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(Broken Wings) 11-26-2008 12:49 AM

51 Tips for TOSer's


8 years+ of experience with TOS with scalene involvement, bilaterally; cervical and lumbar herniated and bulging discs, and some other things.

(MVA May 1992 - cervical and lumbar herniated discs. MVA 10-11-2000 TOS with scalenes; a few more, and a worsening of my preexisting condition, herniated and bulging discs and some other things.)

I have come to grade things as positive (P) or negative (N) for my conditions.

Here goes...

1) Kinesio Tape (P) - (Did you watch the US Olympics Volleyball Team? The black stuff on her shoulder was Kinesio Tape. It's a Japanese or Chinese taping technique. It promotes healing. It's used to retrain overstressed/ injured muscles, ligaments and tendons. Good to use for posture.);

2) Botox X3, Bilaterally (P) - (2005) - (It did help but it causes droopy eyelids. For the relief it gave me, it was a fair trade. Be cautious here. Outcome is irreversible - good, bad or ugly.);:eek:

3) Medication (P&N) - (Tried different meds at various times. Lidoderm Patches 5% is a nonnarcotic topical pain patch. It worked for me. I got great relief. I hear there's a new nonnarcotic pain patch with an anti-inflammatory, Flector. Ummmm...... improved.);

4) Horse Liniment (P&N) - (Prescribed by my cardiothoracic surgeon, believe it or not, and he made my insurance pay for it - $20. It was an adjunct therapy with Lidoderm Patches. I was supposed to take a Q-Tip and apply it to my TOS area (I needed a gallon and a paint brush) - or other areas - wear liniment for 12 hours - shower and then apply the Lidoderm Patch to the area. The theory was: The Horse Liniment would ease my pain but would also open up my pores so as to allow the Lidoderm medicine to penetrate better. The patch was a 12-hour patch. I found I could reuse the patches on my wrists, forearms and thumbs. Still had med in it the next day.);

5) Physical Therapy (P);

6) ASTM (Augmented Soft Tissue Mobilization) (N) (In 2003 -New Treatment Modality program - several times a week for I forgot how many weeks - administered by PT. Very painful with lots of brusing. He was a good therapist. He was my therapist after both accidents (1992 accident for 6 weeks - 2000 accident, in and out from 2000 till 2003). I was not progressing there. After ASTM failed to improve, he referred me to a therapist that did Myofascial Release.);

7) Myofascial Release (PX5) - (You need that.) (Yes, she is a great therapist.);

8) Yoga and/or Meditation (P) - (Just try it. You can work up to downward-facing dog.);:winky:

9) Exercise (P) - (It's good for the rest of your body, too. TOS will probably not be the only medical condition you face in life.);

10) Aqua Therapy (P);

11) Stretches and/or Strengthening (P) - (You've got to be faithful and do it before it will work, adjusting as you progress. Start somewhere.) ;

12) Breathing Techniques (P) - (Taking 3 deep breathes helps release the tightness in my chest and upper body. Sitting up straight is better but not necessary. Breathe in (inhale) deep, expanding your abdomen slowly and in a controlled manner, through your nose, with your mouth closed. Blow out (exhale) by pursing your lips and blowing out slowly and controlled while deflating your abdomen.);

13) Water (P) (The more you drank, the more you should drank.);

14) Vitamins (P) - (I don't take a multivitam - it gives me appetite. I take Vit Bs, even sublingual form, Vit C, D, Folic Acid, Fish Oil a must):

15) TheraCane (P) - (I saw a model on this site that you use with your foot rather than applying pressure using your hands. I like my model, but that would be better.);

16) E-Stim (P);

17) Spine Alignment Board (P) - (For cervical and thoracic area of my spine. May promote collateral blood supply. PT has them. I bought this one on QVC for under $20. It can be adjusted as you progress. Opens up your pecs.); :wink:

18) Light Therapy (P) - (A tool that I found that helps restore function and reduces pain.) - (May be selling these as a second (forced change) career.)

