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Mari 12-19-2006 10:11 PM

'Feeling like it is time for a check in. What did you do today?
Greetings Friends,
What did you do today?
I woke up at my usual time of 12:30 pm or so and got on the computer and saw that the site was down. Oh No :eek:

OK. I didn't freak. Not then.
But I did freak when I went out and came back and the site was still down.

I am glad we are back in touch with one another.


Mari 12-19-2006 10:22 PM

hair cut today. apt still messy. new neighbors with more dogs moved in.

I went to the mall today to get my haircut. I thought (Ha!) that if I was there at 2:00 on a weekday, I could avoid the crowds.
Let's say that I am grateful that I don't have to do anything for Christmas except remember that the grocery store will be closed. Oh, and hubby siad he would go to church with me on Christmas. I found one he might like.

Then I went to the health food store for vits and some other things.

Then I went to a frame shop to pick up something I dropped off in the first week of Nov. I wonder if they ever would have called me to pick it up or if it would have stayed there until the end of time. :confused:

Then I came home.
New dentist tomorrow. Consultation. No work. ;)

How are you?

mymorgy 12-19-2006 10:32 PM

Georgy came today without his mother to clean and organize my apartment.
He hugged me coming and going. I hugged him and kissed him hello and goodbye. We talked for over four hours while he cleaned. We talked about old souls and things like that and children...he has three...he is so wonderful.
He is in his late twenties. Thank goodness there was no tension. I had a few checks for over two hundred dollars between my monitor and keyboard and last week his mother cleaned my computer desk. I was hoping she put them somewhere but alas, she said she didn't know where they were.
I am handling the stress about money better although I don't dare look in my bank account. I have really been spending. I am promising myself I will stop buying on ebay. No more books. No more velour things except maybe for some more black pants. I might need another new vacuum cleaner.
In the past two weeks, I bought light fixtures which I needed but I could have spent less money, a chinese bench, and two area rugs. I am through with my apartment purchases I hope. My friend Robert cleaned up my computer and got rid of Norton virus remnants from my registry so the computer isn't freezing and so far isn't running out of resources. I was afraid I was going to have to buy a new computer. I did buy some stock, the first time in over eight years, and hope to trade out of it in a couple of months. I am going to have to start taking money out of my annuity. I dread that but now it is inevitable unless I drop dead.
Last night I had dinner with two girlfriends I really love and had a great great time. I was so happy. Came home and tortured myself...another close friend said I am a perfectionist who can't forgive herself. I said it was probably true since since I was two years old when my father got sick, I was supposed to have no needs and be a perfect little girl and then at five when he started drinking, I was the caretaker and the hero...I wasn't allowed to fail...
hopefully I will now stop torturing myself.
Oh I found out that Canada sells generic topamax besides risperdal

bizi 12-19-2006 10:55 PM

I just got done making 5 pounds of choclate almond bark with chinese noodles and heath bits and cashews...candy.
It filled a gallon container!
that is alot of candy...hope my family eats it all!

Just turned the air conditioning on...almost 80 degrees here today...unbelievably warm!
We have a pet sitter coming to our home while we are away...she comes everyother day and is great!
she is a pet groomer who works a couple of blocks from us so it is convient for her.
What a great service this is to us and saves us money as well considering that we would otherwise have to board both cats.
She also takes in the mail paper she would feed my fish but I don't have any right now...we haves some(2 gold fish) outdoors in a 20 gallon pond but htey don't need to be fed they eat the algea off the sides of the pond pretty amazing actually.
anyway...great that we found her.

Only 2 days to finish all of my billing etc for the end of the year stuff,
and see my regular folks as well.

We went to our friends daughters christmas program. Pre K thru 4th grades singing christmas songs in is a french emersion school.
the kids were cute.

will be watching the show sox in the city here soon...
then heading to bed soon after that.
bizi checking out.....

Nikko 12-19-2006 11:36 PM

Hey all - I have a horrible night of dreams/nightmares about my husband.

