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fiberowendy2000 02-20-2007 07:20 PM

Panic Attacks
Been having them all day long. They are coming and going. I keep thinking that they are gone but here they are back again. I woke up with them, but I kept thinking they will go away. So now it looks like I will be going to bed with them too.
I give up....I don't know what to do with myself anymore.

Nikko 02-20-2007 08:03 PM

I feel for you. I have been going thru the on and off panic attacks too.

I also wake up in one it seems. Klonapin does help. I kept busy today so it seemed to help some what.

I think if I took my Klonapin as directed during the day, I would be better off, but they make me tired.

Do you have anything you can take for the panic attacks?

:hug: Nikko

bizi 02-20-2007 08:54 PM

Dear Wendy,
Please don't give up.
WE are here for you....
I am sorry that you are having these panic attacks...
do you have an idea why you are getting them...
what does your therapist/counselor say about them?
I am sorry I wish I had some great advice for you..
are they gettting bettter or worse?


DiMarie 02-21-2007 12:50 AM

Wendy I wish I had some really good answer for you. When I ahve bad days I try to change my routine..BUT< I allow myslef to cry, stomp or whatever I have to do for at least ten to twenty monutes, to get it off my chest, and then try to do some deep breathing, focus on relaxing me ehad to toe, lay down visulaize it and let the tummy rise, not the tight chest heaving of the attack.

I have ativan, sometimes I get it so bad I have PVC's and end up in the ER...Other times I try to get to PCp and get something to relax me. If I can calm down, I feel better.

I wish there was a way to box up the emotions, put them in a box and flush them down the toilet...
I get in the Internet, answer mail, find some nice website with good info. Write, read, a hot soak, anything to break the routine.

Most of all I come here where there is so much unconditional love and support.
almost everyday someone here sends me a Pm. just that they were thinking of me, or we challange each others brain to think out situations. That is the best therapy for me!
I wish the panic was a physical part I could punch out awnsing it to the Moon.

fiberowendy2000 02-21-2007 05:29 AM

Thanks everyone. I slept okay. A little trazodone goes a long way. I woke up this AM still anxious. Not sure about what though. I can't put my finger on it. I haven't called my docs about it yet, figured I would just ride it out.
Unfortunately I have to drive to a doc appt. today for my trigger point shots and I need to get them every two weeks or I am in a world of hurt. So driving will be an adventure today. Oh well, I will just try and get more rest until then, get my shots and try to chill out for the rest of the day. If it gets worse I will call my pnurse.

fiberowendy2000 02-21-2007 07:50 AM

Well check the okay...I slept like crap. I just called my pnurse and am waiting for a call back from her. Beyond that I don't know what to do. I am so bleary eyed from lack of sleep that I don't know if I should be going today to my trigger point appt. But I know if I don't get out I will just make things worse.
I HATE being a slave to this illness. Especially when things come on suddenly.

Nikko 02-21-2007 07:52 AM

Hope you are feeling better today. After those trigger shots, just REST.

I have had those for my neck fusion, they would give me something before, so it always made me real groggy, and I would sleep afterwards. Or where those the epidural ones, I can't remember.

Thinking of you.

:hug: Nikko

Let us know how you make out.

fiberowendy2000 02-21-2007 09:12 AM

Thanks Nikko....when all you have going on, it is nice of you to think of me.:hug:
I will be leaving shortly so I will check in when I come back.

fiberowendy2000 02-22-2007 08:10 AM

Still having panic attacks...but luckily I have an appointment with my pnurse early this afternoon! I can't stand this feeling of not being able to relax and want to run everywhere and being exhausted all the time. I feel sick to my stomach and I just want to collapse.
I hope that my pnurse can help me today.

Mari 02-22-2007 01:34 PM

Dear Wendy,
Sorry about the panic attacks.
I hope that the pnurse can help you.


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