19) Slankets (P) - (Wish I'd thought of that. Blankets with sleeves. Keeping my upper body warm and cozy reduces pain - priceless);

20) Moist Heating Pad (P) - (Too much heat promotes swelling. I find keeping my upper body warm and cozy works better.);

21) Epidurals X3 (PX10) - (2006) (If it's recommended, don't put it off. It took three different - independent of each other - pain management doctors to convience me I needed that. Not 1, not 2, but I had to commit to 3. On the 3rd one, I got relief in my back, neck, arms, hands... lasting relief);

22) Steroid Injections in my Thumb (P) - (2007) (You can only have a couple in your thumb. Any more and you risk tearing the tendon maybe beyond repair.);

23) Oversize Tennis Balls (P) (Wal-Mart sporting goods section);

24) 3" Balloons (P) - (I placed them in my armpit for relief);

25) Laser Hair Removal (P) - (Only works on dark hair.) - I also underwent electrolysis for stray hairs) (Expensive, but I'm worth it.); ;)

26) Adjustable Hairdryer Stand (PX5) - (a must have);

27) Reachers and Grabbers (P) - (I'm sure they're called something else - Wal-Mart has the Gopher - good for heavier things in cabinets and on the floor. Get an order and your Ins may pay for it.);

28) Erognomics (P) - (You need that anyway);

29) Telephone Headset and/or Bluetooth (P) - (For hands free talking);

30) Work (P) - (Work is good therapy... not to mention you need money to treat and living expenses. Life keeps coming at you); :p

31) Articulating Arm Supports (P) I use these at my computer work station;

32) 1-2 Wine Coolers Before Bedtime, Occasionally (P) - (Not a drinker but it helps.);

33) Pillows, neckbone pillows, all sizes of pillows (P) - (Everybody's figured that one out. I live in a nest of pillows.);

34) Wrist splints with Thumb Spicas (P)

35) Driver & Errand Runner (P) - (The less you do, the less pain you'll have.);

36) Buy Smaller Size and Quanty (P) - (easier to manage)

37) Front Loading Washer and Dryer (P) - (With a built up platform for your appropriate height, with cut out holes for laundry baskets you can use your foot to pull out or push in. One under the washer for dirty clothes. One under the dryer for clean clothes. Hubby can fold and put away... sometimes.); :D

38) Stellate Ganglion Injections, Bilaterally (N) - (At this time, 2004, I was in so much pain it was overload. I had more pain, numbness and tingling for 2 days. Other than that, couldn't tell any improvement.)

39) Silicone Potholder and/or Adjustable Rubber Bottle and Jar Opener (P) - (Wal-Mart - The potholder I have is shaped like a kidney, with graduated dots/bumps/knobs. Works as a bottle/jar gripper to help open things. Also good for #32) :cool:

40) "OneTouch" Can Opener (N) - (Still couldn't grip and press the button. Not TOS-friendly. Wal-Mart);

41) Sleeping with my elbows straight (P) - (Found that on this site. Thanks fellow TOSer.);

42) Ice Packs (P) (If it swells, slap ice on it. It is a good treatment, too. During the course of a day you can alternate heat and ice. Don't leave ice on too long - 10 to 20 minutes. The 1 part alcohol and 2 part water is a great idea. Thanks to ya fellow TOSer.);

43) Hot Showers (P) - I run my water heater dry - actually blew one up. Got a bigger one.);

44) Absorbant Robes and Towels (P) - (So you don't have to use your arms to dry off.);

45) Yogurt (P) - (Your gastrointestional tract will love you for it. Meds and less activity causes constipation. #13 helps with that too.); :o

46) A good doctor with knowledge and expertise in TOS is a must - Keep searching if you haven't found the right doctor for you. I found Dr. Atasoy in March 2004. Surgery was recommended but have opted not to as long as I think I can improve without it. He still helped me in other ways. I had many visits.);

47) Shoulder Injection (N) - (Couldn't tell it helped anything. Didn't hurt anything, though.)

48) Detox stuff like at GNC (P) - (It makes me feel a little better, overall.);

49) Vestibular Rehabilitation (P) - (For balance) (I did not have good balance the morning after the accident -- actually when I got up out of bed, I had baaaaad balance. Smacked into the wall on the left side for 14 months. Muscle relaxer helped that condition, too. Scalenes and cervical muscle spasms - I had been refusing muscle relaxers for about a year and it took another month or so for them to take effect, I guess. Vestibular Rehab consisted of a home exercise program - pages of exercises, with instructions. Taping a exercise sheet to one side of the wall and another sheet of paper on the adjoining wall - in a seated position - focus and move head as instructed. Been a while but it helped.);

50) Determination (P);

51) Prayer (P) - (It's not that I thought of this last. just wanted to leave you a lasting thought.)


thursday 11-28-2008 04:07 AM

This is such a great list!! Thank you so much for sharing it [that was a lot of work!!!]
What do you do with the oversize tennis balls? Is it the PT trick or rolling them on your owie parts?
Also what is a Spine Alignment Board? Couldn't find anything on QVC or an image search....

