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lou_lou 05-15-2008 04:03 AM

colloidals gold/silver stimulate cellular growth & survival of the nervous system
Parkinson's Disease - Colloidal Silver or Colloidal Gold

Author: Francis Adam
Geographic Code: 1USA
Date: Sep 27, 2007
Words: 464
Publication: Health, general community

There are also benefits of using ultrafine colloidal gold to help in the treatment of Parkinsons Disease and many other brain degradation conditions

With the renowned effects of colloidal gold on serious malfunctions of the nervous system, therapists have tried to use it in the treatment of severe diseases such as Parkinson. This health problem is in fact a slowly-progressing disorder of the nervous system that shows as first outward signs uncontrolled body movements and loss of muscle control. Colloidal gold solutions have been used together with colloidal silver in experimental treatments of patients in the advanced stage of Parkinson disease and the results were sheer condition improvement.
The deterioration of the patients' condition appears on the background of the destruction of the brain stem cells.

Scientists have used colloidal gold as a cell maker; implanted at the level of the nervous tissue, colloidal gold stimulates cellular growth and ensures the survival of the existing nervous structure. This method has been used for a long time now to stimulate the body's production of new tissue particularly during the recovery period after wounds or extensive disease. Colloidal gold used in the treatment of Parkinson disorder has even led to complete remission of the disease in the most fortunate of cases. Otherwise, improvement of the general condition has been reported with the regain of the sense of smell for instance and of color vision.

The success colloidal gold enjoys for patients suffering from incurable affections is partly justified by the technological process used in the manufacturing. Homeopaths and other specialists in the field talk about the ultrafine gold molecules or nanometer-sized particles. Usually, colloidal gold used in the treatment of Parkinson disease is manufactured under gel or gelatin-like form, which is easily recognized by the yellow or white color of the compound. The medical procedure relies in fact on a combination of inactive virus structures used as envelopes, in which colloidal cold is introduced. Afterwards, the inactive viruses will act as a fusion element with the nervous cells, whereas, colloidal gold will stimulate the regeneration of the function.

Another study in the field has proved excellent results in the Parkinson cases when wet cells batteries with colloidal gold and silver solutions have been used during a four-month treatment. Used at home, this treatment had slight to moderate effects, but just like in the other colloidal gold applications for Parkinson, great improvement was reported in some individual cases. Reduced tremors and increased face expressiveness are among the most frequent victories against this unforgiving health problem.

Further progress in the use of colloidal gold is still expected.
Read out Skin problems

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lou_lou 05-15-2008 04:37 AM

colloidal gold information

Colloidal Gold has strong effects on physical and emotional health. Besides making you feel happier with yourself and those around you, it will relax you almost to the point of happy passivity.

Using colloidal gold to treat painful conditions of muscle and joints derived from rheumatoid arthritis, has been succesfully used over the past decades.

There are also benefits of using ultra colloidal gold to help in the treatment of Parkinsons Disease and many other brain degradation conditions.
Controlling the hearts natural rhythm is another benefit related to ultra colloidal gold.

It will help create a balancing and harmonizing effect on regulating the rhythmic action and healing activity of the heart, improve blood circulation, rejuvenate sluggish organs (including the brain), assist the digestive system, as well as promoting renewed vitality and unequalled longevity.

Colloidal Gold has been found useful in cases of regulating and coordinating glandular and nervous systems because it helps to rejuvenate glands and stimulate nerves. It helps release pressure on neural pathways allowing nerve signals to function unimpeded and reach various organs and glands.

lou_lou 05-15-2008 04:42 AM

angstrom sized minerals?
Angstrom-Sized Minerals
by David Wolfe

Why Angstrom Minerals?

Angstrom-sized mineral supplementation may dramatically increase the strength of the immune system, the endocrine system, the digestive system, the skin, and increase alertness, and the ability to focus.

Angstrom-sized minerals are 1,000,000 times smaller than colloidal minerals. Research done by the US military and the National Institute of Health (NIH) on angstrom-sized minerals began as far back as the 1950's, however this research was not made available to the public until now. US Government agencies have made efforts to keep this information away from public knowledge and access.

