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StacieC 07-05-2013 09:47 AM

Post acdf surgery 5th day
I had 3 level acdf on Monday. I have had a tough time of it but guess to be expected?

Wearing a soft collar off and on. Able to sleep in my bed with propped up pillows.

Taking Percocet every few hours. The pain I am experiencing is:

Area of incision and surrounding area. Incision swollen. Also I broke out in terrible rash on my throat and chest. Benedril.

My shoulders hurt. I suppose it's the muscles. I just plain hurt!

My throat is sore and I have developed a sort of snore when I lie down. Esophagus?

I showered and that felt good. I took a short walk yesterday. But mostly I am recouping. And sleeping quite a bit. My body is healing itself.

Anyone have any thoughts? Please, someone, talk to me!


Leesa 07-05-2013 11:32 AM

Hi Stacie ~ It sounds pretty normal to me. ;) As long as you have NO FEVER, it sounds like you're coming along. It's great you took a little walk. That's really good for you. And I'm sure the shower DID feel good. :)

I'm glad you're able to sleep. Some folks have more trouble sleeping than you're having, so I'm glad you're doing ok there. And yes, the snore is due to the swelling inside, and that will subside once the swelling has gone down.

It's no doubt that your shoulders hurt, cause the nerves and muscles that serve that area were cut during surgery, so they will have to heal. Nerves grow back at the average rate of one inch per month, (some people's grow faster, some slower) so it may take awhile. I don't have the rate on the muscles, or even if they grow back by themselves like nerves do. But you will be sore for awhile.

It does sound like you're doing quite well for as short a time as it's been, so that's great! Keep up the good work! And keep updating us too, okay?

God bless, and hope to hear from you soon. Hugs, Lee :)

Kathi49 07-06-2013 06:47 AM

Stacie, sounds like you are doing well considering. A 3 level ACDF would be pretty rough. I have had two cervical fusions at two different times. But rest assured nerves were NOT cut! The nerves were decompressed. HUGE difference! If your nerves had indeed been cut, you would know it!! You either wouldn't be breathing or your arms wouldn't be working. Not to mention you would be in screaming pain! So, no honey, nerves were not cut. And the way it was explained to me is that they remain "ticked off" for quite awhile and sort of "plump up" after being freed up. Hopefully, your surgeon has prescribed a muscle relaxer because the pain is normally from a spasm from the decompressed nerve(s). So I have no doubt that your shoulders are sore. Not to mention the surgery itself. There are very few muscles in the FRONT of the neck which is the reason they like to go in at the front if possible. Shoot, two days after my second surgery it felt like my left arm was being cut off and put back on. They had me to go to the ER, come to find out it was one horrific spasm and yes, coming from freed up nerves. Remember, the nerves control the muscles. So, when the nerves are ticked off, they certainly tell the muscles...ouch! It is when a fusion is done in the BACK of the neck that causes a lot more issues with the muscles. Or, in other words, they cut through those muscles and hence why they try, if they can, to go in from the front. As for the esophagus, they pull it aside to operate. So, you will be hoarse for awhile and perhaps even snore. Eventually, it should settle down. Now, it has been about 7 years since my last fusion and I still can't hit the high notes to sing. :) But I don't regret either surgery as the goal was stability and am grateful that the 24/7 headaches prior to surgery are now few and far between. Just hang in and let your body heal. I am pretty sure they told you to walk as much as possible as soon as you can. Then again, don't rush it. I followed their instructions to the letter and I believe about 6 to 8 weeks afterwards went in for LIGHT massage therapy which can really help. Good luck and best wishes. Oops, almost forgot. At some point they will want you to start light stretching. Hint from my spinal pain management doctor who also had two cervical those in a hot shower.

Leesa 07-06-2013 07:30 AM

whoops - my mistake re: nerves. sorry

StacieC 07-08-2013 10:32 AM

ER visit
After 3level acdf on July 1 I woke up on sat having trouble breathing swallowing and my incision site very swollen. Called my dr office who told me to go ER. So I did. They did an IV dye CT scan on my neck. My vocal cords were swollen. They gave me pain Meds and steroids. I called my dr this morning waiting to hear. I am a bit better.
Anyone else had this problem?

Dubious 07-08-2013 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by StacieC (Post 998238)
After 3level acdf on July 1 I woke up on sat having trouble breathing swallowing and my incision site very swollen. Called my dr office who told me to go ER. So I did. They did an IV dye CT scan on my neck. My vocal cords were swollen. They gave me pain Meds and steroids. I called my dr this morning waiting to hear. I am a bit better.
Anyone else had this problem?

I did not...but mine was only C5-6. A friend had a three-level and she had similar issues...

StacieC 07-10-2013 03:20 PM

Fears abound at my post surgery pain
Hi again,
I am not sure that I am even doing this correctly but keep trying in hopes of responses..
I had c3-6 surgery on July 1. So I am day 10. I am not wearing a collar as advised by dr. I am able to get comfortable more or less to sleep but pain wakes me. My neck and shoulders are screaming in pain.
I am taking Lortab 10 or Percocet as needed. If I didn't have them I would not manage. How long will I need them? How long will they prescribe it? I am in a panic about losing control of this pain.
Also it feels as though I have something caught in my throat. Hard to swallow.
What a misery.
I am getting around ok but any real activity just worsens my pain. But I don't want to just sit around either. I have begun to ride my recumbent stationary bike to move and to try to prepare my legs for total knee replacement on left knee. Scheduled for aug 22.
I guess part of my being overwhelmed is that I am facing that after this!

Any advice? Thanks

Jomar 07-11-2013 12:26 AM

Hi StacieC,
I merged your most recent threads together so you can find the replies easier.

To find all of your posts you can click your username to the left of your posts - a drop down will appear with options.

StacieC 07-12-2013 03:55 PM

To all who are suffering
I want to tell all of you who are suffering the many and diverse pains that we endure during these times that I wish all of you the very best.
I have posted here as well as I could figure out but perhaps I didn't follow procedures.
Anyway I am just a bit better today and can see some light. I am scheduled for total knee replacement surgery on August 22 and wonder if any of you has had multiple operations? Will I be up to it 7 weeks post 3 level acdf?
Thanks again and positive thoughts to you all!!

eva5667faliure 07-15-2013 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by StacieC (Post 998835)
Hi again,
I am not sure that I am even doing this correctly but keep trying in hopes of responses..
I had c3-6 surgery on July 1. So I am day 10. I am not wearing a collar as advised by dr. I am able to get comfortable more or less to sleep but pain wakes me. My neck and shoulders are screaming in pain.
I am taking Lortab 10 or Percocet as needed. If I didn't have them I would not manage. How long will I need them? How long will they prescribe it? I am in a panic about losing control of this pain.
Also it feels as though I have something caught in my throat. Hard to swallow.
What a misery.
I am getting around ok but any real activity just worsens my pain. But I don't want to just sit around either. I have begun to ride my recumbent stationary bike to move and to try to prepare my legs for total knee replacement on left knee. Scheduled for aug 22.
I guess part of my being overwhelmed is that I am facing that after this!

Any advice? Thanks

Wondering if the knee surgery can be
at a later date?

Someone who cares

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