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Army Wife 02-28-2009 02:09 AM

I hate bi-polar
hi everyone,
I have had bi-polar since I was 12.
I hate having the mood swings.
One minute i'm happy on top of the world and the next I want to die.
I am almost never happy and when I am its not for long :( .
I feel my med's are not helping me. Everytime i'm at school I just think to myself what would have happened if I wasn't here, if I did die when I over dosed in the past.
Blessings,Daughter Kristina

Mari 02-28-2009 02:38 AM

Hi, Daughter Kristina,

Keep up the good fight. It is worth it.
Do you have a good psychiatrist to help you with medications?


Army Wife 02-28-2009 02:52 AM

Yeah he's nice but my mom thinks I don't need it she thinks that the med's i'm now are still working. I'm 17 soon to be 18 in April so right now I don't have any say. I'm just worried about till then. I just wished my mom would except that I have bi-polar and I need meds that work.

bizi 02-28-2009 10:33 AM

hi there,
I am sorry that your meds are so unstable, it does sound like you need a medication adjustment, any chance you can see your psychiatrist(pdoc) by your self?
It is your body.
also you sound like you are rapid cycling going from one extreme to the next...know this is a challenge to stabilize.
But with new meds they are working wonders for us.
please don't give up hope.
you can be more stable.
What things are you doing to help control your stress level?
are you eating a good diet, journalling, excercising, perhaps yoga and some form of meditation, prayer if that works for you.
these are things that you can do for yourself. Learning moderation in all things will help you emensly.
don't let yourself be a victim of bipolar, learn to love yourself, warts and all.
thank you for sharing with us....

waves 02-28-2009 04:29 PM

Hi Kristina

And Welcome :)

I would like to address this first...

Originally Posted by bizi (Post 472539)
you sound like you are rapid cycling going from one extreme to the next...know this is a challenge to stabilize.

Beth is right that there is a sub-type of bipolar called rapid cycling and it is a harder pattern to treat. However, in adolescence bipolar commonly manifests differently than in adults, so i would not endorse any assessment of this kind in regard to you. You CAN be treated and feel better, ok?

With adolescence come "normal" mood swings: there are ongoing hormonal changes as well as neurological development. So an adolescent with bipolar disorder will experience it differently than an adult, and med monitoring and adjustments may be needed more frequently.

Point is, right now, Kristina, you may respond well to a change in meds. Do not worry about being hard or easy to treat - just pursue treatment.

You are right that you need to do that. :) what you describe is certainly not feeling "ok." Mom may not be seeing it because she is too close... sometimes ppl close to you do not "see the forest for the trees" if you know what i mean.

Does anyone at your school know you have bipolar? Perhaps the school counselor could help... He/she might be able to meet with mom, review the specific problems and help her understand the need for you to see your psychiatrist NOW. A teacher you are close with, or the school counselor will be able to be more objective probably, than your mom.

I do wish you well in finding a way to see your doctor before May. Meanwhile, consider counseling with your school on a weekly basis or however frequently you can... someone to hear you and support you, face to face can be of immense value, they can help you with perspective, and just generally be there for you while you wait to see the doc.


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 472539)
What things are you doing to help control your stress level?
are you eating a good diet, journalling, excercising, perhaps yoga and some form of meditation, prayer if that works for you.
these are things that you can do for yourself. Learning moderation in all things will help you

Here Beth brings up some really good suggestions as to activities that can help you cope with your feelings, understand yourself, and reduce the impact this illness has on your life.

Bipolar is a disorder which affects emotions. Remember they are feelings. No matter how badly you feel, it is not necessary to act on these emotions, and it IS possible to gain control over them with meds, and with psychological practices. I second Beth's note to keep up Hope, even if things are rotten for now... things can get better.

keep posting. you can vent here, we will listen - that we can surely do. we will also try to help you in whatever ways we can.

will be looking for an update from you... :hug:

~ waves ~

Vowel Lady 02-28-2009 04:57 PM

Keep posting...many here who are wise and kind.
Are you going to therapy? Are you going regularly?
Have you told your doctor that your meds don't seem to be right?
It's not all that unusual for changes to be needed.
Surely, therapy and med changes can make a big difference.
Family and friends will hurt horribly if you were to leave this world. Do not kid yourself.
Please be sure to find ways to nurture youself. Have them available to you. Keep them healthy. Find things you like. Each person is different.
Example: Walking, reading, art, talking with friends, cooking, sewing, suduko, crafts, jewelry making, etc.
Again...keep posting...folks here have been through these things.

bizi 03-03-2009 10:27 AM

how was your weekend?
HOw are you doing?

wesface 03-04-2009 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Daughter Kristina (Post 472439)
hi everyone,
I have had bi-polar since I was 12.
I hate having the mood swings.
One minute i'm happy on top of the world and the next I want to die.
I am almost never happy and when I am its not for long :( .
I feel my med's are not helping me. Everytime i'm at school I just think to myself what would have happened if I wasn't here, if I did die when I over dosed in the past.
Blessings,Daughter Kristina

i feel your pain same thing is going on with me some time s i dont feel like goetting out of bed but when i get down i just motivate myself like work out to get rid of the mood swings like when youre angry hit a punching bag when your sad go for a run the endorfens will kick in and you wont be so sad or depresd but it dosent work for evrey one but its worth a try

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