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Iffynah 10-24-2008 12:19 PM

I dont know
I have completely given up on the medical profession!!! Had my doctor appt today with the hand specialist, he is telling me that he dont think it is RSD I have he thinks it is tendinitis. He gave me 3 shots today and the one in my shoulder has worn off and in pain again, the 2 in my wrists are making my hand feel really weird. I cannot move my thumb w/o massive pain worse than b4. I just dont understand I have all symptoms of RSD except the swelling, and he is telling me its not RSD. I have to start PT instead of OT this time and have to go back and see him in 4 weeks. Oh and I tell him that I'm allergic to anti inflammitories including prescription steriods and the nurse does the shots and then tells me that it will take 48 hrs for the steriods to kick in. I was like excuse me? For their sakes I hope I dont have an allergic reaction, for mine too because I have 2 kids to worry about because my hubby works tonight. My hand is all tingly my arm is SO cold my hand is still having burning pain. The doctor dismissed my leg problem all together. I'm just frustrated. Sorry for venting but needed to. Thank you.

kejbrew 10-24-2008 06:24 PM

There is no need to apologize for venting. We all need to do that at some time or another. It may not change the circumstances, but it does help to let it all out.

I used to get frustrated with doctors who seemed to shrug off the mention of others aches or pains. My pain doctor once told me that it wasn't that he was ignoring what I said, but was dealing with the highest priority instead of going in several directions at once. Because he had been reasonably good in dealing with my issues, I gave him the benefit of a doubt. But on a follow up visit he complained about me bringing up something new and I let him have it. After we had words on that occasion he really changed and our relationship improved because he learned that I was not going to let him take me lightly.

You have to be your own advocate to get the care that you deserve, so let the frustration work for you in a constructive way.

Hang in there!

EJ :cool:

Iffynah 10-24-2008 08:43 PM

Things are not getting better from those shots. I have almost no range of motion in my shoulder now. Still have numbness in 1/2 of my hand and around my thumb is no longer numb just in extreme pain. I cannot hold onto anything because depending on how I hold it it either send shock wave of pain in my hand or I drop it because I cannot feel it. I'm debating on whether or not should go to ER. Actually I cannot my hubby has to work and he has already missed 2 days of work this week. Gonna have to wait til morning. My left shoulder is starting to hurt too but I think its cuz my left arm has to do all the work. Trying to type just hard when can barely feel 1/2 the keys.

dennyfan 10-25-2008 01:53 PM

I am so sorry you are having problems from the injections. The side effects sound so scary. Why don't doctors listen to us? Can you find another doctor & get a second opinion? It sounds like its time to see someone else. Is this the same doctor who orginally diagnoed the RSD? I hope you get the help you deserve & don't worry about venting. We all need to vent. Idon't know where I would be if I didn't have people I could talk to about all of this. But i hope you go to the ER. Especially if your side effects get any worse.
hugs Denny

lmintz66 10-27-2008 06:44 AM

I have RSD in my rt. hand with only minimal swelling! I tested as "mild to moderate carpal tunnel" 4 yrs. ago. So, I had cortisone injections in my wrist. NO relief! but I had burning, tingling, pulsating pain that just disappeared a year later!! Then last year I was in a car accident. I saw the other vehicle coming (I was stopped- he was going 55+) and I braced myself with my right hand. I was sore all over for a couple of weeks. Then one morning I woke up to the same pain but this time I could NOT touch it or let the air blow on it. Ok... MY POINT...Use your own instincts. If you truley think the first dx. of RSD is correct, by all means... GO WITH IT!! I am assuming you've done some research, as well, on your own. Unfortunately there is little info available to us on RSD. Heck, my doc called it Causalgia. So I kept saying Causalgia and absolutely NOT a soul ever heard of that. But then some one kind individual told me to refer to it as RDS or CRPS. Ok, not many heard of that either but I am finding a few! PLEASE DON"T GIVE UP!!! I can't find a doc. either! In fact the one who dx. my "Causalgia" tried to do a NCS & EMG on ME! The Crazy Man!! I refused the NCS but was gonna give the EMG a troopers try! HAHAHA! After the second impulse I was screaming and crying uncontrollablely! The nurses asked what they could do for me and I cried out "Get my records... This is so cruel"! Ohh, did I ever mention to you I have still not been given any pain meds! Don't come to this area if you expect pain relief! I am willing to help you any way I can and so are others, I am sure.

