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steash 05-16-2008 07:04 PM

falling apart.cancer sucks
i lost my dad just over a year ago, this year just gets worse....
we nearly lost my mother in law,mummy to me, after that she/wife lost their dad/granpa,, now my mum has breast cancer!
i could talk more but then...
is it bad to admit that life is just starting to be a struggle from one day to the next?

MooseasaurusRex 05-16-2008 07:07 PM

I'm so sorry, steash.

A quick prayer for you and your family heading your way.

steash 05-31-2008 07:59 PM

not sure where to start?
just spent today with my mum going through chemo...
in the last few minutes had a call from my sister to say her mother in law has shadow's on her spine following a mastectomy. really really struggling to cope.
when does it get better.....?


viseeu 06-04-2008 09:44 PM

I'm Sorry :(
it is hard to know what to say... I can feel that you are struggling, looking for some small ray of light, something bright, anything to help you with your next step... and I know it must hurt so terribly to see those you love and care about suffering.

You ask "is it bad to admit that life is just starting to be a struggle from one day to the next?" I say NO!!! You seem like a strong person, one that keeps much to themselves, and in times like these... when losses and pain come so close together, I believe it is quite a normal response to struggle from one day to the next. Sometimes sharing your pain and struggle with others allows us to help carry a bit for you :hug:

You also asked, "when does it get better?" The answer to that may lie within you... I too have suffered losses close together, and it got better when I allowed myself to grieve the pain felt, when I shared the pain with those close to me, when I accepted that I could not 'fix' it, only learn to support those going thru it and be kinder to myself, forgive myself for my perceptions of not having done "enough." It is hard to accept when those we love have afflictions that the medical world cannot seem to cure and there is nothing we can do to make them better... and, it is all part of life here.

I wish there was something, anything...that I might say or do to help you with your struggle, but alas, other than listen, encourage you to keep putting one foot in front of the other... the journey of loss is so personal, so intense, there isn't much other's can do. I pray that you have a spiritual source and that you might find comfort there.

Also praying that your mum and mother in-law will fare well with their treatments, and if not, that their transition will be a smooth one. Please reach out to those who love you and allow others to help you during this time of emotional and spiritual conflict. :hug:

steash 06-06-2008 07:03 PM

transition will be a smooth one?
transition? what does that mean? been here before with "oh you have taken it the wrong way" thing. this time i haven't. transition? not intressed.

there are people on here that have given me a great amount of peace and strength to keep going through the hardest moments.

viseeu 06-09-2008 01:19 PM

steash, I'm terribly sorry if my choice of words upset you... for me, I look at life as a continual transition, movement from one place to another--emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically... my parents are deceased, my mother in law is deceased, and I have had many losses through out my life. The facts are we are all going to die physically at some point and we all face physically losing those we love dearly. Though the pain of losing some still lingers, my inner 'knowing' that they simply "transitioned" to another level, helps me cope with the pain of having lost them.

I have known some who never faced the 'fact' that they were about to leave the physical, and their denial in the face of the facts made it very difficult on those left behind, exacerbated the pain felt for what they were going thru and what we were going thru. So... my statement of hoping that IF it is their time to move on, their 'transition' will be a smooth one.. is simply a reflection of the facts of our existence here.

you are so accurate in your statement: cancer sucks... it sucks the life from good people and I'm so sorry you are faced with such pain

Bobbi 06-12-2008 05:05 AM

I'm so sorry for the loss of your father, and, now, for the sucky news about your Mom.

I don't know when it gets better. I trust that the only thing that is predictable is change. Everything changes. People change, life changes ... and, here's something for you:


Bryanna 06-14-2008 01:29 PM

It's ok to feel angry at life sometimes
Hi steash,

I'm very sorry to hear that you have many uncertain and disturbing issues to deal with right now. It must feel like your world is falling apart and you have no control over any of it. There really are no words to ease your troubled mind during this time because only you hold the power to accept the illnesses of your loved ones and continue to be strong spirited as you help them along their journey.

Always remember.... ...... just the extension of your hand to help them along...... just your smile when they feel like hell....... and just your support that they know they can count on...... can make their worst moments just a tad bit easier.

Keep a positive outlook as much as you can and know that they all appreciate your kindness at this difficult time.

My heartfelt regards to you and your family....


Originally Posted by steash (Post 294536)
transition? what does that mean? been here before with "oh you have taken it the wrong way" thing. this time i haven't. transition? not intressed.

there are people on here that have given me a great amount of peace and strength to keep going through the hardest moments.

DM 06-16-2008 08:01 AM

Hi Steash~ I know I'm late at posting here, but I DO understand some of the feelings you are having. TODAY is the first anniversary of my beloved Mother's passing. Both of my parents were taken away from us by cancer.

It's been a tough year of missing her and it's been a year of learning to live w/o her, so just wanted to tell you that I hope your Mum is adapting to the chemo and that I will be thinking of you and your Mum. They are special ladies. take care of yourself, too!.

steash 06-27-2008 08:44 PM

sorry, and thankyou
where do i start, i'm thankful to all for your posts and i'm sorry for my response.
i'm sure i'm the same as everyonel when i have my good days and my not so good days, then there's the way of the scale days. looking back this just might have been one of those days.sorry/thanks


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