(Broken Wings) 11-28-2008 08:39 AM


Glad you found a tip or two to try.

This board has helped me a lot. Before I found this board my therapist told me (after a shower or bath-body more pliable) to roll up a towel, like a tube, and lay down on the bed (a little softer) with it placed vertically (up and down) my thoracic spinal column. I would do several exercises/stretches with my arms, slowly, with controlled breathing. The board is far more effective.

I try to use it for my lower back but my lower back is too sensitive. So...... I use a flattened pillow on top of the board;) We've all got a few flattened pillows laying around. Aren't those the best?

BackMagic Adjustable Stretching Device # A5418 $24.50

I use the oversize tennis balls a lot for my lower back, but I do put them under my arm, more at shoulder/tricep level, for pressure points and support. I also use them to do ear to shoulder stretches using the tennis balls. Bending my neck to the side, pressing down on the ball with my ear. This presses my shoulder back down too. I use it at the back of my neck for support and alignemnt.

My therapist got me a Xmas gift. "The Miracle Ball Method" Two balls smaller than oversize tennis balls, softer too. They great for your "owie parts" underarm, neck and other places.

I Googled "The Miracle Ball Method +therapy balls" It's $17.95. Better investment than stock.

By the way, does anyone have $700 billion to bail me oout of this mess?

The Miracle Method -

TOSer's have bad posture, so anything you can do to get back into proper alignment is a positive. Yoga - cow-cat pose is greaat for your posture too.

I never started anything that I didn't struggle with at first. So just start doing something.:hug:

rbn4jsus 02-24-2009 06:24 PM

GREAT TIPS! thanks for these!!
At least I can control how prepared I am for after surgery.

(Broken Wings) 08-08-2009 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by (Broken Wings) (Post 414484)


8 years+ of experience with TOS with scalene involvement, bilaterally; cervical and lumbar herniated and bulging discs, and some other things.

(MVA May 1992 - cervical and lumbar herniated discs. MVA 10-11-2000 TOS with scalenes; a few more, and a worsening of my preexisting condition, herniated and bulging discs and some other things.)

I have come to grade things as positive (P) or negative (N) for my conditions.

Here goes...

1) Kinesio Tape (P) - (Did you watch the US Olympics Volleyball Team? The black stuff on her shoulder was Kinesio Tape. It's a Japanese or Chinese taping technique. It promotes healing. It's used to retrain overstressed/ injured muscles, ligaments and tendons. Good to use for posture.);

2) Botox X3, Bilaterally (P) - (2005) - (It did help but it causes droopy eyelids. For the relief it gave me, it was a fair trade. Be cautious here. Outcome is irreversible - good, bad or ugly.);:eek:

3) Medication (P&N) - (Tried different meds at various times. Lidoderm Patches 5% is a nonnarcotic topical pain patch. It worked for me. I got great relief. I hear there's a new nonnarcotic pain patch with an anti-inflammatory, Flector. Ummmm...... improved.);

4) Horse Liniment (P&N) - (Prescribed by my cardiothoracic surgeon, believe it or not, and he made my insurance pay for it - $20. It was an adjunct therapy with Lidoderm Patches. I was supposed to take a Q-Tip and apply it to my TOS area (I needed a gallon and a paint brush) - or other areas - wear liniment for 12 hours - shower and then apply the Lidoderm Patch to the area. The theory was: The Horse Liniment would ease my pain but would also open up my pores so as to allow the Lidoderm medicine to penetrate better. The patch was a 12-hour patch. I found I could reuse the patches on my wrists, forearms and thumbs. Still had med in it the next day.);

5) Physical Therapy (P);

6) ASTM (Augmented Soft Tissue Mobilization) (N) (In 2003 -New Treatment Modality program - several times a week for I forgot how many weeks - administered by PT. Very painful with lots of brusing. He was a good therapist. He was my therapist after both accidents (1992 accident for 6 weeks - 2000 accident, in and out from 2000 till 2003). I was not progressing there. After ASTM failed to improve, he referred me to a therapist that did Myofascial Release.);

7) Myofascial Release (PX5) - (You need that.) (Yes, she is a great therapist.);

8) Yoga and/or Meditation (P) - (Just try it. You can work up to downward-facing dog.);:winky:

9) Exercise (P) - (It's good for the rest of your body, too. TOS will probably not be the only medical condition you face in life.);

