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MSBee 08-08-2007 12:14 AM

Need some Opinions
Hey Gang--
Though I've been one of the lucky ones with few symptoms since my 1993 DX, something kind of odd happened the the other night. As I was trying to get to sleep, which normally is no problem for me, I felt my whole body tense up and I got a bad case of the shakes. It lasted for probably an hour, maybe less. I got up and walked around, so it didn't prevent me from doing that.. but when I sat back down my limbs and hands were still shaking. I laid back down.. got in another position, this time on my back, bending my legs to the side so that tense muscles were comfortably stretched, and the shaking went away.
(Slept like a baby the next night, thankfully)
Now,I had been on a long bike ride the afternoon before, and, though I was not in any discomfort, the weather was pretty warm. I sweated a lot, but had plenty of water. Since I'm not a regular bike rider, I had the usual minor aches and pains the next morning.. but they abated quickly. This shaking started late that night. Hasn't happened since, but I must say-- it was kind of scary. Could this be an MS thing?

AfterMyNap 08-08-2007 08:01 AM

Hi Bee, it could be an MS thing and it could be something else.

Make a note of it in your calendar and keep track if it happens again. Many of us struggle with nerve spasms that involve many muscle groups at once. I am in that group.

Also, tremors are not uncommon among us.

My guess is that your bod wasn't very happy with the unusual exertion from the bike ride and you experienced some nerve aggravation/inflammation from it. You may have overheated your body as well, and heat can amplify symptoms rather quickly.

Pay attention to it for awhile and write down what you experience, your neuro wants to know this stuff.

SallyC 08-08-2007 11:16 AM

Yes Bee. Once you have MS, everything is an MS thing.:D I find it comforting to blame the Monster for every ache and pain.

However, since I'm not a Doc and don't pretend to be one on TV, May I suggest you see your Doc, to make certain.;)

I've never had tremours, except when putting my foot down on a nerve, sometimes tremours temporarily. I do have restless legs at night, though....can't keep them still.:confused:

tovaxin_lab_rat 08-08-2007 12:38 PM

Hi MSBee - my 2 cents on the subject - I have Uhtoff's syndrome and when I over do, which is quite often (Taffy I don't need a lecture!) I sometimes get spasms similar to what you are describing when I get overheated or my body core temp gets too high. It's happened a couple of times. It's kind of scary, especially the first time. I just make sure I stay hydrated.

If you are on one of the interferons and this happens, it could be a reaction. They can happen no matter how long you've been on them.

Rest and get plenty of water!

Welcome to NT!

MSBee 08-09-2007 12:14 AM

Thanks so much for all your replies! Actually what I hadn't made clear was that the shaking started the night of the day AFTER the bike ride.. so there was more than a 24 hour time lapse. Happily,I've been fine since then.. But I have marked it down and if it occurs again I'll check it out..
But I do have my concerns about that-- my neuro sometimes seems a bit keen on steroids,(boo-hissss!) and had considered putting me on one almost a year ago when I was feeling fine(because he THOUGHT he detected some vague inflammation on the MRI). I said "no way", so he didn't. My next MRI showed nothing new or remarkable, so he never put me on them;but if I go to him about these shakes, I have a feeling he's going to jump in the opportunity. Both my dear departed parents had been on them for different conditions, (not MS,) and did terribly on them.I really don't want to take that risk;as I
know that once you're on them you start with a high dose,then they taper you off gradually.. and that can take months.

AfterMyNap 08-09-2007 07:10 AM

Wow, Bee, I have never had any real reaction to IVSM and consider it a miracle worker. I'd hate to see you pass on an opportunity to feel better sooner because of what others have experienced. You won't really know until you try it and you might find it as uneventful as I, and many others, do.

Sure, you'll hear a bunch of differing opinions, but remember that everyone is different and also that the online population is online for a reason! We tend to be the ones who feel poopiest most of the time. Most MSrs who feel great aren't online a lot because they're off living!

Now, someone will be along shortly to tell you a horror story, I'm sure. But, I put off getting an AFO because of horror stories and I love mine! In fact, I could kick myself for waiting so long to get it.:o

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