loretta 10-27-2008 11:50 PM

Hi Iffynah, Your words sound way too familiar, even though it's been 12 years ago. My frozen should came right after surgery. I was sent to rehab specialist and had nearly 100 physical therapy sessions under her care. Never was diagnosed with RSD for 4-5 years later. They therapy was really torture sessions. strapped down to a table. I had massage therapy right before the physical therapy (paid for it on my own) and glad I did as felt it got me thru faster. We were getting ready to move when I was just finishing up the therapy and got my range of motion back. They warned me it might move into the
other shoulder. Within 6 months, it did. But was wasn't near as frozen, so didn't take long. I did have a couple cortisone injections.Something I was very glad I didn't do--was
about half way thru the first totally frozen shoulder, they sent me to an orthopedic surgeon who wanted to operate and break my shoulder. I told him I would take the slower method of therapy. I still use a cylinder styrofoam to stretch out my shoulders and back. It wasn't till I injured my hand (same first shoulder) that I was diagnosed with RSD. It used to be called hand-shoulder syndrome. I know getting the use of my shoulder was a long process but worth all the pain. I did take darvocet before the therapy. Hope you get some cooperation to help you thru the pain of the therapy. Please let us know how you are doing. They said it wasn't unusual to get it in the other side, but think about it-RSD mirrors to the other side of body when it spreads in some cases. My present DR. a neurologist, said that's when I first got RSD , following the surgery and next day arm was swollen the the knife like pains thru my shoulder and back., then froze up. Take care. Loretta

Iffynah 10-28-2008 07:12 AM

I have been in nothing but extreme pain. Its mostly in my shoulder. I want to go to the hospital but unsure if I can since I'm a WC case. I cannot get my arm away from my body anymore than a 1/2 inch and a shockwave a pain sears thru my arm. I finally have feeling in my whole hand just pain. I have an almost 1 year old and its hard to pick her up. At least b4 the shots I could use my right hand as a balancer when picking her up with my left now can't even do that. Its left arm only to pick her up I'm so scared I'm gonna drop her. I had a small allergic reaction to the steriods on Sunday lasted all day but by yesterday morning they were gone. I still cannot sit back on a couch right. I have to keep my right shoulder off the couch. So when I sleep I lay on my left side and hope I don't roll over. So far so good on that. I tried putting a heating pad on my shoulder last night. BAD IDEA!!! My whole right arm went numb and couldn't stand the pressure from the heating pad. I have a hard enuf time with a shirt. I cannot move my thumb at all w/o a crap load of pain. When I wash my hands I cannot dry my right. I HATE THIS!I have tried calling the nurse WC hired to see what I can do, because she would know, but haven't been able to get a hold of her. Anyway, I'm rocking in my chair to try and control pain and not working so I have to go for now.

kejbrew 10-28-2008 08:51 PM

I hope that you have had some pain relief since your last post, and that you will have a better night tonight.

Take care,


a1jagman 10-28-2008 09:14 PM

RSD Sufferer Too
I am sorry that you are frustrated with the doctors. I get a little frustrated with mine as well. The pain coupled with the frustration is a daunting obstacle. I hope that you find someone that will treat you for what you have and will take your symptoms seriously.


loretta 10-30-2008 01:27 AM

Hi Iffynah, It's Loretta again- I had a totally frozen shoulder after surgery. Wasn't diagnosed for a long time, but know one thing. I wouldn't have had any range of motion if it had not been for staying with physical therapy. You are on wc. that means your employer is responsible for all your medical bills. YOU are IN CHARGE of getting a good Dr. and physical therapy. The ones that helped me were the sports injury physical therapists at the biggest hospital in the town where I lived and had the surgery that caused the RSD. I had private insurance, but I took charge of my therapy. I had absolutely no use of my arm and shoulder, worst case the rehab Dr. had seen. It took 100 treatments of painful treatments, but it was worth it. If w.c doesn't help you, get the meanest attorney you can get and make sure w.c. pays for him or her. Let them know you won't stand for getting any worse. And your second shoulder probably is freezing up, mine did-because it gets overused because of the other shoulder not operating properly. I"M mad for you! Please, if you can't get thru to WC, get your husband or friend or ATTORNEY to give them a call. This is completely unacceptable. Your friend and advocate, Loretta

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