Angstrom-sized minerals are an enormous advancement in mineral technology. They represent a quantum leap in nutrition. Unlike bulky, difficult to absorb, colloidal minerals or mineral compounds (calcium citrate, calcium carbonate, copper glutinate, chromium picolinate, zinc picolinate, potassium sorbate, etc.) all of which clog up the system, angstrom-sized minerals are small enough so that they are nearly 100% assimilated by the human body. Angstrom-sized minerals are found in plants and are now available in angstrom-sized mineral supplements with distilled water.

Complete mineralization of all body tissues and organs is necessary for achieving optimal physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual transformation. Because they are bound to hydrogen molecules, angstrom minerals are capable crossing the blood brain barrier and increasing neurotransmission and brain power.

reverett123 05-15-2008 06:52 AM

I hate to be skeptical but...
I am skeptical. Looks like they could provide a little more detail on the various studies.

lou_lou 05-15-2008 07:03 AM

no they work - I have been the parkie mouse on this one...

what is an angstrom mineral? it is the size...
and I have been taking the colloidal gold -pricey -
but my mouth had become totally numb/ burning sensation for half the day for months...driven me to tears - so I have faith that God would open a window~
and now... my mouth is not numb anymore, I also have taken colloidal silver,
and there is much difference in meds -
I do not need so much L-dopa - *lightbulb
but of course - I have been the parkie mouse - for the last 10 years,
I trust me more than the drug trials - as I have researched this with neuroscientist friend and medical researcher friends, and prayer...

:D see I can smile and my mouth is not numb...

lou_lou 05-15-2008 07:10 AM

playing the devils advocate rev
hey rev for all the skeptics out there-
why do you take all these?
Multivitamin - B Complex - Alpha Lipoic Acid - Acetyl L Carnitine - L Carnosine - Green Tea Extract - EFA - Ginseng - Ginkgo - Mucuna

please - tell me why you take all of these?
cause and effect - superstition - improvement of something,
you could take some of these in teas -
are your brands synthetic - or are they derived from a phytochemical in food?
I am listening -

Howardh 05-15-2008 07:51 AM

smil---in atcha me mate
Ashwanghada....Cucumin.....proanthanols.....Lipoic acid... vitaman D .green tea
omega 3... 2 big macs 3 fries:Popcorn:

reverett123 05-15-2008 12:06 PM

Supersize me, mate!

"I takes what I takes 'cause I can'ts takes no more!" - Popeye (sorta')

I take the ones listed (most of the time) either because of common sense (i.e. multivitamin), research I trust (i.e. green tea extract), or self-experiment (i.e. lipoic-carnitine combo). For each one I take there are two I tried and rejected.

I agree with TenaL more often than not. Even colloidal silver does seem to have some things going for it in other settings (which is one reason I wish I could see the research - I'm ready to believe.). It is just that, with all I've read, this is one I haven't run across before.

Howardh 05-15-2008 03:00 PM

Hey Rick
I.m with you on nutrition. like many others I am one that follows your test and measuring religiously. (skuse the pun) Some of your nutritional info has now been added to mine as we seek to retain the status quo and independant from eventual assisted care or the big breakthrough cure in research.

lou_lou 05-17-2008 12:33 AM

merck manuals speak of oral gold in the late 1800's
Edgar Cayce Health Database
Research Reports and Articles


[Note: This article comes from Meridian Institute News, Vol. 3, No. 3, May, 1999.]

Gold is an element of many of the treatments in the Cayce readings, especially those for glandular and nervous system disorders. These disorders range from multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis to Alzheimer's disease and depression. Typically, the readings prescribe gold chloride for use in the "solution jar" of the wet cell battery, a container inserted in the circuit containing a substance whose vibrations were being carried into the body.