10) Aqua Therapy (P);

11) Stretches and/or Strengthening (P) - (You've got to be faithful and do it before it will work, adjusting as you progress. Start somewhere.) ;

12) Breathing Techniques (P) - (Taking 3 deep breathes helps release the tightness in my chest and upper body. Sitting up straight is better but not necessary. Breathe in (inhale) deep, expanding your abdomen slowly and in a controlled manner, through your nose, with your mouth closed. Blow out (exhale) by pursing your lips and blowing out slowly and controlled while deflating your abdomen.);

13) Water (P) (The more you drank, the more you should drank.);

14) Vitamins (P) - (I don't take a multivitam - it gives me appetite. I take Vit Bs, even sublingual form, Vit C, D, Folic Acid, Fish Oil a must):

15) TheraCane (P) - (I saw a model on this site that you use with your foot rather than applying pressure using your hands. I like my model, but that would be better.);

16) E-Stim (P);

17) Spine Alignment Board (P) - (For cervical and thoracic area of my spine. May promote collateral blood supply. PT has them. I bought this one on QVC for under $20. It can be adjusted as you progress. Opens up your pecs.); :wink:

18) Light Therapy (P) - (A tool that I found that helps restore function and reduces pain.) - (May be selling these as a second (forced change) career.)

19) Slankets (P) - (Wish I'd thought of that. Blankets with sleeves. Keeping my upper body warm and cozy reduces pain - priceless);

20) Moist Heating Pad (P) - (Too much heat promotes swelling. I find keeping my upper body warm and cozy works better.);

21) Epidurals X3 (PX10) - (2006) (If it's recommended, don't put it off. It took three different - independent of each other - pain management doctors to convience me I needed that. Not 1, not 2, but I had to commit to 3. On the 3rd one, I got relief in my back, neck, arms, hands... lasting relief);

22) Steroid Injections in my Thumb (P) - (2007) (You can only have a couple in your thumb. Any more and you risk tearing the tendon maybe beyond repair.);

23) Oversize Tennis Balls (P) (Wal-Mart sporting goods section);

24) 3" Balloons (P) - (I placed them in my armpit for relief);

25) Laser Hair Removal (P) - (Only works on dark hair.) - I also underwent electrolysis for stray hairs) (Expensive, but I'm worth it.); ;)

26) Adjustable Hairdryer Stand (PX5) - (a must have);

27) Reachers and Grabbers (P) - (I'm sure they're called something else - Wal-Mart has the Gopher - good for heavier things in cabinets and on the floor. Get an order and your Ins may pay for it.);

28) Erognomics (P) - (You need that anyway);

29) Telephone Headset and/or Bluetooth (P) - (For hands free talking);

30) Work (P) - (Work is good therapy... not to mention you need money to treat and living expenses. Life keeps coming at you); :p

31) Articulating Arm Supports (P) I use these at my computer work station;

32) 1-2 Wine Coolers Before Bedtime, Occasionally (P) - (Not a drinker but it helps.);

33) Pillows, neckbone pillows, all sizes of pillows (P) - (Everybody's figured that one out. I live in a nest of pillows.);

34) Wrist splints with Thumb Spicas (P)

35) Driver & Errand Runner (P) - (The less you do, the less pain you'll have.);

36) Buy Smaller Size and Quanty (P) - (easier to manage)

37) Front Loading Washer and Dryer (P) - (With a built up platform for your appropriate height, with cut out holes for laundry baskets you can use your foot to pull out or push in. One under the washer for dirty clothes. One under the dryer for clean clothes. Hubby can fold and put away... sometimes.); :D

38) Stellate Ganglion Injections, Bilaterally (N) - (At this time, 2004, I was in so much pain it was overload. I had more pain, numbness and tingling for 2 days. Other than that, couldn't tell any improvement.)

