline a few yrs. ago when one of their employees turned them in. To get more info. about neurontin and lyrica and how it's affected people just type in neurontin lawsuits or lyrica lawsuits and you will get a lot of info. Here's wishing you well and May God Bless You!


Hello Sue,

I hope you're going to be ok. I'm worried about you and I'm going to
pray for you tonight. Have you ever tried some transcendental meditation?
It is supposed to still the mind down and maybe it might help you. The
Self Realization Fellowship at is a good
place to start. Focusing on your breath in your mind using yoga-meditation
techniques could help. It's a way to still the mind. God said in the Bible
to be still and know that I Am God, and I believe that means to quiet the
restless mind in order to commune with God in a transcendental level.
You'd might be suprised how restless our minds really are when we look
inside ourselves.

May God Bless you.


Porkette 06-10-2008 05:49 AM

Hi Joe,
Thank you for your very kind concern. I have a lot of faith and trust in the Lord and I pray, read the Bible and always remember that God won't give me more than I can handle plus He's there by my side all of the time. I'm doing well now since I had my surgeries a few yrs. ago and I'm working full time. Here's wishing you well and May God Bless You!


Bad Wolf 02-14-2012 09:01 PM

Could my seizures be back?

I was first diagnosed with petit mal seizures when I was five years old. I was having them VERY frequently (at one point it was at least three an hour). I seemed to grow out of them when I was in the fifth grade and was taken off of medication.

When I was in the sixth grade, my dad and I were rear ended. My seizures returned after the car accident and took another three years to go away again. I was seizure free for another two and a half years.

My dad and I were once again rear ended a few months ago by a drunk driver. I was diagnosed with a concussion, bruised ribs, and muscle damage to the neck and back at the hospital emergency room.

I haven't noticed any petit mal seizures since the accident, however something strange has been happening. Nearly every night I will be sleeping, then suddenly wake up feeling like I can't breathe with my heart pounding, my arms and legs jerking and shaking all over the place for a bit and I become very dizzy. Soon, the jerking slows down and stops and I am so exhausted that I go back to sleep, completely confused. I wake up with a clenched jaw and my tongue is often sore a few hours later. Is this normal after concussions, or could I be having seizures in my sleep? I hate to make a big deal out of nothing, but I'm a bit scared by it happening.

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