Less well-known are the more than 140 readings in which Cayce recommended that the gold chloride be taken orally in very small amounts. Oral gold was prescribed for the same diversity of illnesses as vibrational gold, but less frequently. It appears that oral gold was a stronger medication, but it is not clear why the readings recommend it less often. A typical Cayce prescription was to prepare a one grain per ounce solution of gold chloride (the same strength used for the wet cell), and a second solution of two grains per ounce of sodium bicarbonate or sodium bromide. Once or twice a day, the instructions were to combine one drop of the gold solution and two drops of the soda solution in a glass of water and drink immediately. There were many variations on this basic pattern.
In conventional medicine, gold-containing drugs are used primarily as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, and occasionally for other autoimmune disorders. First introduced in 1929, these drugs contain gold in an organic molecule with sulfur. One of these drugs, auranofin, can be taken by mouth. These gold drugs, however, are often rather toxic. Side effects can range from itchy skin to death from kidney or liver failure.

Historically, gold has been used much more widely. Gold chloride was a component of the "Keeley cure," a well-known treatment for alcoholism in the late 1800s (the Cayce readings recommend gold in the treatment of alcoholism as well). Medical books from the late 1800s and early 1900s mention gold chloride as a therapy for various conditions, sometimes identifying it as a "nervine," a therapy for nervous system disorders. The first edition of the Merck Manual, published in 1899, refers to gold chloride as a treatment for tuberculosis and lupus, and to gold bromide as a treatment for epilepsy and migraine. The Merck Manual also lists gold under aphrodisiacs!

Surprisingly little work has been done on the role of gold as a natural substance in the body. The most interesting recent scientific publication is a study by A. El-Yazigi, a researcher in Saudi Arabia. He looked at the concentrations of gold and silver in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with brain tumors. He found that concentrations of silver were markedly increased in patients with malignant tumors. Interestingly, though there was no consistent relationship between gold and tumor vs. control subjects, for the single patient with pinealblastoma the concentration of gold was about twice the concentration for the controls or other tumor types. Since the pineal has such an important role in the Cayce scheme, it is worth exploring this finding.

While gold chloride is not commonly in use today, there are intriguing reports of the effects of another form of gold, colloidal gold. Colloidal gold is very fine particles of gold metal. Guy Abraham, a medical doctor in California, has shown that colloidal gold can be an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, without the toxicity of the organic gold drugs. In another study by Abraham and his colleagues, colloidal gold was shown to be of use improving mental performance, leading to a 20% increase in IQ scores! This is certainly consistent with Cayce's emphasis on the usefulness of gold in rebuilding the nervous system.

Two people have shared with us their experience using oral gold chloride. One, a man in his 40s with depression, found that gold chloride made a positive difference in his mood state, comparable to antidepressants. Another, a woman in her 60s with essential tremor, a neurological problem, experienced substantial remission with oral gold therapy. In both cases, discontinuing the gold treatment after a few weeks resulted in a reappearance of the symptoms. Resuming the gold treatment led to improvement.

We are cautious about gold chloride at this time because of uncertainty about the safety, but enthusiastic about the possibilities for healing. In the very small doses recommended by Cayce (less than 1/20 of the typical daily dose of gold for arthritis), there is probably little toxicity, but nothing is known about the effects of long-term use. We would very much like to hear about the experiences of anyone who is using oral gold in the treatment of any disorder.


Abraham, G. E., & Himmel, P. B. (1997). Management of rheumatoid arthritis: rationale for the use of colloidal metallic gold. Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, 7(7), 295-305.

Abraham, G. E., McReynolds, S. A., & Dill, J. S. (1998). Effect of colloidal metallic gold on cognitive functions: A pilot study. Frontier Perspectives, 7(2), 39-41.

El-Yazigi, A., Al-Saleh, I., & Al-Mefty, O. (1984). Concentrations of Ag, Au, Bi, Cd, Cu, Pb, Sb, and Se in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with cerebral neoplasms. Clinical Chemistry, 30, 1358-1360.

Merck's Manual of the Materia Medica. (1899). New York: Merck & Co.

Note: The above information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Please consult a qualified health care professional for assistance in applying the information contained in the Cayce Health Database.

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