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RedPenguins 02-26-2008 02:07 AM

"Dawson's Fingers" on MRI

So, I've been dx for exactly 7.5 weeks...out of the blue.

Of course, I've been reading and reading all that I can on MS, etc. I'm always stumped and feel sad when I hear of people stuck in 'limboland' and undiagnosed and waiting. Of course, I went to doctor thinking I had a pinched nerve. Two hours later he called to say I had MS! :eek: But I digress.

So, we all talk about our lesions (or lack thereof) on the MRIs...

I've never heard anyone report about finding of DAWSONS FINGERS showing up on their MRI. My MRI had a VERY clear finding of this - and I think when I read the MRI report (3 days after I was dx - and after I had second opinion) - I read up on this dawsons fingers thing - and it is hallmark of MS.

So as I've sat here shaking my head for the last 7.5 weeks thinking about how unreal this is - and through two courses of IVSM now - still in shock - "this can't be happening" - I wonder and I don't get it....and I think - but don't I need all these other tests - spinal tap (and some others mentioned here)....I remind myself, um, no, my MRI was pretty dang clear. What's that all about?! I got a 100% MS dx within 2 hrs of my MRI - which was within 4 hrs of meeting the neuro - whom I went to see b/c I thought I had a pinched nerve in my face! This is my first exacerbation - going on two months now - wish it would end :(

Sometimes I think about calling my neuro and saying, "you know, what if you're wrong? Don't you need to test me and put me thru the ringer?!" - not that I want the pain of a spinal tap - I hear it's awful.....but what if it came back negative?! LOL - doubtful - but I'm hearing stranger things, right? I don't think this is denial on my part - though, I could use a dose of denial right now. Sigh.

Just wondering if anyone else has had this found on their MRI - and if so, did it clinch their dx?


eduzit 02-26-2008 02:17 AM

Hello on my initial MRI 11 years ago that's what showed up Dawson's Finger. Then my other 2 MRI's had no mention of it again. Just some lesions. I opted not to have the LP as I was already devestated why go through more pain.
Well Good Luck to You.

Cat_In_The_Hat_ 02-26-2008 02:47 AM

If you really want to rest your mind, I would go for the LP.

NO it is not painful. You might get a headache, but if you do as the docs say it will go away. I know that when I had my LP I did get a headache, but as soon as I lay down it went away.

You have to rest, rest, rest.

My neuro said the same to me way back when. He told me that I had leissions (sp?) in the corpus callosum, and just a few neuro illness did this and MS was one of them. I had approx 22 leissons, he did not want to any invasive procedures, he was 100% sure. BUT the MS neuro said, NOOOOOOOOOO, must do LP and what ever else to confirm. bottom line. yep I had it.

But no the LP was OK. Do not listen to any scare stories. I would guess that you would always wonder...........what if?

I should look at my first MRI and see if I can the Dawsons Fingers on mine.

Sorry for your DX, but on the good side, it was quick. That way you can get on a CRAB asap.

All the best.

molpep 02-26-2008 03:08 AM

Definitely get the's not that bad. I had a bad experience in that the dr doing it had to have 2 goes at it before she got it in (the first time was tried without an anesthetic) but even with all of that it was fine. I didn't get a headache, my back was a bit sore for a few days, but if you want to be sure it is worth doing. Good luck!

Snoopy 02-26-2008 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by Cat_In_The_Hat_ (Post 224379)
If you really want to rest your mind, I would go for the LP.

I agree, if you want more testing then talk to your neuro.

What you read about Dawson's fingers is correct - it is a hallmark sign for MS :(

Bets 02-26-2008 08:07 AM

Have you gotten a second opinion? Maybe another doc will concur and you can put your mind at rest and avoid the LP :o

I was diagnosed immediately as well, but my neuro still requested that I do total blood work up and LP and some other stuff. His MO the first year of diagnosis is to continue to look for other potential ailments just to be sure his diagnosis is correct - every once in a while he still asks me to do some additional testing or see a specialist for something else just to be sure.

I can't imagine being in limbo for years, but sometimes I wonder if I might have handled my initial diagnosis better if I had not been blindsided. I accepted the diagnosis initially then a few weeks later I was certain I was misdiagnosed and was being treated incorrectly. You should do what ever will put your mind at ease about your diagnosis it makes moving forward easier.

hollym 02-26-2008 08:31 AM

IMHO, I would not ever consent to an LP if I had clear and obvious signs of MS on the MRI like Dawson's Fingers. My first neuro would not have ever put me through an LP if my MRI was conclusive.

An LP is an invasive procedure not without risks. For those who said it isn't painful, I would have to disagree. Not everyone has a painless LP. Check out Gazelle's thread entitled "So Not Happy" if you want to see several stories of LP's that weren't easy:

My own LP wasn't nearly as bad as a lot of people experienced, but it was bad enough that I will not consent to another one unless there is a darn good reason to do it.

I know that it must be really hard to be blindsided with this dx, but rest assured that, in time, you will adjust to it and things will level off.

RedPenguins 02-26-2008 08:48 AM

Not doubting at all, sadly

I'm sorry - I guess I should've been more clear -

I don't have "true" doubts - maybe I was being more sarcastic or grim than anything. I know my dx is correct. Yes, I've had 2nd and 3rd opinion. My neuro laughed when I first asked about the LP - he was like why in the heck would I want that! I know there is no need for that whatsoever. I think I was just mulling over :Ponder: - Gee, wouldnt it be nice if that could disconfirm this for me?! I know it doesnt even work that way anyhow.

I know that the Dawsons Fingers that they saw was basically the neon sign flashing on my MRI that said "MS: Vacancy here" that allowed the dx to be made so quickly and easily....thus, no doubts here or there or anywhere. Green eggs and ham said Sam I am.

I was just curious how many had similar experiences where the MRI was so glaring like that - b/c even tho many people have posted that they have positive MRI results with many lesions - they are technically still in limbo - which is what got me thinking, "huh?" - and then I remembered about the Dawsons Fingers it takes more than just holes in the brain. :eek:

My friends have been teasing me - that I can't just do things normally - everything has to be over-the-top, over achiever that I am.... :cool: even with MS - can't be simple about it.... nah, nope.... I have to have too many lesions to count, they have to be bigger than the usual few mms (mine are over 1.5cms)....dx within 2 hrs, dr thinks its one of the rarer rapidly progressing forms, blah blah blah...etc etc etc. Yep, that's me. Have to be different. LOL :icon_eek:

Hey, at least I'm consistent, even with my MS!


FinLady 02-26-2008 08:55 AM

Despite the Dawson Finger effect going on in my brain, they had me do some of the other tests to rule out mimics. Mainly due to the small number of leisons. It was time and space from changes in my MRIs and Clinicals that cinched my dx.

LOL, it wasn't until he told me I was dx'd what type of leisons I had. I was like, "who's fingers are in my brain?". :)

I did the LP under Fluroscopy (sp?). It wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it was still one of the most unpleasent experiences I've ever had.

:hug: Totally understand what you're feeling. There are days I wish they could take this back.

Hang in there!

Snoopy 02-26-2008 09:13 AM

Keri, I happen to be one of those (few) who got dx'd without lesions but had a positive LP. So, my experience wasn't like yours :o

I don't usually discuss my LP - it was not a good experience but I had mine done in the dark ages :rolleyes: Not only did I have the LP but right after that I had a Myleogram....WooHoo! What fun.....NOT!

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