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kalamity_jane 10-13-2008 10:11 PM

I am SO trying... lose weight here and it's just not working.

Geez, i feel like such a loser.:Bang-Head:

I keep screwing up and ... when i'm in a certain place...don't care what i eat. :deadhorse:

NurseNancy 10-13-2008 10:36 PM

i can relate to that feeling.
it's so easy to get down on yourself about eating.
try to be gentle with yourself.

decide on 1 or 2 things you could do to change your eating habits that sounds reasonable and doable to yourself. for instance using a smaller plate and decreasing your portions. when you have 1 success it often leads to another.

what helped me was to also visualize myself as thinner. i'm still struggling with my weight. i've had success and failure but i'm not giving up.

you can do this. make 1 small change.

froglady 10-17-2008 02:10 PM

Hi K-Jane, I have been having trouble for about 2 wks now and today decided to get my self back to reality. Reality is...hee, hee:o, I love to eat all the wrong things! Have to get my mind-set back on losing, rather than eating.
It is so hard to stop a habbit for good, and my going on a family trip and eating all kinds of good stuff, food wise, and lots of junk, sure took me for a spin!
It is all a problem of what we allow our minds to think. How much we really want to lose the weight. I sure struggled for years with this problem and have been on this forum and one other forum for years. Still needing to lose. Now a while back I truly made up my mind to finnaly do it! This time I WILL SUCCEED! I am strong and CAN overcome my mind set! Making that statement gives me a feeling of power over the mind set for eating.

Please check out my "I lost weight..Yippee" thread and you will see where I have lost and also am now smaller than I was then. I have a ways to go...yet I KNOW I can do it because I have proved I can before.

Please forgive yourself for your slips and goof-ups, as I have forgiven myself for mine, and join me in getting the mind to control the belly and the weight.YOU CAN DO IT! Start fresh tomorrow and take each second, minute, hour, and meal at a time. Get a small goal that can be accomplished quickly to give you a good feeling of accomplishment. I found that making my first goal to get under 245 to 239 helped me. Then I couldn't wait to get to 229. Now I am down to 211, I think. I did weigh 206..oh yesssss my goofing around cost me, yet I WILL recover. :winky:

How about joing me in my quest for better health and smaller clothes.
Hugs, Gaye/froggie

NurseNancy 10-18-2008 05:05 PM

hi KJ,

how are you feeling?

littlegracie 10-18-2008 06:10 PM

I think one of the best pieces of advice I heard was to focus on gaining muscle instead of losing weight.. meaning exercise and focus on building up muscle. Because... more muscle means more fat burning potential. Your metabolic rate when resting will be higher. I am a firm believer in lifting weights! :)

AfterMyNap 10-22-2008 11:45 AM

For me, it was a decision. At 262 I decided that it had to stop and that it would have to be a lifetime change. I'm in my 18th year now of staying within +/- 5lbs of my 85 lb. loss. I like myself a lot better these days.

The decision comes every single day, even now, but I make it for me, just for me. You can do this, don't ever go on a diet again, it's about as good as a band-aid on a bullet wound. Make a choice to eat right, eat less, and move the bod how ever you can.

Yes, I do screw up from time to time but I never beat myself up over it, I just dig deep into my heart and remember what it was like to wear a 24w.

You can do it!:hug:

DM 11-11-2008 08:06 PM

Hey KJ! How's it going?

froglady 11-12-2008 11:32 PM

AfterMyNap said" The decision comes every single day, even now, but I make it for me, just for me. You can do this, don't ever go on a diet again, it's about as good as a band-aid on a bullet wound. Make a choice to eat right, eat less, and move the bod how ever you can."

Goodness nappie, you sure said a mouthfull, I will copy this and put it up in the kitchen and my computer if you don't mind. So true and soooo right, diets don't work and I did quit the "d" word myself. I tried to stay on my plan of cutting back or eating diet entres for right now. That is when I start back over from a bit of a I admitt it was a BIG SLIP and I fell on my big fat butt!:eek: I go and back I go to my sensible eating and NO "D".
Thanks, Froggie :hug:

Alffe 11-13-2008 07:20 AM

What's no D? :hug:

DM 11-13-2008 05:04 PM

Is it No Desert??

I try really hard to eat sensibly, KJ~ but I'm getting to the point where I think moderation is the key word. There are so many temptations out there, esp w/the holidays coming up.

I try to ask myself before pigging out "Will I really feel better after eating all that?" It seems to stop me in my tracks ''most'' of the time. Take care and don't give up on yourself.

Hey Froggie~ Don't beat yourself up, at least your'e willing to start over. I never like to throw in the towel on anything, so maybe carrying that darn towel around a bit will remind me of my efforts. take care and no more falling!!! That seems to be my dept.

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