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Alffe 09-07-2012 09:22 AM

What's on your plate?
Lots of things...looking forward to lunch! When you eat breakfast at 5:30 in the morning I am ready for lunch at 10:30! Mr.Alffe is taking me out so I'll just have to be patient...not my strong suit.

Our daughter Gretchen is coming home tomorrow for a very short visit (we'll take all we can get) and I have to wonder if she'll want to go to the Zombie Walk in Howard Park....It's a benefit for the Food Bank here and she is "into" anything Zombie...haunted houses, para-normal...etc.

And I had to laugh at an article in todays paper about the level of noise in the N.D. football stadium (tomorrow is the first home game with Purdue). Some have compared it to a retirement home....too many "old" people, sitting on their hands, telling fans to "sit down..we can't see".

It's supposed to rain this afternoon and that will keep me out of the yard..running out of room to put the trimmings..hope our treeman comes soon.

What's on your plate? :grouphug:

Addy 09-07-2012 12:51 PM

First, I have to laugh - re: old folks telling the young ones to sit down.... LOL... they better respect their elders or half the crowd would disappear... bravo to the old folks who are keeping their lives young by cheering (and paying!) on the young ones!

My plate is full on this wonderful summer day. I'm heading "downtown" Vancouver to visit with my previous neighbours. Only one of us still lives there... we'll meet up on the roof top (21 floors up) which overlooks the beautiful Pacific Ocean. Our plan is to share food, laughs and drinks and the sunset.

I think, after suggesting the book "The Dance of Anger" in another thread, that I'll go to the Library and pick up another book in the series - "The Dance of Connection". Reading the reviews, I've realized I need some help :)
I can read the book on my commute into Vancouver.

Grand Addy and my boys and x-husband will be coming to dinner this weekend then she'll stay for a sleep-over. I haven't seen her for a couple of weeks (they live about an hour away) so am excited, as I'm sure all the grammas here can relate to!

I plan to have the boys help me hang some heavy pictures that I've decided to relocate! I'm forever changing my living space around! :eek: I drive myself nuts!

I'm knitting and crocheting again...

and right now, I'm sitting on my rump drinking coffee, catching up here :D

Wren 09-07-2012 03:44 PM

In many months I've had ONE day to stay home and do what I wanted. Today was supposed to be the second ................. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Then a lens syddenly popped out of my 6 week old VERY expensive glasses. I changed clothes and drove to the fancy office where they fixed it in about 90 seconds.
I drove home and got back into my junkyard clothes. aahhhhhhhh
The phone rang - it was the pastor of my church..... somehow the fire door that locks a super important door had been locked. He didn't have a key and was just hoping I do. I do... I changed clothes, drove to the church and unlocked the door.
Home again.
Good grief ...... I have my bank statement and the bank made a 59 cent mistake. Not me, not the store - the bank made a mistake. Just for the fun of it I've changed clothes and I'm heading for the bank. LOL LOL

Alffe 09-08-2012 05:48 AM

Well Addy I am loving your pictures on FB..what a beautiful part of the world you live in...makes me want to go back and see "Scrabble"..ride the ferries and enjoy it all. I wonder what is on the menu for your family dinner? And like you, I enjoy moving my stuff around! :D

Wren I am curious about the banks reaction to their mistake...good catch!! :hug: And what would that church do without you!!!

I am been on a cooking kick when I'm not trimming bushes. Found a recipe for chicken thighs in the slow cooker that we love...but it's a very strange salsa, coconut milk, chrunchy peanut butter, lime juice, soy sauce, ginger, and white sugar...cook 9 hrs and serve over white rice. :o I have a garden full of green peppers...wonder if the leftovers would be good stuffed in them and baked?

I just finished reading Silent Grief...have to wonder if it would help SadSam.

FeelinGoofy 09-08-2012 09:56 AM

I have a friend who was a missionary to africa and that recipe sounds a LOT like one she made for me after she got back to the states. She said they fix chicken all the time that way in Ghana. it is very tasty :)

on my plate?????? sigh..... to much...... {{{{{HUGS}}}}

Abbie 09-08-2012 11:04 PM

Just got home from Germanfest!! Way too crowded for me!!
The Catholic Churches here trace back to German origins. So, they get together, block off a big section of downtown, and party!

They had lots of German food, German beer --- I was good, I drank diet coke. Heard more Polka music than when I lived in Germany!!!

I had a good time though.... one of the healthcare centers had a place for seniors to sit & relax.... I was on my crutches so they offered a seat to me and my was nice, cushioned outdoor furniture.

We sat there, ate, listened to the music, & watched people....they never asked us to leave.

And now...I am headed to bed!!

Alffe 09-09-2012 12:34 PM

Well of course she wanted to go to the Zombie Walk! :D One guy really did remind me of "No Country for old Men" crazy person! :eek: And they had two Ghost Busters there and the actual!!

N.D. won but it was close...this morning we went to the BookStore on Campus and it was filled with fans spending $$$ so of course we had to join in.

I'm glad you got out Abbie! :hug: And I'm sorry your plate is still overloaded Goofy. :hug:

I hear a nap calling.........

Abbie 09-09-2012 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Alffe (Post 913063)
N.D. won but it was close...

Ouch.... salt in the wound... ROTF...LOL!!!! ;)

It was a good game.

Alffe 09-12-2012 07:06 AM

We are enjoying a visit from my sil..getting caught up on family activities. Her newest grandbaby has Ushers very sad but they will "love the hell out of her"...unquote.

We are getting ready for the trial of our grandson...who has now been dead (10 years) that's longer than he was alive....It's a jury trial and they have set 2 weeks for it...we'll go downstate to attend seeing as how we are the only grandparents left alive and our daughter and her husband will need all the support they can get.

I wonder what the county is doing on our road...spread dirt down one lane and have rubber traffic counters across both lanes..I hope the world isn't coming out here. *grin

Our tree man came out and cleaned up the mess I made...I think I'll wait until spring to make another one..Don't plant multi flora bushes...they have stickers! Don't plant Honeysuckle bushes...they really grow!

What's on your plate?

Addy 09-12-2012 12:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Well, first, reading here is on my plate... and giving hugs of support to all of us :grouphug:

Wren, I re-read what you wrote above... you crack me up :D , a second time!

Abbie, you "sound" like you are in good spirits this days... :hug: you've had a rough year and you keep picking yourself up and you get out the door! We all know its not easy.

(((Goofy))) ... what can I say except I think about your often... and I wonder how strong and full of courage you are as you battle your demons. I hope you have been able to keep singing :sing:

Alffeee... another family mountain for you to climb... wounds will be open and raw.... :hug: Stay strong, my friend, and talk with us if you need to.

The book I reserved at the library is in... I'll pick it up on my way to my merchandising job this afternoon.

I'm tempted to start marketing my knitting/crocheting creations... been researching and procrastinating for almost a year now. When I procrastinate, I put everything aside.... the last thing I started to make was in June - I finally picked it up last week and finished some cute baby hats (gifts) and a cloche for Grand-Addy (see pic).

Its never too late to live your passion... I also have 3 music/photo video montages to put together (paying jobs!!!) - a wedding, an anniversary and a 40th birthday! whoooo hooooo

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