I woke up real emotional and depressed. Got up for a bit, then had to take some Klonapin to calm down and went back to sleep for awhile.

I did do laundry. Colored my mom's hair and helped her with her shower.

Made her some dinner, I just have no appetite. Then I went to check the mail and pick up my mom's prescriptions. She is doing very well.

Tomorrow the dogs have to be at the groomers for 9am, Thursday I have PT first appointment, and Friday DV appt.

Just tired now. Not sure if I am going to make all my appt's this week, traffic is crazy and I am so exhausted.

I will take the dogs though, they need a nice bath, trimmed nails, ears cleaned and all the stuff they do at Petsmart, they do a great job. Plus it makes the dogs feel good, they are usually exhausted when they get home.

It takes a couple of hours like 2-3 because I bring them together every time

Have a good night and great day tomorrow.

Hugs, Nikko

DiMarie 12-20-2006 09:41 AM

Todays' check in is yesterday for me. I folded laundry and made the cut out cookies yesterday. My new lap top from voc rehab arrived, but I can't find the cord to my wireless router.

Bobby, I hope the checks turn up soon for you. One time almost a year later I found a missing one, another time, my daughter took afew I ahd to cash and cashed them for herself. They were her w/c checks, I had given her the money already but did'nt take them to the bank yet...

Biza, that sounds yummy, I am sitting with cookies with my coffee today. The only time I bake anymore is the holiday.

Nikko, I hope the doggies are on the best behavior! I bet your Mom loved getting her hair done.

I have work early today, still last minute thing to buy. Tomorrow I ahve a young man to visit his Dad for the first time in three years....He refused to go in last week.....Dad is a OK guy, but remarried and new baby.....Sister visits Dad, but my guy I think is feeling he will allienate Mom if he sees Dad.
Quit a change from the Dad that was in prison and did'nt see his little girl for three years.......

OH, Amazon shipped my order twice and charged me twice! I have to tie up money over the holiday, and no phone contact, all e-mail correspondance.

Big hugs to everyone have a grand Wednesday.

befuddled2 12-20-2006 04:53 PM

Hi everyone,

I've been busy with packing, taking things to my apartment, fooling with problems I am having with my computer, and washing clothes since yesterday.


Mari 12-23-2006 05:20 AM

'Saw my therapist today. She thinks that hubby (husband #2!) and I are prob a good match for each other.
I need to hear that from someone else because I did so lousy when I picked my first husband. :confused:

She and I talked about ways to find peace through dealings with other people. She said that something about being satisfied in the moment when I deal with respectful and peaceful.

Most of the time I can do this, but I am no where there yet with my parents.
Maybe there is nothing to "work on." Maybe I can just accept (choking here) the way they are and be at peace.
I don't feel like working on this. And don't have to. I will skip a few steps and say OK. That's how they are. I have found my peace.


Mrs. Bear 12-23-2006 10:18 AM

Yesterday I thought I might see if my 4Runner could fly. Obviously, it does not.

Someone cut me off on the icey road and I tried to avoid crashing into his back end. My breaks locked up and I went off the road. Just barely missed the gardrail and flipped down a 100 foot embankment. Rolled about 5 times and ended up on my drivers side down. I called my husband first to let him know I was ok then I called 911. The ambulance couldn't get to me. So they had to drive through a field and over a fence to get close enough to me. Then they started to get out the Jaws Of Life until one EMT decided he could break out the windshield and he pulled me out over the stearing wheel.

I was wearing my seat belt so nothing is broken, I never lost conciousness and I am home and ok. I feel like hell. I hurt EVERYWHERE.

But I am alive and home for Christmas.

The Runner, on the other hand, has died a horrible death and will never recover.

Funny what you can be greatful for.

I guess I made the morning news. Pretty dramatic.

bizi 12-23-2006 11:17 AM

oh bear, You poor thing!
so sorry to hear this news....
very glad that you did not seriously hurt yourself.
giving you a very gentle little hug today....

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