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Donna1018 06-07-2012 04:22 PM

New and need support
I am brand new to this site. My husband suffered a ruptured aneurysm on Jan 9, 2012. He was in a coma for three months and was recently transferred from long term acute care to a rehab hospital. He's still on a gastric tube but can tolerate puddings and jello. He still sleeps a lot and I'm scared because here where we live there are no support groups. The closest one is two hours away.

My husband has movement of his left and right hand and very limited movement of his legs. He requires help for most of his daily functions. In rehab all they do is stretching with hopes of him tolerating more. His thoughts are jumbled and he sometimes stutters when he tries to talk. He is very weak so his voice is not very strong but it's getting a little better.

The rehab doctor tells me he doesn't think he'll progress anymore than he has now. I have no faith in any of the doctors here because if I had listened to them in the beginning, my husband would be dead and buried. The neurosurgeon didn't even want to do surgery to stop the bleeding because as she put it "he's 53 yrs old and I don't operate on anyone over 50 because they don't survive". I've had to fight every day with doctors and the insurance companies because no one wants to give him a chance.

I have no clue what to expect and need help understanding what's happening. I have a very strong faith and it's gotten us this far. I know God has been with us since that fateful day back in January and pray that my husband can come back home.

Lynn 06-09-2012 07:42 AM

Hi Donna

Nice to meet you - so very sorry that it is under these circumstances. This is still early days. I am not a doctor, so I can't offer medical advice - all I can say please don't give up hope for improvement (although I don't know how much). The brain is very slow to heal, and it takes a good twelve months to reach maximum healing from this type of insult.

From those I know who have suffered a rupture (and also from my own experience - I had an unruptured aneurysm clipped some years ago), memory loss, confusion, trouble finding words and even for some people weakness and mobility issues are quite common.

Make sure that you look after YOU. If you get too run down and too upset it will not do either of you any favours. Take some time out of caring for your husband to do things for yourself - walk, see a movie, get a facial, get some exercise, catch up with friends and famly - whatever, but give yourself some brain-space too.

I will be thinking of you, and I hope that you have some good friends and family around you for support. This could be a very long journey.

Please keep us posted on his (and your) progress.



Donna1018 06-11-2012 11:07 AM

Thank you Lyn - I'll take your it's what my husband would want. I just get scared because I have no clue what to expect and there are no support groups here locally to get any information or to talk to someone who has gone through the same experience.

I promise I'll keep posting on his progress. I really miss him and I'm looking forward to the day he gets to come home.

pintos3 07-12-2012 09:51 AM

Nice to meet you
Hi Donna,
Hang in there, you will be able to look back at this one day. My experience was 10 months ago and I don't recall any of it. I understand not having therapy available; especially since my insurance is quite limited. Being in my home is helpful because the familiarities, my daughter's smile, and our family and friendships. Your husband will move forward, and so will you.

All the best is to be expected Donna,


ginnie 07-12-2012 10:14 AM

Hello Donna
Welcome to Neuro Talk. You did find the right support group. There are alot of others on line here who have had aneurisms, or have family that do. More folks will be in touch with you. On the search bar at the top of the page, click on it and write in your husbands diagnosis, that will bring you a direct thread about this condition.
I was upset to hear that your doctors have not been as suportive as they should be. We all need a chance to live, and get well as much as possible. Just because he is 53 is no reason to deny him the best of care. Perhaps a new Neruo surgeon is in order. They are sadly lacking in compassion. If it can be in your budget, maybe home at some point, with therapy would be an option for you. My mom had many strokes, and I got help for her by have re-hab come to her home every day. In this way I was able to help her more. She could have stayed in the facility, but this was a better way to go for our family. All of us were more peaceful with mom home. I really hope you can find a hospital advocasy person, to help you with the care your husband is requiring. If you are not happy with the care, or how he is treated, there can be help with this advocasy spokes person. Don't hesitate to speak out. I really wish for you all the best, and that your husband can regain some of his abilities. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I found Neuro Talk two years ago, never left, such was the compassion I found right here. Take care and be good to yourself too. ginnie:hug:

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