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nide44 12-18-2011 10:03 AM

Been Away From Site Lately
I had a really deep, long, venting, thread typed.....
and then the site said I wasn't signed in, and I lost the whole thing.
I guess it wasn't in the cards.

In a nutshell,
- In Oct I broke my metatarsal - R foot- in 'boot' for 2 weeks
- in Nov - Got really bad upper respiratory flu on top of my emphysema
- 2 weeks ago I dropped a really heavy pot on L foot and broke toes
(I'm still in another 'boot')
- 2 days later I slipped on carpeted stairs and went down last 5 steps
on my L hip and cheek
(the worst arthritis hip, obviously-bruise ranges from mid thigh to waist)

Extremely tender to touch.
No one wants to hear about it & am depressed about loss of work over last few months = loss of income.
Gonna be a thin Xmas from me, to wife and kids. Wife has taken care of grandkids presents, thank goodness.
Can't get out and around hobbling with a cane and a 'boot', so shopping's been done on-line,
but FedEx has messed up deliveries and trying to straighten that out, is a mess.
Lotsa stress and anxiety lately- not good for the PN.
I'm trying to 'tough it out', but my facade is starting to crumble.

mrsD 12-18-2011 10:26 AM

I've been wondering where you were.

I am so sorry to hear the troubles are piling up on you.

To keep from being logged out... click the little "remember me"
box at the top, when you log in. That stops the auto log out feature.

Falls really stink.... they are really painful and at least for me,
take a long time to heal up adequately.

I just asked for amitriptyline at my last doctor's visit, for my pain issues, and it seems to be working some...only 10mg so it is not sterling, but it does help me sleep.

You can vent here anytime. We all have our vent days! ;)

malawigirl08 12-18-2011 02:45 PM

I have missed you......
Hope your run of bad luck is over and that you heal quick.
Stay safe and try not to stress too much:hug:

Brian 12-18-2011 03:37 PM

Sorry to read about your run of bad luck Bob, I hope your PN is managable after all that stress, I also hope that the new year is a much better year for you.


ger715 12-18-2011 03:41 PM

Bob, you sure have had your share for "2011". Here's hoping "2012" will be a much better year physically and financially.
Take care - vent all you want, we miss hearing from you.

ginnie 12-18-2011 05:00 PM

Hello nide
Hi, I just read your post. You have had a run of lousy luck. so sorry all the falls happened to you. I know your family is understanding. Any person laid up and who can't work due to injury feels bad. I don't blame you one bit. The holidays add stress on top of that, which can put anyone on overload. Do what ever you can to relax so you can heal faster. Don't worry about everything being perfect for the holidays. You have your family beside you and that is all we really need in life anyway. If you can escape from stress, even if you are not a reader, try reading a book. Sometimes it just pulls you away from what is happening, and allows you to rest in a different way. I really hope you do not experience anymore falls, you have had your quota! No more of that stuff for sure. Get well, be good to yourself and you will heal faster. have a blessed and peaceful holiday. ginnie

Rrae 12-18-2011 08:32 PM

Hi Bob!
I'm so very sorry for what you've been thru.
I know how easy it is to get under that depression cloud. You are a hardworking guy and this must really be tough on you.
You will rise above this....and soon the holidays will be over with.
Thank you for the update. You're a big part of this forum and people miss hearing from you


glenntaj 12-19-2011 07:20 AM

I'm glad to see you back to post--
--and I empathize with what you posted.

There does seem to be a tendency to hurt ourselves in multiples; perhaps the first incident leads to debilitation or favoring that makes a second (or third) incident more likely.

If nothing else, stay away from heavy pots for a while.

Here's hoping for a better 2012.

adelina 12-19-2011 12:40 PM

Hi nide
I am still somewhat new here but have received alot of help and good pointers. I hope I can pass one on to you - I too have lost a long thread when I sent it to post so now I always highlight and copy it quickly before I send it off. So far I have never lost a post since I have been "saving" them - but you know "murphys law".........:D

I also emphathise deeply with your situation, especially with the holidays. I am sending you oodles and oodles of warm telepathic hugs! :hug:

nide44 12-20-2011 09:18 AM I always highlight and copy it quickly before I send it off.

I usually do too, but it was just one of those days, y'know?:rolleyes::mad:
Thanks all.......for the words of support & encouragement.:)
I know that I can aways come here to get a sympathetic ear or two
(or 10 ;)!!).

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