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Mrs. Bear 06-26-2007 09:11 AM

Need help for Wes.........possible trigger.
Panic attacks, break-ups, suicidal ideaology......

This poor boy. He just broke up with a girl he has known and dated since he was 7 years old. He is suicidal and having such powerful panic attacks that he is passing out. And he wants to drink so bad, it's all he can think about.

He has Clonopin, but he can't work on them. He works with tools and knives. He's tried valum, but they make him manic. Zanax? Something else?

We have all of his personal knives, and he is being pretty good about being vocal about his suicidal thoughts, so I am pretty ok with dealing with this at home.

Would it do any good to call the pdoc? I don't see what the sweet man could even do right now. Up his meds again? I think Wes just needs time to get through the worst of the pain. He hasn't asked for his therapist, but I might suggest it to him.

I hate that he is getting so big that he is technically an adult. I could still commit him if I had to (small, perverse blessing that may be) but he is the one that needs to learn to call the shots when things get this bad. UGH!

bizi 06-26-2007 10:09 AM

dear bear, i am sorry that wes is so hurt and in pain.
Remeber that sometimes when we get in the throws of our bipolar we can't be rational enough to make those decisions for ourselves...that it takes a family member to step in....he ought to call his old is he now?
when one member of the family is hurting the whole family hurts....

fiberowendy2000 06-26-2007 11:18 AM

Sorry I am slow on the uptake but how old is Wes???

Pamster 06-26-2007 11:22 AM

Oh Mrs. Bear, I am so sorry that Wes is suffering so badly right now. I wish I had more help then just suggesting he try Avitan/Lorazepam which is what I take for anxiety that really helps me. I hope things get easier for him it's so hard when you have to face such a dramatic change as a breakup is. :(

I agree with bizi though, he ought to call his T and see about getting an appt asap. :( When someone we love is in pain it hurts us too. :(

DiMarie 06-26-2007 02:10 PM

Mrs Bear, I hear your heart feltaching and thoughts, I can feel everyone and have to wish there were something I could say or offer in support that was the "thing" that helped and resolved it all.

does Wes have other support system as tough as youi for him?
IS there a councilor that is dedicated to him. Maybe the relationship was not healthy forhim but he clung to it. My son had so much depression and still fights sadness over being a lone and he is diagx with health problems. But it tore me apart to hear his pain and heart ache over break ups.

But, a lot of it was the person he was with has problems that became his too. It was not healthy. instead of just dealing with his own physicl health issues he had to deal with a personal issues the girl had too.

The crisis is going to take a lot out of you, but it will calm down, it will be a challange to get your sleep, slow your mind, and be there for support too, so take care of yourself.

My prayers are with you, a sisterly hug and wish there was a quick answer,
A shower or prayers for Wes to feel love andhope are on the way!

Mari 06-26-2007 03:57 PM

Dear Mrs Bear,

He is lucky he has you to keep an eye on him.
Call in all your forces: therapist and pdoc. They might be able to help him through this temporary chasm.

I hope that he is better soon. Poor guy.

Mrs. Bear 06-26-2007 05:01 PM

Wes is 17, sometimes I forget to mention that. sorry

He was easily led into seeing the therapist and it has helped steady him up a bit. He wants to be busy and doing things, so he seems to be trying like crazy to hold it together.

Yes, it hurts when our kids hurt. And there is the fear of loosing them to add to it. Terror of loosing him. He's such a good (5 foot 11 inch 180 pound) little boy.

He needs to know who to turn to when he can't decide for himself and he needs a plan on where to go when it gets too much for him. He has to have coping skills because I won't live forever. That scares me. That if I make all of these important decisions now, he won't know what to do for himself later.

This relationship is not healthy and never has been. It was easier when they were little because I could arrange play dates and be the one in charge of how they interacted together. I was so greatful for the last breakup, but it was just as hard on Wes as this one is now. I just hope the little lady has the kindness to stay away and leave him alone to grieve. He's just too fragile right now to make the best decision for himself and he'll take her back in a heartbeat.

sigh. Poor, sweet boy.

gonna take the little boy (14 year old, 5 foot 11 inch 225 pound son) to physical therapy now, but I will let you all know how Wes is doing.

Mari 06-27-2007 01:14 AM

Dear Mrs. Bear,
Wes IS learning. And he trusts you. :)
I hope that that poor girl leaves him alone too -- that seems to be what you think is best.

Thank goodness for good therapists and great moms.


fiberowendy2000 06-27-2007 02:33 AM

What a sensitive age regardless! At least he is letting you all know what is going on with him and that he isn't hiding. I used to hide.
Ah to get your heart busted, its the worst thing in the world. Luckily it is the summer and he won't have to see her in school everyday. That would just be torture.
Just because he is 17 doesn't mean you stop being a mama bear.:D
Keep us posted and let him know he's got a whole bunch of people thinking about him.:hug:

Mrs. Bear 06-27-2007 12:21 PM

Thanks so much. I am trying not to second guess this whole thing. I definately need you guys.

He took a hand full of pills last night. Didn't even look at what, but we figured out they were B12 vitamins. (it shouldn't be funny, but I laugh.)

But HE is thinking he needs to be committed because he isn't sure if he meant to overdose or what. He says he can't remember and he's scaired. Me too. But I am not sure that he isn't going to move past this stage soon and will be ok.

See! UGH. I want him to be the one who gets the ball rolling and asks for the right help and I am not sure that we want to go there. Careful what you ask for I guess.

I just hate the hospital so much.

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