39) Silicone Potholder and/or Adjustable Rubber Bottle and Jar Opener (P) - (Wal-Mart - The potholder I have is shaped like a kidney, with graduated dots/bumps/knobs. Works as a bottle/jar gripper to help open things. Also good for #32) :cool:

40) "OneTouch" Can Opener (N) - (Still couldn't grip and press the button. Not TOS-friendly. Wal-Mart); changed rating to (P) 08-08-09

41) Sleeping with my elbows straight (P) - (Found that on this site. Thanks fellow TOSer.);

42) Ice Packs (P) (If it swells, slap ice on it. It is a good treatment, too. During the course of a day you can alternate heat and ice. Don't leave ice on too long - 10 to 20 minutes. The 1 part alcohol and 2 part water is a great idea. Thanks to ya fellow TOSer.);

43) Hot Showers (P) - I run my water heater dry - actually blew one up. Got a bigger one.);

44) Absorbant Robes and Towels (P) - (So you don't have to use your arms to dry off.);

45) Yogurt (P) - (Your gastrointestional tract will love you for it. Meds and less activity causes constipation. #13 helps with that too.); :o

46) A good doctor with knowledge and expertise in TOS is a must - Keep searching if you haven't found the right doctor for you. I found Dr. Atasoy in March 2004. Surgery was recommended but have opted not to as long as I think I can improve without it. He still helped me in other ways. I had many visits.);

47) Shoulder Injection (N) - (Couldn't tell it helped anything. Didn't hurt anything, though.)

48) Detox stuff like at GNC (P) - (It makes me feel a little better, overall.);

49) Vestibular Rehabilitation (P) - (For balance) (I did not have good balance the morning after the accident -- actually when I got up out of bed, I had baaaaad balance. Smacked into the wall on the left side for 14 months. Muscle relaxer helped that condition, too. Scalenes and cervical muscle spasms - I had been refusing muscle relaxers for about a year and it took another month or so for them to take effect, I guess. Vestibular Rehab consisted of a home exercise program - pages of exercises, with instructions. Taping a exercise sheet to one side of the wall and another sheet of paper on the adjoining wall - in a seated position - focus and move head as instructed. Been a while but it helped.);

50) Determination (P);

51) Prayer (P) - (It's not that I thought of this last. just wanted to leave you a lasting thought.)



** Correction (smacked into the wall on the right side) I put left????? hummm (Broken Wings)
& TOSers don't have an apostrophe. must've been a very bad morning.
40) "OneTouch" Can Opener (N) - (Still couldn't grip and press the button. Not TOS-friendly. Wal-Mart); changed rating to (P) 08-08-09

tied 08-10-2009 10:04 PM

electric can opener
u can get cheap electric can openers now.

also, for a while i used alpo patties that came wrapped in cellophane instead of wet dog food. the dog did not complain.

for those jars that would not open i used an oil can wrench.

if washing dishes with one hand cook things that don't get the dishes quite as dirty. use the dog to do a pre-rinse. :D

query: for the massager that does everything, which setting does the most good?

fern 08-11-2009 03:05 PM

spine alignment board?
I'm unclear about the "spine alignment board"

Is the "BackMagic Adjustable Stretching Device" what you are refering to or is that something diff?

and... does the stretching device do something different than can be achieved by laying over a PT ball? or using the large foam roller? (in case you have experience w/them to compare it to.)

Thanks much for putting up your list.

(Broken Wings) 08-11-2009 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by fern (Post 550349)
I'm unclear about the "spine alignment board"

Is the "BackMagic Adjustable Stretching Device" what you are refering to or is that something diff?

and... does the stretching device do something different than can be achieved by laying over a PT ball? or using the large foam roller? (in case you have experience w/them to compare it to.)

Thanks much for putting up your list.

Yes Fern, it is the Back Magic Adjustable Device.

I've used the PT ball. At that time, my neck & back was really, really bad. You can do a lot more with the ball, but you can't put the ball in bed with you. :D:D

I would lay a thin pillow over the board (without pillow back couldn't tolerate board) and lay that way for a while. It was a stretch to do that back then.

I used it mostly for my scapula and thoracic spine, in the mornings while I did arm stretches/exercises. I need to get back at that. it really made a difference during the day.

here's the board link:

:) happy stretching to ya :hug: 03-08-2011 12:51 PM

5 weeks post tos surgery
I am 5 weeks post tos surgery...resection of rib, scalenectomy, and pectoral minor clipping of ligament. I have a question for all of you that are also post op. The affected side of my face is numb. They say they do not hear of that very often so it is a worry to me. Anyone else have trigeminal nerve involvement after surgery? Would appreciate any input.

Jomar 03-08-2011 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 751233)
I am 5 weeks post tos surgery...resection of rib, scalenectomy, and pectoral minor clipping of ligament. I have a question for all of you that are also post op. The affected side of my face is numb. They say they do not hear of that very often so it is a worry to me. Anyone else have trigeminal nerve involvement after surgery? Would appreciate any input.

Hello ,
I placed a copy of your post on a thread of your own here-

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